Omni Genius

Chapter 644: Settle the home

Chapter 644 settles Lei Family

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Lei Laozi did not think that Qin Fang, a young young man, was so strong. He faced the 8th-level master, faced with many masters, and dared to push the palace so straightforward...

"It’s a daring kid!"

Although the current position is a bit different, but this does not affect the evaluation of the Qin side by the old man, so four words - daring.

Although this martial arts person, the most steel is easy to fold ... many people are destroyed on this.

It may be on the way of martial arts, but it is most necessary to have such a rib, rectum, hoe, and burdock.

In the martial arts, there are only a handful of 8th-level masters. In the face of such a strong person, the momentum that is exuded can make the young masters below the master level soft, and the level suppression in this period is also very terrifying.

But Qin Fang still forced the palace like this, and it is really appropriate to use the four words of daring.

"Although I am the owner of the Lei family, the things of the Lei family have always been a collective effort. Since you think this thing, we are a bit unreasonable in doing things, then I will let everyone come together to make a statement... ”

Lei’s father has lived this life for a lifetime. The mind can be much more than the Qin side. On the other hand, Qin Fang still wants to force the palace, but he did not expect this old man to push the taiji and push it away easily.

"The fart is a group of people... it’s an old fox!"

Qin Fang’s heart couldn’t help but secretly despise Lei’s father. He knows a few things about Lei’s family. Some of them are known from the master Cai Pingyuan, and some are heard from the Lei Tiger.

Lei family takes Wu Lijia, and every family owner is the strongest master in the family, unless there are some special circumstances, such as the expectations of the public...

But such special circumstances are rare, and can basically be said to be negligible.

The strength of Lei’s father is up to the 8th grade, and there are not many martial arts in the competition. There are many masters of Lei’s, there are several masters of level 6, and there is also one of the 7 masters. The level master is only one of the old ones, which also laid the authority for Lei’s father to say nothing in Lei’s family.

As far as this marriage contract is concerned, if Lei Lao is also a little selfish, how can Lei Peng dare to be so powerful? As long as Lei said a word and said a cancellation of the marriage contract, Lei Peng must immediately succumb, even if there is Tianchi support behind him!

However, Lei Lao did not speak and kept silent. It is obvious that he would take this opportunity to take advantage of his grandson and Lei family.

Now that Lei Peng was ruined by the Qin side, all the plans were bankrupt, and Lei’s father did not say much, and basically it was time for him to speak.

As for what to say and how to work together, it is simply an excuse. However, the Qin side has no such excuses. It is impossible to really tear the face with the old man, so that there is really no benefit to the Qin side.

There is a bit of Qin Fang still have to admit, this Lei Laozi's demeanor is not to say, have been so forced to the palace by his younger generation, his face still hangs a faint smile, as if it is completely irrelevant to him.

"Everyone talks about it..."

Mr. Lei’s big hand waved, and it seemed that the people of Lei’s family were very democratic and they all expressed their opinions. In the end, he would recognize the choice of most people.

"Dad, Lei Cai has been handed over for nearly a hundred years. Cai's family is now dying, so it is such a single seedling. Cai Shishu has such a disciple. This arrangement is also excusable... ..."

"Three uncles, the fourth brother said yes, I think it is still a matter of this..."

"Yeah, in order to do such a small thing, it hurts the feelings of two nearly a hundred years, it is really worthless..."

"Now the young people are not like us at that time. The emphasis is on free love. This Caijia Shantou and Penger have never seen each other for two times. It is too sloppy to talk directly about marriage."

When things got to this point, Qin’s prior contact with Lei Tigers was finally effective. Although the old man did not make a clear statement, his meaning has already been understood by Lei’s family.

When Qin Fang forced the palace, the old man was not good at expressing his position. Naturally, he was also represented by the Lei family. These *** are mostly on the opposite side of Lei Peng, and the number is relatively large, even if there are individual Several people opposed the cancellation of the marriage contract, but they could not afford to wave.

Sure enough, if you say a word to me, there will be very obvious results soon, and more people tend to cancel this marriage contract...

"Well, since everyone thinks that this marriage contract has affected the friendship between our two companies for nearly a hundred years, then I am now announcing..."

Such a result is also expected, and Ray’s eyes can’t see any performance, and immediately obey everyone’s opinions and prepare to announce the final result.

Qin Fang and Cai Qing were finally relieved at this time. They mentioned that the big stone in the heart can finally relax a little.


