Omni Genius

Chapter 718: Who moved my clothes, who broke my hands and feet!

Chapter 718 Who Moves My Clothes, Who Should I Remove?

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Su Yuan’s words are quite unfaced. Cao Fatzi is also a very face-to-face person. Plus he is very rich and knows a lot of big people. Naturally, he is also very self-satisfied.

It is because of this, he is a bit ignorant of the heights of the sky... plus his own person is quite lascivious, Tang Feifei, a few women are not the best beauty, than the one he has just raised, Zhang Huiqiang does not know how many times, he is in this heart Nature is itchy.

"I said beauty, so don't you give Cao a face?"

The more people who want to face, the more they can't tolerate someone to give him a face.

So when I heard Su Yuan’s words, Cao Fat’s face was a bit ugly, and the tone was not as enthusiasm as before, and there was a slight threat.

Not only that, when he spoke, the two bodyguards who had been stalking not far behind were also approaching this side... bringing a lot of pressure to several women in Tang Feifei.

In the party of Qin Fang, there are also some more powerful ones. For example, Chu Wei, she has practiced the fighting skills of karate and taekwondo, and then she has the internal interest, and even martial arts with the Qin, it is definitely not good to play those martial arts masters. But for ordinary people, three or seven or seven are not her opponents.

Ning Yumo, not to mention, her skill is stronger than Chu Yu...

Fan Ning also has the means of self-protection, even the skills of killing her, but it is not practical!

But the only ones in front of me, all of them are ordinary girls, there is no strength in the kind... Seeing these two tall, strong bodyguards come over, they are naturally quite nervous.

"Several beautiful women, I am not the kind of person who likes to use strong people. Since everyone can run into it, it is also a kind of fate. Everyone can make a friend."

Seeing that Tang Feifei was scared by her own people, Cao Fatzi was also quite satisfied. This face naturally returned, and her face returned to the enthusiasm and harmony that she used to look like. It seems that it is really a human being. Harmless fat like.

However, the smile on his face looked very uncomfortable, especially the look, but also in the Tang Feifei several women's body constantly moving back and forth, which implies some unusual desires.

How many women have been seen naked like this, and still use such a coercive way, suddenly this face has changed, and my heart is quite angry.

"This gentleman, please be your own weight!"

Even Tang Feifei, who has always had a mild temper, can't help but feel angry at this time, suppressing his own anger.

“Self-weight? Why don’t I be self-respecting?”

It’s just that Cao Fatzi didn’t care, and his face was quite disdainful. Obviously, he didn’t put Tang Feifei’s words on his mind...

"Zhang Hui, manage your man..."

Su Yuan was also irritated by this fat man. Immediately facing Zhang Hui, who was standing behind him, looked like a scorpion, and his face was full of anger.

"What about me!"

Zhang Hui was quite uncomfortable with Su Yuan. This is Cao Fatzi, but she is the gold lord. Where can she offend her? If he provokes him to be too big, he will give her a foot. This kind of stupid thing will certainly not be done. It is.

As for saying that Cao Fatzi is new and tired, Zhang Hui is not worried at all. Her bed is very good. Cao Fatzi has long forgotten about her, otherwise she will not buy a set of tens of millions of villas to raise her. .

Compared with her, the few gimmicks in front of me are just the fruit of the green scorpion. It’s okay to try it, but if I want to fight with her, it’s still far away...


Su Yuan didn't think that Zhang Hui would actually be like this. That jade finger pointed at Zhang Hui, and a white face was also red-hot...

The people in the sales office are standing in the distance to watch the drama, and they have not meant to come over to help. Even this deputy manager Zhou Pei is standing behind Cao Fatzi, posing a supportive posture, even he also let the sales office The two security guards temporarily sealed the door and prevented others from coming in.

"let's go!"

When I saw the reason, it didn't make sense. Tang Feifei didn't bother to stay and look at the house. She immediately greeted me and went outside.

"Don't tell me... This friend hasn't paid, how come?"

The more I can't get it, the more itchy the heart of Cao Fatzi. When I saw that Tang Feifei had to go, Cao Fatzi had a cross, and she blocked the way, and also extended her arms to go. The top Tang Feifei.

"You... get out!"

Seeing that pair of arms, actually hugged directly to himself, Tang Feifei's face changed greatly, and the white face was even more anger.


When Qin Fang and Shen Liang came over, because they were a little traffic jam on the road, they were a little late for ten minutes. They just walked to the door of the sales office. The two security guards stopped them. "Sorry, sir, we have Going to work... If you want to see the house, please come back tomorrow!"

"Well? What happened?"

Qin Fang has a slight glimpse. This time is only two or three o'clock in the afternoon. It should be just after work. How can I get off work? And his Audi is still outside, Tang Feifei they should be here.

Strangely strange, Qin Fang still pulled out the phone and was ready to call...

"Qin Shao, look at you..."

At this time, Shen Liang suddenly pointed to the sales office.

