Omni Genius

Chapter 847: Kill Master Tang Nan!

Chapter 847 kills Master Tang Nan!

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Tang Nan's speed is quite fast. At this time, he is busy escaping. In order to escape from birth, he naturally even made the effort to eat milk.

From the beginning, the flash, and the force, almost all in one go, the whole process is very smooth, very fast, the Qin side of the order has just been issued, Tang Nan has already reached a short distance.

If it is a little later, I am afraid that Qin Fang will not even have a chance. Tang Nan can escape this cave directly.


Tang Nan had not had time to be happy, and he felt that there was a powerful threat from the waist. Although he could not feel the slightest volatility, the powerful threat was that he could not help but feel cold. The skin of the body can't help but shudder.

Call ~~

A strong boxing wind struck, the speed was very fast, the voice was very dull, and it brought a boundless oppression. It is obvious that this punch is absolutely heavy.

If it is such a boxing, even if it is a master master like Tang Nan, I am afraid I have to wear it on the spot.

Master masters are not gods, nor do they practice the practice of refining bodies. The body's defense power is only stronger than the average person, but it is also very limited.

Not to mention, this powerful punch is the sword of Song Qingshan, who has trained the Thirteen Taibao to practice the master's defensive master, and may not be able to hold a punch.

This punch, the speed is very fast, the situation is very heavy, and the shot is extremely sudden, there is no struggle in advance, just like the statue that suddenly appeared, let Tang Nan have a little precaution in advance.

However, at this time, Tang Nan’s want to beware of it is already a bit late. The punch is too fast. It’s so fast that Tang Nan’s minimum response time is not much, only the instinctive cross sword is in hand, the whole body Infuriating and above the arm, ready to force block this blow.

This punch is already inevitable. Tang Nan can only resist this blow. At the same time, he also calculated that he could help launch this cave with the help of this boxing punch. It is to help him, can escape faster and more convenient...

When ~~~

Sure enough, Tang Nan was just preparing for this. The punch had already hit the short sword in Tang Nan’s hand and made such a crisp and sweet sound.

A powerful force immediately swept along the short sword to Tang Nan's arm and body, almost making Tang Nan feel unbearable...

"The force is really strong enough!"

It is only the martial arts of Tangmen that is quite powerful. Tang Nan has cultivated a lot of unloading methods. Although the strength of this boxing is very powerful, Tang Nan feels that he can still completely carry this fist next...

Almost instinctive, Tang Nan wants to use some small means and small skills to turn into the power of this punch... However, he seems to once again miscalculate his own strength and underestimate the power of this punch. .


Almost at the time when this punch seemed to be exhausting, the short sword created by Tang Nan in the hands of Bailian Steel was actually very disappointing at the most critical time - broken.

It is indeed broken, and it is still very dry. The position of the break is the position in this punch...

This is no coincidence!

Tang Nan immediately came up with such an idea in his mind, and the instinct felt a little wrong.


His idea is very accurate, but the speed of the reaction seems to be a bit slow, or too slow.

When the short sword broke, the only obstruction that resisted that punch disappeared, and the punch immediately plunged straight into the front chest position of Tang Nan.


A fist hit Tang Nan's chest.


A sound of crisp and incomparable fractures came, Tang Nan’s front chest was directly hit by a powerful iron fist, and the fist was directly immersed in it. There was a depression directly on the chest, and the ribs were Completely broken...


Tang Nan did not think that it would become like this, but the severe pain in the chest was incomparably true, telling him that this is not a dream, all facts, facts that have already happened.

The pain in the chest was so severe that the bones seemed to be broken. A blood rushed up, and Tang Nan couldn't help but immediately squirted.

The **** fog of the sky is full of strange and sad reminders of Tang Nan’s whole people...

This boxing force is heavy, and the strength is even more terrifying. Although Tang Nan uses a short sword of Bailian Steel to block a large part of the power, the remaining ones are still very scary.

Most of Tang Nan’s strength was applied to the short sword and his arms. The physical defense was very limited. Now he’s so embarrassed that it’s so sad.


The chest was damaged, the ribs broke or even smashed, squirting blood, and then fell on the ground a few meters away, and hit the hard stone wall halfway...

Just fell to the ground, Tang Nan’s life has been removed more than half, and the intake and exhaust have been very few. It seems to be dying, so pitiful...

However, obviously no one will go to his poor at this time.

There are only two people in the cave, Qin Fang and Tang Xin. They are not a group with Tang Nan. The only one who is a group of Tang Wei has already been turned into a dead person by Tang Nan.

Now Tang Nan is almost the same, the injury is very heavy, if it is not treated as soon as possible, even if it can be lucky, it basically becomes a useless waste.

Qin Fang’s face was calm, and everything in front of him was very natural and taken for granted. Even Tang Nan, who was falling on the ground and motionless, had no change in his eyes.

However, the eyes of Tang Xin, who have gradually recovered some strength at this time, have been completely sluggish. The small mouth hidden behind the face towel is also slightly open, and it is extremely shocking. It is almost impossible to describe the scene at this time. It is.

Because this punch has made Tang Nan, the master of the mid-level military, so badly hurt, it is not the Qin Fang who saved her in distress, but the one that Qin Fang made out of the rainstorm pear flower that broke one of the ten hidden weapons of Tangmen - statue!

Yes, that statue!

Just now, this statue is like a living person. From the beginning, it’s motionless, like a dead object, suddenly launched, with a super reaction speed, plus a fist that looks invincible, relaxed Interrupted the short sword made by Bai Nan in the hands of Tang Nan, and then punched Tang Nan seriously, almost only half a life...

