Omni Genius

Chapter 947: Just don't give face!


Seeing that Qin Fang did not give face, the face of Miss Hu Si was like a chicken blood, red and bright, it seems that it seems to be extravagant at any time, it is terrible!

The slender jade finger is pointing straight to the Qin side. It seems that I can’t wait to poke the Qin party directly into the heart.

Miss Hu Si, who is also a person, that is the famous little pepper on Hong Kong Island, the big sister of many top ladies in the top ten giants. It is said that she has also engaged in a socialite meeting to make Hong Kong Island big and small.

The daughters of wealthy businessmen, business women, and so on, all pulled in, even Qu Yuancheng’s wife Chen Qi is a person of the ladies’ association.

Perhaps this is why every time this little pepper Hu Sijie provoked anything, it is the reason to directly find Qu Yuancheng this gold medal lawyer.

One is that everyone is familiar and it is convenient to call. The second reason is that Qu Yuancheng can't stand the request of his wife, and he has to agree to it...

Perhaps because of the power of the socialites, these women have gathered into a very powerful force. As the founder and big sister of the socialite society, the position of Miss Hu Si on Hong Kong Island is naturally quite high.

Basically, there are not a few of the third generation of this giants who dare not give her face to Miss Hu Si, such as Qu Yuancheng, who is the one who touched Hu Si, not a polite person, afraid that this Xiao Nizi turned his face. !

Do not say anything else, just go home to not let áng, sisters and sisters sāo is just enough for them these men have a headache.

It is a pity that Miss Hu Si, who is rampant on Hong Kong Island, is counting on her opponent.

Qin Fang is not a bird and she is not a bird, so this beautiful girl looks very beautiful, but this stinky temper is definitely the most savvy daughter of the Golden Party.

It is said that Qu Yuanliang is a relatively arrogant younger brother. It seems that compared with the current one, it is not a level...

"Do you compare with me? If you win or lose, I will give you one million..." Miss Hu Si’s face was iron and blue, looking at the ride on the parachutist, leisurely and leisurely. Qin Fang, she felt the incomparable fire in her heart.

She couldn't understand why Qin Fang refused her request. I know that there are still few young men on Hong Kong Island who can refuse her request.

Even if there are, those few are basically based!

As long as it is a straight man, it must not be able to resist the demands of such a beautiful woman... Even the four people next to Qu Yuancheng are no exception, they are the pursuers of Miss Hu Si!

It can be seen that Qin Fang does not seem to eat the set that she is best at. Miss Hu Si is naturally not completely unable to do so. She immediately changed her strategy and adopted the Jin Yuan tactics.

This seems to be the most common way of swearing for the children of the giants. Are you not very arrogant?

Then I will take the money and you can’t afford it...

Although Miss Hu Si is a woman, it seems that she is also deeply acquainted with this. This shaking hand will cost a million dollars, as if it is not money at all.

Of course, with the wealth of Hu family, the one-million-dollar industry of the Hu family, which is really not enough to do the work, is not only rewarded by employees every day.

"I will give you a million, how far do you give me how far I have to go..." Qin Fang heard the words of the little pepper, and this heart was also a little unpleasant, plus he was originally small. The impression of pepper is not very good, immediately anti-chun sighs, and even this is more vicious than the small peppers...

"You... bastard!" The little pepper suddenly became dumbfounded.

It is estimated that this is the first time she has heard someone talking to her so viciously since she was born. The whole person is dumbfounded.

She is a young Hu family, Hu Jiafu can be an enemy country, assets of hundreds of millions, the area of ​​millions of Hong Kong dollars can not be anything, her mother Hu Si's zero month huā money is far more than this number.

However, Qin Fang’s words are too vicious. Actually, she throws out a million and wants her to be good. Miss Four is getting out. "Is it so cheap?", Miss Hu Si gnawed her teeth in the heart, and was so vicious on the Qin side. The words express boundless anger and resentment.

After a while, she only reacted. The beautiful eyes also had a mist on the eyes, and the corners of the eyes were already a little moist. Looking at the face of Qin Fang, which is incomparably owed, the mouth is chun, slow. It took a long time for this to come out!

Obviously, her words, the lethality is too limited, Qin Fang just shrugged casually, as if not heard at all, continue to slow down there.

This kind of reaction made Miss Hu Si angry in the fire, but her full anger was hard to attack, because her opponent was like the incombustible material, and her anger could not be ignored. It is enough to burn her own!

"Bovine! Really cow..."

