Omni Genius

Chapter 375: upgrade! Level 4 spree!

Chapter 375 Upgrade! Level 4 spree!

Adjust the state, it will be even more today. At 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the book will be ushered in a push, and at that time will guarantee at least six more, today I will spare my brother! !


Looking at the quiet lying on the grass, there is no life of Chen Liang, Qin Fang's heart is only quite helpless and pity, but it does not feel that Chen Liang should not die.

On the contrary, such a ferocious and distorted killer should really not continue to live in this world, which would make others safer.

At the moment when Chen Liang fell, Qin Fang’s eyes immediately flashed a little light, and there was a sign on Chen Liang’s side that could pick up the items. Obviously, although Chen Liang was dead, he still left the Qin party. A lot of things have been made, and now all of them have exploded in the form of props.

This point is very similar to the original Golden-topped Crested Snake. Qin Fang has obtained a lot of good things from the Golden Top Cocks.

For example, this justice ring in hand, although Qin Fang has not yet understood what the purpose of this **** justice ring is, but this does not affect its existence, nor does it affect the importance that Qin Fang attaches to it. Always looking for hidden secrets.

In addition, there are a lot of materials collected from the Golden-crowned cockscomb snakes, some of which are common materials and some of which are necessary for dispensing.

These things are all very careful to hide!

Qin Fang did not go to pick up the items that Chen Liang burst out. Anyway, this thing was placed there. Except for Qin Fang’s own discovery, other people could not see anything even if they looked at it with a microscope.

"You successfully killed lv4 Chen Liang and gained 800 points of experience!"

Almost at the same time that Chen Liang was killed by Qin Fang, the tips for gaining experience this time were faster than usual, and the experience of the Qin party was filled with a small amount of blanks. It is.

“Experience value has reached full value, meets the upgrade conditions, and automatically upgrades...”

"People level upgrade to level 4, full attribute +5..."

"System reward: a book of skills."

“The item box is automatically upgraded and can be upgraded to 24 grids using the number of grids.”

Qin Fang’s upgrade experience has reached the target value, and the level has also been upgraded to level 4, which is what Qin Fang expected.

Really, when this reminder came, Qin Fang couldn’t help but wave his fist. It seemed quite exciting and exciting. The efforts of these few months were not in vain. In the meantime, it was almost twice sent out. My own life.

Once, I faced the Golden Top Crested Snake with a level of up to 5th level and a dangerous level even more than the 7th-level master. At that time, Qin Fang almost had half a foot into the ghost gate.

And a few minutes ago, another time, Chen Liang’s attack made the Qin side almost regretted that he did not kill him directly. The Qin point of 22 points of life was rushed by the tiger head that had already blocked a considerable part of its strength. Hardly squatting a full 18 points of health.

Qin Fang does not have to doubt that if it is really hit by Chen Liang’s tiger head, Qin Fang will definitely die.

However, Qin Fang did not have any regrets. The two escapes from the dead, but brought him a very rich return, directly let him rush into the 4th level.

If the huge experience of these two times increases, Qin Fang’s time to enter level 4 may need to be delayed for one or two months, but now he has already broken through to level 4, saving one or two months, so These two adventures are quite worthwhile.

"Level 4..."

This time the upgrade is really hard enough. As the level continues to increase, the experience value required for the upgrade will be more and more, but the access to the experience value is very poor.

Generally speaking, it is to play mobs and do tasks. The problem is that after the level is high, there is no experience in playing low-level mobs. If he is too high, he is not an opponent. He can only play the same level. Most of them are evenly matched. At most, they are learning from each other. The experience gained is really not high.

The level has increased by 1 level, and the total attribute has increased by 5 points. The values ​​of Qin Fang have reached the height of +20, which is obviously much stronger than before.

These attributes of strength and agility have also reached a rather alarming level, I am afraid that the same level of military can not compare with the Qin side.

Other warriors rarely have a balanced development like Qin Fang. Most of them choose a main direction. For example, the tiger-shaped boxing of the Wu family and the guns of the Cai family are all based on strength. Big, this Qin Fang has been deeply touched, Chen Liang's power of the tiger's head burst out of the power to make the Qin side almost no effort to fight back, it is estimated that the power that broke out at that moment exceeded the power of the Qin side more than doubled.

