Omni Genius

Chapter 884: Crazy brush proficiency

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“However, the rain plum blossoms may cause some trouble...”

As the spectator is clear, Song Qingshan quickly pointed out another leaking place in the Qin side, that is, he took out the rainstorm pear flower.

The rainy pear flower is one of the ten hidden weapons of Tangmen. It is a sign of Tangmen. Shen Wuben recognized it and decided that Qin Fang is a disciple of Tangmen, and this will be soft.

As for why Qin Fang surnamed Qin instead of surnamed Tang, this Shen Fu does not need to be entangled, such as the hidden martial art disciple, many times will use a new name.

The people in Tangmen are all surnamed Tang. If Shen Wuben heard the words of Qin Fang and Tang before this incident, perhaps he would make some more considerations.

But no matter what, Qin Fang did not kill Shen Wuben, and Shen Wuben recognized the rain plum blossoms on the hands of Qin Fang. Once the people of Tangmen chased the mountains, they met with Shen Wuben, and Qin Fang killed Tang Nan. It is easy to expose... This is naturally a big hidden danger.

"This is a problem..."

Even Qin Fang heard the words of Song Qingshan, and could not help but frown.

He is not the kind of person who is self-contained, and he will not be able to listen to the opinions of others. It is obvious that this reminder of Song Qingshan is quite in place.

However, this issue is still unsolvable for the time being, unless Qin Fang is now killing Shen Wuben, otherwise there is no other more suitable method for the time being.

Let Shen Wuben keep secret?

This is obviously impossible.

Shen Wuben is a little prince who is anti-water. If he can rely on it, then it is better to believe that the sow will go to the tree.

If the day let him know that Qin Fang is not a Tangmen, and he meets Tangmen, Qin Fang does not need to assume that Shen Wuben, the anti-water prince, must immediately turn against the water.

Tangmen is poisonous and secretive. They are not only very powerful in making drugs, but also detoxification masters. Although Qin’s own refining poisons are powerful, they are not necessarily unsolvable.

"Forget it, let's put it aside for the time being! The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth... Now what are you doing?"

The Qin side is also more open to thinking. Since there is no better way to deal with this matter, the cable is temporarily put aside.

Most of the people in Tangmen are going to catch up with the mountains, but they have never been born for hundreds of years. For the outside world, they are black and white. In the vast sea of ​​people, they want to find the murderer who killed Tang Nan. It is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

When they find Ninghai and find Qinfang here, Qinfang may have entered the master class and even higher level.

Entering the master level, Qin can be invincible in the same order, and the Tangmen double--poison, hidden weapon, these two for the Qin side, basically can be said that there is not much threat.

As long as it is not a master level master, Qin Fang is not afraid of Tangmen masters at all...

What's more, the Qin party was forced to rush, and a bomb sent them directly to the West!

The anti-water prince Shen Wuben’s things can be put aside for a while, and then what Qin’s side has to do is to concentrate on another opponent.

Since the loss of the safe in Bihaige, the whole Ninghai seems to have become a sizzling wind. You can see Li Rui’s younger brother wandering around the street and wandering around...

Most of these younger brothers will not go, and they have no time to collect any protection fees, but to inquire about the news, or to check every store in the city, even the banks have not let go...

Only these thousands of younger brothers have come to the streets to wander around. Many people are the masters of the case. Once they have so many people, the police have become nervous.

If so many people are in trouble, the problem is quite big.

Therefore, the Ninghai police also acted in full. The police officers wearing police uniforms were often on the street, especially those where the punks were concentrated.

Although Ye Heng is no longer the director of the Municipal Bureau, he is a rising political and legal committee. The director who receives his class is also his own. The control of the city bureau is still quite strong.

Suddenly such a thing happened, he was also confused, sent people to investigate, and could not find a reason why Li Rui could not vent his mouth.

He went to ask the tiger again. Now he is an official of the Tang Dynasty. The tiger also has the background of the Tang family. Relatively speaking, it is a camp. It can also be asked. It is more reliable than the cold **** of Li Rui. .

It’s just that the tiger knows nothing about it. He also thinks that he is wondering. In order to prevent conflicts with Li Rui’s people, he specifically restrains the younger brother and tries not to appear in the urban area during this time to prevent both sides from happening. Large-scale conflict...

Qin Fang’s work is relatively secret, and there are quite a few people who know it. Apart from himself, only Chen Da and others have vaguely known some, but it is not particularly clear.

The Qin side has already specifically explained that this matter needs to be strictly confidential, and they naturally will not say it. Even if it is the tiger, they do not mention it.

The underground of Ninghai is now a gunpowder bucket, and Li Rui is now sitting on the gunpowder barrel. The thing inside the safe is the fuse. Once it is lit, Li Rui is torn apart when he is not good. The corpse is separated, and there is no place to die...

It is precisely because of this that Li Rui will become more cruel, whoever dares to order this gunpowder barrel, that is to want his life, then he naturally does not have to be polite...

"What? Still no clues... Continue to find and continue to find! I will give you two more days. If you can't find it again, then you don't have to come back..."

Within the Bihai Pavilion, Li Rui has not left this step in the past few days. He has always loved his neatness. Even his beard is too lazy to scrape. The whole person seems to have a lot of vicissitudes.

Although Li Rui seems to have a more mature man's taste, so many women can't help but look down on it, but unfortunately Li Rui can't afford a little interest in women.

For example, there is a generation that is close to him, but he doesn’t even have a look at it...

