Omni Genius

Chapter 347: Billionaires

Chapter 347 Billionaires

"Mr. Qin, you really don't think about it, the price can be discussed again..."

Li Enhui obviously did not intend to give up on this, but the phone did not call again, but changed into a text message.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Qin to agree.

Even if the Koreans doubled the price, they could not match the loss of any of Qin’s skills, so Qin did not hesitate to delete the text message and prepare to sleep.

Of course, before he officially went to sleep, Qin Fang got a good news, which is what made him sleep well!

City Criminal Police Brigade.

"Ning team, this is the fax sent above..."

Ning Yumo was busy investigating a case. Someone sent a fax and didn't care very much at first, but when a window opened by the breeze came in, the stack of paper was gently blown up. Yumo just raised his head and suddenly found a picture of a person on a piece of paper, and immediately stunned.

Then I took this faxed information and looked at it, but it didn't look good. When I looked at it, the whole face changed color and became quite dignified.

"Xiao Xie, to inform the Chen team, there are still patients..."

Although I only looked at the contents roughly, but Ning Yumo's face was not quite normal, and immediately told a policeman to inform the Interpol team leader and deputy director, because this situation is very important.

"What? These two **** are back again?"

Not long after, the criminal police's heads and brains met in the conference room, and you thought that the printed materials would be printed and sent to everyone.

Chen Yunfeng, the more popular squad of the criminal police captain, almost slammed the table on the spot and scared Gu to a big jump. The back was even more unscrupulous, showing how powerful his anger was at this time.

"Xiao Ning, what do you think?"

In the end, Director Gu was the director, and he had a lot of cultivation. However, at this time, he was also frowning, but he was not angry. He just looked at Ning Yumo and asked her about her opinion.

Although Ning Yumo can climb to the position of her current vice captain, she really relies on her own ability, but in the end she has a provincial political and legal committee, even the deputy director of the city bureau is very To the face, or that he was originally a 宁 嫡 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"There is no point in the moment, mainly to find out what they are going to do in the end! If possible, it is best to implement the arrest as soon as possible... but... hope is not big!"

Ning Yumo also shook his head helplessly, looking at the photos on the two sheets of paper, even Ning Yumo, who claimed to be a flower of the Ninghai police and a flower of the criminal police, felt deeply weak.

Song Gang, Cao Chun.

Two very common names, two very common faces.

But at this time the photos of the two of them were printed on the paper in front of everyone, but they all felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Three years ago, it was these two people who triggered the bombing that shocked the whole of Ninghai. More than 10 people were killed and injured, including three criminal police officers. The last director of the city bureau was like this. Ye Heng also took the opportunity to climb. The throne of the director of the Ninghai Municipal Bureau.

At that time, Ning Yumo did not participate in the work for a long time. He heard about the case but was not qualified to participate.

Captain Chen was one of the participants, and at that time he was already the vice captain. Among the three criminal police officers who were killed, two were his colleagues, and one was his old boss and the captain of the time. ......

But it is him, because he has gone in another direction, but survived!

However, for three years, he did not want to catch these two villains all the time. Unfortunately, the two men robbed a batch of cash, and they even escaped from the country, and they have never been caught. Even in foreign countries, they are also guilty of crimes.

Now, after three years, the two villains have returned to Ninghai, and the information in front of them is from Interpol. I hope that the Ninghai police will cooperate to arrest the two criminals.

"I want to catch these two bastards!"

Chen Yunfeng almost roared and roared, and even with the information, he did not say a single blow and slammed the door.

However, no one in the conference room felt that he was doing something wrong. They were all policemen and they understood the grief of losing their closest comrades. It can be said that Chen Yunfeng had been suppressed for three years. At this time, it would be strange if it did not break out.

"Xiao Ning, look at him!"

Director Gu sighed and told Ning Yumo simply.

Although the two criminals are back, the police are sure to look for their whereabouts, but in the midst of the sea, it is really not easy to find these two people.

Send a decree?

Unless you are brain-destroy, dare to do this!

Song Gang used to be a soldier, and his shooting method was quite good. He also won the first place in the military shooting, and he was quite good at playing a pair of double guns.

As for Cao Chun, it is a super dangerous person. He is a bomb expert. From the earliest soil bombs, to playing c4 later, and even making some high-explosive bombs, I don’t know how many people died under the bombs he made. The three criminal police were killed like this...

