Omni Genius

Chapter 370: suspects

Chapter 370 Suspects

First, thank you for your bookmates to buy food to become the fifth rudder of the book, thank you very much!


"Qin Fang, what are you doing with so many buns?"

Luo Wei has always wanted to ask this question. The food intake of a person is very limited. The soup bag that Qin Fang has made is not very big. But the problem is that if the quantity is piled up, it is quite scary.

Every time the Qinfang steamer is at least five or six cages, up to sixteen each cage, it counts down to steam one hundred.

As for the two of them, let go of the stomach and eat, can eat two cages for one person is already the level of the big stomach king, then add up and even steamed buns can not finish.

After the Qinfang steamed out a batch of steamed buns, it did not stop, but continued to be busy. It seems that there are still signs of continuing to expand to scale. Luo Hao finally couldn’t help it. He immediately took the Qin Fang and was puzzled. Asked.

Although some rich people are some quirks that people don't understand, but it is really rare to see them like Qin Fang. It is no wonder that Luo Wei thinks that Qin's spirit is problematic.

"If you are hungry, you should eat first. I naturally have my purpose..."

However, it is obvious that Qin Fang could not tell Luo Wei, but pointed out that some of the soup bags that were picked up by Qin Fang said that his movements were not affected at all.


Luo Hao suddenly felt a bitter smile, and said that he had a few words about Qin Fang, but he felt that he did not seem to have this qualification, and he could only helplessly shake his head, just as her stomach was a little hungry, and immediately took a few Only the soup bag sat down beside Qin Fang and opened it.

"Oh... tastes good!"

At the entrance of a steamed buns, Luo Wei was very surprised, not as unpleasant as I imagined.

Or, the taste is really good, the thick juice, the sweet and delicious meat stuffing, even the bun skin is quite tasty, all together, the taste... really good!

Even Luo Wei thinks that this buns are the best buns that he has eaten for more than 20 years.

One finished, gently rubbed his lips, suddenly felt the lips and teeth, and no other people's soup bag as greasy, but quite delicate.

So... Luo Wei couldn't help but eat the second one.

Qin Fang just smiled a little, and Luo Wei ate the defective products he made, but he knew that Qin Fang is now a high-end cooking, with additional attributes +10, even if it is such a defective product, at least Delicious +5 or more, how many people can make a soup bag that can have such a delicious taste?

Qin Fang continued to sit there to make his steamed buns. The boss of the buns shop could only watch it beside him. He saw that Luo Wei was so fragrant, he couldn’t help but secretly tasted one, and his eyes were straight. The proprietress was also very savvy, and immediately pushed the boss to the front of Qin Fang, very carefully staring at every movement of Qin Fang, busy there to steal the teacher.

In this regard, Qin Fang did not ban them. If they really have the ability to learn something from him, it would be their skill.

Time passed slowly, and Luo Hao had already had enough support. It seemed that the road would not necessarily move. Qin Fang sent her back to the car to rest, and he continued his own. manual labor.

Until Qin Fang picked out about 200 pieces of the best soup bag with a life value of +3 from hundreds of buns, Qin Fang stopped it. Putting these best soup bags, they are ready to flash directly. It is.

"Boss, these buns..."

The buns shop boss looked at the pile of buns that were placed there. How to look at it was three or four hundred. As long as it was sold, at least two or three hundred would be earned. Especially these buns are quite delicious. It’s a pity that it’s just a pity, it’s a waste.

In other words, compared with the buns made by Qin Fang, the ones they did are not eaten by people. The gap is too big. They also want to secretly learn the Qinbian to make buns and see if they can The taste, even half is enough.


Qin Fang waved his hand, those buns that were just ordinary life value +1, not only had a huge gap between the attributes and the buns of his life value +3, but also the taste was obviously a lot lower.

His original intention is not really to do the buns, just for the buns on the hand, and now the purpose has been reached, then the rest of them have no meaning.

"This is not going to be... Thank you, thank you!"

The boss’s two glimpses were quite unexpected, but then I immediately thanked me with a smile.

Qin Fang did not say anything about this. With the two big bags on his hand, he went straight to Luo’s car. Now, outside, these buns are not suitable for throwing them directly into the props, and they can only use this method. It is.

"You can be considered back..."

When Qin Fang got on the bus, Luo Hao had already taken a nap in the car, but look at her slightly raised belly, knowing that she was eating too much, I don’t know if she had several The month is pregnant.

"Let's go..."

Qin Fang just smiled and did not chat with her.

"Where are you going? You are not going to let me go to work like this." Luo Wei was asking for it, pointing to his stomach.

"Go to the tourist school..."

Qin Fang is also helpless. Luo Wei is a famous violent policewoman. Although she is very beautiful, she belongs to the type of beast that is not allowed to enter. Generally, men can’t hold her, so she is still single, police. How many people in the team are looking forward to having a violent man to soak away this violent girl, then they are happy.

If you go to the Interpol team with such a big belly, it is estimated that the Qin side will be marked with the nameplate of “violent police and fake boyfriend”. That is not a good thing, even though they are really stupid.

"You want to check it out from that girl?"

Luo Hao nodded. She was a local, and she was familiar with everywhere. While driving to the destination, she discussed the plan with Qin.

"Now there is no clue. Your police started to investigate from the enemy of the second generation who was killed. Then we will do the opposite and look up from the girl..."

Qin Fang nodded. The file of this case has already been read. He has not received much information. The main reason is that the killing motive of this killer is very unclear.

If he wants to kill Wu Lao in order to avenge Chen Qingsong, then why should he kill this pair of young men and women?

The second generation of the official is not a good bird, but the power of the family has done a lot of bad things, especially very lascivious, the number of women who have played is quite a lot, and even forced several times, killing several girls. ......

