Omni Genius

Chapter 850: Blood sacrifice


Tang Xin did not shirk the question, and nodded lightly.

Tangmen, she can't go back, so leaving her is her only choice, let alone she even took off her face towel, and there is no way out.

"Then can I go out to find you later?"

The little girl’s face suddenly stunned and silenced for a long time, which was faint.

A good sister who has been together for more than ten years, but now she has to be separated. This may be difficult to meet again. Her heart is also very uncomfortable and reluctant.

"of course can……"

Tang Xin was busy saying that although he walked out of the mountain with Qin, the world outside was too strange. She knew that she could adapt. If Zhuoma could go to see her, she would be very happy. of.

"Or... you go with me!"

However, Tang Xin’s heart suddenly flashed a crazy thought and almost blurted out.


Zhuo Ma suddenly took a look, obviously she did not think about such a thought at all, now Tang Xin suddenly raised, she is not prepared for a snack, do not know how to answer.

Although she was unwilling to separate herself from her good sister Tang Xin, she did not really think about getting out of this mountain.

More importantly, if she left the mountain, where can she go?

She was completely unfamiliar with the outside world, and she didn't know a person so that she would walk out of the mountains like this, even if it was a small pepper Zhuoma, it became very awkward.

"Qin Fang, do you want to bring Zhuoma?"

Tang Xin also knew that his opinion was too sudden and too abrupt, but she also considered it for her good sister.

Zhuoma practiced the martial arts she taught, and she was known as the first master in the Gelan tribe, which saved her from the fate of those tribal girls of the same age who married early.

However, once Tangmen’s people began to trace Tang Nan’s affairs, Zhuoma may be implicated by her. It may not be a good thing to stay.

Even if Tangmen does not pursue the matter of Zhuoma, I am afraid that Zhuoma should find a mountain person to marry as soon as possible... As a good sister, Tang Xin naturally does not hope that Zhuoma will be destroyed in the latter part of his life.

Anyway, Qin Fang can take her to leave this mountain, then it is not a problem to bring a Dolma. It is natural that two people are good sisters together.

"This... still look at her own meaning!"

Qin Fang himself was somewhat surprised. However, since Tang Xin said this, Qin Fang has no opinions. Anyway, for him, taking one person to go out is just one more mouth to eat. He can still afford it.

Tang Xin was very satisfied with Qin Fang’s answer to the answer, and immediately discussed it with Zhuoma.

"I will think about it……"

Zhuoma did not directly agree to it, saying that she still needs to think about it. Like Tang Xin’s original, her heart is also quite awkward and worried, but from her eyes, she can still see that she has already been heart-warming. of.

Others may deceive her, but Tang Xin does not, she is naturally very trusting Tang Xin, but this thing she did not consider her brain before, this time there is some confusion and do not know how to choose.

This matter has stopped here. Qin Fang has not taken care of it. In the end, he still can't walk or see Zhuoma's own decision. There is nothing wrong with Qin Fang.

Soon a few people walked down the hill and returned to the tribe.

Weng’s family was waiting here early, and it was a relief to see Qin’s returning safely. But Wen Shushu’s husband and wife noticed that there was a beautiful woman in the heart of Qin’s side. I couldn’t help but be alert...

However, they saw that the costumes of Tang Xin seemed to be the dress of the woman who accompanied Zhuo Ma on the same day, which reminded her of her identity.

Only at this time, Tang Xin took off his face towel, and Lu had a beautiful face.

But it is not to say that Tang Xin really has to be more beautiful than Wen Yan, which really makes them feel great pressure for her daughter.

However, Wen Wei did not seem to notice anything. He soon went to Zhuoma and Tang Xin. The three women were almost the same age. Although the identity of the mountain people, the mountain people and the Tangmen people varied, women always Can quickly find a common topic...

For example, Tang Xin began to ask about the world outside Wenshan’s relationship with the mountain. Weng’s understanding of Tang Xin’s coming out with the mountain immediately explained many interesting things outside, and Zhuoma listened to it. It is inevitable that there is some fascination, and my heart is more moving.

"When Uncle Uncle, Song Auntie, something happened, I am afraid that we need to leave here as soon as possible. I stayed for too long. I am afraid of danger."


Qin Fang did not have the truth about the concealment of the Wenjia couple. Tangmen was not sure when he would get the news, but Tang Zhan escaped. I am afraid that time will be very urgent. If I continue to wait, I am afraid There is danger, it would be better to explain it better.

"Well, don't ask me..."

Wen Shushu and Song Ayi are not the kind of pedantic people. They have long seen that it is not very human to go to the Qin side. They can accompany them for such a long time in the mountains. They are already very satisfied.

Moreover, Qin Fang’s strength on the road has been very amazing. Even with such strength, this time I feel a little hot, and this trouble is not small.

"Actually, you just don't say it. We also want to tell you that you will be out of the mountain tomorrow. Now it's just a little ahead of it..."

In fact, they have packed everything up. After staying in the mountains for such a long time, the old man’s body has recovered a lot. It is estimated that he can live for six months to a year.

This is already the greatest effort of Qin Fang. The Lausanne family also expressed considerable gratitude and almost treated Qin as their savior.

Although they also want the old man to live a long life, but the conditions in this mountain are too simple, the old man is not willing to leave the mountain, follow the Song Aunt to live in the city, just want to quietly finish this last day...

Aunt Song also missed the elderly mother. After all, she lived here for decades. It is obviously impossible for the elderly who have to leave their hometown in the final stage of their lives to agree.