This sales office is the kind of curtain wall glass. It can be seen from the outside. Plus, Tang Feifei’s position is slightly biased. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see it clearly. Notice this, but Shen Liang's eyes are sharp.

He looked at it and saw that Tang Feifei’s faces were angry, and Cao Fatzi was about to reach out to hold Tang Feifei...

"court death!"

Qin Fang suddenly became furious, and immediately screamed with anger, and directly pushed the two security guards into the road!

"You can't go in!"

The two security guards apparently realized what they were. When they thought of their own rice bowls, they immediately reached out to stop the Qin side from entering the door, and even pulled out the rubber sticks around their waists.


Qin Fang's eyebrows were horizontal, and he immediately slammed his hand and smacked it. In the face of the two security guards, they immediately took out a five-fingerprint, and they directly smoked Venus in front of them.

"Abolished them..."

However, this is only the beginning. It violated the big step and entered the door. It directly lost such a sentence. Shen Liang behind him immediately took one hand and pulled the two security guards to the side to clean up.


"Several beautiful women, I have already said, let's make friends today, I will never be embarrassed by you..."

That is why Cao Fatzi was not able to hold Tang Feifei, but it was also that Tang Feifei had forced a few women to the corner, but there was no possibility of breaking through. The two sides in the direction were already the two of Cao Fatzi. The bodyguard stood still.


Just when Cao Fatzi said this sentence, there were two very crisp slaps behind him, and the people here were all alarmed.

"Who? Who let you in..."

Zhou Pei stood at the end, although he was quite disdainful of Cao Fatzi's means, but for his own future, he must also be a tiger.

At this time, I suddenly saw someone squatting in. It seems that I also hit the security guard at the sales office. He is also very angry. Especially the clothes that come in this man are very general, not like rich people, he The gesture was immediately squeezed.

"Roll ~~"

Qin Fang's brow slightly wrinkled, Zhou Pei's chest with a sign, with the words "manager" on it, should be managed here.

However, such a matter of management, not only did not help Tang Feifei to break through, it seems to be an accomplice.

For such a person, Qin Fang is certainly not polite, directly a "roll" word, and then quickly walked over to this side...

"Qin Fang, we are here!"

Seeing that Qin Fang came, Tang Feifei and their daughters immediately had the heart of the heart. At this time, they were not afraid. They immediately greeted the Qin side.

Cao Fatzi was also indifferent. He immediately gestured to the two bodyguards next to him. The two bodyguards immediately came to meet Qin Fang, and at first glance, they were not good at it.

"Brother, it's not your business here, otherwise don't blame us for being rude..."

Two bodyguards were clipped directly in front of Cao Fatzi and others, and the face was quite poorly warned.


Qin Fang scorned a sentence, and the direct hand is the two slaps of the past.

"court death……"


The two bodyguards did not expect Qin Fang to dare to do it, and immediately yelled a sentence, they wanted to dodge.

However, the two of them were barely capable of level 3, how could they avoid the slap in the Qin side, and the two palms did not fall, and they were directly on his face, each with a five-fingerprint, and instantly became red and swollen.


However, the two slaps are obviously not enough. These two guys dare to scare Tang Feifei, they have obviously touched the Qin Fang's counter-scale, and directly lifted the foot is two, squatting on the belly of these two bodyguards.

I saw two bodyguards each weighing 178 kilograms, becoming two shells, flying fast, flying about three or four meters, heavy squatting on the edge of the sales office After two dull sounds, they fainted directly...

Seeing such a scene, Cao Fatzi’s fat face is completely stiff, and the slightly open mouth is still too long to close...

His two bodyguards, but he spent a high price, each one can be an enemy of ten, but I did not expect such two masters, even the Qin Fang’s clothes have not touched, directly It was stunned by Qin Fang.

Losing the protection of these two bodyguards, Cao Fatzi looked at his side, leaving him, Zhang Hui, and Zhou Pei three... If Qin Fang is doing it again, it is absolutely impossible to stop it.

"This gentleman..."

Zhou Pei was also scared, but he also knew that he must not back down at this time. Otherwise, Cao Fatzi must be embarrassed. Once Cao Fatzi was beaten, he could not escape, so he was afraid. But still stood up and said to the Qin side.


Qin Fang’s hand was a slap, and he directly turned Zhou Pei’s dripping laps for a few laps. He almost fainted, “I will settle with you later...”

"This brother, have something to say..."

Zhou Pei was also abolished. Cao Fatzi was really panicked. He couldn’t count on Zhang Hui as a woman. He also knew that he couldn’t hide. He immediately stood up and hugged his fists. The opening was the slang of the road.

"Who is your brother?"

This time, Qin Fang did not start to draw him a mouth, but went to Tang Feifei, and gave them a few women, and retorted one sentence.

"Everyone is out of the mix, brothers in the four seas..."

This Cao fat child saw that Qin Fang did not start, and thought that this matter was a good discussion, and the face that was somewhat embarrassed was also a little smile.

"Oh, really?"

