Omni Genius

Chapter 3066: Final preparation!

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But if there are individual people, you may find that... The fallen white priests are almost all stubborn people who opposed the new great god, Yamada Yayoi!

These are some stubborn old guys. Their strength may not be particularly tyrannical, but their position in Taoism is extremely high. Even the great **** official Yamada Yayo, who is known for his iron and blood, is quite jealous of them.

However, this time the **** killings, but it is easy to take these old guys together...

Of course, no one dared to suspect that the great **** official Yamada Yayoi.

The strength of the opponent is very strong, powerful enough to be almost desperate and unstoppable... The strength of Yamada Yayo, the great priest, is already terrible, but it is only a first-time supreme.

However, in the high-hands that are known to be fallen, there are also a few more powerful and powerful people than Yamada Yayo, who can face the mysterious master, almost all of them are spiked!

Even these tyrannical supreme powers are completely defeated, so Yamada Yayoi, the great priest, certainly cannot be an opponent... It is better to stay and rectify the defense and prevent further deterioration.

Moreover, there are rumors that...

This time, the mysterious person is actually the culprit of the Dragon King Kunlun **** case...

Although Fusang looked down on the Dragon Kingdom, most of them were in a state of sorrow, but they also knew that even if the Kunlun School had already fallen, it still had to be much stronger than Fuso...

Several powerful and powerful supreme powers, tyrannical artifacts, and even these tyrannical strengths are almost destroyed, how can the Fusang Wulin be able to withstand it?

After such rumors came out, Fuso was completely eliminated. All of them were hiding in a safe place. They dared not take the initiative to jump out and make trouble. Even the mountain gates of all major forces are directly empty!

Perhaps there is no opponent, perhaps the mysterious person is satisfied, perhaps for other reasons, everything seems to have passed completely, the mysterious person is like his very abrupt appearance, and he disappeared very abruptly!

The great **** officer of the Taoism, Yasuda Yamada, also stood up. Reconstructing this chaotic Fusang martial arts... After spending such a half-month "dark period", the influence of Taoism and Yamada Yayosheng suddenly rose a lot, and suddenly there was more "iron powder". "Crazy believers".

"This is also an unexpected surprise..."

When Qin Fang heard the news, he was also quite eccentric and snorted.

At the moment, together with the Song chain, he has already returned to the Dragon Kingdom by plane... Today's Fusang, he has become a pot of porridge, and where is the mind to control what they have done!

"Master, these treasures are here. Are we going to go to the Penglai secret?"

Half a month or so of killing, so that the spirit of the Song chain, the spirit, the gods have become different...

In the past, after experiencing such **** killings, even if the Song chain is sitting there, it is also full of blood and arrogance, but now it is completely introverted, and no one can see that he has been killed within half a month. Thousands, and all are warriors with strengths above the master level!

Obviously. This half-month of killing, the Songs of the Yuanshen received a special baptism. Actually, people have realized that the realm has also been improved. The most important thing is that the senses and control of power and the gods are stronger than before.

The Song chain is also from the beginning of the half-step Wudi, directly into the middle and late stage of the Wudi Emperor, although there are some gaps from the peak, but it is not too far!

He specializes in killing.

The more such killing. The more helpful he is for his cultivation...

It’s just those ordinary masters who are basically useless to him. He also turned his attention to the masters of Penglai’s secret... Even if he was born in Penglai’s secret world, he was already the soul slave of Qin Fang, which is equal to It is a betrayal of the Penglai secret. There is no possibility of turning back at all.

Why, in the war of several decades, what is the traitor to the Chinese people, apart from the psychologically abnormal Fuso devils?

Just because those people, once they become traitors, can't turn back completely, and don't want to be cast aside, they can only be more embarrassing and more savage to the Chinese people... Song Chain may be such a mind at the moment.

However... Qin Fang is still very satisfied.

"I have to go a little further to prepare for it... Penglai's secret, extremely dangerous, even if I want to protect myself, I don't have enough confidence! If possible, I hope to bring you out of life!"

Qin Fang nodded and said softly.

The Song chain is his soul slave. Even if it is really hanging, Qin Fang will not have any damage... But these days, the Song chain is also very dedicated, which makes Qin Fang very satisfied.

Penglai’s mystery is almost an adventure of nine deaths...

Qin Fang owns countless cards, killing the enemy may not be too outrageous, but the problem is not very big to leave the Penglai secrets alive, but with a Song chain with only half-step Wudi level, he can't guarantee it.

