Omni Genius

Chapter 3137: Take two evils!

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Especially such a huge body, it seems that it is a bit too fast to break the defense of the gods, and some seem to be rushing out of the signs... This is also the state of the burial of Shura eager to get out, but it is very consistent.

"I can't really rush out..."

Qin Fang’s brow wrinkled, and his heart felt a little uncomfortable.

The burial of Shura in order to escape the eternal void, how much the price paid, is absolutely a life of death, and this has such a little chance.

It has been forbearing for a few years, only to slowly find the opportunity to revive, when the progress is smooth, but there is such an accident...

The general accident is nothing more than the horrific accident of the gods. If a bad thing, the burial of the gods may be completely degraded here.

In order to desperately, the burial of Shura at this time was completely exhausted.


The beast-like shackles bring the power of endless horror, and the encirclement of the magical bombardment of the gods and the evil spirits!

Almost every moment, there is a crazy power shock, the gods and black magic inflammation rushed out a few meters away, and the eyes will penetrate.

But every time, the gods and black magic are all back, and they still hold the impact of the burial of Shura, and block it in it...

The loss of the sacred Shura is very large, but the loss of the gods and sorcerers is not small... However, the sacred sacred sacred sacs are all self, and the gods and sorcerers can be provided by the gods.

Under this circumstance, it is obvious that the ancient gods have occupied an absolute advantage. It is only a matter of time to overwhelm the burial of Shura.

Moreover, this time should not be too long. Maybe... it only takes a few minutes!

However, Qin Fang’s brow was gradually wrinkled.

"Not quite right..."

Qin Fang could not help but smashed up.

It is not because the burial of Shura seems to be escaping, or it is about to be killed. The source that really makes the Qin side feel that the problem is dangerous is the ancient god.

The gods and black magic are constantly losing. I can only rely on the help of the gods, and the power of the gods is activated a little bit.

This is a huge crisis. The ancient gods may be disguised to open up... especially when they see the gods and the magical attack of the gods, and the Qins suddenly feel that the gods are trying to use the gods to bury the Shura. The power comes to the blood to sacrifice themselves, thus completing the purpose of opening up the ancient gods.

If this is the case, then Qin Fang used the ancient gods to suppress the behavior of the burial of Shura, which is definitely to lead the wolf into the room...

This is not an ordinary wolf, but a hungry wolf that is more fierce than the burial of Shura. A hungry wolf that can swallow the entire planet!

"No, I can't go on..."

Thinking of this, Qin Fang is also a very decisive decision.


Without any hesitation, the Qin side immediately wants to take back the ancient gods... Even if it does, it may make you fall back into the crisis of the burial of the gods, but it is much safer than the opening of the gods.

It was so tossed by the gods and black magic inflammation. The strength of the burial of Shura was also a lot of loss. It was much smaller than the previous threat. Qinfang may not have the opportunity to cope.

Corresponding, once the gods are opened. The inside is more horrible than the burial of Shura. I don’t know how many times the gods have come out. Then the Qin Fang is even a true dragon god, and it may be just a small ant that can be crushed by a finger.

In terms of the threat between the two. Qin Fang naturally decided to threaten the smaller one...


The gods of ancient gods seem to understand the mind of the Qin side. The gods and sorcerers are also trembled fiercely. They quickly flew back from the burial of the gods and tried to encircle the Qin side.

Obviously, it is resisting the recovery of the Qin side!

"It seems that I guessed it right... The guy in the ancient gods is very likely to have begun to gradually wake up! It is seeking a chance to recover!"

Qin Fang muttered to himself, and his heart was also in vain.

If you don't realize this, let the gods and sorcerers go to kill the burial of the gods and let it succeed. Devouring the power of the burial of the gods, there is a great opportunity to open the ancient gods.

The consequences. It is also conceivable... the real end of mankind, the soul of life! This is not what Qin Fang hopes to see!


Qin Fang bite the tube and stiffen it. It is also necessary to forcibly withdraw the gods of the gods...


The resistance from the ancient gods is also very horrible. The gods and sorcerers become extremely violent, and the madness is surging. If it is not restricted, it will tear the Qin to pieces.

