Omni Genius

Chapter 823: Heart-to-heart

Chapter 823

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For Mullen, the nephew who was stained with blood on his hand, Qin Fang did not have a bit of politeness, and gave him a simple and easy to erase it.

The fighting power of the witch doctors is above the locusts. Mulun’s own combat power can be neglected. It is estimated that a warrior of a mountain tribe can easily trip over him.

However, relying on the power of the locust, his level is also hard to reach level 5, almost the same level can enter the level 6...

Qin Fang estimated that if this four-winged golden dragonfly evolved into a six-winged golden dragonfly, the witchcraft Mulun could advance to the sixth-level master class.

The locusts are undoubtedly very powerful and horrible. If the Qinfang had a backhand, and now Mullen’s way is already there, the situation may be just the opposite.

Looking at Mullen's slow death, but in the end, nothing broke out. Even half of the copper was not there. It was really awkward.


But when Qin Fang was ready to leave, he suddenly found something wrong. Looking for it, he finally focused his attention on Mullen’s body.

Mullen is dead, but Qin Fang clearly understands that there is still a living body, and is slowly crawling out of Mullen's body.

The detection skill is not omnipotent. It can sense the existence of this living body, but it does not know what this thing is.

Qin Fang did not worry, continued to stand there waiting, waiting for the emergence of this living body...

A few minutes later, a milky white fat bug crawled out of Mullen's nostrils. A pair of black, diamond-like eyes looked at the outside world with a stunned look. It looked so strange and curious.

"This is the heart?"

Looking at the fat little bug in front of me, it seems quite cute, and it is not as horrible as the four-winged golden dragonfly. It is like an ordinary pet, and it is embarrassing.

However, Qin Fang knows that this little bug is definitely not as simple as he seems. He can become a heart and become a place where a witch and a **** god are placed. This little bug must be quite special.

However, Qin Fang knows too little about Shu Shu, and he doesn't quite understand how this heart beats or deals with it...


Not only that, but the four-winged golden dragonfly still on the silver needle. After Mullen’s death, it seems to follow the master, but now it suddenly shakes its wings, as if I am resurrected again.

Qin Fang’s eye was fast, his fingers were slightly pinched, and he pinched the silver needle in his hand. The four-winged golden dragonfly could only vibrate on the silver needle, but he could not escape.

At the same time, Qin Fang also noticed that the white fat little fat bug was watching Qin Fang with a pair of very cute eyes. His eyes were full of doubts, just like normal humans, as if he had his own thinking. Like, quite strange...

"Is this little thing really so evil?"

Qin Fang also felt quite weird. He was dismissive of Mulun’s allegation that he was reviving the corpse. It was absolutely impossible.

But this heart is actually there, and it is like Mullen himself. This four-winged golden dragon that should have died with Mullen actually survived, and it seems to be the heart. Take over its control.

When this heart was born, the dragon in the Qin side had just swallowed a locust. It seemed that when it was still unfinished, he actually took the initiative to get in touch with the Qin side and wanted to continue to devour the Qin hand. Four-winged golden dragonfly...

Of course, that white fat heart, it seems to be quite interesting, and white fat looks very meaty...

The Qin side temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​Xiaolong. Before he could understand the situation of the heart, Qin Fang did not want to move it for the time being.

"Can you understand me?"

This rumor is the place where the sorcerer’s **** is placed. The Qin party really didn’t believe it at all, but it’s really like human beings. There are various emotions in the small eyes, and Qin’s is also When I was in the heart, I couldn’t help but open my mouth and talk to this heart.

The little white fat man had some doubts in his eyes, and then he nodded lightly, much like that.

"I can really understand..."

Seeing such a scene, although it may be that the cat encounters a dead mouse, this does not seem like it. This heart seems to be really able to understand the words of Qin.

"You are his heart?"

The Qin side also pointed to Mulun, who had already died on the ground. He asked this heart, his tone was calm, but his heart was quite vigilant.

The little white fat man looked at the dead man under his eyes. He was confused in his eyes. He seemed to be thinking about something. Then he nodded for a while and seemed to find the answer.

"What do you do next?"

Qin Fang continued to ask, Mullen said that the heart is the **** of the witch doctor, that is, the witch doctor has died, but the heart is still because of the execution of the witch before the doctor.

Mullen’s obsession is undoubtedly to kill the Qin side. This Qin Fang has discovered it with mind reading, so this heart is also very careful and alert.

However, this little white fat man is very innocent and looks quite confused. In the end, he can only look around and look to the right. He does not seem to know what to do.

"It seems that it is not true..."

When Qin Fang saw such a scene, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that Mulun is just listening to what others have said. It is not really like this.

But when Qin Fangsong breathed, the little white fat man suddenly looked at him, and the pair of big eyes immediately shrunk a lot. The whole head seemed to be completely changed, and it was directly bombed from Mulun’s face. The body turned into a phantom and went straight to the neck between Qin Fang.

The speed is very fast, and getting closer and closer, Qin Fang can even easily see its face that has become extremely embarrassing... completely horrible face that is not tied to the previous cute.

I saw that the little white fat heart suddenly became awkward, and the face that looked very docile and lovely immediately became very smashed. The little white teeth seemed to grow up a lot, it looked white, than that. The four-winged golden dragonfly is even more terrifying.

The palpitant's body surface unfolded with a thin layer of wings that looked like this wing, and it flew directly with it.

The speed is still quite fast, almost instantly turned into a phantom, and it quickly hit the neck of Qin Fang...

"There is a problem!"

