Omni Genius

Chapter 820: Mad sorcerer

Chapter 820 Crazy Witch Doctor

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This feeling is very strange. Qin Fang is still the first to experience it. I have never had a similar situation before, which really made him feel a little worried.

Almost without hesitation, Qin Fang pulled off the stinging position and revealed the skin on his leg. He found that the shank almost completely turned black and black, and began to gradually swell. It looks so strange and strange...

"What exactly is going on?"

The Qin side was also blinded by such a situation. Without a little bit of feeling beforehand, it suddenly became like this.


However, Qin Fang was not too flustered. He immediately checked his character's status and found himself with a green **** - representing poisoning.

Seeing this situation, the poisoned parts are still spreading toward the upper body. It seems that the extra fear is easy, but the Qin side has easily relaxed, and immediately found a detoxification suit from the prop box. .

This detoxification Dan Qin Fang will usually carry a few with him, anyway, now he upgraded, the position of the prop box is also enough, with more things in case it is very reasonable.

The material of Jiedu Dan is relatively simple, and it is much simpler to make than Buxin Dan. Although Qin Fang did not make a lot of production, there are more than 20 stocks.

I know that I have to enter the mountain this time. Considering that there are more poisonous beasts in this mountain, Qin Fang deliberately brought all the detoxification Dans. I didn’t expect it to come into use so quickly.

However, this poison seems to be quite overbearing in front of it. The toxicity is very fierce. The detoxification of the lower abdomen, the Qin side feels a burst of coolness, the toxicity has been temporarily suppressed, but it has not decreased rapidly.

In order to ensure that nothing is lost, Qin Fang immediately swallowed two detoxification dans, which is harmless to his body, and can inhibit and resolve the toxicity. It is no problem to eat a few more.

"You don't have to work hard, my viciousness in you, no one in the world except me can save you..."

Just then, a man in a rotten robes came out from behind the tree and looked quite lonely, but the eyes gave a very fearful, hazy feeling.

This person is definitely not a good class!

Even if there is no current situation, Qin Fang has encountered this person, even if he does not want to detect skills, he can make such a judgment.


Although Qin Fang discovered that this kind of poisonous drug is quite overbearing, it can only be regarded as a bite of a poisonous insect or a poisonous snake, but he did not expect that he had just bitten his own.

Aphids are also considered to be a kind of poisonous insects, but they are the strongest ones that survived the killing of many poisonous insects. The toxicity is also the most violent, and the toxicity is absolutely unimaginable.

Qin Fang’s brows were wrinkled. He felt that there was a small thing in his leg that was squirming. It seems that it should be the locust.

The Qin side once forced the locusts for Wu Lao, solved the scorpion venom, and it was also the overbearing understanding of this poison. Even if he had the detoxification agent in hand, he could not guarantee that he could retreat. .

At least the little guy in his leg is very bad...

It was only when he was a little worried, but suddenly there was such a slight instigation in the depths of his heart, as if something was waking up, and suddenly Qin’s original dark eyes were bright.

"Who are you? Why do you want to harm me?"

The poisonous thing, Qin Fang can be put aside for a while, he is not worried that this little bug can threaten his Qin’s safety. Don’t look at it now seems to be very noisy in the Qin Fang’s body, but soon it will Tragic, because Qin Fang has already felt that the dragon that has been lurking in it for a long time has no signs of awakening.

The dragon seems to be particularly interested in all kinds of poisons and poisons. It is not crowded out, but it is completely swallowed up by these highly toxic substances, and there is not much left in the dregs.

In the past, this little dragon was sleeping. Qin Fang still had some concerns that his detoxification Dan could detoxify, but he might not be able to kill the poisonous insects lurking in his body. But now Xiaolong wakes up, then this poisonous insect will also be tragedy.

The locust is not afraid, then the Qin side will want to figure out the identity of the person who suddenly appeared... and the killer as soon as it appears, it is too vicious.

"Tell you, maybe, I am a witch doctor, Mulun... As for why you should start with you, this can only blame yourself for not appearing in front of me, just that I need a **** person to be my baby. Blood food, you are coming to your door..."

This man seems to be quite proud. When he saw that Qin Fang had already had his shackles, he was not worried about the Qin side, but he spoke to the Qin side.

