Omni Genius

Chapter 674: The King of the Killer (6)

Chapter 674 The King of the Killer's Tooth (6)

Fourth, ask for a subscription~~~


The feeling of the mouse climbing the body made her very uncomfortable, but she could not make any movements, provoke the fear and tension in her heart, sitting there motionless, eyes watching the changes outside, but completely regardless of the cave What is hidden inside?

The mercenaries are getting closer and closer to the caves hidden by Chu Yu...

They acted very cautiously, but the speed was quite fast, but the accuracy of the search was not slow. The five people were guarding each other. Even Chu Yu could see that the possibility of breaking the gun in his hand was zero.

As for killing one to make such an idea, Chu Wei is just a little bit in the head, she is just an ordinary university teacher, a girl.

Gun, she is driving, and the level is not very bad...

Don't look at her soft appearance. In fact, she is quite a queen in her heart. Although she doesn't like the sword of Cai Qing, she is also a "bad beauty" who likes to shoot and drive.

But what she is facing now is not the target that will not move in the gunhouse, but a group of murderous mercenaries, and all kinds of equipment are worn on her body. It is difficult to guarantee that she can be killed by her shooting.

What's more, there are five or six people on the other side. She can take the chance to kill one, but she still can't escape the bullets of other people...

Her understanding of this, my heart is very nervous, holding the gun tightly in both hands, aiming at the enemy outside, a lot of ideas with the other side, but only nervous, fear did not start.

"Qin Fang... Come and save me!"

At this time, the only savior she could think of was the Qin Fang. From the perspective of these people still searching, Qin Fang apparently has not been killed by them, that is, still alive, she still has hope.

"Someone has been here..."

Those mercenaries came to this area, and soon someone whispered a whisper.

As a mercenary, survival in the wild is a necessary ability. At the same time, many people can judge whether there are large beasts around according to some details of the ground. Of course, it can be found whether there are humans.

In front of him, Qin Fang was very careful to hide Chu Yu, but he took the branches, dead leaves or something, it is easy to leave traces, these mercenaries are human fine, and soon found these details Immediately took up the weapon in his hand and was ready to start.

These people are less than five meters away from the caves hidden by Chu, and Chu’s heart refers to the eyes of the blind. The hand that grips the gun is even more sweaty. Her fingers are even light. Throwing the trigger, ready to kill one to earn one.


But at this time, there was a sudden bang from the distance, and there was a strong fire at the same time. The whole hill was like an earthquake, and the mountain was trembling.


This change is really too sudden. Everyone did not think of it. The mercenaries who saw it would find Chu, but they were also shocked by such a huge explosion.

At this time, they were too lazy to ask if anyone had come here. There was such a strong explosion there. It must have been something. I saw someone screaming, and immediately waved a hand, and several people immediately passed by. , quickly rushed toward the direction of the explosion.

As for Chu Yu...

It was also shocked by the sound of such a loud explosion. The gun that was clenched in the hand was also shaken and dropped on the ground.

The cave was also affected by the explosion, and the dust and gravel fell on it, and it seemed to collapse completely.

The mice who lived in this hole were also very seriously frightened. All of them were drilled out of the cave and turned into a gray dragon that quickly disappeared into the forest.

In such a dim environment, at first glance, I thought it was a big snake with a thick arm. However, Chu Yu didn’t have the heart to pay attention to this. It happened to see that the mercenaries had escaped. She also rushed before the cave collapsed. Drilled out of the hole...


Rao is this, Chu Yu still eat a lot of dust, the body is also full of mud and gravel powder, the whole person looks like it is escaped from the black coal kiln.

Chu Yu spit a few mouthfuls of dust, but it is not the heart to manage his image is still the former urban beauty, can be lucky not to die have been thankful.

"An explosion occurred, Qin Fang he..."

However, she was more worried about the safety of the Qin side. After all, this caused an explosion. The situation became more and more serious, and Qin’s life became more and more unprotected.


"Haha, fight with Laozi, you can't play with you... Hey, the power of this stuff is really not that big, almost just put yourself in!"

