Omni Genius

Chapter 677: Respond to life

Chapter 677 is destined

Second, ask for a subscription~~~


The Twenty-six people who were sent to chase and kill Qin Fang by the Wolverine Mercenary Corps have all been killed by the Qin Fang. Even this deputy head is no exception.

Twenty-six people, more than half of them were directly killed, and the number of kills by Qin Fang was relatively small, but there were also ten people.

These corpses Qin Fang will certainly not care. I believe that it will not be long before the police and the military will send people to come over and wipe the buttocks for them to deal with is the best.

However, the equipment of these people is quite good. Of course, Qin Fang will not be polite. He immediately smashed the equipment of these people... and stuffed them into the props box, ready to take them away.

Qin Fang’s men now have a small number of defending forces. Chen Da is a group of people, but although they are all retired special forces, they have good ability, but they have no weapons and equipment, which is obviously a big weakness.

Although Qin Fang asked Tangcheng to help, and prepared a few guns and pistols for them, it was still relatively weak. After all, the real heavy weapons, the state is not allowed to hold private.

Qin Fang can buy some through the black market of the killer platform, but he only needs to complete the task points, it will consume the light, and must complete new tasks, let alone go to the black market...

Therefore, this time, although it was dangerously dangerous, it was almost nine deaths that had escaped this robbery, but it also brought quite substantial benefits to Qin Fang...

Twenty-six mercenaries were killed and killed more than a dozen. Their equipment lost a lot of money, but Qin Fang took them all out and collected a lot of things that could be used.

Especially the mp5 submachine gun, heavy sniper rifle, desert eagle, Buretta pistol, etc., but the number is quite a lot, in addition to night vision goggles, grenades, spurs, bulletproof vests, etc., enough for Qin to organize a Ten special assault squad...

"Right, Chu Yu..."

When these equipments were all properly packed, Qin Fang suddenly remembered that he had made such a big move here, but he forgot the Chu Yu and immediately rushed to the place where Chu Yu hides.

Because Qin Fang has been deliberately attracting the attention of the enemy, try not to let these mercenaries close to the hiding place of Chu, but the last batch of people came from that direction.

With the fierceness of these mercenaries, if you find Chu Yu’s words, you will never leave a polite life... Time has delayed so much, Qin Fang wants not to worry.

Although the night was already deep, the forest was darker, and it was almost impossible to distinguish between the southeast and the northwest. However, Qin Fang still returned to the hiding place of Chu Yu as quickly as possible.

"where is the guy……"

However, what appeared in front of him was a cave that had completely collapsed. The gravel and the mud had completely filled the cave, and there were traces of mercenary in the vicinity. Qin’s face changed greatly, and the heart also produced. A bad idea.

However, the Qin side is not idle, there is no Chuxi body nearby, it means that at least Chu Yu did not die here, Qin Fang worried that she was buried in this cave.

There are stones around the cave. The Qin side detonated two grenades. The stone at the top of the cave shook down. If you can stun the Chu, you will probably be buried alive.

Therefore, the Qin party immediately rushed to the cave without hesitation, and quickly opened the gravel around the cave with both hands, trying to pull Chu from it.

"where is the guy……"

However, he soon discovered that although the cave collapsed, there was no shadow in the inside. After all, the cave was not very big, and he could confirm it after a while.

It was only in his heart that he was puzzled. Chu Yu was not buried alive. The mercenaries did not take her. Where did she go?

"Is it..."

Although Qin is very reluctant to admit it, the very bad idea has appeared again.

At this time, Qin Fang’s ear moved slightly, and he heard the sound faintly. Then there was a cold on the back. Qin’s eyes contracted instantly and his body moved slightly.

"Be careful……"


Almost at the same time, a woman’s exclamation came, accompanied by a gunshot.


Qin Fang was once again smashed. Although his reaction was fast enough, he still couldn’t get a bullet too fast, and he immediately shot in his right arm.

A sudden pain came, so that Qin Fang’s hand with a gun could not help but throw away the gun in his hand... But the Qin side rolled up on the ground and quickly got into the tree next to it.

Taking advantage of the injured and bleeding arm, Qin Fang was hiding behind the tree, and he could only carefully poke a little bit and look at the rear.

