Omni Genius

Chapter 332: Cave fascination

Chapter 332 Caves

The strong control of the boat technology is also the same in the face of nature.

This is not the case, the Qin side has not yet had a good time, the water flow in front of it suddenly became anxious, and formed a cliff with a certain gap, the entire boat will directly rush to the lower pool at a temperature of about 70 degrees. Go on.


In the face of such a scene, Qin Fang was very calm, but the three girls could not help but uttered a shrill scream. This gap of about three or four meters brought a strong sense of excitement.

The boat turned over...

All four people fell into the water.

Nearly four meters of the drop, coupled with the acceleration of the water flow, the four people almost rushed into the pool below, there is no direct figure.

After a few moments, Qin Fang took the lead in drilling the water surface. He himself had super swimming skills and he wore a life jacket. Although the pool was quite deep, it could not pose any threat to him.

Qin Fang pulled the dinghy that was about to be taken away by the current. At this time, Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue also drilled the water.

Qin Fang immediately took a handful of arms and pulled Tang Feifei over. He lifted the rubber boat easily, then hugged Xiao Muxue, and sent her up, and went to find the third girl.

"What about the sisters?"

But looking at the constantly stirring water surface, but there is no shadow of the smell... Tang Feifei immediately asked anxiously.

Almost as soon as she said this, she saw an orange color on the water. It was the color of the life jacket. The Qin party hurriedly swam, so it was so empty and empty!

"not good……"

Looking at the life jacket that came up, but Wen Wei did not float up, Qin Fang also changed his face and exclaimed.

"Qin Fang, what should I do? Sister Xue Xue, she..."

Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue saw the life jacket, and the mood was slightly stabilized. It turned out that only the life jacket, but did not smell the whereabouts, suddenly became nervous.

"Fifi, Mu Xue, you are on the boat, let me go and see..."

Between the words, Qin Fang turned his body and immediately dive to the depths of the waterhole.

The pool surface of this water pool is not small, but it is not too shallow. The Qin side has at least five or six meters of diving, but it has not yet reached the bottom, but the lower the life jacket on the body, the greater the buoyancy generated. I just took it off.

"Mu Xue, what should I do? What should I do?"

"I do not know either……"

On the water, Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue stayed on the ship at this time and couldn’t tell the tension and worry. The four people at the end of the game became three. This kind of thing they have never seen before, what can be there? See you.

"Life jacket... Qin Fang's life jacket..."

But at this time, Tang and Xiao 2 women suddenly saw a life jacket floating on the water, and the one that smelled has drifted away along the water, then this piece must be Qin Fang, but it is Did not find Qin Fang's figure, the two people could not help but leave a sad tear.

At such a moment, the two were very helpless and very sad. They couldn’t help but hug together and prayed silently for Qin.


Just when the second woman cried the most sad, there was a burst of water on the water, and Qin’s head was exposed from the water.


"Qin Fang..."

The second woman was almost a surprise at the same time. She couldn’t help but screamed out. The pretty face was already covered with tears.

"Cry! I'm fine... I found an undercurrent under the waterhole. I guess it was swept away by the undercurrent. Now save her... Feifei, Muxue, you will go all the way, then inform the management office. Send someone over!"


Both Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue still want to argue and persuade, but Qin Fang did not give them any chance. "Nothing! Save people, hurry to find someone, I will go first..."

After saying this, Qin Fang was a fierce stalker and completely disappeared in front of Tang and Xiao.

Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue were also surprised at this time, their eyes filled with worry and disappointment, but as Qin Fang said, Wen Wei’s life and death are not clear, they came together, especially Tang Feifei proposed to play drifting. I want to say that giving up Tang Feifei can't do it.

"let's go!"

After biting his teeth, Tang Feifei immediately made a decision. At this time, he was in the middle of the mountain. If he didn’t have a shop in front of the village, he had to find someone to help him as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would not only be a life-and-death, but also a Qin Fang. It will be dangerous.

Adjusting the direction of the rubber boat, the two girls continued to drift down the river with a boat. Without the passion of the previous one, the only thing left was fear and fear...

The two girls who have always had a harmonious surface and are in contrast with each other, the first time the heart is so close, the hands are held together, silently praying, although there is nothing in the mouth, but the heart is the same as the mirror.

Tang and Xiao Er women went to find people, and Qin Fang had already sneaked into the undercurrent at this time, and was swept by a vortex with strong appeal, directly from a cave in the depths of the waterhole. The disappearance disappeared.

"Here is... underground dark river?"

After about two or three minutes, Qin Fang felt that the breath in his chest was almost unable to hold back. It was just pushed out by a force, and it came out of the water and entered a dim cave.