"Witch doctor..."

For the witch doctor, Qin Fang has already learned some from the master of Geda, and divided it into black and white witch doctors, but the white witch doctor is treating the sick and saving people, just like the master of Geda, and is respected by many tribes. And the witch doctors are just the opposite, they are born to harm people.

For example, this Mulun is a witch doctor, and when he appeared, he went to the Qin side and directly wanted to kill the Qin, and listened to the meaning of his sentence, I was afraid that it fell on his hand. There are not many people.

Recalling that Zhuoda, Sando and others have said that many excellent hunters and warriors in the tribe have not been able to come out after entering the mountains... They are generally considered to have encountered large beasts such as leopards, tigers, and wild boars. It seems that I am afraid that this may not always be the case.

Those excellent hunters and warriors are undoubtedly very strong people, and the baby that this witch doctor said is obviously the locusts he has raised...

Aphids can be said to be the most common means of killing witches, but they are quite difficult to raise, and they must have enough blood food.

Look at Mullen's appearance, his body is ragged, I am afraid that it has been a long time in the mountains, so the people who are killed are certainly not in the minority.

Perhaps in his view, the toxicity of scorpion venom is on the attack, and Qin Fang is now only a strong support, and it will take a long time to be poisoned.

At the same time, he also deliberately shake his arm and saw a very small golden bug drilled out of Mullen's dilapidated sleeves.

This bug looks very small and cute, but if you look under the magnifying glass, you will find it has very sharp teeth and sharp corners, and the shape is very horrible!

"Do you see it? This is the four-winged golden dragonfly... It is the most powerful baby in all my treasures. As long as you **** the blood food of the people who practiced you, you can advance to the level of the six-winged golden dragonfly. When there is no time to go without a trace, killing people invisible, I see who else in this world is my opponent... All those who dare to laugh at me and look down on me, I want you to die..."

It was discovered that Qin Fang was paying attention to this little guy in his hand. Mulun was more proud. He was very happy to show off his baby to Qin Fang.

However, when he talked to himself, it seemed that the spirit was very irritated and a bit hysterical.

The more people like this, the more paranoid they are, the more terrible they are, because there is nothing they care about, just to accomplish their stated goals, and everything can be done.

It’s like this Mullen, it seems that in order to develop this six-winged golden dragonfly, there is no need to care how many people will die in his hands.

When I heard the words in front, Qin Fang was only frowning, but there was not much worry. The locust itself was already very terrifying. As for the ordinary locusts, it was still six-winged gold pheasants. For ordinary people, the Chinese are unhelpful...

With Mullen's as a person, it is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to dismiss people. He can also count on killing more people to feed his baby locusts.

The drug power of Jiedu Dan has begun to play a role. The repulsive poison is slowly disappearing. The poisoned area is also being compressed continuously. Although the relationship between the mites is still in the process, it is impossible to completely extrude the body. However, it will not threaten the safety of the Qin side for the time being.

Moreover, the movement of Xiaolong is getting bigger and bigger. It seems that it is also attracted by the smell of locusts. I believe that it will take a long time to completely wake up.

"Mullen, if I remember correctly, these locusts are all raised by you, although they are very powerful and terrifying, but as long as you kill you, these locusts will all die..."

After confirming that he was not in danger, Qin Fang began to wonder how to deal with this neurological problem, but extremely vicious.

It is a good choice to kill the nature directly, but Qin Fang does not know that Mulun is dead. What kind of endgames these locusts will be, so they can't help but put together.

"Oh... do you think I will be so stupid?"

When I heard the words of Qin Fang, Mu Lun’s face immediately revealed a very scornful ridicule. "You are not a person of our Miaojiang. Naturally, we don’t know that we all have a heart, so if the heart is not dead, then these The locusts will not die... and the heart is the real name of our witch doctor, even if it kills me, then my heart can still continue to execute my orders... hahaha!"

I have to say that the Miaojiang martial arts is really a very different thing. The Qin party who listened to it feels creepy. It is not like a fact.

"And, my heart can still make a ruin on the body that has just died, and repay the corpse... Hey, you have a good body, I have a snack!"

What made the Qin side unacceptable was the latter one, and even the resurrection of the dead and the resurrection of the corpse came out...

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