"Rui, let's relax a bit, maybe things are not as serious as you think, maybe that person just wants to ask for money..."

The woman stood behind Li Rui and stretched out the slender hand to massage Li Rui's head and shoulders, relaxing him and releasing the tremendous pressure.

"Hey, you don't have to persuade me... as long as I can't find anything in a day, it's hard for me to get down easily..."

Li Rui did not have the coldness of the past, and seemed quite helpless and vicissitudes. His tone was also moderated, not as strong and cold-blooded as before.

This woman is one of his most trusted people, and one of the three people who can open the safe. Almost immediately after the incident, she immediately came to Li Rui's side, always accompanying him and comforting him.

However, Li Rui basically ruled out her possibility of betraying herself, and only when she was with her, the mood was slightly stabilized.

The things stored in the safe are really important. Once they are taken out, then for Li Rui and Li, it is definitely a disaster.

The security defense of this safe is quite in place. If there is no password, it is very difficult to open. If the safe can be retrieved in a short time, the contents can basically be saved.

But this time is a long time, Li Rui is not so confident, after all, want to open this safe, in addition to the use of passwords, there are some more violent methods.

The alloy materials used in the safe are really hard, but if they fall into the hands of some people and add enough time, they naturally have the means to open the safe.

Therefore, for Li Rui, every minute is a torment, as long as he does not really find the complete safe, it is difficult for him to relax.

"Oh, sometimes I really hope that you are just an ordinary person, so you can live a life with you for a lifetime, don't live so tired like this..."

The woman’s face was deeply helpless and worried, and the tone was unprecedented sorrow. It was amazement that she loved this man.

And this man is also very good for her, although she can not give her any name, but still makes her feel very happy.

At least she feels that she is much happier than the woman who occupies this manhood...

But now there is such a thing, once the things that can't be seen are exposed, the man will be ruined, even if he will be trapped, even the family behind him will suffer the catastrophe.

However, she is unable to do anything about it, and she can’t help it at all...


When Li Rui was overwhelmed, Qin Fang seemed to be a lot easier. He was handing over to Chen Da on the side of the new base.

"Qin Shao, this is already collected by the warehouse where we have evacuated two lock factories..."

Chen Da face sè quite helpless, pointing to the pile of a lock like a hill.

Lock, this is the most common item, but few people will pay attention to it, of course, no one will be bored to specifically purchase tens of thousands of locks.

Some people have done this. This person is Chen Da - exactly, it is the order that Qin Fang gave Chen Da to let him arrange for people to do it.

In order to get back these locks, they are all tired enough, and this has been so much, basically it has already done its best.

Even if Chen Da brought all these locks back, he is still full of fog, and he does not know what medicine is sold in the gourd of Qin Fang.

"Everyone has worked hard! Let Dago take you out at night to go out and be cool..."

Qin Fang smiled and did not explain the reason. He sent Chen Da to them, and he himself stayed alone.

Keep yourself in this room full of locks, one person is quietly waiting, no one knows what he is going to do.

Chen Da, they have already been eccentric, and know that Qin Fang’s doing this is definitely the purpose he needs to do. Anyway, he doesn’t have much money to buy a lock. Qin Fang can afford it, and they don’t care too much. .

With the words of Qin Fang, Chen Da led the people who left him, and merged with Wei Lock and others who stayed at the old base. A group of people went to the south of the city to release the excess energy of the body...

Qin Fang bought so many locks, it is naturally useful, that is to brush proficiency, specifically the skill of brush unlocking skills.

The people of Li Rui made such a move, and Qin Fang naturally knew it. He asked Chen Da and the tiger to pay attention to Li Rui’s movements and control Li Rui’s situation at any time.

Losing the safe, losing hundreds of millions of cash, cheques, this money will certainly make Li Rui quite a headache, but it will not make such a big move.

The only explanation is that there is something hidden in the safe that makes Li Rui very jealous, and may even threaten Li Rui's things.

With such a judgment, Qin Fang naturally wants to open this safe.

However, his skill proficiency is still too low, so he must improve his proficiency as soon as possible. Brush proficiency is what he is doing now.

The unlocking skill is somewhat different from other skills. Although it is brush proficiency, it has a cooling time limit...

It is not the cooling time of the skill, but the cooling time of the lock.

A lock, Qin Fang used the unlocking skills to open it, Qin Fang can lock it again, but this time it is still cooling time, Qin Fang can not use it again to unlock the skills.

This cooling time varies from three minutes to five minutes. The more precise the lock, the longer the cooling time... Of course, after opening it, perhaps the proficiency is relatively more, this is a complementary relationship. .

It is precisely because of this cooling time relationship, Qin Fang wants to quickly brush proficiency, just use a lock, or a few locks, it is certainly not enough.

Therefore, the Qin side simply let Chen Da go out and buy some locks back, so that he can open one and throw one, and there is no cooling time relationship.

At the same time, Qin Fang can also calculate which kind of lock has the highest xing price ratio, so that it can be more effective in brushing proficiency... Li Rui cares about the time, and Qin Fang obviously cares about time.

Although Qin Fang did not have the urgency of Li Rui, Qin Fang was not willing to waste too much time on Li Rui's body... He was abolished earlier, then Qin Fang really can have no worries.

Tianchi School and Tangmen, both of these sects have complained to the Qin side, and obviously they have to deal with him.

After the lessons of Shen Wuben, Qin Fang did not want to wait for the powerful martial art of these two people to come to Ninghai, and Li Rui, the head snake to help him pull the! .

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