Omni Genius

Chapter 870: Repair storm pear flower

Tangmen's top ten hidden weapons, it is definitely a very horrible weapon.

But there is a big flaw, basically it is a big killer of xing. After using it, it is not too much to want to fix it again.

It is like the torrential rain pear huā that Qin Fang got from Tang Nan. Now more than 3,000 cattle and awning needles have been shot. The rainy pear huā has only one syringe with quite fine structure.

But it’s just a syringe that doesn’t have any use at all. It’s impossible for more than 3,000 cows to be loaded back. Basically, from the moment it was launched, it has become a useless. Scrap iron.

It was only when the Qin side took away the body of Tang Nan, and at the same time took the syringe of the torrential pear huā together. At that time, Qin Fang simply wanted to clean the battlefield, but did not expect other aspects.

Until last night, Qin Fang thought of the repairing skills he had not used until now, and he thought of this rainy pear huā that was only thrown in the prop box.

Yu Zheng’s hands and feet have been broken for more than ten years, and the wound has been healing for a long time. Many nerves,

The blood vessels have long been strict, and it has already been determined that it is impossible to cure. Qin can use the repair skills to completely recover such injuries overnight.

Although he has lost a lot of hard-earned justice values, he has conquered the former Asian gambling king, and Qin Fang does not feel that he is suffering.

Now, Qin Fang feels the need to repair this rainy pear.

The power of the rainy pear huā is quite amazing, and it broke out at a close distance. It is basically difficult for someone to resist. The most important thing is that the cow's hair of the rainy pear huā is specially broken to protect the body, and it is definitely a martial arts master. Big killer.

Of course, in fact, modern hot weapons can also achieve such an effect, and even the power of a big killer like a bomb is many times more powerful than a rainy pear.

However, the hot weapon is a weapon that harms others. If a bomb explodes, it is a major damage in the scope. Even if the user does not hide far away, it will be bruised.

This storm pear huā's manipulation xing is obviously much better, suddenly took out the sneak attack, the effect may be better than the gun...

At least shots will also produce obvious gunshots, which will easily alarm other people, but this rainy pear huā is absolutely silent and kills invisible.

"Rainbow pear huā, special rare props, one of the ten hidden weapons of Tangmen, prop level: no limit, can be repaired (repair level: 3, need to consume 400 points of justice)."

Qin Fang carefully studied this storm pear huā, carefully identified it, and at the same time with the repair skills to get the 〖 answer〗 Qin party needs to know.

The repairing skills are not completely unrestricted, and the limitation lies in the level of repair. The more elaborate and difficult to repair the props, the more justice values ​​need to be consumed.

For example, Qin Fang repaired the broken hand in the positive yesterday, although the difficulty is quite large for the treatment, but for the system, this is only a small difficulty, so the repair level is the lowest 1

Level, each use needs to consume a justice value of 100 points.

If the repair level is level 2, then each fix needs to consume a justice value of 200 points.

By analogy, the repair level is level 3, and each repair needs to consume a justice value of 400 points and a level of repair level of 4, each time consuming 800 points...

Basically, in the case that the repair level is incremented step by step, the justice value that needs to be consumed is doubled, and the higher the level of repair is, the more the justice value is needed.

The repair level of the rain pear huā is level 3, and the Qin party completely repairs it as it is, and needs to consume 400.

The point of justice is not very rare, but the Qin party is still worthy.

"Repair 


Qin Fang did not hesitate, this rainy pear huā is a self-defense weapon, but also a big killer to kill the enemy, even if there are not many Tangmen, now that he has reached his own hands, Qin Fang can not let it waste.

What's more, "Shen Wuben, if you really don't know anything, then I will be welcome! Oh, I really don't know when the people of Shaolin Temple found that Shen Wuben was dead under the rainstorm in Tangmen, what would they be? A reaction..." With this in mind, Qin Fang couldn't help but make a smirk.

Shaolin Temple and Tangmen are both giants. There are many masters in the interior. Now the Qin side is barely colliding with the younger generation of masters. When encountering the masters of the older generation, it is a master of the master class, obviously not Qin. The party can fight...

At least he can't do it now.

Today, Qin Fang killed Tang Nan. Basically, he has completely offended Tangmen. The Shaolin Temple is a relationship. Shen Wu is a relative to the Qin side. Wukong monk also wants to protect the Qin side. This relationship is also chaotic. of.

