Omni Genius

Chapter 659: Visiting Chujia

Chapter 659 Visiting Chu Family

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There is nothing to say about Chen Fatzi. This guy’s blood is out, and it’s estimated to be a lot more honest. As for what they said about the knife, they didn’t dismiss it.

If he dares to take the Qin Fang away, he will start, even if his brother-in-law is very powerful, there is no way to protect him once again...

When the matter is over, the rice is finished, and it is not too late to see the time. Qin Fang naturally also sent Su Yuan and Li Yuerong to leave each other, and accompanied by the knife and others, they walked out of the hotel together.

"Qin Ge, I am sorry, I have a meal..."

Some sorrowful face of the knife said that what happened just had nothing to do with Qin Fangzhen, but he still involved him. If it is not behind the Qin background, I am afraid that it will also suffer a big loss.

"Small knife, your little boy is less useful to me. I am a friend, a brother, then there is no need to be so polite with me... I will return to Ninghai after two days, if I come to Ninghai to play , remember to call me!"

The Qin side is more appreciative of the daring character of the knife, so he is also different from his eyes, and his attitude towards him is obviously closer than that of other people.

"that's for sure!"

The knife immediately grinned and said that the smile is also the most sincere.

Such friends are still more reliable, there is no interest in the entanglement, is pure friendship, is very valuable and valuable ... Qin Fang also cherish such feelings.

"Thank you……"

They talked with the knife, and the relatively strange female teacher went to the front of Qin Fang, and it seemed a little tweaked.

"The little things are just one!"

Qin Fang smiled very casually. Although the process was a bit tortuous, but nothing happened in the end, Qin Fang would naturally not care too much.

"This... give it back to you!"

At this time, Chu Mei took out a bank card from her carry-on bag and reached it in front of Qin Fang and said.

This card is just one of the three bank cards that Chen Fatzi took out in order to forgive the Qin side for forgiveness. Although he did not know how big the amount was, Chen Fatzi said one sentence - "You can buy a pair." A slightly better jade bracelet."

The authentic jade bracelet, the price is quite expensive, a little better jade bracelet at least hundreds of thousands, millions.

From this point of view, the money in this card is definitely not a small amount... Strictly speaking, she is the initiator of the whole thing. It is a very lucky thing to not receive the injury, but it was unexpectedly obtained. Such an unexpected wealth, she is also guilty.

"This is not mine... It’s that Chen Fatzi filial piety to three beautiful women, and I have nothing to do with me!"

Qin Fang waved his hand and refused the act of Chu Beauty to return this card to himself, even the reason was so impeccable.

Although Chen Fatzi offended Qin Fang, in order to beg, he had to send these three bank cards in exchange for his own security and future, but in the process, Qin Fang did not touch these cards, Chen Fatzi did not say yes. It is also very reasonable for Qin Fang to give it to Qin Fang.


Chu beautifully glimpsed, very surprised to see the young man in front of him, the heart is quickly flashed one after another thoughts, opened his mouth and want to defend.

"Sorry, Miss Chu, we have to hurry, if there is a chance, goodbye..."

It was just that Qin Fang looked at the time and was very nervous. He immediately apologized and said to Chu, Su Yuan and Li Yuerong got on the car early. Qin Fang also quickly opened the door and started the car directly. Yang went away, leaving a horrified Chu beauty.

"It’s a weird..."

Looking at the car that gradually disappeared, Chu Mei also took the card back and whispered it in her mouth, but she was a little faint in her face.

I will send such a sum of money for no reason, but for other men, Chu Mei may also consider whether the other party is worried about what is wrong with him...

But in the face of Qin Fang, she could not afford such a thought.

There is no reason for it. Qin Fang never asked her name from beginning to end. Apart from knowing that her surname Chu is a teacher at Jingcheng University, she did not ask anything.

If such a man says that he has any misconduct, it is really too much to say...

"That Chu is a beautiful girl, why don't you ask her for a phone number? Maybe someone will look at your hero to save the beauty..."

Sitting in the car, Su Yuan couldn't help but laugh at Qin Fang's sentence. Now she is quite familiar with Qin Fang. The general joke can also be opened.

"Rely, is it the kind of person who can't walk without seeing a beautiful woman?"

For Su Yuan’s such drama, Qin Fang can only helplessly despise it. “I’m just like her, but if I have a beautiful woman, I have to go to the bubble... Who am I?”

