Omni Genius

Chapter 872: Gambling shot

Ye Ping was also unambiguous. Hearing this sentence, he immediately took out a banknote from the carry-on bag, and lost it without looking at it.

Look at his gesture of throwing money, quite elegant, it seems to be a reward for a similar, completely did not put this money in the eyes...

“Thank you for your guests, thank you for your guests...”

The boy’s eyes were almost coming out, and he immediately thanked him.

A doorman like him, in fact, has a lot of tips. Most of the people who come into the Bihai Pavilion are not bad money. As long as they are happy, the tip of the reward is naturally quite a lot.

Most of the time, these grandfathers are more willing to reward the huākui ladies in the Bihai Pavilion, like his younger brother, the natural oil and water can not be compared.

When the tone is good, it’s easy to get a thousand and a hundred. It’s so easy for those grandfathers to grab it. It’s just like being in front of you. Just saying that you’re throwing money, you can’t shake this little brother.

Of course, if he knows that Qin Fang is only taking this money to fish, now let's release a small amount of money, but after waiting for a while, the account will still have to pay for it, and even have to pay a price. Paying for it.

Throwing out 100,000, let this younger brother smile and be happy, but for a while they will win tens of millions from Bihaige, and even more than one billion may be.

"You kid, come over and give me a good introduction to what is fun here. If my family is happy, you will be rewarded with money..."

When the younger brother of the doorman was wondering how to tie up the uncleful grandfather, he heard the leaf of the bag suddenly telling him.

"This is coming, this is coming...,, this little boy suddenly rejoiced, immediately confessed to the companion next to him, and rushed to the side of them, for fear of going to the late family to regret it.

"Please ask three of you, I will give you a good introduction. Our Bihaige and Bihai Pavilion can be regarded as one of the largest entertainment clubs in Ninghai. As long as you want to play, you can't play it, and each one will definitely make the guests very Satisfied, you can rest assured that this..."

The younger brother of the doorman, while leading the road in front, briefly introduced the situation of Bihaige.

“From bathing centres, ktv centres, bars, restaurants, casinos, smokehouses... almost everything, and all are top-notch enjoyments.”

The younger brother’s mouth is still very slippery. When he talks about the head, he is trying to sell every service to the Qin side. These services allow the guests to consume. He can also get some taps. If he can make the guests spend a lot of money, then The pot he immediately earned was full.

The Qin and the three of them are obviously the most quality guests in the eyes of this younger boy. Even the rewards are given to 10,000 at a time. If you go to spend, it will definitely not be a small amount, otherwise people will also Can't afford to lose this person...

"It seems that there is nothing new like this! Boss, you see it."

Ye Ping said with a grin, obviously not very satisfied with the facilities here. To say that these services are basically all other entertainment venues, there is nothing new.

It’s not that Bihaige really has any special features. On the contrary, there are many good things in Bihaige. Just like Mingshi Salon, some special services only have very familiar guests and need to have sufficient protection. Will allow guests to enjoy.

Although they look quite different, they don’t know the roots. It’s impossible to get those cards out.

"I think, if you want to go to the casino to play two... just recently the hand is itchy!" Yu Zheng seems to be not very satisfied with the facilities here at Bihaige. In the end, considering it briefly, he immediately pointed to the real trip. The purpose is.

"Casino, no problem, I will give you the way..." The boy’s younger brother heard this sentence and suddenly his eyes brightened a lot, almost all of them could be directly clicked, and immediately lead the way. .

The casino does not restrict the identity of the guests. Even the first time guests come, as long as they have enough money, they can enter it. This is basically a very profitable point of Bihaige. Naturally, they are very happy to gamble in the past. ......

Regardless of whether the guest wins or loses, the casino can make money. The main reason is that whoever wins the casino must draw 10%, so that the guests do not matter how they gamble, and the casino always has money to earn.

The more you win, the more you earn in the casino. The younger brother of the doorman naturally wants to go to the Qin side. They can gamble. If they lose, he can get a little reward from the casino. But if you win, this reward is obviously not quite Less, look at the bulging banknotes in his pocket.

"In fact, the three guests are really a coincidence. Today is exactly the three-month gamble meeting of our Bihaige. Tonight, we will gather at least thirty or forty gamblers to participate in the gambling. If this is the last win, That would definitely make a lot of money..."

The younger brother was still happy to introduce, but there was not much change in the faces of the three people present.


It is precisely because of today's day that Qin Fang will specially choose to come to trouble today. If you want Li Rui to have a pain, then you must start with enough.

In the casino of Bihaige, Qin Fang was not the first time to come in. The last time Qin Fang won the first billion yuan in this place, even though he did not get a penny, he just saved Fanning. It is.

The look is still the same, the difference from the original is not very big, at most, the placement of the table has made some simple changes.

"What does the boss like to play? Poker, mahjong, Pai Gow, a cast or a slot machine, a Russian roulette, etc?"

The younger brother of the door boy is obviously very familiar with this. Every gameplay is clearly remembered. At least Qin Fang can’t remember the specific gameplay when he came here to make trouble.

At that time, the Qin side chose the Russian roulette, and broke the one hundred million yuan each time with thirty-six times of money. Finally, Li Rui had to bow.

"First play the game..." Yu Zheng roughly glanced at it and went to the other side of the voter.

