Omni Genius

Chapter 830: The rescue and the enemy are a group!

Chapter 830 Rescue and enemies are a group!

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In fact, when this woman appeared, Qin convenient had noticed her, but did not react, but did not expect the little girl Zhuoma to kill, the original is to pull the rescue.

And this woman is the master of the little girl - although this woman does not seem to be much bigger than the little girl Dolma...


The woman also jumped lightly from the high horseback, and fell steadily in front of the Qin side. The faint scent of the scent suddenly came to the surface, and Qin Fang suddenly had a new look. feel.

"So, do we still have to do it?"

Qin Fang smiled, his body was very leisurely, and he didn't want to do it. He didn't even have any defense at all, just asked with a smile on his face.

"No need..."

The woman also immediately smiled and smiled, and immediately gave a feeling of spring, especially the face-to-face Qin Fang, the feeling is the strongest.

"Give you……"

The woman didn't do it, and she didn't seem to be going to do it. Instead, she found something from her body and handed it to Qin.

"Thank you!"

Qin Fang did not refuse, immediately took the thing that the woman handed over, and made a sound in his pocket, and naturally he wouldn't be polite.

"Should I thank you for it... I broke it!"

It’s just that the woman’s face was a sigh of relief, and some embarrassed.

"Master, you... know?"

Originally, Xiaotoutou Zhuoma was waiting for the master to avenge himself. However, I didn’t expect the two to have no intention at all. Instead, I chatted with you one sentence.

This time I changed to Xiao Shantou Zhuoma, and I was so unspeakable that I couldn’t accept the facts at hand.

Others don't know the identity of the master, but she is quite clear about being an apprentice. It is a Tangmen disciple hidden in the depths of the mountains.

And the disciples of Tangmen rarely walked out of Tangmen. They came to the periphery of this mountain. Only a few of them were aware of the existence of such a martial art, but they all maintained considerable awe and could not easily talk about it. I don't even dare to get close to it.

It’s like she, if she wasn’t kidding, she accidentally lost her way in the mountains, and happened to meet the master who practiced swords in the mountains. She might also grow up like other girls in the stockade, and then she will be sixteen years old. Directly find a man married something...

It was also the encounter that time, it can be said that the change of Zhuoma, she followed the master to practice martial arts, although the talent is not good, but Zhuoma is willing to work hard, this ten years of persistence But she also has this one that she has now.

In the Gelan tribe, the most powerful is not her brother Zhuo Da, it is her little princess Zhuoma, all the men in the tribe are her defeat.

Perhaps it is for this reason that Zhuoma is also a bit stunned. He never knows what is modest. In the past, no one cares about her. He just met the Qin side, and he did not follow the common sense. A butt... This feud is even bigger.

Single-on-one, Zhuoma is very clear that he is not an opponent of Qin Fang. Here, he used the secret code of the master to ask her to go out. The strength of the master is much stronger than that of her half. It can definitely defeat this abominable mountain. outsider……

Just, it’s not quite right how to look at this situation...

There is no doubt that this woman is not someone else. It is a Tangmen female Tang Xinmei who walked a mountain road with Qin Fang yesterday.

Qin Fang did not expect that she was actually the master of the little girl Zhuoma, and the two thought that there would be no chance to meet again in the future, but they met in such a weird way.

"It's not broken, just no electricity... Unfortunately, there is no way to charge this mountain!"

Qin Fang took the phone out of his pocket and looked at it carefully. He found that there was no electricity. As for what electricity is, Qin Fang will not explain it for a while, and that he can understand it. Okay.

"It's not broken, then it's good, then it's good..."

When Tang Xinyi heard that it was not bad, he was relieved a lot. Immediately, he was glad to use her white and tender little hand to pat her delicate and towering front chest.

I still wanted to say something more, but when I heard that the mountain could not be recharged, she realized that she couldn’t play the mobile phone. It was inevitable that she was disappointed. She originally planned to bring the mobile phone back to Tangmen so that she could I often play around and it seems that I don’t expect it.

This is also a no-brainer. If it is outside, even if the conditions are simple, at least the electricity can still be used. But in this mountain, although there are many people living in it, it is really too backward. These days, Qin The party has already learned, and at night it is a black hole bonfire, even the toilet does not have lights, not to mention charging the phone.


The little girl was ignored. This kind of blow made Xiao Nizi unable to stand it. She immediately took an arm of Tang Xin and shook it like a spoiled.

