Omni Genius

Chapter 362: Detoxification (3)

Chapter 362 Detoxification (3)

The quiet room prepared by Wu Ming for the Qin Dynasty is the study room of the Wu family's father. There are many books in the book, most of which are ancient books. The texts inside are also in classical Chinese.

This was all passed down from the Uygur family, and some of them were damaged. The rest are very cherished. Even these books are not very valuable, but the things passed down by the ancestors are especially valued by the old people.

The reason why I chose here is mainly because there is a small compartment in the study, which is the ancient secret room. It is just that the organs are destroyed. The Wu family has installed a door, but it is quite quiet.

The materials needed by Qin Fang were also sent to the quiet room, and all kinds of tools were also available. Qin Fang had a little bit of it, and after confirming that there was no omission, he had to close the door and start the pharmaceutical industry.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at this follow-up Luo Wei, Qin Fang suddenly frowned, he is about to start dispensing, but I don't want any of his actions to be discovered, let alone someone staring at it.

"I... I want to stare at you, in case you... how do I know that you are not dispensing?"

Luo Wei is also a bit afraid of Qin Fang, especially the sharpness of the eyes that Qin Fang occasionally circulates, so she can't help but feel a little tremble.

However, she was never the kind of woman who would accept the loss. She immediately felt that she was not the chest of the chest, and she was very confident.

"That's just you..."

Qin Fang waved his hand and turned to go outside.

"You... why are you going?"

Luo Wei slightly stunned, just thought that Qin Fang was so good to talk, but I did not expect Qin Fang to go to the medicine, but turned to go out, suddenly anxious, grabbed Qin Fang, and endured Do not live in a hurry.

"Don't you stare here? Then you stare at it... When are you not staring, I will come again!"

Qin Fang shrugged, it is indifferent to say, "Wu Lao is a very respected predecessor of Qin, but since his own relatives do not care about his life and death, why should my outsider go to nostalgia?"

"You... I am leaving! This is the way!"

Although there have been several encounters with the Qin side, without exception, Luo Wei has all ended in a fiasco, this time is still the same, obviously she is fighting the Qin side.

Even if she hated Qin Fang in her heart, but at this most critical juncture, she must not be left in bed because of her anger, and her dying grandfather died of such illness.

In the end, she had no choice but to bow her head.

The door was closed, and Qin Fang also bolted the door from the inside, so that no one would come in, and he could also have peace of mind.

All kinds of materials are placed in special utensils. This is specially explained by Qin Fang, so Wuming is also explained. The freshness of some materials has a considerable impact on the results of the dispensing. Qin Fang Don't dare to be sloppy.

Although Qin Fang is not a promise to the Ukrainian family, if it is really not configured to detoxify Dan, God knows what the Uighurs will do with him, even if the master Cai Ping will be affected.

Qin Fang's props can guarantee the freshness of the items, even if it is a long time, it is still the same as the original, but it does not mean that other people who collect drugs can do so, he has to be careful and cautious.

Fortunately, the result is not bad, maybe there will be some impact, it is not too big.

Of course, Qin Fang did not expect that the things he wanted could be found, although they were partial. For example, some materials of the snake, Jiujiang has a special breeding base for snakes, and the King Cobras are hundreds of thousands. As long as you are willing to spend money, there is no problem with how much you want.

These snake gallbladders and snake eyes are all killed now, not to mention the venom. This is the money-making project that people are all ready-made. The only trouble is the saliva of the snake, but a large number of people are dispatched and hundreds of The snakes were collected, gathered more and more, and also made a hundred milliliters.

The other ones are all in the same way. In short, they are heavy, and there are quite a lot of people under the Wu family. They act together and get it all in a few hours.

If Qin Fang is going to do this, even in Ninghai, I am afraid that I will not be able to get the weight of the present in a few days.

"This is the one hundred years old ginseng of the master?"

However, the most surprising thing for Qin Fang is that it is a century-old ginseng that is similar to Cai Ping’s one.

Wrong, not similar, simply!

This old ginseng had been originally in the box by Cai Ping, and the box was the one that Cai Plain had always held in his hand. Qin Fang also waited for the Wu family to collect materials, and Cai The plains chatted a few words, only to know that the box contained this baby.

"Oh, it really is how many years old brothers, this feeling..."

Qin Fang is very touched. This old ginseng has been in the fast three hundred years, and the whole shows human figures. It is definitely a treasure of value.

Only after Cai Qing knew the prescriptions prescribed by Qin Fang, he gave Qin Fang without hesitation, or gave him an old friend for many years. This friendship really has nothing to say.

After the material is counted, Qin is convenient to start dispensing.

Qin Fang has a drug collection skill that is compatible with the pharmaceutical skills. This is to make the dosage of Qin Fang easy to dispense. These materials are still very fresh, have not been processed, and can not be used directly. What Qin has to do is to reclassify these materials with his medicinal skills.

The use of drug collection is actually the same as the drug collection in online games. For example, this pile of snakes, that is, the saliva of the snake, Qin Fang opened the bottle and released a drug-harvesting skill against the inside.

So there was a progress bar in the mind of Qin Fang. In the past, no brush was used. In a space in the prop box of Qin Fang, there will be a unit such as "Snake".

Fortunately, these can be accumulated, occupy only one prop box, and then the number continues to increase until the bottle is empty or unable to extract a complete unit.

Of course, these herbs can at least show a rough physical appearance in the props box, but if they are taken out, they appear in the form of a crystal.