Moreover, their days in the mountains are not short. Song Auntie and Wen Shushu have their own work outside. It is impossible to stay indefinitely until the time of departure.

It happened that Qin Fang mentioned this time. They naturally did not agree with the truth. They thought that there would be some troublesome things. It was so easy to get it. Qin Fang and Song Qingshan didn’t have any luggage. The party directly said goodbye to the Lausanne family. Just stepped on the road down the mountain.

Most people say that going up the mountain is difficult to go downhill, but sometimes it is difficult to go down the mountain at least, and their speed is relatively fast.

After living in the mountains these days, Wen Yan is no longer the one who did not go through the mountains.

Sister, it’s quite healthy to walk up the mountain road, and Qin Fang deliberately moved some, she can barely keep up with Qin’s footsteps...

Tang Xin is also not eager to follow, from time to time to talk with Wen Yan, the relationship between the two has become more harmonious, and also know a lot about the Qin side from Wen Wei.

Knowing that Qin Fang has several girlfriends, Tang Xin did not react much. She is Tangmen, and Tangmen is like in ancient times. It is very common for men to have three wives and four wives. She is not particularly concerned. That kind of.

If this is not the case, she is not likely to get along with her peers. After all, Qin Fang has long said that Wen Wei is his girlfriend. If she is jealous, the first one will kill Wen.

What's more, she did not directly express her feelings about Qin Fang, and Qin Fang was still in the air.

Zhuoma did not go with the Qin side. Although she was already moving out of the mountains, she did not fully consider it for the time being. Besides, she at least had to say hello to her family and she rode alone. The horse returned to the Glan tribe...

Although the speed of going down the mountain is relatively fast, it is still impossible to get out of the mountains within a day. Moreover, the time for Qin’s departure is afternoon. In the middle of the journey, they must stay overnight in a stockade. The next day is the way to go. Out of the mountains.

It is also quite coincidental that the tribe that they borrowed from the Qin Dynasty happened to be holding a grand ritual activity. The important activity hosted by the noble rituals in the mountains was also a very lively activity in the mountains, attracting several surrounding stockades. People came to watch.


Accompanied by a dull horn, the ritual activity was officially announced, and when they arrived, the Qin party just went to the most crucial part of the blood sacrifice!

Sacrifices, in fact, existed in the inheritance of human society for quite a long time, such as offering sacrifices... Although modern people have gradually abandoned such activities, they still exist in some ancient tribes.

Like the stockade in this mountain, the living environment is very primitive, very ancient, and there are still quite large markets for sacrifices.

This point can be seen from the fact that Song Qingshan was made the messenger of the gods. It is said that the status is comparable to the highest priest in the sacrifice...

There are many ways to worship, and the sacrifices in Miao Village are generally tribute to some fruits, animals, etc., but when everything is more important, there will be a blood sacrifice.

Ordinary sacrifices are no big deal. Just like the outside people going to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha, there is nothing unusual.

But this blood sacrifice is not the same -

The blood sacrifice is not as simple as offering some blood. The sacrifices it needs are not animals but people, living people...

The requirements for this sacrifice are also very high. It must be a virgin who has just turned 16 years old. It has broken and married people. Even if it is a relative, it must be the purest body. The reason is that this is to be dedicated. The holy woman who gives the gods must have a very holy body to meet the requirements.

Otherwise, if the gods are angry, then not only will not be successful, but will bring endless disaster to the tribe...

In the mountains, people rely on mountains to eat mountains and rely on water to eat water. On weekdays, the days are too tight. If there is a little disaster, then it is even more difficult. It is not uncommon to starve to death. So every Individuals want the blessing of the gods and bring them a good year.

If you want to protect your gods, then you naturally need to dedicate the best and most perfect sacrifices. This stockade has not been very good in recent years. First, many good hunters are hunting mysteriously missing in the mountains. The corpse capital could not be found, and then a heavy rain caused a strong mudslide, directly burying dozens of people, and destroying a lot of fields and food, .........,

A series of brutal blows made the tribe's survival extremely difficult. Under the circumstance, they had to come to sacrifice to carry out a grand blood sacrifice. I hope that the gods who dominate the heavens can pity and bless, let them be tribes. The days can be smoother and more happy.

For this blood sacrifice, the tribe can be regarded as a good day, especially the selection of the most standard-compliant sacrifices, which began to happen, and happened to let Qin Fang hit them.


When Qin Fang heard the news, the first feeling was embarrassing.

The life of Miaojiang people is very backward. Many of them are quite mixins. Although Qinfang has had some understanding and recognition of witch doctors, it does not mean that he agrees with this kind of sacrifice activities.

We must know that in the outside world, this kind of activity is to engage in feudal mi letters. The government is not allowed and will definitely be banned.

Not to mention, it is really inhumane that this ritual activity in front of us is still a blood sacrifice with a living life.

Even when Song Qingshan heard the news, his face was quite bad. Although the human rights consciousness of Longguo was completely incomparable with that of foreign countries, it was far more than the point where it could kill people, let alone to do so. The mi letter that I did not look at was ignorant.

"Xiao Qin, you can see this thing, you must not gossip."

Seeing that Qin Fang seems to have some complaints about this ritual activity, Wen Shushu and Song Auntie can't help but persuade. They naturally do not approve such activities. However, the thoughts of Shanli people are not open, but they are somewhat ignorant. The sacrificial activities are effective.

Even the girl who is a sacrifice is also voluntarily. When the sacrifices were selected, almost every girl in the tribe who has not yet married is eager to be selected for this quota... It seems that this is a rare event. Honor, if you get this honor, you can immediately be superior. ! .

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