Omni Genius

Chapter 895: Emergencies


"Do not worry, there will be nothing..."

Looking at Qin Fang’s face, Tang Feifei is very gentle and persuaded. “The law and order on Hong Kong Island is still very good, and you have sent people to protect it. There should be no problem with the aunt’s side! Moreover, the Qujia side also What about the aunt?"

She is also able to understand the mood of Qin Fang at this time. After all, this mother and son have lived together for so long, and they have never had any loved ones. This suddenly has a relative of Qu Family, and it is still not very kind. The kind of Qin Fang’s heart is not possible.

"makes sense……"

Qin Fang nodded. In fact, he also understood very well. However, there was such a point in his heart that he couldn’t think of it. After Tang Feifei said this, he also relaxed a lot.

"Go, let's go around..."

My mother Qin Qing sent someone to stare at it. Qin Fang didn't have to worry too much. After all, if this is the level of law and order, Hong Kong Island is much stronger than the mainland.

Although there are also associations on Hong Kong Island, the general associations are good. Unless they are looking for things themselves, they usually seldom disturb the lives of ordinary people.

In this regard, many of the black forces in the Mainland are very unreliable.

Qin Qing has already entered the St. Mary's Hospital to see the dying old lady. Qin Fang has not had much thought about this grandmother who has no concept at all, and her mother Qin Qing has not yet planned to let him go. In contact with the Qu family, he did not bother to go, and went out with Tang Feifei.

There are still a lot of fun places on Hong Kong Island. The most frequent trips to mainlanders are Ocean Park and Disney. Tang Feifei is no exception. Qin is very convenient to accompany Tang Feifei to play with.

This season, the northern part of the country has entered a cold winter, but the temperature on Hong Kong Island is still quite high, and the Ocean Park is also quite lively.

Qin Fang accompanied Tang Feifei to see the strange fishes in the aquarium, as well as the dolphin show, playing the Ferris wheel and the roller coaster together...

In short, the two people are still quite full of play, and Tang Feifei has been unable to eat, and time has come to the meal, this came out of the Ocean Park, looking for a hotel to eat nearby.

Tourist attractions like the Ocean Park, the surrounding nature is not lacking some of the top grade hotels, restaurants, Qin Fang they seem to enter a very high grade, but also a French restaurant.

The French restaurant on Hong Kong Island and the French restaurant in the Mainland are two different concepts. The French restaurant here is more authentic. Even the chefs are mostly authentic French. The taste is close to the original French flavor. The difference is still not small.

Even some high-grade French restaurants use French cutlery, the text on the menu is French, [Almighty Wizards, Dusk Update], even the waiters here are French... Of course, the red wine with the meal is more It is authentic French goods.

Generally, a good French restaurant with good business needs a predetermined location. Otherwise, people come and have no place to do it. This time, it reflects the benefits of Shen Liang’s follow-up. When Qin decided to come out to eat, he I have already done all this early.

A little bit of gold means, Qin Fang they succeeded in getting a position, Qin Fang and Tang Feifei sat down here.

"Want to eat something, even though..."

After sitting down, Qin Fang handed the menu to Tang Feifei.

"Ah, it seems to be... French, can't read... Would you like to order it?"

Tang Feifei took the menu very gently, just opened it and looked at it, suddenly dumbfounded, her English is not bad, whether it is to see or say can reach the level of normal communication, but this menu is in French She immediately did not swear... The decision was handed over to Qin Fang’s hand.

At this time, the boyfriend shows its usefulness. Even if it is a shameful thing, it should be the person to bear it. Tang Feifei’s face is very thin.

"bsp; Qin Fang smiled, and did not have any disappointment with Tang Feifei's bad smile. He looked at the menu and immediately called the waiter over. He whispered something in the mouth and said some Tang Feifei listened to it. A language that does not understand.

Tang Feifei was wondering what language Qin Fang said when he found out that he did not seem to talk casually. The French waiter nodded and accepted the menu and left.

"Qin Fang, what are you talking about... French?"

Tang Feifei was shocked. She was the closest person to Qin Fang, but she really didn't know that Qin Fang would speak French. The impression that Qin Fang even English is not particularly good.

"Of course... actually not only French, but I will have some English, German, Spanish, and Italian. It’s just not useful!"

