Omni Genius

Chapter 530: Wonderful trick

Chapter 530



Song Gang is a sharpshooter and has reached a very advanced level very long ago.

At the beginning, he cooperated with Cao Chun, relying on the guns and bombs in his hands, and hardly blew a **** road, and easily escaped from the country, and it has been quite good in foreign countries in recent years.

These two people are also considered to be the best partner. The cooperation between the two people is very tacit, which makes them live to the present, even if it is on the verge of death.

If you are abroad, they mainly deal with the police and the army, then it is really on the verge of life and death abroad.

In addition to the police who chase them, there are other organizations, as well as some killers, mercenaries like them... those people are quite fierce and completely unscrupulous.

This kind of life has allowed them to face death countless times, but has survived countless times, making their wills quite tough and sensitive to the threat of death.

Qin Fang’s shooting method naturally did not have to be said. From the time he used the gun to the present, he never lost his hand. Even if he faced an opponent like Ai Nan, he was shot dead.

But just that shot, Song Gang almost instinctively prematurely dodged, actually escaped that bullet...

Of course, it wasn’t Qin’s escape after the gun was fired. It was completely pre-feeling the direction of the bullet shot, and the position was flashed ahead of time, which achieved the effect of dodging bullets.

If Qin Fang shot, after Song knows the dodge, the nerve reaction speed is simply not enough to achieve such an effect, even if Qin Fang himself does not have a little grasp, his nerve reaction speed is much stronger than the average person...


Seeing Song Gang's instinctive dodge, actually escaped the bullets that he shot, Qin Fang is also a bit stunned, and my heart is also a helpless regret.

Such a chance of sneak attack is wasted. With Song Gang’s vigilance, it is almost impossible to find such an opportunity. Both people can only rely on their own ability to decide who will become the final winner.

Since it has already been exchanged, then Qin Fang is not afraid to have a little bit of care. Although there is still a little distance from Song Gang, it is a very dangerous thing to stay in the same position. Qin Fang’s attack failed to succeed. A quick flash, quickly find new shelters with the occlusion of the building.

Almost at the same time as the Qin Fang moved, Song Gang had already disappeared quickly in the same place. He used the method of devious copying and prepared to touch the Qin side to attack.

In such a night, the sound of the gun was extremely clear, and the silence of the night was broken almost as soon as it appeared.

This is a villa area, but there are not many people who actually live here, so after the gunshots sounded, only a few villas lit up.

But the average person does not dare to go out of the house easily, it is too dangerous, although they can not tell whether the sound is a gunshot or a firecracker...

However, the security guard in the villa area was obviously alarmed. This is a high-end villa area. Things like firecrackers are not allowed. At least such a big night is definitely not possible, so they judge that the sound may be a gun. sound.

Guns were heard in the high-end villas. The first thing these security guards thought might be that a certain person was robbed, and the robbers were most likely to carry a gun.

In this way, these security guards are stunned each other, so no one dares to go out and see the situation.

They just came out to work, and they didn’t have a few dollars a month. When they encountered such a robber with a gun, if they accidentally lost their lives, it would be really worthless. In the end, they did not dare to move. I only thought that it was not heard for a while, and all of them were waiting in the security room for development.



Almost as soon as they waited for the news, two more gunshots came and the sounds were obviously different, as if they were from two guns.

"The gun battle!"

These security guards are not fools. It’s really wrong to listen to the movements. It’s similar to the gunshots in the Hong Kong film. They don’t hesitate to hesitate. They immediately called the police.

The mainland is no more than Hong Kong. There may be people shouting and killing each other here, but the gun battle is very, very few. As long as it involves firearms, it is a big case, a major case, a serious case... no one dares to be sloppy.

Qin Fang naturally has no intention of thinking about this side of the matter. It is not a good idea to shoot a gun in the villa area, but it is always safer than shooting outside.

The place is big enough, there are few houses, there are fewer people, and most people are mostly timid. As long as it is not too unlucky, basically no one will dare to leave the house, so he and Song Gang are also slightly Convenient, not to hurt people's lives.

On the contrary, ran to the outside block, there are more buildings, and there are many hidden bunkers, but the vast cities have a very large population. Even in such late nights, the streets are frequent passers-by.

Qin Fang himself can certainly control, and his main concern is Song Gang. This is not the innocent person, the one who blocked his way, all directly shot.

The place is certainly playing, but the space that two people can play is still relatively limited, mainly because there is a little distance between the two villas. If Qin Fang runs all the way, he can barely hide before Song Gang catches up.

But this is not insurance, mainly if you run all the way, it must be left to Song Gang, which is too dangerous.

When human beings face the powerful heat weapon of guns, they are not absolutely credible partners. It is very dangerous to throw their backs to each other, let alone throw a gun to the murderous killer of God.


Song Gang’s shooting method was quite powerful. When a shot was fired, Qin Fang almost instinctively evaded it. The bullet flew past the scalp of Qin Fang. As long as it was slightly slightly, Qin was directly used by Song Gang. Headshot.

"so close……"

Qin Fang was also shocked by the gun just now. He just showed his head at least slightly, and he was almost hit by Song Gang.

"Sure enough, you can't underestimate any opponent..."

Silently reminded myself in the heart, since the shooting skills have been upgraded to the intermediate level, Qin Fang is basically a hundred and a hundred, although surprised at this level is only intermediate, but how much he still has some contentment.

However, the defeat of the few guns just now made the Qin side understand the truth.

The targets used to practice the guns are all dead. Even if they are moving targets, they are still dead. They all have a certain trajectory. It is possible to judge the trajectory of the target through their own experience, so that they can do everything.