"It's too strong!" "This Qin brother is also a **** man..." The war between Qin Fang and Xiaojiao continued. The five people on the side seemed to be watching the drama. They were also engaged in such behavior by Qin Fang. Quite speechless,

But at the same time, I couldn’t help but sigh with a thumbs up.

Some of them are the pursuers of small peppers, but so far they have not been able to achieve any real progress in xing, let alone a pro-Fangze...

The main reason is that the small peppers are too strong, and they are much stronger than the men. They naturally seem to be weak.

Seeing the attitude of Qin Fang now, I was shocked to be a man of heaven. At the same time, I wondered if my offensive strategy was wrong. Should I use the boycott tactics like Qin Fang, maybe it could be a miraculous effect.

Qu Yuancheng’s idea is different. He belongs to the kind that is sandwiched in the middle. He can’t offend the Qin side. He can’t offend Miss Hu’s side.

In this way, his only way is to remain silent, and the two help each other, so it is much safer.

Unfortunately, the idea is wonderful, but the truth is extremely cruel!

"Qu Yuancheng, I am now ordering you to let this guy compare with me."

The little peppers saw their own fighting mouth but the Qin side, but they also suffocated themselves, and the money was of no use, but let Qin party humiliate it.

This little pepper saw the curved element of the tortoise.

The other four people are the pursuers of her Miss Hu Si, who came with her early, and Qin Fang is not a familiar face, but she can enter the interior of the racecourse, and also ride the one that is less than four. The generals of the flying, together with Qu Yuancheng next to them, are obviously the people of the Qujia...............

The small pepper changed its strategy and snarled at the achievements of the squad.

Qin Fang is a fight, but it is much easier to deal with Qu Yuan. The relationship between a small pepper and Qu Yuan’s wife Chen Qi is quite good.

To be exact, Chen Qi is the cousin of the small pepper. Can this be unfamiliar?

The relationship between the two sisters is very good. Usually, there is nothing to talk about, so this is why every time this little pepper is in trouble, it is one of the reasons for Qu Yuancheng to finish.

The small pepper can't cure Qin Fang, but it is still no problem to pack up Qu Yuancheng. In the face of this little pepper, it is just this time with the grandson. The idea was obviously wrong. Qu Yuancheng’s face was quite ugly because of the words of the small pepper, but it was not standing on the side of the small pepper.

"That Jia Jia, Qin Fang is my cousin, even if this matter is over,"

The thing happened to be like this, Qu Yuancheng did not think of it at all. The two people are really too embarrassed. It was just a small matter, and it was like this.

The problem is that the relationship between the Qu family and the Qin party is very embarrassing. The Qin party is not the person of the Qu family. Let the people of the Qu family give orders to the Qin side. Is this not a slapstick?

Not to mention that Qin Fang will definitely not listen to his command of Qu Yuancheng, that is, Qu Yuancheng just said such a thing, Qin Fang will definitely turn his face with him immediately.

This does not need to guess, absolutely things will happen, but he is very easy to pull out the Qin Fang, slightly closer to some of the relationship, it seems that things are progressing well, if it is stirred by this Miss Hu Si However, he is busy with a job, and the most fear is that Qin Fang completely turned his face and never gave the Qujia any chance. Then he really bothered "Hey?"

The small pepper was also stunned by Qu Yuancheng’s answer.

Qu Yuancheng was the first to explicitly reject her request. In the past, even the conditions she proposed were very outrageous.

For example, Qu Yuancheng helped her win the lawsuit. This Xiaonizi said that when the plaintiff said that she was emotional, she immediately asked Qu Yuancheng to inform the plaintiff that she had caused personal injury to her...

Of course, the final result is naturally unsatisfactory, but when this Xiao Nizi asked for it, Qu Yuancheng also agreed with a bitter smile.

But this time, I refused directly, even standing on the side of the Qin side. "Is he your cousin?"

This result makes the small pepper very exception, but also noticed a sentence, it is very strange to swear.

Qu Yuancheng’s mother, Qu Zhenhang’s wife, is also one of the top ten giants on Hong Kong Island. It’s from the Hong Kong Island giants’ home. If Qu Yuan’s cousin is a Tianjia’s person, small peppers are naturally impossible. I know, because one of the four majors standing here is one of the Tian family.

But looking at the reaction of everyone, obviously not the same thing...

Then there is only one possible left Qin may be the son of Qu Yuancheng, Xiaogu Quqing, and the former Hong Kong Island goddess Qu Qing has been mysteriously missing for 20 years. "Is it that she is back?"

Several people present were very surprised to look at the Qin side, as if they wanted to see something from his face. ! .

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