Omni Genius

Chapter 360: Detoxification (1)

Chapter 360 Detoxification (1)

"Qin Fang! Qin Fang..."

It was only the Qin Fang’s thought that just came up, and a rushing voice came from the ear, interrupting Qin’s next thoughts, and suddenly Qin Fang could not help but frown.

Things like this are thought to be thought of in the thinking, no one will have a good mood, because such a small interruption, perhaps just passed a certain goal, it is a pity of.

"What are you looking for?"

Looking at Luo Qi, who was gradually entering, Qin Fang was very unsatisfied and asked a question, the tone was quite bad, which also corresponded to his mood at this time.

If it is in peacetime, who dares to talk to himself, Luo Hao has already squatted up, but this time Luo's reaction is somewhat strange, just wrinkled his brow, and did not react too much.

Only the expression on her face sold her mood at this time - anxious! sad! despair!

"Qin Fang, can you know the poison in my grandfather, then you must have a way to detoxify?"

Luo Wei was also anxious at this time. The original strong character had already collapsed. The pretty face was even more tearful. It seemed that she felt that she was a weak girl, not the one last night. The cold and violent policewoman of Qin Fang spent.

Just now, on the other side of the main house, the Ukrainian people held a family meeting. Almost all the people who could qualify for the idea were all in the dojo. Even Wu Zhewu, who rarely participated in family affairs, came over.

Wu Ming reported such a new situation to everyone present, and also clearly showed that in addition to the injuries, Wu Lao had one of the most deadly injuries - that is, the poisonous five poisons.

Almost everyone changed their face when they heard the term five poisons.

They are able to stand here, they are all martial arts people, almost all of them are very afraid of the notorious poison of Wuling San, but they never thought that such a poison would fall on their own master. Father, grandfather, grandfather's head...

Luo Wei was also present. When she heard the five poisons scattered, her whole person instantly softened.

Undoubtedly, she is a very strong girl, and her personality growth is most affected by her father Luo Youheng, precisely the grandfather Wu Lao.

Like Cai Qing, she is also an old man who looks at growing up. The talent is not too bad, and Wu Lao’s person is extremely rigid and strong. This is because he is highly poisonous and seriously injured. It is not difficult to see that it is affected by such an old man, and Luo’s character is quite strong.

Even her violent and overbearing style of action is very similar to that of Wu Lao.

You must know that Luo Wei had suffered a big loss in the hands of Qin Fang last night, and even he was attacked by rudeness. He just wanted to rely on violent means to retaliate, instead of being as shy and crying as a woman...


Luo Yan looked at the Qin side with a eager look. He hoped that Qin Fang would be able to nod his head. Unfortunately, Qin’s answer is still negative. He really has no way to detoxify.

Just now, he had such an idea. It was just an idea of ​​his own. He also planned to study the pet that had just hatched. Maybe he could get some hints from it, maybe it would be feasible.

Unfortunately, he has not yet put into action, and his thoughts have been interrupted by Luo Wei’s scream.


Luo Yan’s face was stunned and he immediately became angry.

She sincerely invited Qin Fang to help, but now the attitude of Qin Fang makes her feel that Qin Fang seems to have a grievance.

She is not the kind of woman with big brains. She immediately thinks about what happened last night. She feels that Qin Fang must have had such an attitude because she had a hate for her last night.

"Qin Fang, last night's thing, I am not right, I sincerely apologize to you! Sorry..."

Luo Wei is also able to bend and stretch, although there is some anger in my heart, but compared with the safety of my grandfather Wu Lao, it can be temporarily put aside, immediately apologize to Qin.

"Er... this..."

Qin Fang was even more surprised. Last night, things happened to be like that. Luo’s resentment against him is not so strong. I met again today. At that time, the grievances were almost skyrocketing. I didn’t expect this. It didn't take long for Luo Wei to seem to have changed completely.