It can be different, especially the very powerful master, even if it is very close, you may not be able to hit the other party, because at the moment you raise the gun, he has predicted the angle of your shot, and so on. If the speed is fast enough, it will completely destroy this shot in advance.

Whether Song Gang has such a skill, Qin Fang is not too clear, but the completely instinctive consciousness of the hiding gun has already surprised Qin Fang, and the subsequent shots did not give Qin a little chance.

The two people are caught in a short-lived stalemate, and no one can help.

In the single-handed approach, Song Gang and Qin Fang are actually half a catty, but Song Gang’s first-class consciousness trained on the edge of life and death makes him more powerful in strength than the Qin side.

"No, you can't sit still like this..."

Qin Fang relied on the corner of the wall, thinking silently in his heart.

When the gunshots sounded, the police would definitely come over soon. After all, it is now during the crackdown, the police are always on standby, and there is such a big thing here that it is impossible to not come over.

In other words, whether it is him or Song Gang, they want to solve each other with the fastest speed, and then quickly escape...

The action of Qin Fang tonight has already stunned the snake, and this has come out. Li Rui will inevitably transfer Song Gang and Cao Chun to other places. It will take a long time to re-investigate and it will be quite Difficulties, this is obviously not what Qin Fang hopes.

When the police came here, he must be rushing to flash himself. Song Gang will definitely disappear at the fastest speed. Neither of them can be caught by the police. Missed this time, Qin Fang wants to have this again. Opportunities are not so easy.

"How to do how to do?"

Qin Fang’s heart suddenly felt anxious, he had to think of a way as soon as possible...

At this time, Qin Fang and Song Gang were located at the two ends of a villa. Both of them dared to stand out at will, because the two people’s shooting methods were quite powerful, and a little mistake would make them die.

No one will be stupid to take such a risk...


Looking at the military coat on the body, it is the kind of military coat commonly used in the army. The clothes are very large and warm, and with the hat of the security guard, the whole person is basically covered inside.

Qin Fang quickly took off the clothes and placed them in the corner of the wall, slightly revealing a little angle of clothing, and then buckled the hat on it, pretending to be in his original position.

And what about him?

Nature will not continue to stay, and quickly flashed toward the rear.

Because of the restraint of this dress, Song Gang did not immediately catch up, but instead let Qin Fang calmly escape, and then specially circled a large circle, and turned to the villa where Song Gang and Cao Chun lived. It is.

It’s a bit of a hassle to kill Song Gang, but there may be such a chance to kill Cao Chun... Of course, his face has changed again. From the original little security guard, he directly turned into Song Gang. .

He had seen the photos of Song Gang. Although he had just exchanged fire with Song Gang, but the night was dark, Qin Fang did not see what kind of Song Gang’s appearance was, and whether it was very different from the photos.

However, Qin Fang still ignored Cao Chun’s vigilance against danger, or Qin Fang underestimated Li Rui’s ability to respond. When Qin Fang rushed to the villa, he could only watch Cao Chun’s sitting. A car quickly left the villa and rushed to the outside of the community.


When Qin Fang suddenly screamed, it was a little late, and he could catch up with Cao Chun and kill the bomb madman.

Song Gang and Cao Chun, the real threat of these two people is actually not Song Gang. He can't kill many people even if he has a gun. But if Cao Chun is crazy, a bomb can kill him. Know how many people.

If Qin Fang chooses which one to kill first, Qin Fang hopes that the first thing to kill is Cao Chun, not Song Gang...

But now Cao Chun first slipped away, and there was only one Song Gang left... and his shooting method was quite good. Qin Fang did not kill him.

"Mr. Wigan, you are back... Mr. Mike left first, we have prepared a car for you. It is estimated that the police will arrive soon. Let us leave!"

Standing at the door of this villa, when Qin Fang was depressed and wanted to kill, suddenly a voice rang in the ear of Qin Fang, almost scared Qin Fang’s big jump, almost instinctively coming to this voice. The direction raised the gun in the hand.

"Don't... don't... kill me, from... own people!"

The nature of the conversation is the younger brother of Li Rui, not the one who reported the news before, because he has now become a body and was ruthlessly thrown into the garage.

Li Rui arranged several younger brothers to stare here. The gunshots outside and the process of Cao Chun quickly removing some of the bombs, these younger brothers also saw, one by one was scared, for Song Gang and Cao Chun are even more fearful.

It’s hard to send Cao Chun one step at a time. Now it’s okay to send away Song Gang.

This younger brother just happened to see Qin Fang, who was pretending to be Song Gang, and immediately took the initiative to say hello...

However, the gun that greeted him was indeed a black hole, and he suddenly scared him. At the same time, he had not had time to respond, and he saw that "Song Gang" had a knives directly stunned him.

"Since Cao Chun ran away, then Song Gang... you don't want to run!"

Qin Fang just took advantage of this younger brother’s fearfulness and used his mind-reading technique. He immediately understood a lot of things, directly smashed his clothes and threw his body to the side, and Qin Fang became this younger brother. The face, put on his clothes, and immediately left the villa with a car specially prepared for Song Gang.


Just when Qin Fang drove the car out, Song Gang also found that the situation was wrong. He rushed over and looked at it. He found that the enemy had taken off his clothes and covered them. The people had already run away, but they were also Not very angry.

"Mr. Wigan, hurry... hurry with me!"

At this moment, a car was not far from the front of the villa, a car suddenly stopped there, a person sticking his neck from the inside and yelled at him.

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