Omni Genius

Chapter 806: Fighting leopard

Chapter 806 Fighting Leopard

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In the dark mountain forest, the light is very dim, and the trees are quite dense. Even the bright moonlight has no particularly strong effect.

However, this does not affect Qin's tracking. He discovered this time that he had absorbed Jinlongyu, which not only strengthened his body, but also strengthened his five senses.

The original sense of smell was not particularly sensitive. Now I found out that it was much stronger than before. The leopard had a very special smell. Qin Fang smelled this smell. I didn’t care much at first, tracking the process. It was discovered that he could always smell this smell.

In contrast to the little trace left by the buns in the forest, Qin Fang was full of confidence in his sense of smell.

The light is dim, the field of vision is not very clear, but this sense of smell is not affected, and it has been chased all the way, and the smell is getting stronger and stronger.

"Come on, fast..."

The smell is rich, so the distance from the leopard is getting closer and closer, and Qin Fang naturally does not pay attention to how deep it is in the mountains.


A white figure appeared in the Qin Fang's field of vision. It seems that there is only one person lying there, not only 20 meters away from him.

This person is very small, it is estimated that even one meter is not enough, it should be a child!

"Well? Child... found it!"

Qin Fang suddenly happy, while quickly approaching, while a detective skill was thrown over, first of all to confirm whether the child is still alive.

Of course, his mind is also quite vigilant. He always pays attention to the surrounding environment and sees the child's figure. However, he does not find the leopard who has taken the child away. Qin Fang naturally has to be careful to watch out for the leopard suddenly from a certain Drilled out at the corner to attack him.

"Fortunately... still alive!"

The results of the investigation skills were quickly returned. The child did not die, but suffered a minor injury. There were several wounds on the body, and the blood slowly flowed. If it was not treated in time, it would still die.

Fortunately, Qin Fang found the timely, if it is a little later, he even found out, at most can only save a body.

Quickly walked to the child's body, the silver needle swayed, and immediately the needle sealed the child's strange eight veins, stopped the bleeding of the wound, temporarily stabilized the injury.

Although Qin Fang’s acupuncture skills are powerful, he is not a real doctor. The injury can be stabilized, but the specific treatment needs to be completed by professional doctors, not to mention the wounds that need to be bandaged.

The child is already in a coma, and there is no awareness at all.

The surrounding forest is very quiet, the horror of the silence, as if there is an inexplicable threat hidden in it, so that the Qin side has a chilling feeling.

He knew that the leopard had certainly not gone far, perhaps hiding at a dark corner and staring at him at this time, and suddenly it could be suddenly drilled out.

"Hey, I hope you don't find yourself dead..."

Qin Fang was careful to be alert, and he always kept his vigilance in his heart. Even when he reached out and picked up the injured child, his eyes kept patrolling around.

No movement!

There has been no movement!

It seems that the leopard does not exist at all.

However, Qin Fang knew very well that the leopard came, and it was nearby. The smell he smelled became rich, and the distance would not be too far.

Only this dim light, coupled with the surrounding trees, even with his eyesight is difficult to capture the possible hiding place of the leopard.

Qin Fang reached out and picked up the child. The leopard is dangerous, but the child must be saved. He must be rushed back to the tribe as soon as possible, otherwise he will run away.


Just when Qin Fang just picked up the child and was ready to turn around and leave, suddenly a hurricane swelled, and the smell smelled by Qin Fang’s breath was also instantly rich.


The Qin side almost immediately judged that the leopard that had taken the child appeared, and there was a strong goose bump on the back, which was a strong hunch for danger.

Almost instinctive, Qin Fang's footsteps were slightly wrong, and the body instantly retracted several steps toward the side slanting... I saw a black shadow with a whistling wind blowing from his side, apparently that Only the leopard has shot.

The sharp claws waved and crossed the corner of Qin’s clothes. There was a burst of spurs, and Qin’s clothes were immediately drawn a long hole.

This is the Qin Fang's action is fast enough, and the step is retired in time. Otherwise, the leopard's claws are not cut off by his clothes, but Qin's stomach.

It may even be thrown directly to the ground by this leopard...

