Omni Genius

Chapter 3095: God storm!

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It is because of the strength and horror of this big island, it can protect the Penglai secrets for so many years, but it has always stood still... Otherwise, it has been killed several times.

Nowadays, although it has suffered some damage, its power may be slightly weakened. However, it is still not the Qin and Song dynasties, and the half-step Wudi can compete. There is a little bit of inattention, and it will really be a savage end. .


When it was said that it was late, it was fast, a strange black wind was very abruptly hit... There was no sign of a little bit in advance, so it was so sudden and the speed was amazing.


Qin Fang stood still, just raised the star lock in his hand, and injected a vitality into it... I saw that the star lock instantly burst into a starlight, lingering around the body of Qin, and by the way Song Song is also wrapped in it.

And the black wind is like a sharp blade, the slamming impact on these stars, and then quickly annihilated... and the stars are also dissipated together.

"Good strength... It seems to be like a sultry wind!"

Although this is the strength of the Star Lock, it is also a shock to Qin Fang’s heart. It was really shocked by such a black wind, and let 2, w♀ww. He thought of an extremely A rare, extremely dangerous world.

陨神风, a rare sinister killing, belongs to a variation in the wind power... I know the name, and the gods and even the gods may fall down because of it. It is extremely dangerous.

"If there is no star in the hand, I am afraid that I will also peel off the skin..."

Guessing the origin of the sacred wind, Qin Fang couldn't help but wipe a cold sweat, and he was really scared... He guessed that the Guardian Island would not be so calm. I did not expect that the first time I ushered in was the sacred wind.

There is no protection of the star lock, just this kind of sacred wind can be layered from the Qin side of the body ... death is certainly not, but the repair of a body must be severely damaged, this sacred wind is not so simple.

"Song, you have to keep up, otherwise... oh. You should see that sorrowful wind! You should also know its power, at least you and I can't resist this strength."

Qin Fang once again reminded Song Song.

The sacred wind is really dangerous, but the Qin Fang has a star lock in his hand, but he doesn't have to worry about it. The only thing to be careful is to count Song... If it is out of the protection of the Qin side, then the sacred wind will definitely make him die. The land.

Although Song Wei is also a half-step Emperor Wu, but he is only a broken bank than the Qin side with a lot of cards, but there is no such thing as Qin Fang. Can resist the sacred wind.

Moreover, in the face of this sorrowful wind, even Qin Fang himself said that he wants to peel off the skin and fall to the body of Song Yu, then he can only lose his life!

"Master, please rest assured, I know what to do..."

Song Wei is also extremely solemn. He does not want to die, and he still has no reputation to hang on... It will naturally become more cautious. Almost in the footsteps of Qin Fang, the distance of the slightest is not dare to open.


The next road. Sure enough, it was not so calm... Qin Fang, they have been repeatedly attacked several times in a row, are extremely dangerous attacks, and they may be completely annihilated by the whole army, but they are all locked by the stars in the hands of Qin Fang. Resolved.

This is why the Qin side has to carry the star lock... In addition to its key to opening the entrance, there is another important reason why it can be used as a defensive treasure.

The origin of the Star Lock is basically untestable, but the Qin side is sure... The Star Lock is definitely born out of this big island. It is integrated with the big island of the island, and this can be the key to resist the attacks of various organs and secrets in the big island.


After nearly an hour, I passed the crisis again and again, but Qin Fang finally got a little relieved... His cooperation with Song Yu has become more and more tacit. The use of the Star Lock is becoming more and more sophisticated.

The most important point is that they are going through this big island.

According to the representation on the map of the secrets obtained by Qin Fang and the distance that Qin Fang had just passed, he estimated that he had already walked three-quarters of the time, and only the last quarter could be passed.

"There is a lot of danger. It can even be said that every time it is a fatal threat. Fortunately, the star lock is still relatively powerful. The role of the map has also been preserved. This can be easily carried over... I hope that it will continue smoothly. !"

Qin Fang is also quite excited to express.

There have been some changes and changes in the Guardian Island Array, but in general it remains the same. Otherwise, this Guardian Island Array cannot be easily damaged for hundreds of years.

Qin Fang sighed like this, because it felt that his luck was good, just happened to be in a position where there was not much change, which made it easier to survive this crisis.