Qin Fang’s face showed a little smile. “Since it’s a brother, haven’t you heard that your friend’s wife can’t bully this?”

"This is a misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."

Cao Fatzi’s face was slightly stiff and stiff, and he smiled awkwardly, but his eyes flashed a bit of a stern color. People like him were never the main losers, but the situation was forced by him. I have to bow temporarily.

"Misunderstanding... It turned out to be a misunderstanding!"

Seeing the expression of Cao Fatzi, Qin Fang also smiled. "Since it is a misunderstanding, then if you open your words, you will not finish it..."

Tang Feifei and others glimpsed a little, because this is not the style of Qin Fang’s acting. When he was a bit puzzled, he noticed Qin’s eyes, and this calmed down.

"The right thing to say... This misunderstanding will naturally be solved! Who is the brother of Cao Zijian?"

This Cao fat child is also a slight glimpse, a little do not understand what Qin Fang said, but it is still following the words of Qin Fang.

"Don't say this first, this dude scared my girlfriend like this. If it doesn't mean anything, don't think about it this time..."

Qin Fang’s face was hung with a little arrogance, and it looked like a rogue rogue.

"Er... this is good to say, let's say!"

When Cao Fatzi heard that Qin Fang had to pay for it, his face changed slightly, but it quickly returned to normal, because he noticed that a sales lady not far away was calling out, obviously Called foreign aid, he only needs to circulate a few words with the Qin side. When someone comes, he will be liberated.

"I believe in this person, that is, brothers are like brothers and sisters, women are like clothes..."

The Qin side did not seem to have seen it at all. It was still faintly swayed there, and even said something that made Cao Fatzi suddenly shine.

"Right right! Brothers like brothers and sisters, women like clothes..."

Cao fat man is a hungry ghost in color, he will not understand the meaning of the words of Qin Fang, and he nodded in a hurry and said, "Brother, you said earlier, you open a price, as long as it is not too outrageous, I will open a check to you. ......"

During the conversation, Cao Fatzi took out the checkbook directly from his pocket and was really ready to give a check to Qin.

Tang Feifei several women are the best beauty, I don’t know much more than Zhang Hui, who is next to me. If Zhang Hui is not a bed, he will not support her.

Even a woman like Zhang Hui, he is willing to buy tens of millions of villas to specialize in raising her. In front of Tang Feifei, a few women are the best of the best. Cao fat child is pondering, that is, spending one hundred million is worth it... ...

Of course, this money he will certainly not be cheaper than Qin Fang, it is estimated that he opened the check in the front foot, took the women away, and he spent money to find someone to hack the Qin Fang... This is not the case. For the first time, I have already been familiar with it, so I have not put Qin Fang too in my heart.

How can I play this year?

Laozi has money. Can you play one, play ten, and play one hundred or one thousand?

Cao Fatzi has a word that often hangs on his lips - "The old man is poor and only has money left!"

As a coal boss from Hedong Province, Cao Fatzi’s money is really not much. I want to hold a luxury car show in Beijing. Cao Fatzi is directly carrying a few sacks of banknotes to buy. There are several cars to buy, all limited. Version……

As for the house, it goes without saying that Cao Fatzi came to Ninghai this time and bought a building directly... This is the master of the real money-rich burner!

For Zhou Pei to be so careful to accompany Cao Fatzi, it is not because Cao Fatzi is happy, maybe the villa here, he is all wrapped up...

It is precisely because of the money, and his belief that "nothing is money can not buy" theory, he certainly does not care too much about money.

As long as Qin Fang dared to open a price, he dared to open a check transaction... Qin Fang dared to offer a price of 100 million, he dared to come up with 10 million to buy Qin Fang's life!

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet, there is still a half sentence behind it..."

Seeing that Cao Fatzi is ready to open a check, Qin Fang said slowly.

"Are there still a few words?"

Cao fat child slightly stunned, a little touched by what Qin Fang said in the end, just thinking that he can bring these beautiful women back, he is completely blinded, "Quickly say, say... ..."

"The latter half is - who moved my clothes, who I am breaking!"

Seeing the appearance of Cao Fatzi's luscious heart, Qin Fang's face showed a little ironic smile, which slowly said the second half of the sentence.


When Cao Fatzi heard this sentence, the original color of the germination was almost poured into the cold water of the first pot, which directly made him feel cool from beginning to end.

A fat face has also become a sauce purple, how ugly, how ugly...

He is not a fool, he will not understand that he has been juggled by Qin Fangyu!

It’s just that he’s quite a fire in his heart. It’s not completely erupted. Qin Fang talked again. “Fifi, what dog’s paws just extended to you?”

"The two claws are stretched out..."

Tang Feifei and others waited for Qin for a long time. Now Qin Fang finally showed his meaning. Tang Feifei’s anger was also suppressed for a long time. Immediately, he was quite rude and pointed at the two fat and tired The paw said, while at the same time speaking, she did not forget to reveal her white teeth. It seemed that she was quite gnashing her teeth...

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