Especially the identity of the Song chain returning to the Penglai secret...

Once his betrayal of Penglai's secrets was exposed, he would immediately be chased by Penglai's secrets. With his strength, the possibility of surviving is too low.

However, Qin Fang is also really trying to protect the Song chain,

Too much help may not work, but the supply of some medicinal herbs, Qin Fang is definitely not embarrassing ... and these are also the key arrangements and preparations after Qin returned to China.

For this, Qin Fang also deliberately let people collect some precious herbs, elixir, etc. from the major sects...

The resources of each of the major sects are very tense, and the elixir is even less pitiful. How can they be willing to exchange with the Qin side?

There is no reason for it...

The Qin side directly took out some of the treasures, stunts, etc. of some of the sects that were collected from the knives of the knives and took them out to negotiate with these sects...

Providing materials to the Qin side, these things can be returned to the original owner; if you refuse to give it, it does not matter, these things will certainly not go back, and may fall into the hands of the Zongmen!

Not bad!

Qin Fang is planning to buy strong sales!

Moreover, it is still irrelevant, regardless of the size of the forces... Even if it is as strong as the Tianwai Building, the first big party in the right way, Qin Fang has not let go! It’s just that he didn’t play the name of the Kunlun School.

As long as there is sufficient material, Qin Fang can refine enough medicinal herbs.

Buxue Dan, Buqi Dan, Tong Ling Dan, Plastic Yuan Dan, Tong Mai Dan, Bai Hu asked Tian Dan, etc., etc., Qin Fang has a book of Dan, which records the characteristics of many kinds of medicinal herbs. The refining method, with the Qin side now approaching the level of the master-level alchemy teacher, there is no difficulty in refining these medicinal herbs.

"Master, you don't have to care about me..."

The Song chain suddenly said, "Although my strength is a little worse, I am very familiar with the Penglai secret... If it is chaotic, I have a way to protect myself!"


Hearing this sentence, Qin Fang is also a slight glimpse. It is very strange to look at the Song chain... He is the first time he finds himself to look down on the Song chain. This guy has more ambition than Qin Fang thought. a little.

"Then you take care of yourself..."

The heart was a bit strange, but once again confirmed that the Song chain did not break away from the control of his own soul control, Qin Fang was relieved... The soul control technique had a precedent of failure, and it was not possible for the Qin party to be careless.

Even Qin Fang has already thought about it. After entering Penglai's secret environment, he will leave the chain of Song... so even if the Song chain is exposed, it will not affect him!

Moreover, the Qin side can also guard against the control of the Song chain suddenly breaking free of the control of the soul, and poisoning the hands of yourself!

Here, the "disengagement control" may not be the Song chain's own troubles. It may also be that the Song chain's predecessors found anomalies and assisted them from the side... The powerful Wudi level, the strength is tyrannical, the Yuanshen is tough, not necessarily Some special abilities, Qin Fang is also to be more guarded.

Be careful not to be wrong!

Be prepared in advance, it is better to be stunned by the time to know that it is good to regret!

Soon, the Qin Fang and Song Chain returned to the Dragon Kingdom, and the chaos on the Fusang side gradually subsided. It seems that everything has passed, and the Earth is still spinning. There is not much change.

The Song chain continued to digest the harvest of his trip to Fusang. He hoped that after entering the Penglai secret, he would truly enter the late stage of Emperor Wudi and have stronger strength...

Qin Fang, naturally, is not idle.

He also has the most things. First, he avatars and traded with the major sects. He replaced some of the treasures and secrets that he could not use with some precious materials, and then began to retreat and refine the medicinal herbs...

This time the retreat was directly more than a month...

In addition to the Song chain occasionally to see, confirm that the Qin side is still retreating outside the alchemy, other people have not seen the shadow of Qin Fang, including Qin Fang's parents, women...

This is not Qin Fang deliberately want to avoid them, but Qin Fang can not have the slightest distraction!

Alchemy is a technical job, a little bit abnormal, it may lead to a loss of ... ... especially some of the precious high-quality drugs, it is not allowed to be a slight accident.

Good quality, high grade medicinal herbs, refining is really troublesome, but the effect is also very powerful...

A good remedy, at the right time, can bring unexpected benefits to the Qin side... It is no exaggeration to save Qinfang’s life once and for all!


After more than a month, Qin Fangchang took a sigh of relief and finally came out of the alchemy room. The whole person’s breath became different. His eyes were very deep. “This final preparation is finally done. The ... Penglai secret business trip, and finally has to start!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better updated faster!

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