Omni Genius

Chapter 525: One claw

Chapter 525

Second, ask for a subscription, ***~~~


Things are going to be done, the most unhappy is naturally Junhao brother, especially this idea is still proposed by him, it is best that this **** also wants him to wipe.

And this was originally planned by them, but it was planned at the time, but no one has taken this follow-up plan as one thing. After all, it is estimated that one person playing dozens of such things is special military personnel. Can do it, the average person does not have this ability.

Especially in the eyes of these people, Qin Fang seems to be quite burly, but in the end it is a rich family, but there are really few that are difficult to fight, and naturally there is no too much heart.

Only when this result appeared, suddenly they all hurt the egg, I don't know what to do.

"Yes, right... I’m going to find someone, I can’t let this kid slip away!”

Jun Hao brother was the first to react, and naturally it was the first to slip away, because he had already seen Qin go to the dozens of locals who could not afford to go, not only to fight, but also to scare I was scared that most of these locals would explain them all.

If you still don't leave at this time, it is very likely that the Qin side will kill it immediately. A dozen or so people are not opponents of Qin Fang. As for these pieces of materials, they add up to fight but Qin Fang slaps.

Junhao brother ran, and the remaining two classes were not stupid. They looked at each other and immediately ran away, and soon caught up with Junhao brother. "This time, you must call a little more. If you are young, you can’t do it. I’m afraid you’re too busy, let’s come and help...”

For this reason, Junhao brother really can only be depressed, it is impossible to make these two companions a ghost.

Don't look at them. They are all following the followers of Feng Dashao. They usually eat, drink and have fun together. They are not very harmonious with each other. They also have fierce competition.

For example, before Jun Hao’s brother lost a big face to Qin Fang, the two immediately added a slap in the face of Feng Da Shao’s remark that Jun Hao’s face was humiliated, and he said his bad words, even if Jun Hao’s brother came over. They are still laughing at him like this...

Junhao brothers slipped away, Qin Fang naturally did not know, their position is more hidden, and now the sky is still dark, even if there is a street lamp, you can only see the nearest position, too far away Can't see clearly.

"Uncle... No, Master... You will accept the apprentice! I will be very embarrassed. You see that it is cold now, I can help you warm the bed every day..."

At this time, Ding Chuchu’s head was almost all her dream of a woman, but there was no way to achieve it before, but now I saw the Qin side, it seems that it has been difficult to survive in the desert for a long time, and suddenly I saw an oasis like this. Both eyes are green...

As for what she is saying, she may not care much about herself. The only thing she wants now is to let Qin Fang promise to accept her as a disciple, teach her martial arts, so that she can become a martial arts master and become a reluctant A woman who helps the weak and strives for justice...

"When you go... otherwise I will let you stand here and freeze!"

Qin Fang rolled his eyes and opened the small hands of Ding Chuchu who had been holding his arm. It was a severe threat.

Ding Chuchu has a lot of sorrows, and that consciousness is still there, but the feeling that the body can't control is quite uncomfortable. Plus, it is dawn, the weather is also cold, she is standing here and moving. There is still a little cold, if it is standing still, it is estimated that it will not be long before it freezes directly.

Being so scared by Qin Fang, Ding Chuchu was also more skillful. From the pleading of language to the pleading of such a pitiful look, it seemed to give people a feeling of sadness and intolerance.

Qin Fang could ignore her and directly knew the locals who fell to the ground. Don't look at them, but such a ruthless reality still makes them tremble.

A dozen people are directly killed by a person, a face-to-face effort, even if they are the locals of Fenglin Valley, all of them are extremely brave, so they can't do such stupid things that obviously suffer.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Before Qin’s walk in, these people suddenly panicked, and their eyes were all flustered. They were just ordinary people. They were not those who dared to fight and dare to kill. They are not afraid of it. After all, the law does not blame the public. They used to confront the armed police.

It’s just that the Qin side in front of them has brought them considerable pressure. They have really been unable to confront the Qin side with a dozen or so people, and naturally they have to be honest.

"I don't want to do anything. I want to tell you directly that this kind of money will not be collected in the future. I will not be able to meet a strong man any day, and I will send it directly to my life..."

Qin Fang half-squatted and looked at him with a smile from his nearest person. His tone was more amiable. He didn't know that he was a friend, even though the local man who relied on him was always shivering.