The cast is the easiest way to play, and the speed of winning and losing is also quite fast, but for the master, it is quite testable.

However, for the real master, it is now easy to control the changes of the voter, and there is no big challenge.

Unless it is the master of the same skill on the scatter, the more serious players will shake it out, otherwise the dealers in the casino can easily kill with their eyes closed.

"Please here, please..."

The younger brother of the door boy immediately led the Qin Fang to them, and he was very rude to give Zheng Zhengqiang a chair and let him sit down.

Just when I was sitting down here, the dealer also shook the vote, and shouted "Betting, betting, buying off..."

"Four-five-six, big!"

Ye Ping has already exchanged nearly a few hundred thousand chips at this time. It seems that there are not many, but for Zheng, this is quite a lot.

However, they did not come to make money. They had to be scared to start with a single click, and directly dumped hundreds of thousands of chips on the "big".

Although it is a gamble day, only those gamblers have been invited to the VIP room, Yu Zhenggang, and the details are not clear, even if you want to enter the family, it is estimated that it will not be allowed, so xing is now outside Have a fun.

This shot is hundreds of thousands, although the value of the gamblers at the same table is not a problem, but the value has nothing to do with the shot.

The gambling method of the cast is simple and simple, but it is unpredictable that xing is also quite large. Most people will be careful to test, until they feel that they are almost the same, this will be the next big one.

However, if you are just like this, you will directly drop hundreds of thousands of people. This is not a defeated family. It may be the master of true ability.

However, many people are still very surprised, all looking at the positive, waiting for the opening of the investment.

"Four-five-six, big!"

Sure enough, when the cast was opened, the dealer immediately made such a sip. As a result of the bet, his nearly 500,000 chips immediately doubled and became one million now. It is.

Soon the dealer will pay for the whole. In general, he still receives less than the expenditure, so he still earns some points. After all, Qin Fang’s pen is the biggest single note, but other people’s bets though Small, but the number of people is more than enough to make up for this shortcoming.

"Two three four, small!"

When Yizi had shaken it, Yu Zheng pushed all the chips in front of him and threw them directly on the "small". This note was accidentally enlarged.

Other gamblers have also watched this, seldom went to bet, and there are still a few unbelievers, and the special bet is not the same.

Two three four, small...

Soon after I bought it, the dealer opened the cast and immediately sipped it.


This time, many people were shocked, and my heart sighed that the luck of Zheng is really good, actually twice in the méng.

The number of people who bet this time is relatively small, and the bet on the side of Qin’s bet is relatively large. Not only did he not win, but instead posted more than 700,000, the dealer’s face could not help but change. of.

However, he is still relatively calm, and anything can happen in the casino. If he is lucky enough to be a blast, he is not unseen, and naturally it is not too scary.

Soon the third one continued to start again. Many people stared at Zheng, and seemed to wait for him to bet, and they dared to follow the bet.

"Three four, cats!"

It’s just that when the two million that were won in front of the show were launched, and they were directly pressed against the leopard, the gamblers who wanted to call were stopped.

Compared to the number of points, the odds of the cat are actually similar, but few people go back to deliberately to bet on the leopard, although the odds of the cat are higher, reaching a loss of three.

This is the case, Yu Zheng is still calmly betting, Ye Ping also pulled out a Cuban Havana cigar from the bag and gave it to the punctuality. The thick smoke is rising, but it is hard to add points. Unpredictable feelings.

"There is a dead bird, afraid of a ball...

I followed, the cat! ”

Most people continue to wait and see, luck is a very interesting thing, maybe it can be against the sky, but it may disappear at any time.

But there are exceptions. A few individual courage is relatively large, or it may be that a relatively thick gambler immediately throws out two or three hundred thousand and then bets.

"Yes, a little bit of eyesight..."

While sipping a cigar on the side, he said to the gamblers who bet on the bets that the gesture seemed to have already won.

"Three four, leopard..."

The dealer’s face was also sweating at this time. On the first hand, he lost more than 700,000. This is even more embarrassing. There are almost no people betting big and small, but there are two hundred and five hundred and six hundred thousand on the cat. .

If he loses, he will lose another two and five hundred and six hundred thousand. Of course, if he wins, his income is quite expensive.

However, the result made him quite depressed. When the cast was opened, his face was completely green. The three Yizis lying there quietly were really three or four cats. It can be said that it is not bad at all.


Seeing such a result, many people have once again exclaimed.

Some people 捶 ong 顿 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The sweat on the face of the dealer is even heavier, but the game still has to continue, and immediately shakes the son Yi...

"five five six, big!"

At the time of the betting, Yu Zheng was still so calm, pushing all the four million chips in front of him, all down to the "big".

"I am also big..."

"I also call, big!"


This time, many people are no longer hesitant, and perhaps some others are still embarrassed, but most people feel that luck is really good, they have chosen to call.

Although the bets on these people’s bets are not very big, they are 300,000 and I’m 500,000 bets, but the number is more than that, it’s quite rude, and it’s more than a thousand in a blink of an eye. Million.

If this is lost, the dealer feels that his little life may have finished playing. I thought of this, the dealer’s hand under the gambling table is slowly toward the corner of the table, the button that is not usually used. Rely on the past.

With a light click, the number of points in the cast will change, and he probably won't lose...! .

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