At a critical moment, it will not always be so smooth. When Ray’s father is about to open his mouth to agree to the dissolution of the marriage contract, someone immediately speaks.

"Lei Lao, in order to continue the inheritance of the family, this Qin Shizhen's request is indeed understandable, but this marriage is said by you and Cai Lao, although there is no legal efficiency, but we are martial arts. Can't say canceled and canceled..."

Of course, the Shangguan Tianling is talking. The leader of this incident is him and Lei Peng. Now that Lei Peng is down, he is still being carried out by Qin Fang. How can he be better in this heart?

What made him even more unacceptable was that the Qin party really wanted to smash the Lei family. However, it seems that the idea of ​​seeing the old man is to agree with Qin’s proposal to dissolve the marriage contract. This is obviously something he can’t accept.

Ever since, Shangguan Tianling’s eyes turned and he immediately counted his heart.

"Furthermore, if this marriage contract is not fixed, Peng's marriage is naturally the father you are the owner of the marriage... But this marriage has been set for more than 20 years and has already become an established fact. It’s not just the matter of Lei’s family. As Peng’s beggar, I think I should have a say in this marriage.”

When the words were exported, the faces of the people on the scene were also slightly changed.

Perhaps Qin Fang’s forced palace makes Lei family very unhappy. Similarly, many people in Lei’s family are not willing to see Lei Peng stepping out of this step.

There is only one person in the family like Lei Family. Only one person can finally be on the throne of the family. Now the thunder and the seven tigers are quite powerful. They are all at the 5th level. If anyone can take this step, then it is equal to the owner. The position is closer.

Those who support Lei Peng are naturally Lei Peng's branch, but other branches are obviously impossible to promise. They hope that Lei Peng will sink into it and completely leave the homeowner to fight for it.

It’s just that Shangguan Tianling’s words can make them quite uncomfortable. After all, Lei Peng’s and Cai Qing’s marriage contract, it’s still Lei’s family affairs, but Shangguan Tianling’s saying is equal to Lei Peng’s Lei Jiala went out and re-discussed the matter with the Tianchi faction as the backing of Lei Peng.

However, a Lei family, Qin Fang can use the contradiction within the Lei family to force the palace, but pull the Tianchi faction, Qin Fang can not have that ability to shake.

Lei’s father wants everyone to express his position. In fact, there is already a result from this sentence. If there is going to be a change, it must come from Shangguan Tianling.

Lei Tiger and Qin Fang have the first words. Only at such a moment will he let the Lei family help, but Shangguan Tianling is obviously not the one he can control.

Cai Qing’s face that had just been relaxed suddenly tightened again. She already knows some of the identity of Shangguan Tianling, especially the relationship between him and Lei Peng, which makes Cai Qing quite nervous.

At such a moment, she apparently did not know what to do. Qin Fang became her only reliance. The hand holding Qin Fang’s arm could not help but tighten, revealing her nervousness at this time.

"Nothing, everything has me..."

Qin Fang gently patted Cai Qing's arm, indicating that she was not safe, and of course, gentle comfort.

Shangguan Tianling will oppose it. This has long been expected in the Qin side. The reason why he did not attack just now is obviously worried about the safety of Lei Peng.

It’s just that the Lei family’s eyes are about to announce the dissolution of the marriage contract. This is obviously what he does not want to see. He immediately stood up and expressed his opposition.

Not to mention that Shangguan Tianling is not a simple character. He grabbed the dead hole with one shot. Although the reason for this use is a little far-fetched, it still makes sense.

It’s also a big deal for the aunt, so Shangguan Tianling said that he also has a say in this marriage, which is also a way for Qin to refute.

Since I knew that Shangguan Tianling was going to do damage, Qin Fang naturally couldn't have anything to prepare. He set Cai Qing for a while, and Qin Fang was calmly walking to Shangguan Tianling.

"Mr. Shangguan, what you said is indeed reasonable. This marriage may have something to do with the Tianchi School, but it is mainly related to your Shangguan..."

This statement is also true. Although the Shangguan family is an important family of the Tianchi faction, it does not fully represent the Tianchi faction.

"Or originally, I shouldn't be so opposed to this marriage. Lei Peng's brother is also a good-time man. With my sister, it is also a door-to-door, male and female..."

The words of Qin Fang made many people stunned. Even Cai Qing is no exception. It is a bit unclear whether Qin Fang is considered an "enemy enemy."

"When I came to the capital, I accidentally discovered something, which made me have to object to this marriage..."

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