The relationship between the two people is very good. They have never been separated from Meng and Meng. They have been shot and matched, and they have been intimate with each other. They have made several major cases in China, especially the Ninghai case three years ago. It was shocked by the whole country. They were robbed of more than 30 million yuan in cash. They have been wanted all the time, but they did not expect these two guys to dare to return to Ninghai.

These are naturally irrelevant to the Qin side, and he did not even think about it because he is busy now.

Hilton Hotel.

Aoi, a representative of the Japanese side, sat there, and there were some signing representatives of the Songshang Group, legal counsel, and so on. Basically, there were ten people.

There are also many people in the Qin side. His chief sales representative and partner Chen Jiangnan has already been well-dressed, and there is a team of lawyers hired by Chen Jiangnan. The number is not much smaller than the other.

But today he is obviously not the protagonist, the real protagonist is Qin Fang.

"Mr. Qin, this is this contract, please look at it first! As for some details, I will have another contract to give you this alone..."

As Qin Fang expected, there is no reason for Japan to reject its own conditions, because that is a big bargain for them.

When the Qinfang proposed the trading plan, they had already heard the news that the Seven Star Group was preparing to add another two million dollars in price. It was also feared that the night was long, and Aoi immediately informed Qin to agree to the transaction.

The wishes of both parties are the same, so it is natural to complete the transaction as soon as possible. Even the contract is prepared overnight. It is nothing more than spending a little money. It is really not too much effort.

Qin Fang took over the agreement and quickly browsed it. There is basically no problem, that is, $38 million in cash plus a property in Hawaii worth about two million...

As for the other sub-contract, it is already signed, but the holder can change it at any time, and only need to sign a transfer agreement with the same goods.

The main contract is handed over to Chen Jiangnan and the lawyers team to see if there are loopholes. As for this private contract, only the Qin party can see it.

This is unbearable. I can scare Qin Fang by a look.

"The paralyzed, the island people are really abnormal, this is a legalized trading population!"

Although Qin Fang knew that the island people must have a way to achieve his wishes, he did not expect it to be such a way, which made him feel shocked and shocked.

However, in the end, it was signed, and the ownership of Songdao Caizi was officially transferred to the name of Qin Fang, which means that Qin Fang obtained a legal slave...

“Happy cooperation!”

“Happy cooperation!”

The process of signing the contract was quite satisfactory. The two sides quickly reached an agreement. At the same time, it was convenient to hand over 38 million yuan of cash and the property right certificate of the property to the Qin party. Fully demonstrate the sincerity of the other party.

The Qin side did not have so much nonsense, and directly handed over the technical information of the first technological innovation to the other party, and the experts accompanying the Japanese side simply verified it and confirmed that there was no problem. The transactions between the two parties were even lightning. The completion of the party, Qin Fang is accounted for 40 million dollars.

"Mr. Qin, the other one is already waiting in your car downstairs, I hope you can be satisfied!"

However, when Qin Fang and his party left, Aoi said very quietly in the ear of Qin Fang. It is undeniable that this woman is very coquettish. Even when she speaks, she still wants to seduce Qin Fang in this way. .

"Thank you, Miss Aoi!"

Qin Fang just smiled lightly, politely, and immediately flashed.

However, Chen Jiangnan and others who are next to him always feel that Qin Fang has bitten the words "Miss" more seriously, and it is said that he is satirizing this well.

In fact, Chen Jiangnan's children's shoes really lived with the Aoi, the wind and the people, and almost did not be sucked by her. Chen Jiangnan saw this a well and his legs were straight.

Sure enough, when Qin Fang went downstairs, Songdao Caizi had been waiting downstairs, and then went to the car with Qin Fang, but Qin Fang pointed to the back row, she was very clever to sit in the back row. However, it was a surprise to accompany Chen Jiangnan.

"Brother, what is the situation?"

Chen Jiangnan groaned a little, and asked some curiously.

"You don't ask this question..."

Qin Fang smiled, he could not tell Chen Jiangnan about this matter, although this wretched guy is not a good bird at all, but Qin Fang is also afraid of his big mouth.

Fortunately, Chen Jiangnan did not ask much, just lost a "I understand" look, it is not buzzing, and got on the car and sat down in the co-pilot position.

"Jiangnan brother, we are also brothers and sisters, 40 million dollars, according to the original, you can get 30%, that is, 12 million dollars, I immediately transfer money to you!"