Qin Fang’s face is now thick, and immediately it is not modest, and suddenly caused Tang Feifei’s eyes, obviously she is not very confident.

However, in general, Qin Fang’s feelings for her are still very good, and my heart is still very happy. At least, if I go abroad to play, I don’t have to worry about language problems.

It’s just that Qin Fang is not good to tell Tang Feifei, this is the language that is rarely used in many of his skills to master the benefits of this passive skill.

Although the language is proficient in this skill, Qin Fang has not always paid much attention to it, but never said that it has little effect. When Qin is bored, it will be read with some language books. It is known to all languages. Some, although this French is the first time to say...

The speed of serving in the restaurant is still very fast. It took a long time for the kungfu to come up. Although the plate used is quite large, the amount of food inside is not too much.

Fortunately, they have already foreseen the Qin party, but they did not think that there was anything strange. The two people immediately started eating.

I have to say that the business of this restaurant is so good. In addition to the grade of the restaurant, the chef's craftsmanship is also quite good. Qin Fang estimates that even if compared with his apprentice Wen Yi, it is not too much.

Of course, compared with his master of advanced master cooking, it is still slightly weak...

Qin Fang has rarely cooked, but there are too many things, and it is impossible to cover everything. Only leisure time will make a delicious meal for Tang Feifei and their close women.

The taste is good, plus playing for so long, the physical exertion is not small, the appetite is wide open, and the eating is a little more, [Baidu Almighty Wizard] For Tang Feifei, who has always been keen to keep fit, this is also very A rare one.

"I went to the bathroom..."

Just eating a lot, and drinking a lot of soup to add water, this time has a little feeling, immediately greeted the Qin side, they have to get up and leave the seat to go to the bathroom.

"and many more……"

When Tang Feifei was moved, Qin Fang immediately screamed because he saw that there was a waiter with a plate behind Tang Feifei coming over.

But he still shouted a bit slow, Tang Feifei has not responded, and people have already crossed one foot out...

Just the waiter with the plate on his side walked by, just by the foot of Tang Feifei, the waiter was suddenly awkward, and the body was immediately leaning forward, and he could not hold it for a while. The plate on the plate flew straight out.



Inside the plate was a bowl of soup, and when it flew out, it was all drenched in the front of the table...

what! ! !

Both Qin Fang and Tang Feifei heard the scream of a woman very clearly.

"Who? Who did it?"

The woman was treated like this, and she suddenly became very excited. She immediately became stunned, and Tang Feifei was even more embarrassed.

The waiter who was "concealed" by Tang Feifei had already stood up straight at this time, only looking at the roaring woman. The five big three thick ones were scared to follow a sly, and they couldn’t even say anything.

At this time, the woman who had been immersed in the soup came over from the neighboring table. Her face was full of angry look. The face was quite beautiful, but she was obviously from the hair of the famous teacher. On the expensive fur, there is a lot of soup and water.

"sorry Sorry……"

Tang Feifei was also shocked. When she saw the other party coming to the teacher to ask for a crime, she immediately took the initiative to apologize to the other party. This is also why I don’t want this waiter to be guilty. After all, this is indeed the fault she has.

Tang Feifei, who was born into a bureaucratic family, has always been very polite. This time she is wrong. This apology is also very sincere. Although this unexpected incident has never been thought of, it is true that people are indeed Instigated by innocent people.

"I'm sorry? I am sorry, I am finished?"

It’s just that this woman originally wanted to teach this waiter, but she didn’t expect to have another person. She couldn’t help but look at Tang Feifei first. She was quite surprised at the beauty of Tang Feifei, at least she was stronger than her. Less, but still younger...

Then I looked at Qin Fang, who was sitting with Tang Feifei. The person is not particularly handsome. The clothes on her body are a couple of lovers with Tang Feifei. It seems to be relatively cheap.

After all, Qin Fang and Tang Feifei came out to play, wearing a little casual...

It is said that people rely on clothing, although many people are very low-key now, but low-key people like Qin Fang and Tang Feifei are really not a lot.

This woman saw that the couple in Qinfang were very ordinary, and Tang Feifei’s opening was a normal Mandarin. It was a stark contrast with her Hong Kong Island Cantonese. She suddenly became more energetic and her tone became even worse. stand up……

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