"what happened?"

Poor Tang Xinmei seems to have forgotten her original intention to come over here. When she found out that she was being spoiled by Zhuoma, she asked with a blank face.


Zhuo Ma was suddenly not light, and the two eyes seemed to be coming out of the fire.

Don't look at their relationship as a teacher and apprentice, but the two people are similar in age. In fact, they are the sisters who come together. The reason why they are called by the mentor and apprentice is that it is convenient for Tang Xin to impart martial arts to Zhuoma.

Tangmen’s requirements for the apprenticeship are very strict. I choose those children whose talents and roots are outstanding, and they will go into the mountains for a decade.

Originally, Dolma had the opportunity to enter the mountain ten years ago. It was only because Tangmen chose a disciple when he happened to have a serious illness. This missed the opportunity, and the age of Tang Xin was very small. This made the plan of the sisters and sisters empty, and simply became a master and apprentice, so that when Tangmen once again selected his disciples, Tang Xin could just bring Zhuoma to Tangmen.

That is to say, the relationship between the teacher and the sister, Zhuoma does not have too much fear for Tang Xin. Instead, she is like a sister. If she has anything to say, it is immediately expressed when she is unhappy.

This is the case now, obviously a good sister, but the man in front of his own pumped his ass, but this sister is not only for their own sake, actually still talking and laughing with this man, is there a mistake?

Zhuoma was angry, the consequences... It seems that there is no such thing.

"That... Zhuoma, I think you and Qin Fang may just misunderstand!"

Maybe it's a short-handed relationship. Tang Xin played with Qin Fang's mobile phone for a long time. If it didn't happen to meet again, the phone might fall on her hand. She is also very embarrassed. This apprentice and sister of her own has made such a contradiction with the Qin side. It is also very difficult for her to get stuck in the middle.

But think about it, the contradiction between the two people does not seem to be a deep hatred, can you solve the two sentences? There is no need to go online in this way, you have to make a living and die.

It’s just that she is sitting in a relatively neutral position to talk, but the problem is that when the words are spoken, it seems that the taste has changed.

The thing between Qin Fang and Zhuoma is really difficult to tell. It is Zhuoma’s initiative to attack the Qin side, especially the last whip is after Qin Fang let her go. She also launched a sneak attack on the Qin side, which only provoked Qin Fang's fire, and took her down to smoke a butt.

In this way, it is still Zhuoma's mistake. The Qin side is behind a girl, but it is a bit too much. There is something wrong...

Both people are wrong, so Tang Xin’s statement is also neutral.

However, Zhuoma obviously does not think so. According to her thoughts, Tang Xin is the rescuer she brought, so she should understand it from her point of view. Then Qin should be an insulting villain. Individuals should work together to get rid of this bad guy.

As for her own mistakes... that is naturally the choice to ignore.

It’s a pity that Zhuo Ma’s calculations have not counted Tang’s heart, which has always left the division’s door. How did he get to know the Qin party who entered the mountain for the first time, and it seems quite familiar to see the two people’s posture. Or... the expressions of these two people look a bit strange!

"You... wait, Master, come over first!"

When I heard Tang Xin’s words, Zhuoma almost instinctively wanted to be angry and turned her face, but the words were held to her lips, because she seemed to find something, and immediately changed her tone.

"what happened?"

Tang Xin is also a bit strange. I don’t know what Zhuoma is doing. But I still walked to Zhuoma’s side and looked at her with some doubts.

"Do you like this surname Qin?"

Zhuoma did not speak out loudly in front of many people, but took the arm of Tang Xin and whispered a whisper in her ear.

The sound is very light, and it seems that only two of them can be heard. The distance between Qin and Fang is only a little far away. Even if his ears are amazing, he is not very clear.

But Zhuo Ma asked this question, Tang Xinxian was a slight glimpse, and then a little pink glow on his face, stunned Zhuo Ma.

"Dead gimmick, what do you say, I didn’t know how long it was with him, how could it..."

Tang Xin shyly took a look at Qin Fang, and then he reached out and screwed it on Zhuoma's arm. It was very dissatisfied. As for Zhuoma's question, she also strongly rebutted.

"Do I really like him? Impossible, we just got to know it, how can I like him so quickly?"

It’s just that she is talking about a set, but there is something in this heart that can’t help it.

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