Omni Genius

Chapter 507: 砸店

Chapter 507 Shop

Second, ask for a subscription, ***~~~


The knife was dead, and the body was sent away by the mouse. The Qin side also gained an experience value. The number is not a lot, but it is better than nothing.

What really made Qin’s concern was that when Zhang’s knife died, Qin’s fingers uploaded a very refreshing heat flow, which was flowed out from the justice ring worn by Qin Fang.

At the same time, Qin also got two tips that made him very surprised -

“Congratulations on getting a lucky draw, you can get a 20% chance of a basic skill increase.”

“Congratulations for a 20% increase in prosthetic skills.”

It is such two tips, or strictly speaking, a hint, the so-called lucky draw chance, Qin Fang did not understand, this has been automatically extracted, and indeed let Qin Fang a little depressed.

However, the second is obviously a good news. The bast technique is a second-level extension skill. It is a very rare special skill. The chance of getting it is very low. However, the character explosion of Qin Fang acquired this skill.

However, this skill is just like its main skill, and the speed of proficiency improvement is abnormally slow, even if it is now only barely raised to 24%.

With a primary skill increase of 20% per proficiency, 1 point of defense calculation, only to bring 2 points of defense to the Qin side, but now unexpectedly gained 20% proficiency, which is another increase of two defenses, making Qin Fang The defense reached four points.

Today's Qin Fang rank is 4, the health value is 10 points of the initial health, plus 4 levels of each level +5 full attribute, which is 20 points of life, plus physical fitness has now reached 30%, increase The 3-point health value is equal to 10+20+3=33 health.

(Note: The full health value seems to be wrong, here changed to 33, sorry!)

Four points of defense, which is equivalent to reducing the loss of 4 points of life, is equivalent to adding 4 points of life on the original basis, which means that the current life of the Qin side is equivalent to the health of 37 points of defense .

This kind of blood volume is already quite thick, unless it is a very critical fatal knife wound, or a gunshot wound in a key part, other injuries are unlikely to have the life of Qin Fang.

As long as the Qin Fang can not be directly killed, then with so many best soup bags held in the Qin props box, Qin Fang can live longer.

Of course, the more the value of life, the more the Qin side must cherish, after all, the task of the king of the killer on his body is directly ignoring his life value, as long as the task fails, then the system directly forcibly obliterated.

For the system, the health value is 1 point, it is 10,000 points. As long as you are judged by the system as a task failure, you must pay for the failure of the task, and the cost of the king of the killer is the system forcibly obliterating.

However, the Qin side is still relatively calm now. This is a long-term task. He needs to slowly complete this task. The first thing to do is to strengthen himself first. Then these powerful skills will have to be taken seriously.

The situation just now is that Qin Fang is also a little surprised, because the chance of this lottery seems to flow from the ring of justice.

This ring is very mysterious. Although Qin Fang also unveiled a veil, the more it feels, the more he feels that this thing is far more mysterious and powerful than the Qin Fang imagined.

After hesitating, Qin Fang immediately thought of killing Zhang knife, and Zhang knife had more than 600 evil values. This is definitely the evil camp, and Qin Fang’s people who killed the evil camp have justice value. It seems that the last time I killed Yan Kuan got a +50 justice value.

This time, Qin Fang killed Zhang knife, obviously it should also have a justice value to obtain, but the system brow tips, but Qin Fang still could not help but look at the property panel.

The option of justice value was quickly found, and the number after it was - 110 points.

The 110-point justice value has already surpassed the 100-point limit. Therefore, the Qin side has added another title of a kind-hearted camp. Only the Qin side has a ring of justice, covering up all this, so that the Qin side is always a kind-hearted one. For the camp, this title is not necessary for the second time.

The acquisition of the lucky draw opportunity seems to have been brought about by the actual changes in the camp. It may also be due to the fact that Qin’s justice value has exceeded 100 points. In short, the Qin side’s acquisition of this lucky draw opportunity seems to be in line with the justice value. The justice ring is linked.

Killing Zhang Dao is actually a rise of Qin Fang. If it is not Zhang Dao’s initiative to insult his mother, Qin Fang will definitely not let such a dead hand, at most, like Wang Hu, slamming a meal. Throw it to the tiger to deal with it.