This short sword is created by Tangmen. Every Tangmen disciple has one. She is no exception. Tangmen is a weapon in the rivers and lakes, and all kinds of hidden weapons need to be extremely powerful. It can be built, so the level of the swordsmith in Tangmen is quite high.

The material is the high-quality steel, and the level of the blacksmith is very high. Therefore, the short sword created in this way is also very good in quality. It is estimated that it will be a disadvantage if it encounters a weapon.

The problem is that the statue that I just shot did not use any weapons from beginning to end. It was a fist that would flatten everything.

A punch interrupted the short sword, and a punch almost broke through Tang Nan’s body, and Tang Nan’s blood donation was so bad that he was seriously injured... The power of this punch can be seen.

This power is only a weapon of the gods.

"I want to escape from my hands, you don't have to count on this life..."

Qin Fang walked slowly to Tang Nan's body, carrying a thorn in his hand, looking at Tang Nan with no good intentions, it seems that he was picking where to start to make a fatal blow.

Seeing the actions of the Qin side, Tang Xin was also nervous. At this time, her body was almost completely restored, and she was free to move around.

"Qin Fang, can you..."

Tang Xin’s heart is inevitably somewhat unbearable. Although Tang Nan is not good for her, she even forced her to commit suicide. It can be said that she is still a brother of Tangmen.

In the face of the same door for more than ten years, Tang Xin could not bear to see Tang Nan died like this.

However, Tang Xin also understands that one thing is that her relationship with Qin Fang is not particularly familiar. Qin Fang’s coming to save her can be said to have a great affection for her. At this time, she has to pray for the enemy. It is a bit unreasonable, so Tang Xin himself is quite embarrassed. If this is the case, it will be stuck, and the expression is quite embarrassing.

"Don't... don't kill me..."

When Tang Nan heard the words of Tang Xin, he noticed the expression of Tang Xin and immediately understood that Tang Xin was going to speak for him and plead for him. Although his heart was already hateful to the Qin side, his heart was even darker. I swear to go back to Tangmen to find his father Tang Yuantao to avenge him for coming out...

However, on the surface, in order to be able to survive, Tang Nan had to humiliate and steal the general urge to ask for help from the Qin side...

"Do you really want to put the tiger back to the mountain?"

Qin Fang’s face was unchanged, but he looked at Tang’s heart and asked, it seems that the decision-making power of this matter is in the hands of Tang Xin’s hand. “You don’t forget, if not, I will be in the end, what will happen to you? Yes, you see how he treats his own door..."

During the speech, Qin Fang pointed to the body of Tang Wei, who was already cold. The **** flying knife was also inserted on his body. Tang Wei was loyal to Tang Nan, but what kind of final Ending...


When I heard these words from Qin Fang and looked at Tang Wei’s body, Tang Xin also became more hesitant. It is undeniable that Tang Nan is really a crazy madman, and the things that are done are also unreasonable.

If Tang Nan is not a person of Tangmen, but a wicked person who is not a sinister, Tang Xin must have killed him without hesitation, rather than hesitant as it is now.

The dialogue between Qin Fang and Tang Xin, Tang Nan naturally heard it. The little hope in my heart suddenly cast a shadow. For the enemy of Qin Fang, he even hated it. The color of grievances is even stronger, and it seems to be erupting.

In the heart, the Qin Fang is smashed to the bottom of the sky. The hatred of the heavens is even more sensational. Even though he has his head low, he does not face his face to Qin or Tang Xin's.

However, he may not have thought of it. Qin Fang’s ability is far more than he imagined. He has been using mind reading to discover Tang Nan’s innermost thoughts.

This kind of hatred of the sky, as well as the deep envy of the Qin side, the incomparable resentment of the Tang heart, Qin Fang also knows clearly.

What makes Qin Fang's face change is that Tang Nan actually intends to report the incident of Qin Fang to the Tang Dynasty, and intends to let his father Tang Yuantao take people out of the mountains to **** it.

After all, this monk is invulnerable and powerful. If it is in the hands of their father and son, it is not impossible to win the position of the Tangmen.

Knowing this news, Qin Fang also changed his face slightly. He himself was hesitating whether he had to die for Tang Nan. At this time, Qin Fang naturally no longer hesitated.

The secret of the monks can't be revealed anyway. This is Qin's most important life-saving card, and even now seems to be more effective than the set of buns in his props box.

If the people of Tangmen are aware of this news, I am afraid that the Qin side will not expect to stop. In the days to come, they will be busy dealing with the Tangmen who want to win the treasure.

Tangmen’s position in the martial arts is special, and it is also the existence of evil spirits. The hidden weapon and poison are not the orthodox existence, and they are all things that people can’t prevent.

Offending such a martial art, it is destined to have a good life in the future... The monk in the hands of Qin Fang, if it is passed out, will certainly be remembered by many people, and it is absolutely impossible for people in Tangmen to Let go.

"Don't worry about it, don't you do it, I'll do it myself..."

This secret can not be revealed, and Tang Nan has always been murderous to the Qin side. Since the two sides are destined to be an endless situation, Qin Fang really does not want to offend Tangmen. At this time, there is no way to back down.

When Qin Xin was still struggling, Qin Fang was too lazy to say so much. The spurs in his hands shook hands and immediately stunned. Under the eyes of Tang Nan’s stunned eyes, he smashed into Tang. Nan's heart...

Blood does not need to be shot out of the general money. It almost squirted Qin Fang’s face and body. But Qin Fang seems to have no feeling at all. He holds the military thorn in the heart of Tang Nan and always feels that one. The beating heart gradually stopped, until there was no sound...

Tang Nan died completely like this, Qin Fang is also a little relieved, at least the secret of the monk will not leak out...

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