Omni Genius

Chapter 2999: Ultimate confrontation!

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Qin Fang and Xia Hou stared at each other coldly, and no one moved. No one was retreating or timid. The momentum and suffocation gradually stabilized and were not weak.

The golden sword has returned to its original appearance, and it seems to be very ugly.

On the fine dragon scales of Qin Fang, there are also numerous fine cracks... Although they are not completely broken, they seem to be very fragile, and maybe a little bit of force, it may be broken and broken. .

The fist is even more severely damaged by the skin, and the blood directly completely stains the entire fist...

Of course, it’s just red!

The power of the sword just now was very horrible. Almost all of Qin’s arm was completely abolished... However, Qin’s special constitution guaranteed his safety.

It seems to be bloody, it seems to be very tragic... But this is just a representation. After taking the blood of the blood, the Qin side has already pulled back the full value, and the injury on the fist is also in rapid healing. .

For a while, Qin Fang’s fist has been restored. It has basically had no effect... but he did not wipe the blood on his fist, and even put a broken arm. Gesture.

Well, I can imagine it.


At this time, the sword that looked like it had been so badly hurt, it was once again trembled... The squeaking sound seemed to be a little bit swaying, and then it quickly rushed to the side of Qin. It is.


Without the momentum and horror of the past, it seems that the sword has lost its power. It can only use its most primitive power to deal with such sharp masters as Qin.

However, Xiahou did not feel discouraged. At least the sound that came out is still so violent and domineering, as if his attack this time is more horrible than the previous one...


In the face of Xiahou's spiritual sword, Qin Fang is not polite or contemptible at all... The sword is the spiritual sword, even if it is not as strong as it was. It is still a very terrible attack.

In this way, it seems that the power is absolutely unremarkable. The power is absolutely at the level of the Emperor Wu... Perhaps it could not reach the terrorist power of the middle and late Wudi and even the peak of the Emperor before, but it must have the attack power of the early Emperor Wu.

The Qin side is only a half-step Wudi. Even if the combat power is arrogant, it is only the level of the Emperor Wu. How can he care about the attack at the same level?

not to mention……

"This guy is really bad..."

Qin Fang has been paying attention to the movements of Xiahou. The detection skills will almost smash the Xiahou... This guy seems to have just released an ordinary sword attack. The power does not seem to be particularly powerful, but in the eyes of Qin Fang. But it is not as simple as it seems!

This guy is in this sword. However, there are a lot of private goods.

If Qin Fang is careless, then the consequences will be very serious, and it will be serious... Qin Fang may be spiked by such a flat sword!

Yes, it is spike!

Because this is the killing trick that Xiahou really broke out... It’s already back to the point of returning to reality, and all the horrible attack power is completely converged in such a sloppy move.

In terms of the combined attack power, it is even more terrifying than the previous Yuanshen sword. If Qin Fang really dares to cope, then the consequences can be imagined.

Fortunately, Qin Fang had already realized that Xiahou, the quasi-wu Emperor, was very difficult to deal with, so he paid great attention to every movement of him... before he released such a move. He used to make a very small little action.

What little tricks?

Fingers played some powder into the air... Accurately, it was blessed to the Xiahou sword.

There are very few powders. It is also very light, Xiahou is back to the Qin side such a shot ... If the Qin side is very careful on him, do not dare to let go of any details, it is really difficult to find.

However, if Qin Fang also arranged a helper lurking around it... especially after Xiahou’s body, then these small movements are very easy to find, and Qin Fang is doing this.

Silkworm. A very inconspicuous white fat man.

It was already released by Qin Fang and slipped to the side of Xiahou... Qin Fang did not let it help to participate in the war, but let it hold on to Xiahou tightly and report his every move.

Qin is not a saint!

He wants to test what level of all his arrogance can be achieved, and this will be all the way with Xiahou and other martial arts powerhouses... but he is not stubborn. He is all about building this process in his own life.

There is no life, so what is the significance of such a trial?

The silkworm was sent by the Qinfang for such a purpose... It can monitor Xiahou’s every move, and attack the Xiahou at the Qin’s critical moment, interfere with him, and prevent him from taking all his shots.