This is the case, it is also the claws of the claws, the Qin Fang completely wrapped up, although did not launch a fierce attack, but the horrible oppression, but also Qin Fang felt very uncomfortable.

However, the move by Qin Fang to forcibly withdraw the ancient gods has undoubtedly saved the life of the gods, and it also temporarily came out from the edge of death.

The gods and sorcerers are too powerful. The power of the gods is the burial of the gods. Do not look at its imposing power and violentness. In fact, it is already the end of the strong, as long as there is one or two violent violent, it is completely abolished. Thoroughly unable to resist.

At this time, Qin Fang played it for a long time!


The retreat of the gods and the magical sorcerer, the burial of the gods was gradually removed from the danger, and the huge body was gradually revealed in front of the Qin side.

It is a fierce beast that looks like a wolf, a bit like a tiger, or other fierce Warcraft...

In general, it is completely different from the creatures and beasts on earth, but a very strange existence, but its strength is extremely powerful.

And on its dark red body, carrying a strange pattern, it looks like some magical magic pattern or text...

"Reverse God?"

When I saw these words, Qin Fang’s expression suddenly became quite horrified... He knew from the starry beast that there was a very special kind of text in the universe, which in some sense was the universal language of the universe. Call it "the text of God."

Corresponding to the scriptures of God, there is also a strange text, called the anti-God, which is bred by the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth, and will only appear on some extremely rare creatures.

"Perhaps, this is the origin of the burial of the gods, and the reason why it was ravaged by the entire universe!"

Qin Fang is also silently guessing.

It’s not just a kind of text, it’s not only a kind of text, but it also contains the power of incomparable horror... These strange words, which are said to be able to understand one, can gain a terrible power and understand one. Rows, you can cultivate a mystery that is invincible.

If you can penetrate all the gods on the body, then the strength will inevitably be sacred, reaching an unimaginable level of horror...

Of course, this is just a legend, and no one can really do it.

In the first place, the gods of the heavens are very rare, and only a very small number of races have such antithesis... it is a real encounter and cannot be sought.

Secondly, the anti-Heavenly language is abnormal, it is difficult to understand, let alone cultivate, and even some people doubt the authenticity of this legend.

This behemoth in front of you is the body of the deity of Shura... a body made entirely of energy.

If it is not to escape from the eternal void, its body is completely physical, and the level of power will be much higher than this.

Such tyrannical strength, perfect level of power, even if it is also restrained by the gods, it is not so embarrassing...

On the other side of the body, there are some anti-Japanese gods inscribed... The number is not so much. The Qin side simply glanced at it, and it may be only five or six sentences.

This kind of quantity, what kind of level belongs to the burial of the gods, the Qin side is not too clear, he is only interested in these anti-Japanese gods.


It is a pity that the two sides are now in a state of hostility. The burial of Shura is also hateful to the Qin side. Naturally, it is impossible to be so polite and friendly.

"Give me back..."

Qin Fang did not forget his mission. The burial of Shura was freed, but the **** of the gods has not yet been recovered.

If it is impossible to recover, then Qin’s fun is really big.


However, after the short rest of the burial of Shura, he also understood that he was temporarily saved by the Qin side. When he saw the ancient gods resisting the call of the Qin side, it also became arrogant.

Similar to Qin Fang’s idea, it also immediately helped the Qin side.

Compared with the extremely dangerous existence of the ancient gods, it is more willing to fight with the Qin side... Even if its strength is seriously damaged, it can still have great opportunities to fight with the Qin side.

If you change to the ancient gods, it will not have a chance at all, and will only be ruthlessly hunted!


Therefore, the burial of Shura was also a scream of earth-shattering, and a violent temper was released in an instant, and then smashed out, directly hitting the gods who were called by Qin Fang. went.


This burial **** Shura knife, the power is also quite terrible, but also specifically from the outside of the ear to kill, the lethality is also considerable.

In the end, the gods and black magic are not the real power of the gods, the killing power is strong, and the defense is not weak. Under the double bombardment of the Qin and the burial Shura, there is also a flaw in the moment.

"come back!"

Qin Fang seized this opportunity and quickly returned the gods to the props box! (To be continued)


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