Although Qin Fang is not very reassured about Chen Jiangnan, even in the laboratory being looted, Chen Junan’s shadow is suspected, but in the end it is still traded. So the conditions agreed upon earlier must be implemented. He still does not. As for the kind of thing that makes the bridge break.

"Thank you, my brother!"

Chen Jiangnan is also a big joy, holding a pair of small eyes and smirking. "Brother, if you want to play anything at night, I want to play anything, my brother, I treat you..."

Zijin Pavilion is also a very high-end clubhouse in Ninghai. Its status is only under the Mingshi Salon and Bihai Pavilion. The consumption level is quite high, mainly because the place is quiet. However, many people like to go there.

If it is normal, then Chen Jiangnan's temperament, not to mention the Zijin Pavilion, even if he goes to some clubs with a certain grade, he will silently calculate the value is not worth it.

But this time, he is really very happy, not adulteral.

One million two million dollars, converted into RMB is 80 million.

Although he actually invested a lot of money, it can be less than eight million, which is equivalent to a direct tenfold, and only three months before and after the time.

It is equal to earning more than 25 million yuan a month, which is almost equal to earning all the previous assets in a month. In this way, Chen Jiangnan also officially entered the ranks of billionaires.

"Next time!"

Qin Fang shook his head and intentionally or unintentionally licked the Songdao vegetable dumplings behind him.

"Understand, understand! Then next time..."

Chen Jiangnan is interested in interest, and there is no stronger demand. He now knows a little about Qin Fang, and he simply does not say anything.

The two first went to the bank to complete the transfer procedures, and the $12 million officially transferred to Chen Jiangnan's account, can be regarded as a complete reassurance for this wretched man.

There are still twenty-six million dollars in the account of Qin Fang. This money is in the Swiss bank. For the time being, Qin also does not want to move. Anyway, there are still 10 million yuan of cash in his account, and there will be no shortage of money. Flowery.

However, he still did a few supplementary cards, which was used by several women. Although he was a little bit sorry for them, he never dared to have any treatment in terms of money, but these girls were not the kind of admiration. Vanity, but it is not how to spend his money.

After handling these things, Qin Fang looked at the well-behaved Matsushima dish, and couldn't help but have some headaches. I don't know how to deal with it.

Buy a house, gold house hidden?

When they were discovered, they would definitely be killed by Tang Feifei and even hurt their hearts.

Confessed from the wide, honestly accounted for?

The results are estimated to be similar, absolutely dead! If you don't do well, you will be able to rush this Matsushima dish back to Japan.

If Qinfang’s starting point is purely good-hearted, then it is good to send people back to Japan. Anyway, her mother’s medical expenses are paid in one lump sum by Songsong Group, so that she can live a normal life.

But the problem is... the metamorphosis mission of Qin Fang!

With the power and means of the person behind Aoi, the possibility that Matsushima Ryoko returned to Japan to live in peace is too low. Now he is scrupulous, but it does not mean that he will not start.

On the contrary, in the country, the Qin side helped to look after, the security is very high, but also convenient to adjust.

"Forget it, die if you die..."

For a time, Qin Fang was also difficult to make a decision. In the end, he only shook his head and hardened his scalp.

"what did you say?"

When Tang Feifei, Xiao Muxue, and Wen Yan, the three beautiful women heard the news, they almost broke out with such a strong roar. At this time, the Qin side was like a bunny facing three fierce tigers. The whole person is paralyzed.

Even Wenyi and Qin Fang’s big apprentices sitting on the side looked at the Qin side with a contemptuous look. The Qin’s teeth bite, and I can’t wait for this little girl who doesn’t know how to respect the teacher’s head. .

"This... I honestly account!"

Qin Fang had no choice but to explain some of the things he knew.

Of course, there are some lyrical bridges in the house. For example, how miserable she was in Japan, her mother is seriously ill now, her life is dying, how do the Japanese men have metamorphosis, and the life of *** What kind of cups are there, etc. In short, all four women are a virtue.

All of them were crying, especially the four people who felt the deepest feelings were Wen Yi, followed by Xiao Muxue who lost his parents from childhood, and then Tang Feifei and Wen Yu...

"very pitiful……"

"I am so touched..."