At this time, the Qin side was also drilled out of a hidden pothole. The head and body were also full of smoke and dust, and almost buried alive.

But the seven or eight mercenaries who had just exchanged fire with him were almost killed by him. Even if there were still some lucky people who survived, they basically became a waste. After all, the close-up explosions produced shrapnel, Shock waves are not something the human body can bear.

The Qin side is also awkward. In order to kill the opponent, he almost uses himself as a bait to attract this group of people into their scheduled ambush.

To this end, Qin Fang paid the price of a gunshot wound, but the three pieces of bullet-proof vests on his body resisted most of the damage, and the loss that fell on him was not enough for his amount. Threatening.

But those mercenaries are different. This place is a valley-like depression. It is difficult to disperse too far when it enters here. Qin calculated the orientation and formation of this group and quickly detonated it. A grenade, just a moment of general pause, then a few tenths of a second to throw out.

This is the advantage of Qin Fang's advanced investigative skills. The detonation time of the grenade is very clear. Qin Fang calculated the distance, flight time, etc., and paused for a few tenths of a second to eliminate the delay of the last little explosion...

So the grenade almost fell into the middle of the other camp, and when they reacted, they exploded directly. No one escaped. All of them were blown up...

However, Qin Fang himself, while throwing the grenade out, he sneaked into the small pit next to it to avoid it... This is so, he still underestimated the power of the explosion, and was almost buried by the rock It is.

However, this time the enemy was directly killed by Qin Fang in eight people...

Of course, Qin Fang did not think that it was such a coincidence that his explosion also happened to save the life of Chu, who was about to be discovered.

However, Qin Fang seems to be happy too early.

Just when Qin Fang’s heart sighed that he had succeeded, suddenly a warning came from his heart, almost a quick body roll in the first time...


On a quiet night, a dull gunshot suddenly sounded.

However, this gun is too sudden, and the power is very terrible. If you hit the head of the Qin side, even if it is protected by a bulletproof helmet, it will be directly headshot.

However, Qin’s reaction was fast enough, and he felt a little earlier, so he escaped the most dangerous part of the key, and eventually he was hit by the bullet in the thigh.


Although Qin Fang’s endurance is amazing, the power of this gun is too strong. There is almost a possibility that Qin’s entire leg can be completely interrupted.

It was almost a direct impact of Qin Fang’s fainting, or let Qin Fang’s face turn white...

Sniper gun!

Undoubtedly, this bullet comes from a sniper rifle, and it is still heavy. The powerful one can directly interrupt Qin’s leg with a bullet.

However, Qin Fang’s body is much stronger than the average person. This kind of damage is very powerful, but it is not enough to reach that level...

Looking at the blood hole on the thigh, Qin Fang is also quite ugly.

Perhaps it was just too proud, but I forgot that there is still a very difficult sniper in the enemy that has not been killed. If it is not his five senses, he has already hanged.

"40 points of life lost nearly 30 points..."

The power of this gun is very powerful. Fortunately, it is the thigh, not the organ of the body. Otherwise, the Qin side will hang it directly, but this is so, and Qin Fang has lost 29 points of health.

This point of loss of life, Qin Fang is not afraid, there are many buns in his prop box, even if this loss, dozens of guns can not die.

It was just this kind of pain that made Qin Fang have no way at all. Even if the life value recovered, the wound began to heal gradually, but the pain on the thigh was so severe that he almost could not stand still.

"There is still a team of people..."

At this moment, Qin Fang noticed that a group of people gradually approached him on the side, and there were five people. Obviously, it was already the last team of the rest. The team of people who are jealous.

This team quickly sneaked into this hill, everyone is particularly vigilant, almost every action will rely on the bunker, will never easily expose their body.

But they are not the most terrible, because Qin Fang is at the deepest point of the hills at this time, and can rely on the terrain to confront these people...

But the most taboo for the Qin side is the sniper at the top of the hill. The man occupies the commanding heights and controls the route of the Qin side to escape. It is also the direct suppression of the Qin side here, even the head does not dare to stretch, otherwise Will definitely be killed in an instant.

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