The woman who just gave a voice reminder is naturally the Chu 想要 that Qin Fang wants to find. At this time, she seems to have not suffered any harm, but she has been held hostage.

"Come out, you can't escape... If you don't want your woman to be killed by me, quickly come out from behind the tree! I will give you three seconds... one...two..."

What surprised Qin Fang was that the one who caught Chu was actually a dragon, or at least his Chinese was very fluent. It was not like the mercenaries who had been killed by Qin before were all in English.

But what makes Qin Fang helpless is that this person is actually a group with the mercenaries, or the fish of the wreckage of the wrecked mercenary group... and also holds the Chu 芊芊, forcing Qin to come out from behind the tree.

"No more, I am going to shoot."

After Qin Fang was hiding behind the tree, the kid was obviously a little impatient. The gun in his hand was holding the head of Chu Yu. It seemed to be a bit of a gun.

"Wait... I am coming out!"

Qin Fang frowned, in the face of such a situation, he also has no way, the surrounding environment is actually very suitable for him to hide, it is not difficult to kill this last mercenary, but he can not take Chu Yan adventure.

So, Qin Fang stood up slowly, glaring at the right arm of his hand, slowly coming out from behind the tree... He was wearing bulletproof vests and protected several important parts of the upper body. Although such close-range shooting is not too resistant, Qin’s life is still more secure.

"Drop all the weapons on your body!"

Although Qin Fang’s right hand was actually shot and bleeding, but the kid seems to be not very reassured, immediately said with a gun on the head of Chu Yu.

"Qin Fang, leave me alone, you can escape..."

Chu Yu pale, no blood, but in the face of such a situation, she had to make a choice, immediately shouted to the Qin side.

"Shut up! Speak again, Laozi collapsed you..."

The Qin party has not yet opened, but the mercenary is wearing a heavy gun with a slap in the face, and his face is also showing some color, it seems that it is very likely to shoot.

"Don't kill her! I am out... I have no weapons!"

Qin Fang frowned, he could see that the mercenary on the opposite side was even more nervous than him. When Qin Fang came out from behind the tree, he also kept reading the psychological reaction of the mercenary.

Undoubtedly, just at that moment, the mercenary did have a murderous chance against Chu, and Qin Fang naturally could not see Chu Yu being killed, immediately walked out and showed the other side that he did not have a gun. .

"You fool! Go away... or both of us will die here!"

Chu Yan's face is even more ugly, tears can not help but flow down, urging Qin Fang to leave here.

Of course, she understands that the reason why the mercenary took her to marry Qin Fang was to kill Qin Fang, and once Qin Fang was killed, her weak woman could not survive.

In the face of this mercenary, she did not have the possibility of escape, but Qin Fang can bring her out of the bullets and rain, and naturally can escape at this time.

"I won't go... let's go and let's go together!"

It was only the Qin side that was quite determined. The eyes looked at Chu Yu and looked at the mercenary behind her. Qin Fang was also looking for opportunities.

Such a night, the restrictions on the gunmen are very large, but the impact on the Qin side is very limited, Qin Fang has full grasp, at the moment the mercenary shows his head, a shot to kill this guy, and he even shot There will be no chance...

The problem is that this mercenary is quite cautious. One of them hides himself behind Chu, and does not reveal a little bit. It is useless to use Qin’s guns.

"Want to go? Then I will send you on the road first..."

The mercenary was sneer, and the gun that had been aimed at Chu’s head suddenly turned around the gun and aimed at Qin to shoot.

At such a close distance, Qin Fang seems to be unprepared. With his shooting method, Qin Fang is unlikely to have the possibility of resisting...


Seeing that this person actually had to shoot at the Qin side, Chu Yu did not know what to think about it. Suddenly, there was an excitement in his heart. The body that was controlled suddenly slammed into the mercenary behind him.

The distance between the two was very close, and Chu was suddenly shot. He immediately hit the mercenary and was caught off guard... The direction of the gun also deflected a little.



At almost the same time, two gunshots rang at the same time, one from the mercenary and the other from the Qin side.


Two blood flowers bloom at the same time...

Qin Fang’s bullet instantly penetrated the mercenary’s eyebrows and directly killed the other party...

However, he did not stop the other party from shooting. The gun was originally shot at the Qin side, but it was hit by Chu Yu, deflecting the position, and the bullets were shot into the heart of Chu Yu...

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