On the whole, the police think that the murderer is the enemy of the second generation of the official judgment is still relatively reliable, this is mainly from this side.

As for this girl, it is just an ordinary college student. The family is in a normal condition. It is a relatively innocent one. It has always been single and a little bit of vanity. Therefore, while part-time tour guides at school, occasionally go to nightclubs. That kind of girl who is very open.

Of course, in this kind of tourist school, many beautiful girls are of almost the same type. Whoever makes a woman willing to pay, the money will come quite fast.

At least Qin Fang also heard that a sophomore beauty posted a post on a website and said that she would sleep four nights to buy a crazy mobile phone. The small appearance looks really good.

This tourist school in Jiujiang is an ordinary vocational school. The mountainous area is a very famous attraction in China. The number of tourists in each year is quite large, so the demand for tour guides is quite large.

The tour guide can also eat the youthful meal. After a few years, he basically changed his career to do something else, or he caught a wealthy Kay to go to Xiaosan, Xiaosi and Xiaowu.

This is also a kind of ethos, so the number of beautiful girls here is quite large, and they are quite open. As long as they can afford to play, there is no problem in playing double flight, three flight and four flight.

Of course, there are still many boys here. For example, when Qin Fang and Luo Wei arrived, they also saw many people playing basketball on the basketball court. Many girls were waving flags, shouting and cheering there.

And Luo Wei is directly with the Qin side to find their goal - the girl who was killed by Xue Yu's roommate.

The police had already communicated with each other two days earlier, and made a transcript. The telephone with the contact was very convenient. It didn’t take long for the girl, Cao Zhenzhen’s girl came out and went directly to the Qin party. Car.

"Cao, you don't be nervous, we just have a few questions to ask you..."

Luo Wei showed his police officer's card to Cao Zhenzhen, but the girl still looked nervous, just like she did the last transcript.

This does not blame her, Xue Yu’s death is very miserable, and she is a good friend of Xue Yu’s roommate. The relationship between the two is quite good. When she was cold in winter, she still slept in a bed and slept, but now she is not Dare to stay alone in the dormitory.

Qin Fang was frowning, did not say anything, immediately lost a few mind readings to this very nervous Cao Zhenzhen.

It is very impolite to feel the other person's psychological activities without the permission of others, but for this case, Qin Fang can only do this.

Luo Wei is the same as the original transcript. The old question has been asked again, and although Cao Zhenzhen is nervous, he can still answer honestly. Basically, the answer is similar to the previous one.

"Cao, I have a question to ask, is Xue Yu really not a boyfriend before?"

But at the same time as Luo Wei and Cao Zhenzhen asked, Qin Fang, who was sitting in the driving position, who had been silent for a moment, suddenly asked.

Cao Zhenzhen glimpsed a little, and there was a glimmer of eagerness in his eyes, but he still shook his head and said, "No, she doesn't have a boyfriend, this is something everyone knows!"

For Qin Fang’s sudden insertion, Luo Wei was also slightly stunned, and then looked at Cao Zhenzhen’s reaction, just to capture the slightest anomaly in her eyes.

"So who is Chen Liang?"

However, the Qin side will not give up on this, but the tone will be more severe, and the eyes will be more instant.

"Chen Liang... Chen Liang is my boyfriend!"

Cao Zhenzhen was so scared by Qin Fang, but even a heart screaming, but still bite his teeth and said.

"Your boyfriend?"

Upon hearing this answer, Qin Fang, who was cold-faced, suddenly laughed. "Cao, I hope that you can tell us the truth. Xue Yu’s death is suspected by the police. The murderer’s murder is very cruel, and his The character has been distorted. He can kill Xue Yu in this way today. Then it is possible to kill other girls in a more cruel way... even possibly you!"

The words of Qin Fang are quite heavy. It seems that they are convincing each other, but how to listen is like a threatening tone. Even a violent policeman like Luo Wei can't help but frown.


Wow! !

Cao Zhenzhen was actually scared and cried, and a pretty pretty face was even more white. It was obvious that she was scared this time.

Luo Hao immediately lost a white eye to Qin Fang, and he wanted to comfort Cao Zhenzhen, but Qin Fang took her and gently shook his head.

Luo Wei is also strange, but she knows that Qin Fang said that this must have its own purpose, and it will no longer be heard. She also feels that Cao Zhenzhen seems to have concealed something.

"Xue Wei... Xue Yu really has no boyfriend! Chen Liang... Chen Liang wants to chase Xue Yu, but Xue Yu does not like him..."

Cao Zhenzhen cried for a while, and saw no one comforting himself. The crying was gradually getting smaller. I saw Qin Fang and Luo Wei looking at themselves with a calm look. In the end, they had no choice but to speak. .

"Talk about your relationship with Chen Liang..."

Qin Fang still has that expression, and his tone is very dull.

"Chen Liang, he is a good man, he can't be the murderer! That day... that night, he has been with me! We... we are all together all night!"

It’s just that Cao Zhenzhen is very excited. Even the tone of his speech is not aggravated by many, and even there are signs of development toward hysteria.

But she did not know, the more she did this, not only to help the man she liked, but to expose his suspicion more.

"Oh, is it? Where did you live that night?"

Qin Fang said it is playful. "You better not lie. Our police will send people to investigate. If you make a false statement, not only do you have legal responsibility, but your boyfriend will also become a suspect... ..."

“Fenglin...Fenglin Hotel!”

Cao Zhenzhen's face is even more pale. She is also a girl who is less than 20 years old. She has very little social experience and knows less about legal common sense. It took a while to tell a place.

“There is less than a kilometer from the scene...”

Luo Gan immediately said in the ear of Qin Fang.

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