This time, the **** silkworm realized what, but did not have time to take the shot, but it was the first time to remind the Qin side to prepare.


The Qin side was also furious and immediately began to violently bombarded...


The arrogance in his hand, in the remote state, still can not play a real combat power, but his three flying swords are not vegetarian, under the control of the Qin side, immediately violently rushed to Xiahou The past.

Qin Fang did not use his flying sword to collide with the sword of Xiahou...

It is very unwise to do this... Under the increase of the unknown mysterious powder, the power of the sword is completely restrained, but the attack power and destructive power have risen several levels.

"If I didn't guess wrong, these powders should be the powder of the human element Jindan or the animal Yuan Jindan..."

Qin Fang’s heart was slightly guessed.

The Emperor Wu or the Supreme Spirit of the Beast is lagging behind, and there will not be a lot of things left behind... The flesh will gradually decay over time, but the golden bones and the people of the Yuanshen will not disappear. And will be preserved for a long time.

People (beasts) Yuan Jindan are all very hard... almost unbreakable!

Of course, this is also relatively speaking...

Renyuan Jindan is a strong man of the Emperor Wudi. The average person may not be able to kill the Emperor Wu, but he is also a master of the Wudi level, but he can do this... Naturally, the Emperor Wudi wants to break the person Yuan Jindan. It is not particularly difficult.

As long as the strength exceeds the level of the person Yuan Jindan, basically can do this!

These powders in the hands of Xiahou belong to this kind of origin... The people who have crushed the people's Yuan Jindan, for these very fine powders, under the blessing of some special techniques, can obtain very terrible power increase.

If the special technique is strong enough, even with a little powder of the person Yuan Jindan, the power increase of the Emperor Wudi strong peak will be completely erupted, which is a very magical and terrifying force!

The current sword is in this state...

The powder in Xiahou’s hands is the powder after the crushing of Renjin Jindan... And the growth method of Xiahou’s display is not the inheritance of Penglai’s secret, but another opportunity brought by him.

In order to gain super strength, Xiahou also paid a great price to get these people Jindan powder... At the same time, because these powders match the sword, they can immediately burst into an unparalleled terrorist attack!

This is also the real killer of Xiahou!

Even the power must be on the horror of the Yuanshen into the sword... Because of secrecy or the preciousness of the people, Jindan powder, and so on, few people can see such "the ultimate move."

Qin Fang should be the first one to deal with this move since Xia Hou has cultivated this move, and is currently the only human powerhouse!

Shooting people first shoot the horse, the thief first smashes the king!

This is Qin’s strategy to deal with such a horrible move...

The power of the spiritual sword is too horrible. Even if the three flying swords of Qin Fang take turns, it is estimated that it is difficult to cause any substantial damage. Perhaps even the road is unlikely to succeed!

Instead of wasting energy, it is better to fly the sword directly to the Xiahou deity...

Xiahou concentrated all his power on the sword, so his own defense will naturally be weak. The Qin sword of the Qin Dynasty has been raised to a very terrible level, which is enough to threaten the life of Xiahou. .

"I still don't believe..."

Qin Fang also snorted and snorted. "Look at it, you can't hold it first, or I will be killed by you first..."

This is a multiple choice question for you and me!

The Qin side is not sloppy... He is almost exhausted, and his body is even more violent. The dragon scales of the body have not only been repaired, but even further strengthened. in.

In other words, Qin Fang’s current defensive power is even more horrible than the previous one!

of course……

Simple defense is never the style of Qin Fang, he is more advocating offense!

Therefore, while the three flying swords violently puncture Xiahou, his deity is also moving at the same time...


Suddenly a violent force trembled, and then there was an endless stream of water that suddenly rose up... In the light of the sun, it suddenly appeared colorful, and even the line of sight of the people was somewhat offset.


However, under such a state, Qin Fang’s figure seems to have changed from one to two, and one has changed from one to two, and two have become four, four and eight...

In a short period of time, the number of Qin Fang suddenly turned over ten times.

A dozen of the exactly the same Qin Fang appeared on the scene... This time the battle was full of suspense, because the sword was very rare and could not lock the position of Qin Fang!

It seems that every one is the Qin side, and it seems that each one is not the Qin side... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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