Omni Genius

Chapter 3143: Second attack!

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Although the spirit control is powerful, it also limits the development of the soul slave. This is also the reason why the starry beast will adopt the equality contract. It knows the drawbacks of the soul control.

There are many soul slaves in the hands of Qin Fang, but most of them have no potential for improvement. This is the case in this life, so Qin is not very distressed.

However, Fan Jin is a young man who is only a little older than Qin Fang. He is a civilian, but he can trample on so many resource-rich giants. His cultivation talent is also conceivable.

This kind of cheating madman with Qin Fang is definitely incomparable, but it is also a kind of tens of times more than other Tianjiao Junjie... and has already crossed the half-step between Wudi and Wudi, the potential of the future. It is even more incalculable.

Such a genius, if it is accepted as a soul slave, is a great waste... Qin Fang has taken a fancy to his character and prefers to be friends and brothers.

"It's time to set off..."

After setting up the glass, Qin Fang naturally did not have to stay, and quickly left from here... Since he promised Fan Jin, he could not eat.

It is not a problem for him to go through the big island guard. The only trouble is how to avoid those guards who guard the altar...

In fact, the same is true. Chen and Lu have made such a big move, and the entire Penglai secret has a bit of wind and wind, and the guards are more strict everywhere.

Although there is still no clue to prove that Penglai’s secrets have entered the outside world, the Presbyterian Church is also afraid of accidents. It has strictly ruled everywhere, and naturally includes the altar of the import and export of secrets here.

However, soon Qin Fang discovered such a change. It’s really not a problem with him.

The Penglai mystery is a calm habit, especially this altar, which has not been opened several times in a few hundred years. The usual guards have not paid much attention to it...

Recently, Song Yu came back from the outside, and this was started once, and then he fell into a calm again... the contradiction between Chen and Lu. There is no impact on this.

It seems that the guards have strengthened and the number has increased. In fact, they are still as lazy as before, and even more lazy.

Qin Fang hides his body shape and walks to the edge of the altar. The guards are standing there without any problems. No one is paying attention to the changes around them.

The only commander who may have noticed the existence of the Qin side does not know whether there is something to leave, or to take a rest and rest. It is not here at all.

In this case, Qin Fang went smoothly through the altar and entered the big island of the island. Fortunately, entering the altar did not cause much movement, otherwise the Qin side may actually be exposed.

"Call~~ successfully passed!"

When Qin Fangshun successfully entered the big island of the island, he was relieved... Although there is still a certain distance from the outside world, it has basically no effect.

It is really dangerous to protect the island. Also very sharp...

However, for the Qin Fang who is locked in the stars, there is no difficulty at all. Also by the way, Qin Fang was familiar with this big island.

After about half an hour, Qin Fang successfully crossed the Dadao Island and came to the outside world. However, Qin Fang did not worry about putting Fan Jin and Lier brothers and sisters from the prop box. Come out, but went straight to the direction of the Jurassic.

Jurassic, or the former Jurassic. It has changed completely from now on.

The original class of the Jurassic House has been almost swept by the Qin Dynasty. The rest are also old and weak, and there is no danger at all.

Today, it has already been occupied by the Qin Fang people.

After the Qin party smashed the Jurassic, he contacted his men. Chen Da and others also came at the fastest speed, and quickly stood firm.

Nowadays, the environment outside the earth is quite bad, and the aura is also very thin... basically the same kind of caves are also occupied by the major sects.

Qin Fang’s strength is very strong, but the people under his hand are still very weak. They directly robbed those Zongmen’s sites. This is a bit too overbearing. Qin Fang does not want to cause too much resistance.

Therefore, he also intends to find another suitable place, as his own base camp, base... Originally he wanted to reopen the abandoned secret land of Fuso Hokkaido.

However, after the removal of the people of Jurassic, his thoughts have completely changed.

The environment here is very good, not much worse than the top sects, and it is solo overseas, and there is a large array of guards, more suitable for cultivation, so I decided to take root here.

Moreover, the biggest threat to the gods has been taken away by the Qin side. There is no other threat besides the top aura, and the security is very guaranteed.

If the women who are not in the Qin Dynasty have adapted to the urban life, Qin Fang really hopes that they can also move here together... At least Qin Fang is working hard outside, no need to worry about his backyard crisis.

After the alliance with Fan Jin, Qin Fang thought of how to settle the glass.

The glass is very simple, and she has lived in the environment of Penglai for nearly 20 years. Let her rush into urban life, she will certainly be difficult to adapt.

This can be referred to the original Tang Xin, she took a short time to barely adapt to the urban life.

Therefore, Qin Fang intends to settle the glass in the old land of Jurassic, where he first contacts with outsiders, learns some simple life skills, adapts to the rhythm of the outside world, and then slowly decides whether she wants to go. Inland.

Today, Qin Fang brought their brothers and sisters out of the Penglai secret, naturally going straight to here...

"Qin Shao..."

Entering the old land of Jurassic, Chen Da and others immediately greeted them.

"Dago, how? Are the brothers settled? There are those old people in the Jurassic..." Qin nodded and then simply asked.

At the beginning, he was more anxious. He simply said the coordinates of a satellite positioning. All other things were handed over to Chen Da for disposal. Now I will come back and ask.

After the glass will live here, Qin does not want her to have any accidents.

of course. The strength of the glass, in the Penglai secrets may not be anything, can only be at the bottom of the invincible warrior, but placed in the old land of the Jurassic, it is definitely standing at the top of the strong.

Even the strength of the glass is in the entire earth. They are very powerful masters...