The water is still flowing, the stone wall on the top of the head is a little moist, and the rock is very smooth, but it seems to contain some very special substance, which actually emits a kind of faint fluorescence, but it brings a little light to the Qin side. .


The water flow is not very urgent, but the water here is colder than the outside water. The Qin side is moving along the water, and the detection skills have not stopped. Qin Fang has been chasing more than 300 meters and finally let him discover. I heard the figure of Wen.

Only at this time, Wen Wei has completely fainted. Her water is completely incomparable with Qin Fang. She stayed in the water for so long, drank too much water, and her stomach was round. If it is not treated again. Even if you find her, don’t want to save it...

The Qin side held the stunned smell of the old man in his arms, and a palm of his hand fits over the sacred door of Weng, slowly letting Wen’s body enter the weak inner part of Qin.

In the wrist, Qin Fang’s hand suddenly added a silver needle, directly acupunctured the top door of the Baihui point, the wrist trembled, slightly shaking, the silver needle seemed to live in his hand. Like, actually shaken on his own.


Weng, who had not responded at all, had suddenly made such a coughing sound, and then a large mouthful of water spurted out of her mouth. It was hard to spit for a while before it stopped.

At this time, Qin Fang’s face was also abnormally pale. Immediately, the silver needle on the top of Wen’s head was unplugged and stored in the prop box. However, Wen’s cough was still in a coma after the cough.

The underground dark river is quite long, and the water flow is not very urgent. However, Qin Fang’s own heart is very anxious. He just used the method of returning to the sky and nine needles to force the water poured out by Wen to be forced out, but there are still many Water is filling her stomach, lungs...

Coupled with the stimulation of the icy groundwater, the temperature of the sputum is also falling. If you can't find a place to rest, you can't save it!

The spirit of the Qin side is somewhat wilful, but the physical strength is still very strong. He has a large number of buns, and there is no problem in his physical strength. He swims rapidly in the underground dark river.

"There is still a hole over there..."

Qin Fang did not know how far he had traveled. In such a dim environment, his vision gradually adapted. He really found a dark shadow that was different from other places. Only some caves would appear like this. The situation is that Qin Fang has seen a lot of small holes. It is enough to hide a cat. Two people in the nest are not enough, but this time the hole seems to be quite large.

Qin Fang’s quick swim to the front, and regardless of whether there was danger in the hole, immediately took Weng’s away from the cold water and got into the cave.

This cave is not an ordinary cave. When Qin got in, he found that it was deep inside, and he walked forward, faintly hearing the sound of water, the sound of the wind, and a little light.

There is no such thing as a stop in this cave. It is too dark here, and it is even darker than the underground dark river. The Qin side did not think much about it, and rushed to the place where the front was slightly brighter.

Almost just over ten meters away, Qin Fang drilled out of this hole and entered a colorful world, or a huge and incomparable cave.

This cave is completely natural. I am afraid that it has existed for tens of millions of years. The stalactite is hanging upside down. Occasionally, water drops drip from the tip of the stalactite, and it falls on the hard stone. The sound of snoring is unusually clear in such a quiet cave.

In particular, the one after another, from far and near, gradually combined, seems to form a most natural, pure music.

However, at this time, Qin Fang had no intention to listen to and appreciate such music. Wen’s body temperature was gradually decreasing, and only half a step away from death.

I found a piece of stone that was still relatively dry. I squared it and gave me a little hesitation. Qin easily reached out and untied the clothes on Weng’s body. They stayed in the water for too long, and the wet clothes were attached to the body. It's easy to make the situation of stability worse.

In a short time, the body of the white and jade-like body was completely presented in front of the Qin side. It was only at this time that Qin Fang had no thoughts on his heart, and his wrists turned over. Root silver needle.


Qin Fang silently made a deep breath, calmed down some swaying inner breath, and then quickly stabbed his hands, the nine silver needles quickly penetrated the acupuncture points of the sputum At the same time, it closed the three death points of the gate, the Zhangmen and the milk root to prevent accidents.

The inner interest slowly introduced into the body of Weng along the silver needle in his hand. One hand of Qin Fang moved like a phantom, and trembled with the remaining six silver needles.

This is a set of extremely high-level seismic point method in the back of the nine-needle. It must be matched with internal strength, and the flexibility of the hand must be very high to be able to do it.

Fortunately, Qin Fang has a one-handed weapon proficient in this skill, and the flexibility of the hand has met the requirements, which will be used riskfully.


About a minute or so, I saw the sound of the **** lying on the ground suddenly vomiting, a water arrow directly sprayed out, hitting a stone wall one meter away.


