Omni Genius

Chapter 713: The tough guy can't stop my torture~~

Chapter 713, the tough guy can't stop my torture~~

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Such a change happened very suddenly. Even if Qin Fang realized that the other party was not good, he did not expect the other party to be so determined.

The other party's car was not far from the Qin side. Qin Fang did not have so much vigilance before, until the red light on the other side was suddenly awakened.

At this time, the speed of the car suddenly broke out. Qin Fang only had time to make a vacant posture, because he wanted to jump off the side and it was too late...

Huh ~~~

The car rushed to the Qin Fang at a very high speed, absolutely comparable to the "seventy yards" of the year, and even the speed is even more...

However, the Qin side did not have much panic. Even if there was no possibility of evading, it still broke out the strongest force. Suddenly, it suddenly went up and flew directly into the air.


The car passed the position where Qin Fang had just stood at a high speed, but it did not hit the signs of people, so that the person inside the car was slightly stunned.

Boom! ! !

However, the man in the car had just spent a while, and suddenly heard a strong impact on the roof of the car, a very serious depression appeared directly on the roof.

If he is not sitting on the driver's seat, the position of such a depression is a little bit, and his head will be directly smashed.

"I rely!"

Although he has just seen that Qin Fang has taken a leap forward when he is about to hit the Qin Dynasty, he is also an old driver. He has never seen anyone who is at such a close distance and has such a high speed. Under the collision...

But the deep depression on the roof of the car has fully explained the problem...

"The paralyzed, the old man can't die, you have to fall to you..."

It’s just that the driver in the car is not a good boy. He didn’t hit the Qin side. Now the Qin side is definitely on the roof of the car. Immediately, he made a sigh in his heart. In such a high-speed driving situation, suddenly there is a brake...

Basically everyone knows that sudden braking is a very dangerous thing. Even if you are sitting in the car, if you don't fasten your seat belt, you may be directly taken out by the powerful inertia, not to mention standing on the roof. There is nothing at all that can be grasped...


Sure enough, he suddenly slammed a sudden brake, which himself was quite painful by this inertia, but the Qin Fang on the roof was completely unstable and directly resembled a shell. Forced to go out ten or twenty meters away, and finally fell heavily on the edge of the mountain wall next to the tunnel.

The gravel of the mountain was so violently hit by the Qin side, and the squatting down was shocked. Just listening to the sound, you can imagine that there are multiple slams!

"I don't believe it, it's not dead..."

The driver shook his neck, he was not very good at himself, but when he saw the end of the Qin side, his face still showed some smug look.

Looking around, quiet and empty, there are not many people coming here, let alone this midnight, and far away, only the lights of his car are shining with a touch of light.

In order to confirm that the Qin party had indeed died, and at least the serious injury was not cured, the driver walked down from the car, holding a cold dagger in his hand, and carefully walked toward the place where Qin Fang fell.

Although he feels that the Qin side has almost no possibility of rebellion, it is definitely a serious injury, but he still looks very careful and does not dare to have a little care...

At the foot of the mountain, the shadow was still there, motionless, and it seemed that it was completely dead.

"Is it really dead?"

Because of the relationship between the sky and the distance, the effect of the headlights has been quite weak. He can't see whether the Qin side has shed blood or died. It is only a matter of doubt that the Qin side has no movement.

But he has always been cautious, holding his dagger slowly, and still sees no movement in the Qin side on the ground, and his heart is also a little relieved.

"Whether you are really dead or pretending to die, I will not be so easy to believe if I try not to personally..."

It’s just that this person can dare to kill and be so ferocious. If there is no minimum vigilance, it is impossible. When he walked to the front of the "Qin Fang’s body," his footstep suddenly stopped, his eyes. In the middle of a cold flash, the dagger in the hand immediately stabbed to the position of the Qin heart.

Whether the Qin party is really dead, or is pretending to be dead, he must confirm that the target has died and will stop...

This is also the method of his temptation. If Qin Fang really died, it would not make much sense to make up a knife, but if it is still not dead, then just send him on the road!

"A good heart..."

