Omni Genius

Chapter 3009: Vishnu!

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When I heard the name, the Song chain was also stunned, and the eyes were full of unbelievable. "Master, you mean... just that woman is Vishnu, one of the three gods of Shiva, she is not a dragon. Chinese people? How did it become Vishnu of Shiva?"

Before coming to Tianzhu, Song Chain was also taking the time to review some of the information about Shiva Zong...

Naturally, it covers the legends of the three gods of Shiva Zong... Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu!

This is the legend of the myths and legends of the Scorpio, and within the Shiva sect, these three gods are also the three cores of the real core of the Shiva sect... Of course, it is actually respected by Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu. We must respect the form of Shiva’s instructions. ☆→Top ☆→Point ☆→Small ☆→ Say,

No matter what, Brahma and Vishnu are under one person, the absolute high level and the core above the 10,000 people.

Shiva Zong is the number one force in Tianzhu. In the underground world, it is also a powerful force that can be ranked very high... To be such a powerful leader, Vishnu’s status is also extremely prominent.

Because of this, Song Chain feels incredible!

Just now, the cute girl Su Yutong was almost given a round/storm by more than a dozen big men, and she was still a proper dragon country. How to look like it would not be one of the three gods of Shiva.

Although the Song chain had thought that Su Yutong had some problems before, but he did not dare to think about it... just, Qin Fang is now proposing it, or scaring the Song chain!

He is the soul slave of Qin Fang, everything that Qin Fang said, for him, that is the golden rule, absolutely not wrong... Song chain is not to be suspicious. It feels incredible.

This is also because there are too many vulnerabilities inside...

There seem to be countless reasons to prove that Su Yutong and Vishnu are completely irrelevant!

"Yes, she is Vishnu!"

The Qin side is extremely positive.

He has the skills of investigating skills, except for the extremely precious treasures of the treasures. Otherwise, anyone is invisible in front of his eyes... He is now a half-step martial art. It is difficult to escape his detection below the holy level.

of course. This detection result is also more or less.

However, for this Su Yutong, Qin Fang does not need to know too much, as long as she has the words Vishnu in her feedback information is enough... Although she has prepared quite a few reasons for her own cover, she still can not Change the facts of this shovel.

"Master, then we are next..."

It was affirmed by the Qin side, and there was a glimmer of killing in the eyes of the Song chain.

He doesn't care if Su Yutong is a beautiful woman, or a vicious woman, as long as Qin Fang makes an order. He will not hesitate to launch the most violent attack, killing and even tearing this woman into pieces.

"Staying at it!"

Qin Fang did not care, "When Vishnu appeared at this time, then there must be a purpose... We will change everything, and if there is any thought, her fox tail will soon be exposed. Come!"

Height determines the horizon!

If Qin Fang is still at the level of supremacy, he will certainly be more careful and cautious than Shiva Zong... However, after entering the half-step Wudi. His vision is really different.

I dare not say that she did not put Shiva Zong in her eyes. Can never be seen as a terrible enemy.

The Qin Fanglian is not afraid of the super-powers of the Penglai secrets. It will also be afraid of a world-class second-class force and a squad that is called the king’s hegemony in the area.

The three gods of Shiva Zong, in addition to the real leader Shiva, can barely let the Qin side pay more attention, the other people...

Brahma has been killed by the Qin Fang, Vishnu is a woman. The strength is not only in the middle of the supreme, but the distance from the Qin side is too far. If you pay too much attention, it seems that Qin Fang is too stingy.

The Song chain did not put Vishnu, that is, Su Yutong in the eyes, since Qin Fang said so. He also regained his hostility and changed back to the original appearance.

Resting in Patna for a night, calm, nothing happened.

Early the next morning, Qin Fang and Song Chain continued to move, and they passed in the direction of the Nongtuo Temple. Su Yutong did not appear. It seems that he had already found his companion to return to the Dragon Kingdom.

However, Qin Fang was sitting in the car, but he was playing the sachet that Su Yutong gave him.

The sachet itself has nothing, and there is no such thing as poisonous... It is an ordinary sachet. It seems that Su Yutong gave Qin Fang a token of love.

However, if you find a little pollen of black flowers in this sachet, it is totally different.