It was a cough, and it was said that the water poured into her body was spit out.

"Qin...Qin Fang, is... is it you?"

Wen Wei also opened her eyes slightly at this time, but she was very weak at this time. She could only feel vaguely that there was a figure in front of her. Even she did not see who she was, just instinctively asked, perhaps It was her subconscious mind that drove her to ask.

"It's me, I am here, it's okay, it's okay!"

Qin Fang immediately extended his hand and held Weng’s still cold palm, giving a little warmth.

"I... I am cold!"

Wen Yan’s body shivered a little, and her consciousness was only a little bit restored at this time. She probably didn’t know that she was indifferent, but that cold could still feel it.

Qin Fang regretted a bit and knew that he should prepare some clothes in the props box, otherwise he could come in handy now, but now it is useless to say anything. Although Wen Wei is already awake, her situation is still relatively bad.

If Qin Fang does not help her to warm up, I am afraid that it will be chilled and even stunned for one night. Even if Qin Fang will return to the heavenly nine-point stunt, the Qin side has almost exhausted the situation. Underneath, it is impossible to let her live.

In the face of this situation, Qin Fang did not hesitate any more. He took off the wet clothes and hugged the same unspeakable smell. He leaned against a corner that was relatively sheltered from the wind. With that limited body temperature to warm each other, maintain the breath of life.

Although Qin Fang couldn't see the light outside, but from the gradually decreasing temperature, Qin could easily know that the night was gradually coming, perhaps the warmth of Qin's body, and the consciousness of Wen Yan gradually woke up.

The opposite situation is so embarrassing, Wen Yan seems very wrong, shameful... Recalling what happened, looking at the surrounding environment, seems a little scared, hesitated, and slowly retracted the warm embrace of Qin Fang Among them, the beautiful white face is also a piece of flying red.

"Hungry? Eat a warm and warm..."

Qin Fang was also unusually gentle, and he did not see how he moved. Wen Qi’s Qiong Nao suddenly smelled the smell of a steamed buns. Surprised by the taste, he saw that Qin Fang’s hand suddenly had one more. Hot soup bag.


Wen Yan only felt the incredible face, Qin Fang is like her, the whole body is not hanging, she can even feel the hot part of the urge to suppress somewhere in the Qin side, with her almost no gap, but Qin Fang Where is this buns on?

What is even more unbelievable is that this buns are still hot...

"Don't think about anything, eat something first!"

Qin Fang naturally understands what Wen is thinking, but in order to save people, he also has to reveal some of his own secrets.


Wen Yan nodded gently, and did not reach out to pick up, but Qin Fang handed the buns to her mouth, let her directly act to bite, but it is a little feeding her to eat.

At such a moment, Weng’s heart could not help but be sour.

From small to large, in addition to her father, never a man is so good to himself. Almost at the moment when Qin Fang feeds her to eat buns, she knows that her heart has been completely indulged.

Women are emotional animals, and they are easily moved by a gentle move to cry and swear.

At this time, Wen Wei is like this.

In such a dark cave, the surrounding stone walls are colorful, but the sound of the dripping water in the silence is so clear, it is a desperate helplessness.

A man, in such a desperate moment, saved her life and gave her a hot steamed buns. She believed that any woman would sink at this moment.

"Why don't you eat it?"

Wen Yan only took a bite, sucked a little of the juice inside, and then stopped eating, and Qin Fang was still stunned.

"You also eat..."

Smell the red face, said very quietly.

"Don't be afraid, nothing. I have a lot here..."

Since the secret has been leaked, the Qin side will no longer be hidden. Directly his hand will be placed behind him, and once again, there will be five or six steaming soup bags in his hand.

Wen Yan’s eyes were suddenly round and round, and a buns had already made him stunned. I didn’t expect it to turn into six in a blink of an eye. She felt that her head was not enough.

"You forgot? I am a magician..."

Qin Fang immediately laughed and continued to feed the buns and said.


After hearing this, she knows that the magic of Qin Fang’s internal powers has already been an unsolved mystery of Ning college students. Naturally, many people say that Qin Fang is a very good magician.

"Can that change clothes?"

Wen Wei asked very quietly. At this time, the two people were together. Although they knew that they were warming each other, the relationship between the two people was just an ordinary friend. This completely naked support made her a little bit too much, especially Qin Fang. The dark snake below swayed at her Taoyuan hole, and seemed to be able to get into it at any time...

"Er... no!"

Qin Fang gave a slight glimpse, only to feel that the brothers below were a bit unfair, while smiling and smiling, while his body slightly retreated, let his brothers go farther away from the hole.

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