Omni Genius

Chapter 709: Beauty kills!

Chapter 709 Beauty Kills!

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He is dead...

Such a message is too difficult for Shangguanhao to accept!

The only thought in his heart is "Impossible...", but the facts before it seem that this "impossible thing" has already happened.

Otherwise, Qin Fang can't stand in front of him so easily...

Qin Fang’s face was filled with a light smile. Shangguan Tianling and Lei Peng died. This Shangguanhao is not worth mentioning... If it is outside, Qin Fang may still worry that he will escape, but here is In the park, there is little to say, and there is still a towering wall next to it. Unless Shangguanhao puts on his wings, he will not want to escape if he has four legs.

Taking off his clothes, Qin easily threw the past into Li Yuerong!

The big girl is still half naked. She used to run away. She had sweat on her body. Even if she had less clothes, she didn’t feel anything, but now she stopped, she didn’t wear clothes, and she sweated. It is so easy to fall ill on such a cold winter night.

Li Yuerong took the red jacket and took the coat that Qin Fang threw. He immediately turned around and put it on, but Qin Fang still had such a stunned look. He saw the white jade and smooth jade back... The fire of several days is inevitably a little uplifting. Whoever let him just step into the 5th level, the strength is soaring, this anger is also a little bit growing.

However, he still has to deal with this Shangguanhao. He has no time to think about it. Anyway, he can return to Ninghai tomorrow. At that time, someone can solve these physiological problems for him.

"Kill, don't kill?"

Qin Fang’s heart is a bit difficult.

Reason tells Qin Fang that this Shangguanhao can't stay in front of him, but it seems very inappropriate to kill in the face of Li Yuerong.

Shangguanhao is the son of Shangguan Tianling. He is also a member of the Tianchi School. He is also one of the insiders who know that Qinfang has killed Shangguan Tianling.

Qin Fang is indeed the way to use acupuncture to turn Shangguanhao into an idiot who knows nothing, and completely bury this thing...

However, as a martial art that has been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years, the Tianchi School can refine the medicinal herbs such as blood-staining dan, and naturally there are some experts in medicine and medicine. If they will cure Shangguan Hao, then Qin Fang The trouble is coming...

What's more, Qin Fang just discovered Shangguanhao's heart and found that this kid has already believed that most of his old man has been killed. At the same time, he has already calculated it. He will go to Tianchi to inform the news and at the same time find a master to avenge his Laozi. ... even the person he wants to call is actually a 7th-level master.

The strength of the Tianchi faction is very strong. As one of the main powers of the Tianchi faction, the Shangguan family naturally has a very strong master.

For example, Shangguanhao wants to move the Shangguan Tenglong. According to the seniority, he is the uncle of Shangguan Tianling, the uncle of Shangguanhao, a 7th-level master.

If Qin Fang kills Shangguan Tianling, it is already dangerous and dangerous, even if he does not hesitate to use the poisonous calculations. If this is successful, then this Shangguan Tenglong will not be able to have the opportunity to poison. The transfer of flowers in the thousand techniques can not help the slap of this division-level powerhouse...

Even if the poison is successful, it is useless. The master of the Shangguan Tianling, the poison of the Qinfang can only slow down his strength, the toxicity is suppressed by the strong internal interest, and the master is stronger. Horror, poisoning can still burst out of all strength in a short time...

This is like the old Wu Lao, who can easily repel Chen Liang in the midst of poisoning... This is of course the reason why Wu Lao guessed that Chen Liang was related to his apprentice Chen Qingsong, otherwise Chen He died eight times early.

Qin Fang has entered the 5th level, and the strength has indeed skyrocketed a lot. It has truly achieved the invincibility below the master level... In the past, he had played against Qin’s brother, and Qin Fang relied on the support of the buns to fight for a long time to win, but now he can definitely win the comparison. It's easy.

However, this still cannot change the fact that Qin Fang did not enter the master class and is still not the opponent of the master class, let alone the master who is ten times and hundred times more powerful than the master class.

"This person can't stay!"

In view of this reason, Qin Fang finally felt that he could not take the risk. Shang Guanhao could never leave this person. Otherwise, Qin Fang would have infinite trouble.

Thinking of this, Qin Fang’s look at Shangguanhao’s eyes is also more and more unsatisfactory.

"Don't... don't kill me!"

Shangguanhao was also a bit emotionally stable at this time, although he still had considerable doubts about the news that his son had died, but Qin Fang’s eyes were seen by him.

In the face of death, Shangguanhao has never been a hard bone... In order to survive, he can do anything.

It’s like the previous time, in order to be able to survive, even the perverted things can be done, so the heavy taste can be tolerated... This person’s endurance is even more powerful than the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

"Miss Li, how do you feel about disposing of him?"

Qin Fang did not care about him, but asked Li Yuerong, who was wrapped in his coat.

"kill him!"

