Omni Genius

Chapter 325: Signature dish: Seven Miles

Chapter 325 Signature Dish: Seven Miles

These things are not known to outsiders, and Qin Fang and Tang family will not take the initiative to go out.

Qin Fang and Tang *** and other people greeted each other, they were directly rushed to prepare dishes by Tang Feifei, do not need to be responsible for each dish, just do one or two best.

For this, Qin Fang is already pondering and thinking about going to the kitchen.

Qin's current cooking skills have reached 95% of the intermediate level, and the distance upgrade is just a step away. The high level is that Wen Yi, who has a fast speed and a high degree of understanding, cannot be compared with him.

"Hey, cheap Li Rui..."

Just thinking about the people sitting in the private room, most of them can be regarded as their own. The only exception is Li Rui. Even if he came to Fangfeixue for congratulations, Qin Fang knew that he was an enemy. Behind the smile, the poisonous snake is hidden.

The so-called friend came to have a good wine, and the wolf came with a shotgun.

The Tang family are all friends. Naturally, they are entertained by wine and food. They can mix a wolf. The Qin side also wants to serve wine and food. It is difficult to be depressed.

In the kitchen.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Wen Yi, dressed in a white chef's robe, was very curious to see the pot dish made by Qin Fang, but the eyes were full of confusion, a bit like a Buddha jumping wall, but the ingredients used and the cooking methods were similar. The place, but more or different, so I have such a question.

Sun Liang, Wu Ping, and Zhou Rui are all standing next to the curious baby, watching carefully, but there is no place for them to open.

Sun Liang and Wu Ping are okay, at least they already have the basic cooking skills. They are officially introduced. As long as they are constantly diligent, I believe that it will take another time to become another chef after Wenyi.

As for Zhou Rui, it’s a little bit worse. It can only start with basic skills. However, Wen Yi occasionally orders him a few words. Although he has not been accepted as a door, Zhou Rui is very respectful to Wen Yi, even his age. It is a little bigger than Wen Yi.

"This is a dish that I suddenly conceived. You all look carefully. If you learn it, then it will be our signature dish of Fangfeixue..."

This dish is the result of the thinking of Qin Fang, and he also realized a little before he advanced advanced cooking, but also a very special cooking technique.

This dish is based on the Buddha's jump wall, but it is more demanding in the selection of materials, and the cooking methods are more diverse. It uses almost ten different kinds of fried, fried, cooked, fried, paste, burnt, stuffed, stewed and steamed. The cooking techniques, and then mixed together, finally made such a pot of very special dishes...not a single kind of shackle like a Buddha jump wall.

"Wen Yi, come over and beat me..."

The production of this dish is very difficult. What is really needed is time. However, they have already waited in the private room. Qin Fang had to pull up Wenyi, and the two people worked together to make this dish.

The two masters with intermediate cooking, even if the strength is still not small, but this little impact will not make a big difference to the whole dish.

I gave a detailed account of what Wenyi needs to do. Wen Yi listened very seriously. She nodded from time to time. It seemed that if she had some understanding, even a few difficulties were only a little hesitated, and soon I understood. , immediately began to work.

However, Sun Liang and Wu Ping, the younger brothers, felt very savvy when they listened. They barely knew a little bit of practice, but why should they do this and how to do it well? They are half-baked. This is the gap in cooking level.

The process of making is very complicated, even the chefs in the kitchen are helping to match, the speed of Qin Fang and Wen Yi, especially the Qin Fang, who is proficient in one-handed weapons, is the kitchen knife, spatula and spoon. Wait, the juggling of the exquisite, can still take nearly half an hour to complete.

And taking advantage of this time, the dishes on the table outside the guests have all been almost the same, and the room is directly responsible for Wen Yi.

When Qin Fang pushed the car and pushed the door of the private room into it, all the eyes were watching him. What surprised Qin Fang was that he had already eaten outside, but it was still just talking, but Did not start.

"I am very sorry to have kept you waiting!"

Looking at the empty seat, still relying on Tang Feifei, next to Tang ***, this Qin Fang heart slightly shocked, very sorry to say.

"Xiao Qin is here, sit down!"

Tang Zheng still kept the original smile, and did not get angry because Qin asked them to wait for half an hour.

"Yes, Tang ***..."

Qin Fang respectfully said that this real main dish was placed on the table, but it was still covered with a large metal cover.