Although the leopard is no more than a tiger, it is also a large beast. It weighs a few hundred pounds, and it is very fast. The explosive power is very strong. If it falls directly, few people can resist the attack!

"Oh... beast!"

Qin Fang’s movements were very fast. He escaped the attack of the leopard with a slight gap. The clothes were cut, and the Qin side could still feel the coolness of the intercostal space. He was almost succeeded by the leopard.

However, since this escape was escaped, this leopard could not be hidden, and the bright and bright appeared in front of the Qin side.

On a one-on-one basis, Qin Fang is really not afraid of such a very strong leopard.

This is a leopard, which looks quite strong. It is estimated that it is a strong young man with strong body and strong limbs. The money pattern on the fur adds a bit of strong momentum.

A pair of pale blue eyes are quite strange on such a night. Although they are as green as different wolves, it is a bit creepy to look at them more carefully.


The leopard stared at the Qin side with a straight eye, and the sound was heard in the mouth. The strong and powerful limbs slowly moved, seemingly looking for a suitable angle of attack, or looking for a suitable bite. ......

Qin Fang is also very vigilant. He found a simple rope from the props box, while paying attention to the movement of the leopard, while the child was tied in front of him and fixed...

When he got these things, he finally relaxed, and there was a black thorn in his hand.

To get out of here, this leopard must be done first.

Face-to-face fighting is the most appropriate method. If the Qin party rushes to the tribe in a hurry, the explosive power and speed cannot be compared with the leopard, let alone the leopard hidden in the dark is the most dangerous. It is better to face it now and pay more easily.

This leopard is quite strong and the grade is not low. It has reached level 5, comparable to the golden-topped cockatoo that Qin had encountered.

It’s just that the killing power is naturally more dangerous because it is very large and contains very toxic. Once caught, it will be poisoned if it is not eaten.

It’s just that Qin Fang didn’t dare to slap the leopard in front of him. It’s faster and more flexible. With sharp minions, it’s not easy for Qin to deal with it.

As for the gun killing -

This is also the wild animal is about to become extinct. If it is not necessary, Qin Fang really does not want to be such a executioner, even though this leopard almost ate this child...

"Bee, come on..."

Qin Fang gave a cold drink, and his footsteps were slightly wrong. He took the military thorns and rushed straight up.

He even killed the master-level master Guan Tianling, and was afraid of a 5th-level beast?


It seems that I felt the threat of the Qin side. This leopard gave a low embarrassment, and suddenly the legs slammed into a black shadow and quickly rushed to the Qin side.

The sharp claws shimmered and seemed to indicate its strength.

The speed is very fast, completely surpassing the limits of human beings, and rushing to the Qin side at a faster speed. At the same time, in the process of flying, it also lifted the teeth, revealing the same sharp teeth, and gradually exposed. It’s a big mouth...


In the face of such threats, Qin Fang only snorted.

If this leopard sneak attack, Qin Fang is really quite jealous, but such a positive attack, even if the speed is fast, Qin Fang is not afraid.

I saw a sudden pause at his feet, his body was slightly short, and his body suddenly leaned back, and the whole person appeared completely under the leopard.

The leopard has reached a limit at this time, and the body is flying in midair. Seeing that the change of the Qin side is also a slight glimpse, its slightly simple brain is obviously not enough.

Qin Fang is on the next, the leopard is on the top, and all the attacks of the leopard are instantly turned into Uganda. The only claws that can be used are waving and moving, but you can't touch the Qin side...

However, it is obviously impossible for the Qin side to simply avoid it. He needs an offense and a powerful offense!

Qin Fang successfully escaped the four powerful claws of the leopard, and the leopard flew completely from the Qin side.

But at this time, Qin Fang’s originally reclining body was like the spring. It was stretched in an instant, and the army’s thorn suddenly disappeared, and Qin’s pair of white jade hands suddenly stretched out, and the buckle quickly Lived the two hind legs of the leopard...


Along with the roar of the Qin side, the whole body was full of infuriating, and the arms were like infusion of endless power. The legs of the leopard, which weighed hundreds of pounds, were suddenly smashed, and then suddenly broke out. .

I saw that the leopard was like a poor worm. It was pulled back by the Qin side. The huge body was turned into a big sandbag, and it slammed down to the ground...

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