"What's more, I don't have two pretty beautiful women around me? Didn't see, I didn't soak?" Qin Fang really was helpless.


It’s just such a sentence that the two beautiful women scorned in unison.

The two beautiful women glanced at each other, but although they didn’t say anything, they were still awkward in their hearts, and they couldn’t help Qin Fang to soak them...

It is a pity that they seem to be a step late. They already have girlfriends, and both of them are quite good and beautiful, but they don’t seem to have any advantage over Tang Feifei...

A joke, suddenly let the two beautiful women inevitably have some entanglement, the two are careless and speechless, silently turned to look at the traffic outside the window, and the busy streets where the people come and go, the stream is constantly flowing... but let the car The atmosphere became quite a lot quiet.

The atmosphere was a lot of weirdness, but Qin Fang didn't think too much, and soon sent Li Yuerong back to the school... A military card Audi sent the beauty school flower of Beijing Normal University to come back. This scene made the people discover it, immediately In the National Taiwan Normal University caused a lot of sensation.

Unfortunately, after Qin Fang sent Li Yuerong to the position, he immediately drove away, so the good guys simply saw the outline of a man, but did not have the opportunity to leave photos and the like...

But the more this is the case, the more confusing this rumor is. It is a coincidence that Li Yuerong has remained silent for this misunderstanding, so the rumors that the school flower Li Yuerong was fostered spread from this moment.

Qin Fang, one of the parties, apparently did not know this. After leaving the top ten in Beijing, Qin was able to drive Su Yuan directly to the Capital Airport and sent Su Yuan to the plane. He drove alone. Come back.

Before and after such a toss, Qin Fang had already left the airport for four or five o'clock, and it was almost time to make an appointment with Tangcheng. With a simple connection with Tangcheng, the two agreed on a meeting place. Qin is convenient for the non-stop rushing over...

Chu family is a scholarly family, Chu is a well-known university, the real Tao Li world, although not in the career, but the treatment is quite high, and previously lived in Houhai, but now the old man is already high, pay more attention Health, so I did not live in the city, went to the suburbs for recuperation.

Relatively speaking, there is a little bit of remoteness. It is only an address for Qin Fang. It may not be able to find it. This will let Tangcheng come to lead the way.

Tangcheng naturally drove out of the car, and he couldn’t sit with the Qin side. However, if you said it, if you reminded me in advance, Tangcheng had already mentioned it before calling. If there is any repetition, there is nothing. meaningful.

So, after the two met, they drove to their destinations.

For the Chu family, Qin Fang really does not know much. The old man of Chu is a big educator, and Tao Li is full of the world, but for young people like Qin Fang, he has never heard of it before.

The Chu family is also considered to be more prosperous. The old man of Chu is nearly a hundred years old. He is almost the same as the fifth generation. The family has a population of nearly one hundred people...

However, the majority of the Chu family's population is on the same path as the father--as an educator, so the number of teachers in the Chu family is quite large.

Listening to Tang Cheng briefly said that there are more than 30 people still teaching, which does not include more than a dozen who have already retired, which accounts for almost half of the total population of the Chu family.

Among the rest of the people, some of them are too young, and they are still going to school... The Chu family who really do not work with education account for a third of them.

It’s like Tang’s wife and Tang Feifei’s nephew is a university teacher...

"This family is honest, you know me. I didn't love to study very much before. The most feared thing is the teacher! So every time I used to fight, I heard a voice and I felt like I was holding the teacher's pointer. I want to smoke like you... You are still a student, you should understand!"

This is Tangcheng’s resentment against the Chu family. The Chu family seems to be an 18-story hell, more horrible than anything else...

Of course, Qin Fang is going to the Chu family this time, and should not be treated like that... but Qin Fang is a bit afraid that the grandfather is too enthusiastic, and he may have to arrange for him to be a wife... Qin Fang is really scared, and the Chu family's women are tigresses – this is the deepest understanding of Tang Cheng's marriage for so many years!

In any case, Qin Fang has already promised the old man of Chu. Before leaving Beijing, he must go to the Chu family to visit his old man. Whoever makes the old man of Chu is the old friend of the grandfather who has never seen Qin Fang, plus The relationship between Qin Fang and the Tang family, if he came to visit it, it is really impossible to say...

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