Although Qin Fang is only telling the truth, but this story is occasionally compiled, it sets off the story of the tragic life of Songdao Caizi. Only a few women’s hostility to Songdao Caizi immediately turned into sympathy. Tang Feifei Originally, the girl who was sympathetic, immediately took the initiative to extend her hand to Songdo Cai, and was prepared to care.

Unfortunately, Songdao Caizi feels a bit inexplicable. I don’t know what Qin Fang is saying, then several girls are crying, and then she extends her hand, but she doesn’t know what happened, so a face looks very Nervous, very helpless, quite overwhelmed.

"That... she won't speak Chinese!"

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang said this.

The four men and women were all a glimpse, and immediately they were thrown to the Qin Fang four pairs of white eyes, and the roots of the Qin Fang were itchy.

"Nothing, I will speak Japanese!"

"I can do it too……"

However, Qin Fang has forgotten a bit. Xiao Muxue and Wen Yu are both foreign language schools, and both of them will have a simple Japanese. Although they are not fluent enough, they can actually have a simple conversation with Songdao.

Songdao Caizi was quite kind, although she couldn't understand what Qin Fang said, but I saw that the beautiful girls around Qin Fang actually yelled at Qin, and it was difficult for her to accept it.

She is a traditional Japanese woman, and her mother educates her like this. It is necessary to know that such a woman is not worthy of status in Japan, but it is a must for the wealthy woman.

In addition to the agreement she signed, she is already a slave to the Qin side. No matter what the Qin side asked her to do, she must strictly obey, and no disobedience is allowed. Otherwise, she is a breach of contract. There is a huge amount of liquidated damages.

And her selling price is more than one million dollars. This is a big number. If it is a breach of contract, it will pay ten times the liquidated damages, up to 10 million dollars, even if she kills her. Not yet, and her mother’s treatment costs will freeze...

She was born in Japan, and she is also Japanese. She has little knowledge of the Dragon Kingdom. She thought that it was the same custom as Japan. When she first saw Tang Feifei, she thought they were just like themselves. I didn’t expect to...

"Explore a few of you! (Hello)"

"Explore a few of you! (Hello)"

Xiao Muxue and Wen Yu took the initiative to use Japanese and Songdao Caizi question mark, and immediately attracted a very polite response from Songdao Caizi, and it was directly a 90-degree sly, which was very polite.

The four girls of Tang, Xiao, Wen and Wen slightly stunned, and then they politely bowed a shackle, but Qin Fang was on one side, like a piece of wood.

With such a good start, Xiao Muxue and Wen Yu, two Japanese-speaking girls, chatted with Songdao Caizi. They talked about what they used to say, such as some of Japan’s attractions and fun places. Everything that happens everyday.

However, Tang Feifei and Wen Yi couldn't understand. They could only stand by and listen to the audience. Actually, they did not understand one sentence.

I saw that Xiao Muxue and Wen Yu were able to communicate with Songdao Caizi, and Songdao Caizi was gradually integrated into it. It was no longer the same as before. The face showed a faint smile on the face of Qin Fang. There is also a little smile.

However, this turning face, I saw Tang Feifei's gloomy, depressed face, and immediately saw a heart.

"Fifi, from today, you are responsible for the church, the dish is Chinese! Here is the dragon country, you must speak Chinese, and the Japanese is going to go..."

Qin Fang immediately stood very firmly on the side of Tang Feifei, and said it very seriously and solemnly.

Xiao Muxue and Wen Yanran, then they thought of something, and they all expressed their support. Among the three people, Tang Feifei’s age is the smallest, but she is a well-deserved big sister. They just had some smugness, and actually took it. Forgotten, nature is to remedy.

Tang Feifei had some depressed faces. When she heard the words of Qin Fang, she suddenly became brilliant. However, she still had to rebut her face. "If you want to teach her Chinese, you must first communicate in Japanese!"

So, in this way, Qin Fang’s harem team has grown stronger, but Songdao Caizi is a harem, but her identity belongs to the big house. Qin Fang directly assigned her to Tang Feifei, and by the way, Chinese.

"Finally, the price is over 100 million..."

The Qin side is pleased that this first set of technology has finally been shot, and the buyer is still a native of the island. "Hey, the island people, waiting to cry..."

"This second set is sold to Koreans... Hey, that's a good idea! I am a bad guy..."

However, Qin’s bad idea has obviously had a better continuation, and the unlucky ones will continue to increase!

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