Not only did the Qin Fang swallow, but also whispered and pleaded!

Qin Fang also understands that this is not the height of his personal charm of Qin Fang. It is entirely that Luo Wei cares about the safety of Wu Lao. Wu Lao is in the middle of Wu Du San, which was discovered by Qin Fang and also exported some dramas. Toxic toxins, this is a good indication that Qin Fang may have a cure.

The reason why I refused to take it, perhaps because of some other reasons.

It is not acceptable to force it. It is not the behavior of the Wu family. It is even more incapable of coercing in such a way. If the Qin party is to break through a fish, then the biggest loss is their Wu family.

This is what Luo Wei pleaded with Qin Fang in such a low voice, even if it is forgotten last night.

"First wait... I will ask you one thing first!"

This does not say that last night, Qin Fang may have really forgotten it. Now, when he mentions it, he thinks about it instead.

"You ask, you ask..."

Luo Yan’s eyes suddenly brightened, only when Qin Fang had to ask for anything.

"What happened to the case last night? Is there a clue to the murderer?"

It’s just something that Qin Fang wants to ask, and there are some differences between Luo’s imagination, or the difference is quite large.

Luo Wei hesitated a moment. The impact of this case is quite bad. At present, the city bureau has already sent additional personnel to investigate, and even the leaders in the city have expressed concern. Now the pressure on the police is really great.

Originally, the case of this case should not be told by the Qin side, but she also vaguely knew yesterday that Qin Fang also had some background. In addition, Qin Fang was an apprentice of Cai Pingyuan. Now she has to ask for the Qin side. Nodded and said it.

At present, there is not a lot of information on this case. The police have also conducted a detailed investigation of the incident and confirmed the identity of the deceased. The autopsy report on the forensic side has also come out.

The male deceased is an official second generation, but it is not a local Jiujiang, but a child of a leader in the province. The reason for the death is that he was directly smashed his head with a tiger head.

The female deceased is a female college student in Jiujiang. She is a tour guide. It is said that the two are known on the Lushan side. Then they went out to play together twice, and it happened that the relationship happened. The reason for the death was Crushed the throat to death.

As for the posture of two people when they died, it was precisely the posture of their death. The location was not the Audi car of Qin Fang, but a mountain path about 500 meters away.

"What about the suspect?"

Qin Fang immediately asked, this is a major event related to his reputation, he naturally has to care.

But there is another reason, he did not say it.

"There is no specific target yet..."

Speaking of this, Luo Wei looked at Qin Fang intentionally or unintentionally, but in the end it was still not said, even though she still doubted it.

"I have leaked a lot of important information. Is there any way to help my grandfather detoxify? If it doesn't work, I...I..."

Luo Wei is also very angry. Qin Fang has been grinding with him for a long time. They are asking about the case last night. Although she is also concerned about the case, it is only compared with her grandfather’s condition. It’s clear enough.

"If you can't, I will find someone else! I... I go to Yungui, go to Miao Village, I can definitely find a drug that can detoxify..."

Luo Wei was not too angry, and he had already spoken incoherently. This is also a concern.

Wudu San is good from Miaojiang, but in fact, Miaozhai has a big difference with Miaozhai for many years. The configuration of this Wudusan has been lost for a long time, let alone The method of detoxification.

"Wait, detoxification Dan..."

Listening to Luo Wei said that Qin Fang suddenly remembered something and immediately opened the skill panel.

In the pharmaceutical industry, I quickly found the prescription of the prescription, where there is a prescription lying on the side - detoxification.

The prescription for detoxification was originally caused by the golden-topped cockatoo snake. Although it is clear that the snake venom of the golden-crowned cockatoo snake can be solved, it should have a very powerful effect since it burst out.

Wu poison powder is certainly overbearing, but it may be slightly inferior to the snake venom of the Jinding cockscomb, which is extremely toxic. This is something that Qin Fang has a deep understanding.