Next, only a quarter of the distance, Qin Fang also hopes that the follow-up will continue to be smooth.


I don't know if Qin Fang has become a crow's mouth, or his luck has really been used up... His voice has just fallen, and there has suddenly been some change in the front, and it is still a terrible change!


The big island of the island can actually be regarded as a space...just, it is more like an area under the control of powerful forces. In this area, there are various kinds of crises lurking.

The sacred wind is one of them...

However, the lethality of the sacred wind on the monomer is not a threat to the Qin dynasty... However, it is completely different when it is replaced by the sacred storm built by the sacred wind!

What is now appearing before Qin is a storm of arrogance, tyranny, and horror!

A horrible storm that was completely condensed by this arrogant and arrogant wind... It was blocked in front of the Qin side, and the coverage of the storm was constantly expanding, thinking of Qin’s side. Come back.

"I rely on... this is too pithy!"

Seeing such a terrible storm of blasphemy, the Qin side is also unable to calm down. The terrible power is too strong. It is so powerful that the strong people like Qin Fang can't help but be frightened and their legs are soft!


The storm of blasphemy swept through this area, and as the sacred winds gathered together, it became even more horrible, almost completely attracting all the surrounding forces...

Moreover, when such a tyrannical storm of sacredness expanded rapidly, the Qin Fang, which was very close to it, was also rolled into the scream of a "slot", and there was no chance of escaping!

Dealing with the sacred wind, it is naturally locked with the stars. This has already reflected its value in the previous battles. At this moment, it is no exception. The star locks bloom in the stars, and the Qin side is completely shrouded. The forced low-level attack around the sacred wind!

"I don't know if the Star Lock can stop it..."

Qin Fang is also very worried about it.

The storm of the gods came too fast, so that Qin Fang didn’t even have the chance to escape. He could only resist this fierce and sinister storm. The Qin side will definitely have firepower and defense, and the Star Lock will be The main battle.

In order to defend itself and reduce the necessary losses, the Qinfang Lock not only protects the Qin side from fatal injuries, but also protects Song Yu’s life safety... This half-step Wudi, who is loyal to himself, is extremely important for the next assassination. The role of Qin Fang does not want him to hang up so wrong!

Thinking of this, Qin Fang could not help but shouted.

"Song Song..."

Qin Fang subconsciously screamed, but unfortunately... There was no sound behind him. Song Zhen did not know when he had been separated from him. Although he was very tight with him, he was still lost.

"I won't see the storm of blasphemy ran..."

Qin Fang also whispered a whisper, but then he gave it a denial. He also whispered a whisper. "This is obviously not possible... then, it will not be that the storm of the gods has swept him, he will be directly Going for the roll?"

"More likely, this guy accidentally left behind..."

Of course, Qin Fang did not believe that Song Zhen really had no brains to run around, and he also found a more reliable reason or excuse for him!

"Oh... I hope this kid is not too stupid! Otherwise it is really wasted!"

If you lose it, then you will lose it. There is no way for Qin Fang. In such an environment, it is something that Qin Fang has already anticipated, otherwise he will not repeat it again and again. Remind Song.

He just hopes that Song Yu can fully comply with what he said, standing in the same place, and not moving at will. In this case, there is no danger in Song Yu. As long as Qin Qin finds his place, the risk can be lifted. .

Of course, if Qin Fang couldn't find him for a long time, then his chances of living are really too low!

"The most fear is that this guy was torn into pieces by the storm of blasphemy, then I can't find it..."

Qin Fang is also quite helpless.

The power of the storm of blasphemy is really terrible. It is absolutely thousands of times and more than ten thousand times in a single sacred wind. Once Song Song is involved, the possibility of surviving is almost zero.

Unless it is Song Yun’s luck, there is only a chance to survive!

"Of course, it is best for him to take a wrong step and be transferred to other locations by this large island.... In that case, I want to find it, and the difficulty will be several times, even ten times!"

Think of it this way, Qin Fang feels very distressed, almost the same as a needle in the haystack!

In that case, it will cost the Qin side quite a lot of time, not only is Song Yusheng still less likely to be able to return, even with Qin Fang himself may also have problems, it is even worse!


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