The other side of the flower, that is, Manzhushahua, safflower and safflower, is a very good perennial herb flower... It is a very beautiful flower, prefers a cool environment, and is often born in a gloomy and humid place.

However, this beautiful flower has always been unpopular. In the distant past, it has another name for "Hell Flower" and "Nether Flower". It is even rumored to be a symbol of Huang Quan and Hell, because it is only the shack of Huang Quan. .

Of course, in this age, this saying has already been scorned, and few people will still believe it, and even more people who love flowers also like to plant this flower.

The other flowers on the other side are all red... and most of them are distributed in Longguo and Fusang, and there are also a few in the country.

However, very few people know that there is a very rare species in the other side of the flower... The black flower is also called the ghost face flower, because after it blooms, the layers of petals form a ghost face, which makes people look at it. Chilling.

And this kind of black flower has very few worlds, it is an extremely rare species, and it is still a natural spirit grass... Even this black flower is rarely known, and naturally fewer people know that it has a place, The side is the sky.

Moreover, it is more demanding for the living environment. Even if it is only produced in Tianzhu, there are only a few hidden places that are suitable for its growth... It has already been packaged by some big forces.

Said that the other side of the flower is a **** flower, in fact, the real reason is from this black flower, there is no big relationship with the ordinary shore flower, they are innocent shot.

If you look at the ancient books, you can see that this is actually the same as the introduction of Buddhism from the Tianzhu to the Dragon Kingdom. This is why it is brought together... The reason is actually very simple. This black flower is actually the first is the Luanda Temple. Mastered.

However, after the rotten temple gradually declined, such a black flower will fall into the hands of Shiva.

The ordinary red flower is not unusual, even if it is thrown in this sachet, there is no big deal, but there is a black powder on the other side of the sachet, which is very unusual.

It proves that Su Yutong's identity is not simple, and he definitely has a very close relationship with Shiva Zong. At the same time, he also reminded Qin Fang of some very secret information about this black flower.

"Hehehe... It seems, I understand a bit!"

It is also this hidden information that is not known. Qin Fang is bright in front of him. He plays with this sachet in his hand, and his heart is also clear. He also muttered to himself.

"Master, have you thought of something?"

The Song chain driving in front of it is also a bit strange to ask.

"It's nothing!"

Qin Fang shook his head. "I just thought about some things, but whether it is as I thought, then I have to wait until the Nongtuo Temple... Maybe everything is clear."


The Song chain no longer asks, and immediately drives quietly and gallops in the direction of the Nongtuo Temple.

The Rotten Temple was once prosperous and has a beautiful legend of the BRIC... This one, who must have seen the Journey to the West, knows it, but it gradually disappears, and then completely destroyed in the war, leaving A piece of debris has broken.

Later, Shiva’s powerful Mahayana would naturally not allow Buddhism to rise, and it would be so unfinished.

This has nothing to do with the Qin side.

Although he has several monk friends, his relationship with Buddhism is not too good... not to mention that the relationship between the Central Plains Buddhism and the Tianzhu Bumen is not so good.

The once rotten temples have only left a piece of relics, and they have long experienced the excavation of Tianzhu and the abandoned relics after development, which are basically places with few people.

No way, Buddhism originated from Tianzhu, but today, the true Buddhist disciples are very rare, almost negligible... This Buddha’s ancestral home has long since had no glory in the past, so that this ruin is rare. Someone will come over.

Qin Fang, they were able to find it here, and they also spent a lot of effort... Because of the road relationship, a section of the road, Qin Fang and Song Chain had to discard the car and chose to walk to the Nongtuo Temple.


When Qin Fang gradually approached the Nongtuo Temple, he could not help but be amazed.

"Good aroma..."

Even the Song chain couldn't help but frown.

Not bad!

Not only is the Song chain itself, but the Qin side is also very clear and smells a strong aroma...just a very ordinary flower, but the smell is very strong, people feel a little disgusted.

"It seems that I guessed it right..."

Qin Fang brow slightly frowned, held his breath, reached out and turned the sachet, and muttered to himself in his mouth. There were still some doubts and uncertainties in his heart, but when such a rich aroma was introduced The Qin Fang began to sigh, and the question in his heart was also instantly collapsed.

If the rich aroma, the taste is covered up, even the smell of the black flower in the sachet is also strongly concealed... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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