Qin Fang’s back is almost all cold sweat. He has been watching out for this heart attack, and has never let go of a little bit of vigilance.

However, I did not expect that he had just had a little slack, and this heart was immediately captured. It broke out in an instant and launched a fierce attack on him.

The heart is relying on poison, or something else to kill the enemy. The Qin side is not very clear, but between the vagueness, he feels that this heart is even more afraid than the extremely poisonous four-winged golden dragonfly. It is difficult to deal with.

It is necessary to know that the strength and grade of locusts are quite strict. If it is not a very powerful locust, it is not to control and deal with other locusts, even if it is palpitations.

In the sorcerer's doctors of the past dynasties, many people have domesticated some very powerful aphids, but most of these are accidental deaths. Most of the reasons are due to the locusts dying, that is because the domesticated locusts are more than the heart. The cockroaches are even more powerful, and the locusts devour the heart - naturally killing the master.


It seems that I feel the threat of this seemingly cute but rather vicious heart. The dragon that has been suppressed in the body by Qin Fang finally got the instructions of Qin Fang and immediately turned into a silver dragon shadow from the body of Qin Fang. Directly rushed out...

After the warmth of these days, Xiaolong seems to be a little bigger than before. It seems to be more slender, and the small horns on the head are becoming more and more shaped.


As soon as this little dragon appeared, suddenly a strong wind blew, accompanied by a low sound of dragons, which was far and far in the mountains.

It seems to be in response to the roar of Xiaolong. There are several sounds of tigers, wolverines, and leopards in the depths of the mountains. It seems that they are not willing to let Xiaolong specialize in the past.

However, this is not the point. The appearance of Xiaolong was directly blocked by Qin’s neck and opened its mouth directly. It seemed to be waiting for the heart to send it to the door.

At the moment when Xiaolong appeared, the little white fat man who was about to bite the neck of Qin was also slightly stopped, but its speed was too fast, and the distance was too close. The heart is not too late to make a half-reaction, it is directly to the mouth of Xiaolong...

However, my heart is obviously not willing to follow the example. It has just stabilized its figure, and it flutters its wings and tries to fly in other directions.

When Xiaolong appeared, it already felt the inexplicable threat. It was like encountering a natural enemy. It was almost instinctive to escape and retreat...

It’s just that the heart is very embarrassing, just like a human being, but I can’t think that Xiaolong has been coveting it for a long time. If it’s not blocked by Qin Fang, it has already rushed out to kill this heart.

Now that the plan of the heart is broken, revealing its true face, Qin Fang naturally no need to stop the dragon, and immediately put it out to clean up the heart of this sly.

Seeing this heart rushing, Xiaolong didn't panic. I saw that the dragon mouth sucked like this, and then another strong airflow stirred up, like a whirlpool, and the surrounding air was completely sucked into the dragon. The body of the thin strip went inside...

Even the Qin Fang can clearly perceive the breeze in front of the neck. He has seen the appearance of the dragon after the transformation. It is definitely a huge thing. Although it is still small, it is definitely not its real body shape... ...

Feeling the abnormality of the surrounding airflow, the heart suddenly became anxious. The layer of wings was even more powerful and more impetuous, but it still could not escape the inhalation of the dragon, and was directly sucked into the dragon. In the mouth, disappeared and disappeared...

Such a scene, Qin Fang is also seen with his own eyes, although the heart is small, but after the storm is also quite fat, it seems to be a little bigger than the average caterpillar.

And Xiaolong is much longer than the average snake. He played such a game under his nose, and he could not notice it.

However, the process is actually relatively simple. Xiaolong seems to be a natural enemies of the heart. When he appeared on the scene, he occupied an absolute advantage. He didn’t want to deal with the Qin side any more, and he wanted to escape, but he still couldn’t do it.

"Call~~ can be considered a past! It was really thrilling just now..."

When I got here, everything was settled. Mulun died and my heart was destroyed. It was completely dead, and Qin’s troubles were completely solved.

Xiaolong swallowed his heart and did not return to Qin Fang's body as usual. Instead, he was half-suspended there. It seemed to be digesting the food he had just eaten. It looked strange and strange.

The Qin side did not care too much. The state of Xiaolong was normal and there was no abnormality. Although this heart was strange and unpredictable, it should not threaten it.


The four-winged golden eagle is like a very serious wound. Its body is also nailed to the silver needle of the Qin side, but it keeps flapping its wings, struggling and tumbling...

The Qin side slightly stunned, but did not care too much. After all, the control of the four-winged golden scorpion now falls to the heart of the heart. Now the dragon is digesting the heart, and the four-winged golden scorpion associated with the heart is also guilty. Excuse me.


A white fat shadow suddenly rushed out of the mouth of the dragon, went straight to the four-winged golden dragonfly that was still fluttering, and opened a big mouth in midair, revealing the white sensation The teeth, then swallowed the whole four-winged golden dragonfly.

"Heart 蛊..."

Qin Fang slightly glimpsed, incredulously watching this little white fat man who re-flyed out, it is a heart that has just been eaten by Xiaolong.

This is really strange, can't even Xiaolong deal with this heart?

When Qin Fang was hesitating, he saw that the dragon's body suddenly turned into a silver light, and then directly into the Qin Fang's body, completely disappeared.

There was a warm current in the body, and it was clear that Xiaolong had returned to the heart and warmed up. It could not stay outside for too long...

At the same time, Xiao Long also sent a small piece of information to the minds of Qin Fang before he officially slept - it was about this heart.

"This - became the heart of Xiaolong?"

When Qin Fang simply checked this information, he was naturally stunned...

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