It is also very poisonous, the ground that has been eroded by venom. The five poisonous powders just make the wood become black, but the golden-topped cockscombs originally had the feeling of being a thousand miles, and the whole place was dark. The black has penetrated into the stone.

In comparison, Wudu San is obviously much weaker.

What's more, the dose of Wudu in Wu's body is not very heavy. This detoxification may actually have a miraculous effect.

"In fact, Wu Duo San is not without medicine."

Qin Fang was silent for a moment, then he said quietly. "It’s just that the material needed is too rare..."

This can't be blamed for the fact that Qin Fang is too pretentious. Even when he knows these formulas, he can't help but feel some egg pain. This is not in the game, but in reality, where to find these materials.

There are some in his hand, but he is very convenient for this trip, especially to keep those things in Ninghai, and stay in the safe of the sawmill cabin.

And the vault, in addition to Qin Fang himself, is that Tang Feifei and Xiao Muxue can't open, even if they want to get it, they can't get those things.

Not to mention that things are bound to the Qin side. Except for Qin Fang himself, no one can take it. If you can see it, you still have two.

And now the time is so tight, even if it is found, it is too late.

"As long as you say something, we can definitely find it. You can say it quickly, let's say..."

Qin Fang has his own difficulties, but does not affect Luo Jing's excitement.

Originally, she almost gave up this hope, but I did not expect that the sudden turn of the peak, Qin Fang actually said that there may be a way.

As for the material, Wu Jiaxiong and Jiujiang have been in this area for decades, and their financial resources are quite strong. As long as they are willing to spend money, they will not be able to buy anything.

"Wait... Detoxification for your grandfather, but I have to promise me one thing..."

Qin Fang thought about it for a moment, but did not say the prescription, but looked at Luo Yan and grinded it, and immediately said.

It is not Ninghai here. It is unfamiliar in life. It is difficult for him to get involved in this case. It is to let Luo Xiao help, maybe there is still a little hope.

As for the material, Qin Fang thought about it. If Wujia really couldn't find the material, he would go back to Ninghai at night and bring things back, so he is not worried about this.

"You... As long as you can detoxify my grandfather, I can promise you anything!"

It’s just that what happened to Qin’s accident was that Luo’s face became quite ugly, but in the end he still had a bite, but he did not hesitate to agree, but from her beautiful eyes, she could still see A deep irony and contempt.

"Eh... what do you want? Forget it, don't bother to tell you..."

Qin Fang noticed that this kind of eyes was also a burst of ignorance, and then he understood what Luo Xin thought in his heart, and his feelings were to regard him as a ghost.

However, this matter is really not very easy to explain. Even if he said that he is not himself, then he must believe in it.

Just from the current situation, Luo Wei will definitely not believe you.

"I will write a recipe for you, and quickly go find someone to look for. You must confirm whether you can find it before 5 pm, don't say it early..."

Qin Fang immediately found a pen and paper. According to the prescription of Jiedu Dan and some tools needed, all of them were written down and all were handed to Luo Wei’s hand.

The reason for determining a time is mainly that there are many nights and long dreams. Wu’s physical condition is very bad. The estimated three days is only a rough time, and the conservative estimate of Qin Fang may be two days.

If it is impossible to find it before five o'clock, then Qin Fang will have to rush back to Ninghai to pick up things overnight, and then come back, this is only a day of delay, and the rest of the day will allow Qin Fang to detoxify Made out.

As for whether this detoxification Dan can solve the poison of Wu Duo's body, it can only be resigned, and it has already exceeded the scope of Qin Fang's ability.

The explanation of Jiedu Dan is very clear. The efficacy of Jiedu Dan is closely related to the level of pharmaceutical technology. The pharmaceutical practice of Qinfang is now 0% of the primary. It is simply starting from scratch. Can the detoxification of refining can remove the five poisons? It’s hard to say that the poison of the scattered poison is not even a big dose.

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