For this majestic middle-aged man, Qin Fang is very respectful, not only because of his status, but also because he is the father of Tang Feifei.

"Xiao Qin, you don't call me Tang ***, call him Uncle Tang..."

Tang *** smiled and said very amiablely. He is still quite satisfied with Qin Fang, and naturally he is close to some.

"Yes, Uncle Tang!"

Qin Fang was also polite, and immediately called it, and Tang Feifei’s face was also showing a bright smile.

“This dish is our signature dish of Fangfeixue, and it is specially prepared for you...”

In the face of Tang Dynasty’s enthusiasm, Qin Fang really did not think that he immediately stood up and unveiled the huge metal cover on the table, revealing the dish inside.

"Wow, it’s so sweet..."

Ding Chuchu’s gimmicks always had something to say. Almost at the same time as Qin’s opening the lid, the tempting aroma immediately rushed to the surface. The little girl couldn’t help but screamed and smelled. Not to mention, almost directly moved chopsticks, and this saw Tang *** looking at her with a smile, very embarrassed smile.

"Good, smells scent..."

Fortunately, Tang *** did not care about this. With his status as a person, what kind of dishes have not been tasted, so it seems very calm, but the evaluation of this simple word is very real.

“Xiao Qin, what kind of attention does this dish have? It looks a bit like a Buddha jumping wall. It doesn’t seem like it...”

Looking at the seven colors in this pot, even Tang, who has seen countless kinds of food, feels that this dish is not easy.

"In fact, there is nothing to pay attention to. This dish is called Qiu Ling Ling. It is made by using different cooking methods, and the various materials required are separately cooked, then mixed and one pot, and then the Buddha is thrown into the wall. Tanning, the seven flavors are each a political one, can be mixed with each other, and the best of luck, this is named after the seven-year-old..."

Qin Fangxiao explained that the real cooking process is far more difficult than he said. The seven different flavors of the dishes are mixed into one pot, and then slowly stewed for a few minutes, to ensure the original taste. But they have to be mixed with each other, and the difficulty is simply impossible to imagine...

"Seven 窍 珑 珑 ... good name!"

Tang *** gently nodded, but whispered a word, but it was a look at Qin Fang, his eyes flashed a trace of color.

In fact, this name was only taken from the rise of Qin Fang. It has no special meaning. However, it seems that the expression of Tang’s *** has been given meaning in his heart, but Qin Fang did not. Notice this.

"Uncle Tang, you are an elder! Please come first and taste our signature dish of Fangfeixue..."

Qin Fang immediately expressed respectfully.

"Okay, good! Xiao Qin, you promised me that I have eaten your food here, and I will definitely let me be a repeat customer. If I can't make me satisfied, I will hit your board..."

Tang *** said a smile, while extending the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables.

He is also very particular about this dish. Most people come across such strange dishes. Most of them are sandwiched in one of seven kinds, which is the first taste. But Tang is directly going to the middle. That is, those dishes that are mixed with seven flavors.

The most common thing about cooking is the taste, which only completely destroys a very delicious dish, and this dish is the same. The seven flavors are mixed together. If it is not harmonious, then the other Seven kinds of single flavors, even if they are delicious, this dish is still ruined...

At the entrance of the dish, there was not much change in the face of Tang Zheng. This suddenly made the Qin side slightly nervous.

As a cook of this dish, Qin Fang is also very satisfied with this dish. Although he dare not say that he has reached the point of no flaws, Qin Fang has recognized that he has reached his current highest level.

If you want to have a higher breakthrough, you can only wait until he advanced into advanced cooking.

But Tang *** is so silent, Qin Fang also does not understand whether he is satisfied with this dish, or is not satisfied. After all, Tang *** has a lot of knowledge, and the food he has eaten is definitely more than that seen by Qin. Perhaps the Qin dynasty’s seven 窍 窍 in the heart of Tang *** is not as high as he imagined. evaluation of.

"Come here... everyone will taste it!"

The calmness of Tang’s *** made the Qin side very nervous, but there was nothing wrong with it, but the smiles and the sly smiles on the audience.

Others naturally dare not violate the rules, and they have raised their chopsticks to taste the dish...

It seems that it is considered that Tang *** tried the dish with the most confusing taste in the middle. Others just hesitated a little. No matter how delicious or not, they didn’t touch the piece, but the principle of proximity. Taste the dishes of the seven flavors around.

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