Omni Genius

Chapter 3091: Wu Shen Dan!

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"With my attributes... not matching?"

Song Wei is also a slight glimpse, it is very incomprehensible looking at the Qin side. ¢£

The Yuanshen is a very pure force, a kind of virtual energy, invisible and intangible, and there is a common sense that everyone knows... The **** of the gods has no attributes!

However, Qin Fang now said that this black bead does not match the attributes of his own gods. It is no wonder that he will have such a big reaction. This is equivalent to Qin’s overthrowing common knowledge that has been known for thousands of years.

"Yes, the property is not matched!"

Qin Fang nodded and gave a positive answer.

"It is undeniable that the power of the gods has no attributes... This human has continued the common sense of thousands of years, and there is no problem at all. I have not said that it is wrong!"

However, before this, Qin Fang corrected the thought of Song Min at the moment.


It was said by Qin Fang that Song Wei felt that his head was a little bit confusing, and he couldn’t turn a corner. How can he say that the property is not matched, and that this statement is correct? Is this not self-contradictory?

"Listen to me first..."

Qin Fang did not care to wave his hand, interrupted Song Yu’s doubts, and then continued, “This common sense is correct, there is no problem at all. I can give you a positive answer first!”

"And what I said, there is nothing wrong with it..."

But then Qin Fang added such a sentence and directly gave Song Yu a rectification. However, this time gave the real reason. "As for why I would say such contradictory words, the root cause comes from This black bead..."

"Is it? Master, what is it?"

Hear it here. Song Wei generally understood it, and asked very curiously.

"I heard that Wu Shen Dan did not?"

Qin Fang did not answer directly, but asked this question.

"Wu Shen Dan... Wu Shen Dan is what ... Wu Shen Dan!!!!"

As soon as I heard the word, Song Yi looked stunned and his eyes were full of confusion. He wanted to ask. I don't know how, what suddenly remembered in his mind, suddenly screamed.

"heard about it?"

Qin Fang smiled and asked again.

Song Zhen felt that his head was not enough at the moment, but he nodded subconsciously, but he couldn't speak. But it was not difficult to see from his slightly twitching body. This Wu Shen Dan is definitely a famous name.

"It is Wu Shen Dan!"

Song Wei obviously has some points to believe, but Qin Fang gives a positive answer. It is confirmed that this black bead is the legendary Wushen Dan... an extremely rare treasure that once set off a frenzy in the martial arts.

However, this thing is extremely rare. In the martial arts history of the Central Plains for thousands of years, it has only appeared twice. The nearest one is still 1,300 years ago.

And in such a distant era, apart from the Kunlun faction that has always been passed down, it seems that there is only the Penglai secret. The other millennial sects of the millennium... were almost all built up after that, and there may not be much understanding and record of this sacred god!

Even exaggerated. The reason why these ancient sects of the martial arts have appeared in the millennium, is also the result of this Wushen Dan... The ancient military value of the Dragon Kingdom is very horrible, far more powerful than the later generations!

But why is the future world so weak?

In addition to the objective reason that the heavens and the earth are getting thinner and thinner, there is also a truth that has been concealed by history... Wu Shen Dan is the appearance of it, and almost completely ruined the entire martial arts.

Later, although slowly recovered. However, it can no longer be restored to the peak of the past... Similar to the Tianmen Building, the Tianshan School, the Tang Gate, and so on, the ancestral gates and the family that have passed through the millennium are slowly rising. Gradually no one will mention this truth again.

The Kunlun faction has a long history, and it can even catch up with the ancient times. Even the true Zongmen Xiaokunlun and Kunlun secrets can't be found and can't be found, but some records are also passed down. Qin Fang also knows a little.

As for the Penglai secret...

They all said that in order to seek longevity, Qin Shihuang sent Xu Fu to lead five hundred boys and girls to go to the East China Sea to find the fairy... I was looking for this Penglai secret, and that was more than two thousand years ago. Imagine how long the age of Penglai’s mystery existed.

Then there is nothing strange about the record of Wu Shen Dan in Penglai’s secret...

It’s just that Song Song is obviously not a person who likes to study history. For the heavy treasures such as Wu Shendan that have caused turmoil in the martial arts, it must have been seen, but it is not so much in mind.

It was not until Qin Fang deliberately reminded him that he had turned out a little bit of poor information from the depths of his memory!

However, even if there is such a little bit of poor information, it is not good for Song Song. The whole person is even worse... even he feels a deep fear and trepidation. It is a black bead from the front!

