Omni Genius

Chapter 482: Purple dragon grass

Chapter 482 Purple Dragon Grass



Naturally, business is more important, and two people immediately get up.

With Qin’s physical strength, even if he didn’t sleep for a day or two, it didn’t have much impact. Chu Yu’s tossing last night was enough to sleep, and he slept very well. Although the time was shorter, the deep sleep effect was very good. of.

The two men have been groomed, and there is still no movement in the bedroom. It is estimated that Ye Huan has not yet woken up, and Qin Fang intends to leave with Chu Yu.

"Don't say hello to her?"

Chu Yu gestured to the direction of the bedroom, naturally it said that Ye Huan sleeping in it.

"No need..."

Qin Fang shook his head, and he himself was a little confused about the relationship with Ye Huan. For the time being, two people should not be involved together.

It doesn't matter if Chu Yu doesn't care. She is standing on the side of the Qin side. Since Qin Fang said this, she has the least opinion.

Two people came out from the Hussein's hut. Before leaving, they just lost a note to Ye Huan. Qin Fang arranged for Shen Liang to wait below. If Ye Huan needs to leave the military area, Shen Liang will send her away. It is a lot of things to save the Qin side.

Because Qin is convenient to enter the mountain today, naturally, he can't go to the city to make a special meal. Qiao Zhenfei, Li Yang, and Ai Nan, they will eat at the guest house in the military area.

Although I don't know what happened last night, I thought that things would be too small. Li Yang and some of them were very tacit and did not ask, which made Qinfang more happy.

This is the criterion for the death of these bureaucrats. If they can't even do this, it is estimated that they have been trampled to death.

"I don't have to say anything extra, Qin Fang, my brother has a request - don't fall behind!"

When eating, most of them are discussing the matter of collecting medicine into the mountains, because it is a virgin forest, and there are few people in the world. No one can guarantee that there are no poisonous snakes and beasts inside.

The soldiers of the army have long been accustomed to such an environment. Even the extremely harsh natural environment knows how to deal with it. Li Yang’s own problems are not very big.

But this time they must guarantee the safety of the Qin side. If they accidentally treat the Qin side as a key protection animal, the Qin party is quite uncomfortable.

"no problem!"

Qin Fang opened his mouth and wanted to say that his ability to survive in such an environment is definitely no worse than these special warriors. Unfortunately, none of the people in front of him believe it, and only Chu Xiao is very indifferent. She is the least. Worried for the Qin side.

The target location of Qin Fang is the Dashan Mountain in southern Anhui. This mountain range is quite wide and continuous, and it is connected with the mountains in several surrounding provinces. Among them, there are large and large originals. forest.

Among them is Jiuzhaigou, a very famous scenic spot in Xiqiao...

Of course, most of the scenic spots like this have been artificially modified. Some precious herbs have long been taken away. The upstream people are woven, and the environment has become dirty. But it is not suitable for these. Herbs are grown.

Therefore, Qin’s destination is the virgin forests, which are inaccessible, with a very primitive and natural environment. The air is also very fresh, and only such places can grow the herbs that Qin needs.

It is only such a place where there are fewer people, mountains and rivers, birds, fish, beasts and the like, and there are many more dangers.

Otherwise, Li Yang will not want to protect the Qin side.

Chu Yu did not accompany, even if she really wanted to follow, but she knew that she would only be dragged by the Qin side, and she was very wise to stay.

This is the choice of a smart woman, and Qin Fang also appreciates this point of Chu.

Starting from the Jincheng Military Region, Qin Fang once again took a helicopter gunship to the southern mountain of Weinan. They would stop at a frontier post, put on equipment and match all necessary items, which formed a small unit. Going deep into the mountains.

Everyone's equipment is similar, military green camouflage uniforms, helmets, foot boots, a micro-rush on the body, a pistol around the waist, and a backpack carrying a dry grain and water inside. Some maps, compasses, flashlights, and simple tents that are required are also placed inside.

It seems that there are not many things like this. You can only know how heavy it is when you are on your back. It is not enough to exercise. It is enough to crush him.

"I can't see your kid. This is not a general sturdy. I am going to find someone to help you back!"

This detachment was led by Li Yang personally. The members of the squad were the best special forces in the military region. They could be the ones of one enemy and ten, and several warriors who had survived many days in the jungles of Vietnam, at least Qin Fang looked at the past and actually was a master of level 4.