There are also some similar to snake-shaped fists, monkey fists, etc. These are all close to the dexterity of the boxing method, it is quite light, the power of the shot may not be large, but the speed is quite a block, accumulating in quantity Quality is also a very powerful boxing method.

Of course, this weakness is also very obvious. It is the weakness of this kind of light boxing that is obvious in strength. It can beat the other side but can't hurt the other side.

In the general game, this kind of boxing method is easier to score, but if it is in the fight between life and death, once it is caught, it is simply a dead end, and there is no power to break free from the enemy.

In contrast, Qin Fang is more comprehensive, more powerful than the same level of warrior, and agile is not lost to those who take the smart path.

And these two advantages add up, then it is really very powerful, and the weaknesses are also perfectly filled.

Nowadays, the double attribute is up to +20, which is obviously more powerful.

In addition to strength and agility, Qin Fang is most concerned about the improvement of the value of life, and now Qin's life value has increased from the original 22 points to the current 27 points, which is indeed more secure than before.

Even if he encounters a master who has such a fierce tactic, Hu Fang’s 27-point health is much more reliable than the previous 22 points.

"Finally 24 grids..."

Looking at the props that have been doubled, Qin Fang’s face is full of joy, so he can have more spaces to store the items he needs, even the best soup bag with a life of +3. Bring a few hundred around, so that his life coefficient can be improved a lot.

For the number of grids in the props box, Qin Fang is still very valued, even if more than one grid can be placed more things, especially the number of items that can be superimposed like the best soup bag, can store more .

This time, the increase in Qin Fang is not as simple as two grids, but doubled, with a total of twelve spaces, which is a huge change.

Before Qin, the number of grids for his props was limited, and he could not bring all the items he needed with him. He was always frustrated, so he always looked forward to being able to advance to level 4,

Now, his wish has finally come true, the number of props has finally increased, and there are more than 12 spaces. Qin can also carry more items, and even some of the more private items can be stored. The location is gone.


If the previous changes are considered to be in the expectation of the Qin side, then the light blue skill book at the corner of the props box that is lying quietly makes Qin Fang quite unexpected. It is.

This is not the first time that Qin Fang has upgraded. From the initial level 0, all the way to the current level 4, there have been four upgrades to give the skill book.

The problem is that the skills books that were given before are very common skill book covers, the ancient white ones, but this time the skills book is not the same, actually emitting a faint blue glow, a look Can distinguish it from other skill books.

The Qin side immediately focused on the skill book and immediately saw the three words on the cover - the deformation technique.

It’s just that this doesn’t look good. At first glance, the Qin side is stunned.

"Transformation? What stuff..."

Almost subconscious, Qin Fang felt that he was full of fog, immediately slammed the scouting skills on this skill book, and spent a long time of hard work to understand that this skill is going on, Qin Fang’s There was also a smile on his face.

Metamorphosis, as its name suggests, is a skill that can be deformed.

What is deformation?

For example, one of the simplest examples is the ability to change the shape of the human body. For example, the effect of changing the appearance of the face muscles and bones can be changed, that is, the legendary Yi Rongshu.

Or change the shape of the human body through the cooperation of the body's bones and muscles, such as the bone-removing skills cultivated by some people in the martial arts...

The benefits of easy-to-capacity are obvious, and you can hide your identity more effectively, and even occasionally can have some miraculous effects.

This is not easy to say, but it can make people have more changes. It should be a lot of benefits. Especially when encountering some extremely difficult scenes, the bones may really bring Qin Fang. It’s a huge advantage, at least the general ropes and the like are hard to sleep in the Qin Fang...

Without any hesitation, Qin Fangyu directly learned such a skill, and the proficiency can be slowly improved, so that it can be extremely excellent when it is really needed. It is definitely quite awkward. One thing about the skin.

Basically, the benefits of this level of upgrade are just some of these, and they are very real benefits. Almost every sample makes Qin Fang quite excited.

However, after looking at the upgrade experience required after Level 4, Qin Fang’s face is inevitably ugly, and once again increased by 4 times, reaching a fairly large number of 25,600, and the difficulty of upgrading has greatly improved.

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