Although Li Yuerong was a little surprised, Qin Fang actually asked her for her opinion, but she did not refuse. She looked at the poor pity of Shang Guanhao in front of her eyes. Her heart did not have a little bit of pity, almost gnashing her teeth.

A woman is of course the most prone to sympathy, but sometimes a woman’s heart is harder than a man... otherwise there will be no such poem.

The green bamboo snake mouth, the wasp tail needle, both are not poisonous, the most poisonous woman heart!

Although this is not to say that a woman's mood must be the most vicious, it also shows that the woman's heart is poisonous, but it is more poisonous than the green bamboo snake and the wasp.


Li Yuerong’s answer is very unexpected to the Qin side.

Although he also guessed that Li Yuerong was the hero of Shangguan Hao, but now it is a harmonious society, killing people is illegal, but Li Yuerong still gave such an answer, it is really unexpected.

"Mr. Qin, you may not know... There are so many devastating things that Shangguanhao has done, and there are so many women who have been plagued, and even killed a few of them, my good sisters..."

Having said that, Li Yuerong’s face is angry and abnormal, and it is quite sad. Obviously this is indeed something that has already happened.

Qin Fang slightly glimpsed, but he knew that Shangguanhao was not a good bird. The evil value of his body was more than one hundred points. It can also be counted among the wicked, but he did all the things, Qin Fang. There is definitely no way to figure it out...

It’s just that now, this kid is really a **** who is not a bad person.

That being the case...

The Qin side is certainly not welcome!

Killing such a person, but there is an increase in the value of justice, although the number is not a lot, but Qin Fang has a very useful skill waiting for his justice value!

"No... don't kill me!"

Sure enough, Qin Fang turned his face, Shangguanhao’s face suddenly changed and became extremely fearful and panic. He knew that he was not an opponent of Qin Fang. When he heard that he would ask Li Yuerong’s opinion, he thought that Li Yuerong was A woman, even if she hates him again, she will not want his life. The worst thing is to get rid of him...

As long as he can not die, he can find someone to avenge himself...

Unexpectedly, Li Yuerong’s words suddenly made him a little bit of hope that it would have disappeared without a trace.

The Qin side is just a small look, so that he is like a falling ice, the whole body is cold...

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of putting the tiger back to the mountain..."

Qin Fang’s wrist trembled, and a black spur of the army appeared in his hand. The footsteps moved slightly, and he went to Shangguanhao’s face and grabbed his hand and grabbed it.


Shangguan Haoyi saw that Qin Fang had killed him, and there was a military thorn in the hands of Qin Fang. His heart was even more fearful, and he almost did not want to escape.

However, how could his speed compare with the Qin side? The footsteps have not yet been taken. Qin Fang has already buckled his collar, and when he pulls it, he will return Shangguanhao.

At the same time, a silver needle pierced the spine of Shangguanhao's back neck. Shangguanhao's body suddenly became stiff, and the whole person could not move.

Shangguanhao's body was restrained. It looked like a statue. The body was stiff. Except for the eyelids, there was no place to move.

By the way, Qin Fang also handed off Shangguanhao’s chin. He couldn’t speak except for the sound of his voice.

"Miss Li, would you like to take revenge yourself? Give it to you..."

However, Qin Fang had a more unique move. He actually pulled Li Yuerong over and put the army thorn into her hand. It was a sinister smile.

Li Yuerong stunned, Shangguanhao himself was also a blind eye, they did not think that Qin Fang would actually do this...

"Mr. Qin, this..."

Li Yuerong was dumbfounded. She said that she was so powerful that she hated Shangguanhao to the extreme, but let her go to kill... She obviously did not have this guts.

After all, she is still a weak woman!

"Miss Li, imagine yourself, if I didn't show up just now, what kind of result would you be..."

Qin Fang just smiled lightly, very calmly asked.

Li Yuerong stunned and was asked by Qin Fang.

"Yeah, if he didn't show up, what would it be like? I want to die... I didn't die; I want to escape... I can't escape, and finally fall into his hands, I will inevitably be innocent... The above officials are human beings, even if they lose their innocence, they know something that they should not know, then their own lives..."

Li Yuerong is not a stupid person. She will soon be able to roughly estimate the approximate situation. If the Qin party does not appear, then she will not only be innocent, but she will not be able to keep her life...

After thinking about this, Li Yuerong’s heart suddenly hardened, and he gripped the spur of his hand and walked slowly to Shangguanhao.


Shangguanhao can't move his body, his mouth can't talk, he can only make such a voice, and all his eyes are fear...

Li Yuerong approached step by step, and the tip of the thorn was gradually approaching Shangguanhao's chest. Her wrist was shaking constantly, and even the body was still shaking.

She is just an ordinary girl. Even a chicken has not killed her. Now she wants her to kill. This is no longer a difficult person. It is simply persecution.