"Don't be afraid..."

Qin Fang smiled and gently patted Song Yu’s shoulder and said, “It is undeniable that Wu Shen Dan is definitely a very horrible treasure, but in fact... it is very safe in many times! Everything is safer... even if you take a knife and cut axe, it won't have a little reaction!"


Listening to Qin Fang’s saying that Song’s expression has been somewhat relaxed, although he is not completely convinced in his heart, but Qin Fang is his master. He must be unconditionally obeyed... The owner said that it is not dangerous, that is No danger!

"Is it... this is what you said is not compatible?"

Song Hao was not a stupid person. He quickly responded and asked very curiously.

"This is what it means..."

Qin Fang nodded, but he reluctantly agreed with this statement. "Actually, this Wu Shen Dan is much more complicated than you think. It can be said clearly without a word..."

"Can you talk about it?"

Undoubtedly, Song Wei is also very curious.

In the record he read about Wu Shendan, this is the introduction of this horrible treasure...

No one knows the origin of Wu Shendan. It seems to be appearing out of thin air, so many people say that it is flying from the sky... This point is similar to the ancient gods.

The power of Wu Shen Dan is very sinister and terrifying... It can distort the human soul and the gods, and it can turn a sorghum that does not kill for a lifetime into a sacred sacred deity.

This is a very famous case, but it happened only a long time ago, or when Wu Shendan first appeared... At that time, Buddhism was still in the grass-roots stage, so it made such a big movement, but in history it was almost Not recorded at all.

It seems that Wu Shen Dan has only one purpose, but in fact this use is already very terrible. Almost no one can resist the power of Wu Shen Dan. A careless dog will become a running dog and butcher under the control of Wu Shen Dan. A metamorphosis murderer head that Wanfu refers to.

It is precisely because of this that Wu Shendan appeared twice, almost all of them have set off a disaster of killing in the martial arts, and countless powerful people have fallen in such a killing, extremely fierce...

Moreover, Wu Shendan appeared too suddenly, and the harm caused was very rapid. Almost without warning, it has swept the entire martial arts, and the damage caused is also an unimaginable horror!

When the forces of the parties understand it, they don’t know how many people have been killed by Wu Shendan...

Later, naturally, in order to eliminate the Wushen Dan, countless powerful people united to fight against the entire evil and incomparable Wushen Dan, with the victory of countless people's blood and life, which finally annihilated Wu Shendan.

Such a victory is extremely fierce, almost weakening the strength of the entire rivers and lakes and martial arts by more than 90%... This is a terrible victory, but it takes hundreds of years to recover slowly.

It is a pity that after the first Wushen Dan tragedy, the strength of the martial arts was completely restored. The second Wushen Dan tragedy broke out again... It was a more tragic victory, and the strength of the martial arts could no longer be restored. Come over, and even countless powerful secrets have been cut off.

It can be said that the strength and foundation of Penglai's secret environment can still lead the outside world for many years. In addition to the objective factor of heaven and earth aura, there is no shortage of Wu Shendan.

Penglai’s secrets have been avoided overseas and have not been recognized by the Central Plains Wulin...

Of course, there is another reason. In that era, the strength of Penglai’s secret environment was too weak compared to the Central Plains!

Therefore, although the Wushen Dan tragedy has caused certain damage and influence on the Penglai secrets, it can be said that it is basically negligible compared to the Central Plains Zongmen!

Under the circumstance, Penglai’s secrets are becoming more and more powerful, and the Central Plains martial arts is completely degraded... Even if some millennial sects were established and passed down, they could no longer reproduce the ancient times. It is.

Penglai’s secret loss is small, but it has been experienced in the two times of the Wushen Dan tragedy. Naturally, it has also been recorded, and the future generations must pay more attention and attention.

However, no one had thought that the island of Penglai had a problem with the protection of the island. Penglai’s secret world has been escaping for thousands of years, and has escaped countless killings and crises. Gradually, these senses of crisis have disappeared.

If it is not reminded by the Qin side, Song Wei is absolutely unthinkable!

"Wu Shen Dan is indeed a very horrible rare treasure. It can be said that ... to a certain extent, the power of Wu Shen Dan is much more terrifying than the general handed down artifact! Even in the creation of disaster and destructive power, completely Can be comparable to some super artifacts..."

The Qin side is also a serious evaluation of the tone, and this is absolutely no exaggeration. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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