Omni Genius

Chapter 2941: Suzaku fire!

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"The benefits are indispensable to you..."

The starry behemoth is a sign of indifference.

Perhaps Qin Fang will care about these protections, but it is obviously not at all concerned. If the dwarves are still there, it will certainly not be so generous, but now the dwarves are almost extinct, then these treasures are not retained. What is the use.

These treasures, only the wisdom of the cultivating races like the Qin Dynasty and the dwarfs can be used. For such a beast, it is not useful at all... It has all its powers from itself!

"Let's go, I will take you over..."

The conditions are well negotiated, and a little bit of interest on the down payment has already arrived in the hands of Qin Fang. The starry behemoth is also somewhat impatient. He shakes his body directly and immediately becomes a lot bigger.

Qin Fang is also rude, and directly on the back of the starry beast.

Don't look at the huge burning fireballs he saw from here. It doesn't seem to be particularly far away... It is more serious at this time when the mountain is running dead. The huge burning fireballs are at least from him. More than 100 kilometers.

Just because Qin Fang stood tall, and the flames released from the burning there were too strong, this is relatively clear.

Even Qin Fang suspects that a few huge fireballs are burning, each one is huge... certainly worse than the real sun, but it is definitely not comparable to ordinary broken diamonds.

Such a long distance, if Qin Fang alone, it may take several days, which is relatively fast... After all, Qin Fang’s position is very high, and he has to climb the mountain and cross the sea. of. Even if everything goes well, it will take a long time.

Since there is a "mountain" such as a starry beast to travel, why should Qinfang abuse himself?

"Sit steady! I am leaving..."

The starry behemoth simply confessed, and then saw it with a little effort. The huge body immediately took the Qin direction and galloped down the cliff!


The Qin side was also shocked by the action of the starry beast.

You must know that the mountain where Qin Fang stood is very high. The cliff is at least three or four kilometers away from the ground. It is so straightforward that the stimulus is difficult to describe in words.


However, Qin Fang obviously underestimated the strength of the starry beast... Even though it is only half a step to the level of the beast, the strength is only one percent, and it is still fierce!

It is clearly rushing toward the bottom of the cliff, but Qin Fang only feels that the picture in front of him has turned, and the starry beast has already taken him in the air for a long distance!


And this situation did not stop, after a short break. The star beast moved him several times in a row... Then they landed on the ground.

"It’s so fast..."

This speed, the Qin side is amazed.

Even if it falls off the cliff, under the effect of gravity acceleration, it is impossible to jump directly into the gap of three or four kilometers in just ten seconds, but the starry behemoth can easily do it.

“It’s the most rare space in the universe...”

However, associating with the identity of the starry beast, it seems that this is very easy to understand.

The space system is the most mysterious and complex property, and the space is also the rarest of the beasts... The starry behemoth is one of the best. As a sacred beast, even if its strength is reduced a lot, it is still very powerful and terrifying.


Subsequently, the starry behemoth did not stop. Almost carrying the direction of Qin in the direction of Tanggu, Qin Fang only felt that the scene in front of him was changed again and again, and the distance spanned was also unimaginable.

This lasted for three minutes, the starry beast was carrying the Qin Fang before Tang Valley, which is the edge of the sea.

"The following we started to cross the water, do it well... Be careful! There are a lot of powerful savage beasts living here, you can't be taken away, I don't have time to save you!"

Looking at the innocent ocean, Qin Fang knew how far away those huge burning fireballs were from him... It was not too far to look at the peak of the mountain. But now standing on the beach, I can't see the existence of those fireballs!

If you do not confirm that the huge fireballs are real. Qin Fang really can't believe this is true.

"set off!"


Starry behemoths don’t care so much, after a little adjustment. I quickly darted forward and went away... Don't look at it as a strange animal in the space system, but on this sea, it is like a flat, just stepping on the waves.

The instantaneous movement of the space system was almost brought to its extreme, and the speed of movement on the sea was very fast. Even with such a huge body, there was almost no movement to make a statement too big.

Even at such a fast speed, it took nearly ten minutes, and the huge burning fireballs gradually appeared in his vision, and at the same time...