Of course, this level 4 does not mean anything.

Everyone's fighting skills are not low, and the learning is also the military's killing technique, but with the Qin side one-on-one, Qin Fang has the confidence to kill opponents without damage.

If it is a gun, Qin Fang is more confident that he will kill each other before the other party has done so.

However, this does not mean that their strength is too weak, but their respective development directions are different. If the small team's siege tactics, Qin Fang will definitely be easily annihilated by them.

The soldiers did not rely on singles to win the battle. They needed unity and cooperation.

This is also why so many martial arts masters in the martial arts, few people are their opponents, but once they encounter a large-scale army, even the master-level masters only have the end of hate.

"I have already told you that this little thing is absolutely unnecessary to do so. There are two people who follow me."

Qin Fang did ask for this, but Li Yang did not believe that this would have such a small team.

"This is not to say, I am also considering your safety!"

Li Yang waved his hand, even if Qin Fang is really powerful, he can't have a little omission. "From the map, we can reach the first destination before dark, there is a ring valley, growing The herbal medicine is the purple dragon grass..."

Zilongcao is the first medicinal material in the prescription of the heart of the Qin Dynasty. It is one of the four main medicines. Therefore, when Qinfang chose the route, he chose this route to the valley.

The pedestrians shuttled quickly through the mountains. Because of their strong purpose, they did not dare to make any stops in the middle. The speed of action was naturally very fast.

About two hours away, Qin Fang finally arrived at the first destination - a valley without knowing the name.

Several fighters quickly searched for a favorable position and kept vigilance around them. In such a deep mountain, they must always be vigilant, otherwise no one can guarantee that they will not encounter any fatal threat.

These warriors are all elite in the elite, and the action is very fast, and the position is also very accurate. It is the Qin Fang who can't help but look up.

Qin Fang and Li Yang sneaked into the valley with two soldiers.

The area of ​​this valley is not very large, and the environment inside is quite beautiful. There is a pool of water in the deepest part of the valley, and the purple dragon grass grows on the cliff beside the water pool.

The cliff is smooth and sturdy, extending ten meters above the top, with a thin stream flowing slowly into it.

The whole body of lavender herbs grows between the stone walls. The height is very limited. It is only about three meters. The roots are stuck in the stone walls. The stems and leaves stick out and are curved. It looks like a giant claw. In general, it is estimated that the purple dragon grass is named because of this.

"Qin Fang, take a quick look, is it a purple dragon grass..."

Seeing such a herbal medicine, Qin Fang has not used the detection skills to distinguish its authenticity. Just look at the shape and know that this is definitely the purple dragon grass, but Li Yang seems to be a little excited and shouting.

Although the heart has already identified this herb as the purple dragon grass, Qin Fang is still using the detection skills to identify it, so that it can confirm its authenticity.

"Zilongcao, the second medicine of the elixir, the shape... grows in..., one of the main medicines of Buxin Dan."

Sure enough, the results of the investigation were the same as what Qin expected, and it was the purple dragon grass.

"It's purple dragon grass... I am going to pick medicine!"

Qin Fang had the answer, naturally he wouldn't take Li Yang's, and immediately told him the answer, then Qin was able to prepare the necessary equipment to pick the purple dragon grass.

The scope of the Jincheng Military Region’s surveillance includes the country in the south. The jungle is densely populated and the people are unreasonable and barbaric. Therefore, most of the special forces in the Jincheng Military Region are masters of the jungle warfare. Even the equipment is equipped to adapt to various jungle environments. of.

In such a mountain, there are many kinds of rocky cliffs. Many warriors are masters of climbing, ropes, hooks, suckers, etc., all of which are equipped with them.

This is only a few tens of meters high cliffs, for these fighters, there is no difficulty at all.

Originally, the task of collecting medicines was done by these fighters. That was the best. Unfortunately, they did not understand the method of collecting medicines, so it was easy to destroy the medicinal properties of herbs.

Especially the most essential part of this purple dragon grass is not the stems and leaves that are exposed outside like a dragon. It is precisely its root system, which is the best.

The area of ​​this cliff is not too big, but the number of purple dragon grass is still quite objective. There are as many as five plants that can be seen by the naked eye of Qin. If it is refined, there are absolutely hundreds of medicine beads. As many shares.

How can the Qin party be unhappy with such an objective quantity?

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