However, the knife itself took the initiative to seek death, Qin Fang also satisfied his request by the way, sent him directly on the road, and even the bones are not intended to leave him.

When Qin Fang did this, everyone was afraid, and Ma is naturally one of them.

Just now, he was directly horrified by the Qin Fang’s one-on-one compensation. Such a large sum of money, that is, selling him can not raise so much money.

In the current situation, it seems that the compensation of 100 million is more acceptable to him.

Because Qin Fang is a strong claim for 100 million indemnity, then his Ma Ye has only one dead end, but at least he can still leave a whole body. Li Rui is also easier to explain, and his family will still get a sum of money. Money, at least for the rest of my life can be worry-free.

But if you offend the Qin side, then the result is not so simple, it is directly that there is no bones, no dead body... This is a lot worse.

I know that you have been poisoned. I don’t know if you are running with your own money!

Therefore, it is not to be afraid of Ma Ye!

"You... still kill me!"

I can finally think about it. Ma Ye still has no choice. It is absolutely impossible for him to sell Li Rui. He still has a family member. He must consider it for them. Since it is a dead body, it is better to die. One of them, let him live with his family.

"Oh, I really can't see it, Ma is still quite a man!"

Qin Fang smiled and teased Ma.

Zhang Knife has been killed, it is his self-defeating, plus his evil value of more than 600, so that death can be regarded as a victim of the people, and die.

It’s just that the evil value of Ma’s is not low, but it’s not particularly high. Qin Fang did not really intend to kill again.

"Is it still meaningful to the Lord? I must not be able to get out of 100 million. It will be useless to force me. You still kill me..."

Ma Ye is also a bachelor in the end, let alone 100 million he can't come out, even if he comes out, he can't dare to blame, the money is Li Rui's.

He would rather be killed by the Qin side than to be offended by Li Rui. Such an end is definitely a lot more than the current one. It is simply unimaginable.

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome, hey..."

For such an entertainment place where the operator is gambling, Qin Fang is really uncomfortable. As a kind person of a kind and conservative camp, Qin Fang naturally belongs to the party of justice, and he occupies the truth. Naturally, there is no need to be polite.

"Hey, hey..."

Ma only sighed, this drunken cat nightclub is actually nothing, even if it is smashed, the loss will not be too much, the top is only a few million.

Compared with the 100 million indemnity proposed by the Qin side, this money is really nothing.

At this time, Ma Ye can really understand the purpose of the Qin party's trip. The face is one of them. The shop is also one of them. As for killing, it is completely the unlucky child of Zhang Dao.

"Brothers, copy guys, hands-on shop..."

The mouse was strong and got the order of Qin Fang, and immediately directed the hands of the shop.

Although he really wants to help the tiger to leave this store, it is actually just thinking about it. It is impossible to really do this. This time, it is the contradiction between Qin Fang and Li Rui.

Qin Fangyi shop is his standing on the truth, who asked Li Rui to send people to Fang Fangfei Xue, then it can only be beaten by people.

The tigers are all passive shots. He just helped the Qin Fang to hold Fang Feixue. He even sent a small group of people to help. The real insistence was that the strong insistence of the mouse won the victory. .

Just like the action tonight, Qin Fang did not intend to involve the tiger in too many people from the beginning, so when he played Wang Hu, he and Qin received the brothers, and even came to the store, most of them also It was Qin Fang and Qin received the brother's shot. Only a few of the fish that were missing the net were the tiger's people.

When Qin Fang and Ma Ye talked about the conditions, it was also very clear that these people were hired by him. They took people's money and disasters. This is the rule of the Tao.

What's more, Qin Fang did not mention Li Rui from beginning to end, just did not want to bring them into the tiger.

Everything is so clear. If the mouse is strong enough to help the tiger to take the scene down, then it is really not on the road. It is tantamount to provoking the conflict between Tiger and Li Rui.

It’s not as good as it is now. We all gave up the scene. It’s Qin’s leader who came to play Li Rui’s face, but this one is yours or you, you can take it back at any time, no People will take care of this.

Qin Fang just looked at him with his hands on his back. Qin was led by his brother. He also stood up and stood beside the Qin side. However, looking at Qin’s eyes seemed quite fearful, while the mouse was strong. Leading people to destroy all the facilities in the upper, middle and lower floors, is to destroy according to the devastating, and do not expect to use anything again...

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