If the Qin side is really taken to that step, then it is obviously a very good idea to use the Shaolin Temple to contain the Tangmen.

The rainy pear huā is the top ten hidden weapon of Tangmen. This is the secret of Tangmen’s non-transmission. It cannot be circulated. The only one that comes out is the one brought out by Tang Nan.

However, this one is already used, and it is basically scrapped. The people in Tangmen want to investigate the whereabouts of Tang Nan and will definitely go to the cave.

Although Qin Fang took away the bodies of the rainy pears huā and Tang Nan and erased most of the traces, the three thousand cows and awns that were launched by the rainy pear huā could not all be taken away. This is the use of Tangmen. The very sophisticated technology created by the cattle hairs, designed for use by the rainy pear huā, Tangmen master is sure to know.

It proves that the rainy pear huā has been used, so even if the syringe is taken away, it is impossible to repair it as it was, then the people of Tangmen would like to accuse Qin of having a rainy pear huā, which is obviously very Not reliable...

It is estimated that they themselves do not believe that Qin Fang can repair the rainstorm pear huā, one of the ten hidden weapons of Tangmen.

But the Qin side has such a skill.

The repair process was actually carried out in the props box. The Qin party lost 70 points of justice value in such a silent way. The cow hairs were all disappeared immediately, and the syringe of the rainy pear huā was immediately filled. The fullness has changed back to what it was not used before.

And the syringe looks new and new, like the one just made, but no one will doubt its horror. Once it breaks out, it is definitely a killer.

Of course, if this rainy pear huā is left to Tang Feifei as a treasure for their body protection, it is not impossible. This thing is a fool-like weapon. It only needs to know how to use it. Basically, even children can use it.

It’s just that Qin Fang knows that this thing is still not good for Tang Feifei. Once it’s heavy, Tang Feifei can’t be better than Tang’s masters, carrying a few pounds and light as Hongyan’s, this is also hanging on the body. Ting tiring.

What's more, this storm pear huā is not so easy to fire as a gun, but if it is an accident, it is very dangerous.

Or when it is used for self-defense, this thing is useful for dealing with martial arts masters. These people will basically not take the initiative to find the name of the rainy pear huā.

But if faced with some ordinary people, this rainy pear huā shot, it is definitely a large number of people will die of life, girls are afraid of blood type, obviously this thing is not suitable for them.

Moreover, Qin Fang has already prepared a better body protection for Tang Feifei. This rainy pear huā is still better in the hands of Qin Fang...

The rainy pear huā was repaired, and Yu Zheng’s hands and feet were restored as before. Qin’s justice value also consumed a lot. The original justice value of nearly three thousand is now only a little over two thousand.

"It seems that this justice value is still not enough. It’s much more..."

Looking at the value of the sharp decline in the number of justice, Qin Fang also said a lot of feelings. If it wasn’t for him that he happened to run into the scene of Darren’s high priest’s deception, and knew the things these people did, it’s angry. Under the circumstances, everyone has been slaughtered, and this has brought out so much justice value, he said that it is to repair the torrential rain huā, even if it is to repair a hand, a foot is impossible to do of……

Feelings are touched, but this has to be paid or paid, and the rewards won't be more than just paying for it...

As for saying that it is very difficult to meet the gang of gangs such as Darren in the future, it is not convenient for Qin to earn justice. This does not matter. Qin can also take other routes to earn justice.

After cleaning up, Qin Fang and his party were also preparing to go on the road and continue to rush to Ninghai.

The fat bosses have already replenished their car tires, and even the cars are clean. They are all looking at the Qin party with trepidation. They are willing to leave here as soon as possible!

"I said that fat man, I will send you a sentence before leaving. Many people will be self-satisfied, not every time someone will help you out..."

Before leaving, Qin Fang looked at the fat boss of this brain full of fat, and also understood that this guy was thinking about something, but Qin Fang thought about it and had nothing to say, just so snorted and drove away.

As for saying that this fat man didn’t listen to it, it’s not what Qin Fang should care about. Although such a person is very abominable, he still can’t reach the level of murder and arson. Qin can’t take him to harm the people. of.

If you really want to do this fat man, there is no justice value. If Qin Fang is not good enough, he will lose his justice value, which is not worthwhile.

Like this kind of obvious loss of the sale, Qin Fang seems to be painful and will not do it, especially this fat man is not guilty of death, I believe that Qin Fang has cleaned up this meal, this kid will still converge somewhat. ! .

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