Qin Fang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then it was a polite sigh. "Starry monster, why aren't you teasing me? Such a big fireball, the endless flame, you make me a People deal with?"

I really don't see it, look at it... almost scared to death!

When I was watching in the mountains, Qin Fang had already felt that these fireballs were very large... However, when I really looked close, I realized that these fireballs were much bigger than he estimated!

The size of each fireball should not be too small, but it is estimated by Qin’s visual inspection that even the smallest one has a diameter of more than one kilometer, so how big the weight of the endless flame burning above is!

It is no wonder that Qin Fang can't help but worry about it...

And here is not just such a burning fireball, counted, there are actually seven... Although there is a certain difference with the legendary Tanggu in the Dragon Kingdom, this number is also too much.

"Don't worry! I won't make you embarrassed..."

The starry behemoth also understands the meaning of Qin Fang, referring to one of those huge burning fireballs. "Seeing that there is no... that head is the smallest, the burning flame is also the weakest! It is this time for us. The goal of action..."

Qin Fang took a look, as the starry behemoth said, that is the smallest, the weakest, and even the location is at the edge, the relative difficulty is the smallest!

If they can really succeed, it must be on this burning fireball...


“It’s hard to be difficult!”

Qin Fang still shook his head and said, "These flames are all very fierce Skyfire... Even if you choose this, you have tried to reduce the difficulty, but it is still not so good."

"This is for you... holding! Less nonsense!"

The starry behemoth was cold and snorted, and a mouth suddenly appeared. A black shadow flew out, and it fell firmly in the hands of Qin Fang. Then Qin’s ear came to the starry sky. Very dissatisfied voice!

"ok, this time, no problem!"

Once again, I harvested a treasure. The smile on Qin’s face immediately brightened a lot. At this time, I was not shirking. I immediately agreed to the conditions of the starry beast and prepared to start acting.

"I will dive to explore the road first, you are ready to do it..."

At this moment, Qin Fang and the starry beast are on a very small island in the ocean. It is already the safest zone closest to those burning fireballs. Qin Fang has already felt a strong heat wave. If he goes forward, he may Encountered the burning of these flames.

However, after talking about the cooperation conditions with the starry beasts and having already collected some interest, Qin Fang did not care so much, and immediately went to the smallest and weakest burning fireball in the distance.

The starry behemoth can ride the waves, and the Qin side is also ok...

Starry behemoths use the secrets of the space system, appear in that position instantaneously, and then quickly leave before the seawater has responded, which can make such a wave of effects.

The Qin side is not the same. His accomplishments in the secrets of the water system are not weaker than those of the sea **** temple masters who specialize in the water system... These simple waves are nothing short of hard.

After all, this piece of Tanggu Ocean is still very gentle, much milder than the Tongtian River!

Therefore, Qin Fang’s action on the water is not in the slightest, and the speed of movement is naturally very fast... Soon, it is almost near the burning fireball.

"Suzaku fire... actually it is Suzaku!"

The closer to this huge burning fireball, the more Qin Fang deliberately felt its utmost high temperature and strength, and the heart was also a little scared... especially when the Qin side gradually approached, and the flames gradually became clear. Qin Fang immediately recognized the identity and origin of this flame.

Suzaku fire, a kind of skyfire.

But it is different from the Nanming Zhuquehuo in the four-image glazed fire brought by the four elephants in the Qin Dynasty..."

The former is a kind of skyfire, the kind of fire that was born in nature; the latter is different. It is cultivated by a wise practitioner like Qin to rely on some powerful flamework!

Who is strong and who is weak, this is not clear to anyone, after all, this is not a comparison on the level!

However, in terms of this situation, the Suzaku fire is obviously even better... This huge fireball with a diameter of nearly one kilometer is almost completely occupied by the Suzaku fire, and the number is very large!

"It's no wonder that the four elephants will have such a big reaction..."

At this time, Qin Fang also understood why the four elephants like Kun Kun Ding had such a big reaction, but is it for this Suzaku fire?

As long as the Suzaku fire is integrated into the four-image glazed fire of the Qin Dynasty, after the smooth integration, it will inevitably gain enormous benefits that are hard to imagine. Even the Qin side can enter the level of the Emperor Wu with the advancement of the four-image glazed fire! (To be continued)


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