"You... what do you mean by this?"

The man listened to the Qin party and said that he was a bit dumbfounded. He felt that Qin’s words were not in the head.

"It doesn't mean anything, you... go!"

Qin Fang smiled and stood up straight, while he said of course, while on the other hand, he walked toward Ding Chuchu and took the little hand of Xiao Nizi to the side of the club, leaving only one of them. a faceless local person...

"Master, why have you let them go, don't ask who these people are instructing..."

Between the vagueness, they can hear Ding Chuchu ask questions that they are equally curious, at least for their position in the Qin Dynasty, they will definitely ask questions, or even the enemy does not know.

"No, I know who did it!"

The voice of Qin Fang came from a long time, and suddenly they all had a slight stagnation of their bodies, and they couldn’t help but listen.

"You didn't ask, how did you know? Who did it?"

Ding Chuchu followed and asked, apparently she was also very curious.

"It is the handsome brother who wants to soak you before... Of course, it is mainly the person behind him!" Qin Fang still said with such a calm tone, it seems that he is just a bystander.

"It turned out to be him! Hey, let me meet him next time, I must have him look good... Yes, Master, you finally promised to accept me as an apprentice... I’m still early, let the children give you a warm bed. ...or if you don’t drive to the top of the mountain, it’s OK...”

Qin Fang and Ding Chuchu gradually drifted away. Only the voice of vagueness came. These local people who were defeated by Qin Fang, look at me, I look at you, and finally I don’t know who is swearing," he said. Yes, this money is still not earned..."

Everyone else looked at each other and then nodded in agreement with the general nod. They climbed up from the ground and licked their chests. When they saw Junhao, they were no longer there. They immediately slid away from the side door of the clubhouse. It is.

The Ganquan Clubhouse is a high-end clubhouse. Even at this time, there are still many service staff on duty. Qin Fang first went to settle the money for the hot spring private rooms. However, although they were gone, they had already settled their accounts first. Instead, Qin Fang saved a sum of money, but it still owes a little bit of human feelings.

Of course, this is a small matter. This is not a good thing for Qin Qinfang. At most, they will take care of the broth for a while.

At this point, Qin Fang can't really live on the side of the Ganquan Club. It is quite comfortable to sleep in the hot springs. The whole body is exhausted and the whole person is much more spirited.

What's more, Qin Shouxiong is still guarding the parking lot. It is estimated that there is no rest for one night, and Qin Fang can't make him too tired.

From the gate of the clubhouse, Qin Fang went directly to the No. 1 parking lot. Qin’s Audi stopped quietly there. He didn’t see anyone around, even Qin’s brother did not see it. This is to let Qin Fang Quite strange.

The guardrail on the parking lot was empty, there was no security guard, and I didn’t know that I was lazy to go there, but there was a very prominent five holes on the transparent glass, and the cold wind was still flowing inside. This has little to do with the Qin side, and he is too lazy to manage.

However, when he and Ding Chuchu entered the parking lot, they saw Audi's door open. Qin received his brother from the inside and saw it coming from the inside. When the Qin party came over, the cold face immediately showed a little. Smile.

"Qin is a brother, nothing..."

Qin Fang carefully looked at Qin’s brother, although he knew that Qin’s brother was unlikely to be injured, but he couldn’t help but care.


Qin Fu's answer has always been such a concise, just two words, but the tone of the speech is still full of gas, it can be seen that his spirit is still good at this time.

"Nothing is fine! Right, what happened here, the security guard didn't come to trouble?"

Qin Fang nodded, and then asked some curiously. At the same time, Qin Fang also observed his own Audi. It seems that there is no damage, and there are no signs of being beaten.

"Come on, go again..."

Qin received the brother's very simple answer, and pointed to the guard booth in the distance, one hand turned into an eagle claw, compared to a strong eagle claw sniper gesture.

Such a gesture, Ding Chuchu did not understand there, but Qin Fang immediately woke up, recalling the five holes in the glass of the security guard just seen, the feelings are hard-working by Qin Fuxiong Come out.

The glass is quite thick, about a centimeter thick, and most people don’t have to break it with a hammer. But Qin’s brother just pierced such a thick glass with his own fingers...

Whoever is kicked by the brain will continue to fight against Qin’s brother!

It’s so easy to catch such thick glass, mainly on the human body...

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