Omni Genius

Chapter 420: Thousand doors

Chapter 420 Thousand Doors

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Qin Fang has a thousand skills in his hands. Although his level and proficiency are very general, but with him now he has reached advanced scouting skills, it is absolutely superb and fierce, I am afraid it can be comparable to the advanced thousand. Skills.

It is because of this that Qin Fang is not very worried about this gambling game.

The Jincheng Hall is similar to the Bihai Pavilion in Ninghai. Qin Fang once gambled at Bihai Pavilion, and the underground emperor Li Rui of Ninghai almost did not come to Taiwan. He also had a general understanding of the strength of such a club.

It is precisely this way, Qin Fang is not particularly worried about encountering thousands of kings and gambling kings in the Jincheng Hall. He was also worried that this long-term sect has been around for thousands of years.

In the long history of the Dragon Kingdom, there have been a lot of people who are mysterious and as strong as a meteor. They are all from the thousands of hermits carefully trained and trained.

For example, Su Qin and Zhang Yi were born under the gate of Guiguzi. Zhang Liang was from Huang Shigong. As the so-called thousands of people came out, the world’s great potential will change.

The founder of Thousand Gates is the legendary ancient saint - Xia Wei, the sacred emperor who has won the world with thousands of techniques, and the highest realm of Qian Shu is no more than this.

Everyone knows that the great achievements of Dagu's rule of water, but I don't know how to plan for power, is to eradicate dissidents, to eliminate the tribes' powers and become the master of the world, and to abolish the rituals of the ancient chanting in his son, and to create the history of the dragon country. In the first dynasty, Xia, from then on, Jiangshan Society became a private property of a family name, and the devil of everyone.

The ancient thousand gates were passed down, but they gradually changed their taste. Many thousand branches gradually disappeared and disappeared. However, some branches that were obviously not very high gradually prospered, and the world’s views on the thousand doors also became fundamental. The change has been made.

Nowadays, as long as thousands of doors are advanced, the first impression that people have formed in their minds is that they are abducted. It is a very bad understanding. Thousands of doors are privately existable, but such development is killing thousands of inheritance. It completely introduces astray.

Qin Fang does not know whether there are still inheritances in today's thousand orthodoxy, but he is also like the ordinary people, and the thousands of people who come into contact with him are hardly the right way.

Speaking of thousands of techniques, it is not just about gambling. It contains a lot of content. This gambling is just one of the categories, and the development is more prosperous.

It is because of this that the current thousand gates are all about gambling, and even the gamblers who cheated on the gambling table are directly called "old thousand."

Although these thousands of people may not be thousands of people at all, even the existence of a thousand doors is not known, but they have made some achievements in their own gambling, and this has come out of the world.

But the Qin Fang in front of me is really pure.

The Qin party even took a look at those playing cards, especially after confirming that Ye Ming used thousands of illusions, it would be even more difficult to read. The sooner the easier it is, the more difficult it is. The master is also a dead end, and it is very lucky to be chopped and chopped without losing.

It is a very tragic thing to get rid of thousands of gambling skills. Generally, they are chopping their hands and slashing their feet. The last time they are licking their fingers and picking up their tendons and tendons. There is hardly a good end.

However, thousands of masters rarely miss, even if you are in front of your face, you can not grasp any flaws, because thousands of thousands of skills are too powerful, this thousand illusion can cover everything.

Unless it is a strong master of thousands of masters, it is purely Mars hit the earth, or find that after taking the initiative to avoid the retreat, then everything is safe, or it is the narrow road to meet the brave victory, the war to see the high and low ... win one party Naturally, the pot is full, and the losing party is definitely a defeated one. Even worse, it may be a gamble.

Therefore, Thousand Gates is a very special sect. It is not a condensed one. There may be no one who knows who is inside, and even there is considerable hatred between them.

But once this happens, Qin Fang can break through the thousands of secrets as an ordinary person. That is tantamount to smashing the horse's nest. There are a large number of thousands of masters who come to touch the door. Perhaps it is bright and straight. The challenge may also be to smash the knife in the back and put a cold arrow. In short, it is a lot of trouble.

The Qin side is not afraid of the bright and straightforward moves. The most worrying thing is that the knife is behind. This kind of person is also the most in the thousands. This is the root of the real trouble.

Ye Ming is not terrible at all. Qin Fang can confidently beat him easily, but the master behind Ye Ming is the Qin party to pay attention to. At present, there is no contact. He does not know what kind of path this person is.

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