The only thing that may be lacking is the combat experience, as well as the experience of the rivers and lakes, as well as her simple character, it is easy to be sold and still help the number of people!

However, the old land of the Jurassic has been occupied by the Qin Fang people. These people will certainly be kind to the glass. The only ones who may have an accident are the old people in the Jurassic. They are afraid that these people will hate and make some means of doing the next.

"Those people... oh. Now they are honest! Whoever dares to move, send him directly to the West..."

After years of edification, Chen Da is no longer the simple captain of the special forces, and has already become a decisive warrior.

After practicing for so long, he also understands the benefits of this place in Jurassic. Naturally, this treasure cannot be allowed to be taken away. Therefore, he naturally takes care of the brothers, but for those in the Jurassic. Old man. It is extremely harsh.

It’s not enough to kill and kill. But he is closely monitoring these people.

If the Qin party feels that these people are old, weak, sick, and have no lethality, and don't want to kill too much, Chen Da directly puts on machine guns and kills them directly.

How could it be possible to allow these people to come out and get some moths?

"This is the best..."

Qin Fang is not a kind-hearted person. If the old man of Jurassic still has a bad heart, then Qin Fang will definitely not be polite.

"Dago. This time I came back, I brought a person over... Her identity is very special, you have to take care of her! Like the original heart of Tang... understand?"

The Qin side also simply told me that it was afraid of the grievances that the glaze had suffered here.

"Where is it brought out?"

Chen Da is not stupid, and immediately understands the origin of this person. While nodding his head, he was also curious to ask, and he also knows where Qin Fang has gone.


Qin Fang nodded.

Chen Da and others are considered to be his absolute confidant. The loyalty of these iron-blooded men is not to be doubted, and the identity of the children is not so good.

"Qin Shao, please rest assured, we must take care of her!"

Understand the identity of the glass, Chen Da immediately stunned, patted the chest to ensure that.

Brush ~~

The Qin side will not say anything more, with a big hand, the glass and Fan Jin brothers and sisters will be released from the props box... Chen Da has long been eccentric, just curious Two brothers and sisters dressed in costumes.

"Oh, here is..."


Suddenly transferred from the props box, Fan Jin and Lier were all slightly stunned. They were very curious and a little flustered. However, when Qin Fang stood in front of him, he was relieved.

"Fan brother, this is already outside the secret..."

Qin Fang said with a smile.


Fan Jin heard the words, but did not speak, but took a deep breath, and then he was unable to swear. "There is a lot of apocalypse outside the secret world..."

"It's already a good place here. It's barely a top hole outside the secret world. If you have the chance, if you go to those cities, you will understand what is called the end of the law!"

Qin Fang was laughing and despising him.

The aura of heaven and earth here in Jurassic is indeed quite good, but it is completely incomparable with the Penglai mystery. It is indeed too big.

"If you have a chance, be sure to check it out!"

Fan Jin is also muttering to himself.

This is indeed one of his wishes...not really going to feel the bad environment of the city, but having the opportunity to go, it means that in the next revenge, he can live.

"Don't think too much, you must be alive..."

Qin Fang took a shot and smiled at Fan Jin’s shoulder.

"Don't say those sorrowful words. This is a place where I am a resident. I plan to settle the glass here, do some simple training, wait for her to adapt to the outside life, and then decide whether she wants to go. Inland urban life!"

Qin Fang also simply said his arrangement. "Of course, how about it, listen to what you mean... I am just a proposal."

"This arrangement is very good..."

Fan Jin did not have any objections. He also heard that the secret environment is completely different from the living environment of the outside world. With the simplicity of the glass, the sudden change of the living environment is really not easy to adapt. The arrangement of Qin Fang is already very Not bad.

Liu is a quiet girl. She is also full of curiosity about the change of location. Fortunately, although Jurassic fell into the control of Qin, it has already begun to deploy some modern facilities, but due to the short time. In general, it retains its original state.

The Jurassic has been solo overseas, and there are not many links with the interior. In general, it retains the more primitive customs of life, and the environment in Penglai is not very different.

This is also helpful to the adaptation of the glass to the new environment...

Qin Fang and Fan Jin did not bother to return to Penglai's secret environment. There was a turmoil over there. Now, if you go back, you can't do anything. It's better to take a break outside, and let Fan Jin raise a wound.

Of course, in the past few days, Fan Jin also got a general understanding of the special circumstances of the external environment, and suddenly became a horror... even he felt that his worldview was completely subverted.

It is because of this that he really understands how wise the Qin Fang’s arrangement of his sister’s glass is. Otherwise, the simplicity of the glass will definitely not suit.

In fact, compared to Fan Jin's worldview subversion, the simple sister of the glass is very curious about the new environment, and it is very quick to absorb. This is only a few days of work, she can already use the computer to simply chat.

In this regard, Qin Fang is also quite speechless.

"Qin Shao, my injury has recovered almost. The turmoil inside the Penglai secret should have subsided a lot. We should also set off!"

Perhaps it was the happy smile of my sister, and Fan Jin’s heart became hot. He didn’t need Qin’s notice, he took the initiative to fight.

The younger sister has been completely settled, then his worries are solved, but the hatred in his heart slowly rises up, he is already a little waiting.

In addition, the injury recovered almost, and even the breakthrough has been only a short trip. The environment of the Jurassic is definitely not suitable for him to break through, and he does not need to return to the Penglai secret.

Instead of delaying this, it is better to take the initiative to fight and resolve this revenge plan as soon as possible, then he can really relax!

"Since Fan brother is ready, then we...start!" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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