Seeing the dagger in his hand is about to pierce Qin’s heart position. A cold voice suddenly came from his ear, and he felt that his wrist seemed to be welded by any hard steel. I suddenly couldn’t move anymore...

Hearing this voice, he felt the imprisonment and pain from the wrist. The face of this person changed greatly, and his eyes also burst into a fascinating appearance.

But he didn't panic, but his wrist suddenly trembled. The hand that was held by Qin Fang seemed to be a snake, and became soft and boneless. The dagger in his hand was also fast. The cut of the wrist toward the Qin side...


Qin Fang slightly glimpsed, but did not expect this person actually has such a means.

The wrist seems to be completely boneless, quite flexible, and the dagger is quite agile in his hand. This sudden attack is also a slight change in the face of Qin Fang. If he does not make any changes, then The dagger will definitely cut his wrist meridians...

"Sure enough, some skills!"

Feeling the ice cold on the dagger that hit the fast, Qin Fang's eyes flashed a stern color, and the mouth was also softly praised.

However, this killer is indeed a bit of a skill, but it is not so much to pay attention to him, the strength of the district level 3, Qin Fang slap can kill him dozens of back and forth.

However, Qin Fang did not worry about it. He just returned to Ninghai. The killer who sent the head to the head has already come to the door. If he doesn’t make the other person’s head clear, he will be struggling to go back and slap. .


The opponent's wrist is quite flexible and the speed is very fast.

However, compared with the Qin side, it was much weaker. Qin’s wrist was slightly shocked. The man felt that his wrist was suddenly broken. A strong pain was almost impossible for him to clench. The dagger in the hand.

The strength of Qin Fang is so great that it is definitely not something that can be resisted by the person in front of him. He is slightly more forceful. The man’s hand is also unable to help himself, and the dagger is unable to fall down.

However, the Qin side was using the footsteps, and the dagger flew up again and flew up in the air, and the knife tip fell down...

The man’s face changed dramatically, and he was almost anxious to struggle, because the position where the tip of the knife fell was the palm of his hand that was pinched...

If he doesn't dodge again, the dagger will definitely pierce his palm... The last time he has to make a big wound!

"You... let me go!"

When this happens, the man is also anxious. Who will be happy to see that he is pierced by a knife? The idiot will like to watch it.

Qin Fang just smiled, but did not speak, the dagger was still falling at this time!


Don't look at the dagger's fluttering, it seems that there is no power at all. It seems that at most it can only puncture the skin, but when it really falls down and plunges in, the talent knows that it is a big mistake. ......

The dagger seemed to be held in the hands of a strong man, and then slammed into the palm of his hand, piercing his palm with a knife, like a piece of soft tofu...


This kind of injury is too strong, even if this person has been tossed, but when such pain hits, he still can not help but scream.

In such a quiet night, so remote, he picked a very good place to kill, but did not expect that the first person who was unlucky was indeed himself.

The blood spouted out of his palm, and the dagger was still inserted in his hand. Qin Fang did not pull out at half point...

"Who sent you here..."

Looking at the pale face of this person, Qin Fang asked calmly, as if this thing had nothing to do with him.

"You... you killed me!"

It’s just that the other person’s pain is terrible, but his temper seems to be quite hard. He even bite his teeth, so he refuses to cooperate with him and closes his eyes and asks for death.

"Are you sure you want to die?"

Qin Fang did not care about him, but asked very lightly.


This person is also hard, the wrist is still pinched by the Qin Fang, the pain from the palm of the hand is so pinched, seems to be a lot slower than just.

But at the same time, he is also a smart person, knowing what words can be said and what can't be said... This will be so tough for Qin.

"I like tough guys..."

Qin Fang smiled, very appreciative of the general saying, but also let the other side slightly glimpse, a little do not understand what Qin Fang said.

"Only a tough guy can survive my toss..."

However, the next sentence of Qin Fang reveals the words of the infinite cold killing machine, but directly throws him into an ice cave that has never been formed, so that his body is almost stiff in an instant.

If he said before, he would certainly not believe the words of Qin Fang, but now... He vaguely felt that the means that Qin Fang would implement for him was definitely far beyond his imagination.

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