For example, snakes are white crystals, snakes are cyan crystals, snakes are black crystals, venoms are red crystals, and so on. Only Qin Fang can distinguish which color crystals correspond to which materials.

This is actually a very easy job. Everything is automatic. The Qin party can just stand there, and even he can play a little.

However, the amount of various materials is really quite a lot. It is this automatic and convenient way of collecting medicines, and it still takes Qin Fang to spend nearly an hour to prepare all the materials.

Fortunately, you can take it out and put it on the table. Otherwise, Qin’s free 6-piece props box is really not enough. For this reason, Qin Fang also specially glanced at his experience value. It is not very far from level 4, but it is not Too close, Qin Fang wants to upgrade quickly, then it is necessary to find another way.

When everything is ready, Qin Fang began to officially start refining. At this time, the formula really reveals its role. Each crystal is a unit. The prescription obtained by Qin Fang clearly marked various materials. It is very simple to know how many units each needs.

Soon a piece of material needed to detoxify Dan was prepared. Qin Fang immediately whispered a "pharmaceutical technique" to these materials. Just like the previous drug collection, there was a progress bar in Qin’s mind.

However, the speed of reading this progress bar is obviously much slower, and the reading is completed in at least one minute.

“Refinery failed, pharmaceutical proficiency +1.”

The material in the hand disappeared without a trace, and nothing was left. Even the dregs were not available. The only thing left was the proficiency of pharmaceuticals.

"Can it still fail?"

Qin Fang is also somewhat surprised, but I don't think much about it. Even in the game, there is no guarantee that every refining will succeed. This is understandable.

Therefore, Qin Fang took the material again according to the prescription, and meditation on "pharmaceutical surgery" in his heart. The progress reading bar was once again in his mind.

“Refinery failed, pharmaceutical proficiency +1.”

The prompt appeared again, but the result is still the same.

"It's still a failure... come again!"

Take medicine, pharmaceutical...

“Refinery failed, pharmaceutical proficiency +1.”

“Refinery failed, pharmaceutical proficiency +1.”

"Refining success, get a detoxification Dan. Proficiency +5."

Until the fifth time, the prompts were finally no longer "refinery failure". This time, the refining was successful, and I got a detoxification Dan. At this time, I was quietly lying in the palm of Qin.

Without hesitation, Qin Convenience is a scouting skill that has been thrown away. Nowadays, the detection skills are not too far away from the upgrade, and the results of the detection are more and more accurate.

"Detoxification Dan, grade: one product, quality: 35."

The content is not a lot, it is just two simple ones, there is no comparison, Qin Fang did not know that this detoxification is not qualified.

"Continue to refine..."

Qin Fang hesitated for a moment, and felt that he would continue to refining, refining several times, and getting a few more detoxification dan, so that he could compare the results.

“Refinery failed, pharmaceutical proficiency +1.”

“Refinery failed, pharmaceutical proficiency +1.”


"Refining success, get a detoxification Dan. Proficiency +5."

Another success, Qin Fang did not go to investigate, but left it aside, he himself continued to refine the medicine.

“Refinery failed, pharmaceutical proficiency +1.”

“Refinery failed, pharmaceutical proficiency +1.”


"Refining success, get a detoxification Dan. Proficiency +5."


In this way, Qin Fang did not know how much time he spent in total. Until the materials he gave birth were not enough to continue to support him, he would have to stop, but there are still some materials left. a lot of.

"12 detoxifications... 124 proficiency."

This is the final result of Qin’s labor. He has forgotten how many times he has refining it, but the final harvest is so much, much less than he expected, but when he thinks about the success rate of the egg, Qin Fang only Can helplessly smile, can have 12 detoxification Dan, he can already snicker.

"The grades are all one. It seems that this should be the grade of detoxification. This is no problem..."

Qin Fang checked all 12 detoxification dan, all of them are one product. Without any difference, he would not have to go deeper, mainly to see quality.

"There are two of the quality below 30, five of 30...50, three of 50...70, two of 70..."

The quality of the last twelve detoxifications is probably such a range. The best two qualities are above 70. There is no doubt that these two will be taken by Qin Fang to Wu Lao, but before that, Qin Fang also A small test must be done first.

The door of the quiet room was opened, the lights in the study room were still lit, and several people were quietly sitting in the doorway waiting for the day. The sky outside was dark all day long. It turned out to be late at night, and several people looked very good. Exhausted, but no one chooses to leave.


Luo Wei was the first to discover that Qin Fang came out, and immediately screamed, and several other people also raised their heads, all looking at Qin Fang with a longing look.

"Fortunately, not insulting!"

Qin Fang looked a little tired, but still squeezed a little smile and said.

"Great, go now, Mashan..."

Wu Ming's slammed his palm and said excitedly.

Although it is already late at night, but for every Wu family, the ultimate father who is lying in bed, do not cure the father, they can not sleep at all.

"Let's go... is the test item ready?"

Qin Fang nodded. He couldn’t wait to know the result, but he said to Luo Wei, who was next to him.

"All are ready..."

Luo Hao immediately nodded, this is specially explained by the Qin side, not within the scope of the prescription.

Wu Lao was in the middle of Wu Du San, the dose was not very heavy, the toxicity did not reach the level of seeing the blood seal, which made Wu Lao still survive for nearly 20 days under such a serious injury.

Qin Fang's two detoxification dans with a quality of more than 70, although not 100% quality, can not be too low, since it can even solve the venom of the golden-topped cockscomb snake, then the five poisons of Wu Lao The toxicity of the powder should be no problem.

However, Qin Fang still intends to experiment first to what extent the toxicity of Wu Lao’s body is...

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