However, her heart is a little bit strange that Qin Fang has no meaning, and some are only grateful. If it is not for Qin Fang to save her several times, I am afraid that she has already been fragrant.

"I... I can't do it!"

However, when the tip of the spur had arrived at Shangguanhao's chest, he had even sneaked in a little bit, and Li Yuerong suddenly said very excited and frustrated.

She really can't do it... she's just an ordinary soft woman.

"Then I will help you!"

At this moment, Qin Fang’s voice came, and then Li Yuerong felt that his hand was held by a warm big hand, and that warm tolerance gave her a boundless sense of security.

However, there is another kind that the hand brings - killing!

Li Yuerong had not had time to react, and the hand holding the spur was held by Qin Fang, and then jerked forward...


The tip of the spurs instantly penetrated the heart of Shangguanhao.

Shangguanhao’s eyes instantly solidified and stiffened, and his cheeks were strongly twitching... The brilliance in his eyes was gradually fading.

A slight resistance was applied to the arm, and the blood gradually sprayed out along the bloodletting groove of the spur, and the sputum shot far.

If it wasn’t for Qin’s early appearance, Li Yuerong would have been thrown aside when he was on the side of the first time.

It is so okay, but there is still some warm blood on her face.

"I... I... I killed someone!"

Li Yuerong was frightened by the whole person, that is, the blood was on her face, which made her slightly awake, but her eyes were still so sluggish, and her mind was fluent.

Obviously, this weak woman is really scared.

Qin Fang’s heart is also a bit regretful to do so... He has already killed several people, and his mentality has become quite peaceful, but Li Yuerong is just an ordinary girl. He helped her kill someone, and it’s really a bit too much.

But Qin Fang is also quite helpless...

Lei Peng was killed by him. Shangguan Tianling was killed by him. Shangguanhao must not be able to stay. So what happened tonight, the insider except for his Qin party, only Li Yuerong alone.

Shangguan Tianling is a person from Tianchi School. He is also a core disciple. He is so mysteriously missing. He will certainly not be good. Once the Tianchi faction is investigated, he will definitely find him on Qin Fang and Li Yuerong.

Qin Fang himself is not worried. He has a teacher behind him. His identity is quite special. Even if the Tianchi faction has doubts, and there is no evidence, he will not dare to treat him.

But Li Yuerong is different. She is a weak woman. It is not too difficult to know the truth of this matter from her body...

This is also the case, Qin Fang is absolutely not allowed to let Li Yuerong leave.

Kill her?

The Qin side certainly can't do it.

Although he has a lot of lives on his hands, almost every one has the reason for the killing. It is not a random indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

It can be said that Li Yuerong is innocent from beginning to end.

However, since she was implicated, she must not be left out of the way, so Qin Fang must keep her around, one is to facilitate the protection, and the second is also worried that she fell into the hands of the Tianchi faction, which is very unfavorable to him.

There aren’t many ways to keep her around, and there’s not a lot of tricks. When Qin Fang finally saw Li Yuerong’s eyes and expressions that he wanted to kill Shangguanhao, he suddenly thought of this more sinister trick. .

Of course, this is also quite a helpless trick...

Li Yuerong stayed, and I don’t know what to do next.

Qin Fang stepped forward and gently took her into her arms. She reached out and gently patted his back, which gave her some comfort.

"I... I killed someone!"

Feeling the temperature in Qin’s mind, Li Yuerong’s consciousness was slightly clearer, and his mouth was still chanting.

"Well! Any plans for the future..."

Qin Fang’s voice is very soft. He knows that Li Yuerong needs comfort at this time, not stimulation.

"I... I don't know, will I go to jail?"

Li Yuerong shook her head. She couldn’t think about her head now, and could only look at Qin Fang helplessly.

"will not!"

Qin Fang said with certainty, "Let me go back to Ninghai! I will protect you..."

"Back to Ninghai..."

Li Yuerong slightly stunned, looking at the face of Qin Fang, looking at the deep eyes of Qin Fang, feeling the warm heart, it seems that the mood has recovered a lot, actually subconsciously nodded, "I am with you Back to Ninghai..."

Although I knew that Li Yuerong’s answer was only answered by her unclear situation, Qin Fang couldn’t help but nodded slightly and held her tightly in her arms.

From the moment she nodded, Qin was convenient to treat her as her own. He would do his best to keep her safe, for her, for himself...

Li Yuerong didn't know how she went back to Qin. She only felt like she had made a dream. In that dream, she was kidnapped and saved, and then she was hated by her. The animal was chased, humiliated, and even worse... but in the end, she personally killed the animal, Shangguanhao, watching his blood rush out from his heart...

But when she woke up, she also sighed a little. She knew that it was just a dream. She couldn’t kill Shangguanhao, and she didn’t have the courage to kill... because Shangguanhao was still alive, not long ago she was still alive. saw!

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