Omni Genius

Chapter 949: Riding a horse is better than you, it is bullying you!

"Change ten days a month?"

Although I know what exchange conditions this small pepper will bring, only Qin Fang did not expect this condition for gambling to be like this.

"You really are willing to pay the cost..."[]

Looking at the resentful Hu Sixiao back sister at this time, Qin Fang's face was very strange and laughed.

"You don't care, you said you dare to promise..."

It’s just that the small peppers obviously don’t eat his set. Not only does it mean that there is no retreat. It seems that I still want to directly push a palace, as if the Qin party did not agree, it is a kind of timid.

"You are not afraid of losing money, can I be afraid of a big man?"

Although I know that this is a radical approach, Qin Fang can't let a little woman give up, but I don't know how to deal with it.

The most important thing is that the Qin side is also found. This little pepper is really quite difficult. Today, I don’t know if I have committed any disease. It seems that I have to be more comfortable with the Qin side. Laiding him to the Qin side, I don’t want to know what to do...

This pair of gambling is naturally cheaper on the side of the Qin side. It is definitely this confident little pepper that is suffering from loss. Don’t look at the heroic promise of this Hu Xiaoxiao’s sister. In fact, she is still a pure girl, and There is no such thing as a private life like the other giants.

Such a girl, even if she sleeps for one night, it is a big loss, let alone sleep for a month...

Of course, sleeping with one night, once the body is broken, the result of staying with one night and accompanying one month is the same. The difference is the length of time that is occupied by people.

In comparison, Qin Fang lost when he returned to the ten-day slave. It seems that it is not a lot of loss. Even if the small pepper is not good, the temper is not good at all. At the most, it is not to be allowed to go to work. Qin Fang picks up the guests as a duck...

Qin Fang really didn't want to take advantage of this little girl. He just wanted to use this opportunity to completely get rid of this little trouble. As for winning or losing...

Will he lose?

Obviously unlikely!

This little pepper's equestrian is really good, compared to the general knights are not too much, Qin Fang's detective check skills first, her riding has reached lv4, which is considered a master level.

Qin Fang just looked at the level of the knights who participated in the horse racing, and they are all around lv4. Some people only have lv3. So, the small pepper has this level, and it is no wonder that she will be so confident.

As for the Qin Yuan who is next to Qin Fangcheng, they are a few of them. The lv1 is a big difference with this little pepper. It is estimated that the technology of Qinfang is no better than these. Plus, the horses of two people are not too much, and of course she does not feel that she will lose.


She didn't know.

On the surface of the Qin side, it seems that the technique of driving horses is similar to that of Qu Yuan. The reason why they can win is completely to take advantage of the flying generals.

In fact, Qin's current riding skills have already reached a high level, although there are still some gaps from the master level, but it is not particularly large.

Advanced, close to the master's riding skills, according to the special level of conversion, probably lv5 look, compared to the small pepper lv4 is also a higher level.

A level higher, this gap is definitely not small.

The character level is one level, although the gap is very outrageous, but some masters can beat the enemy more and more, for example, Qin is so convenient.

However, the skill level differs by one level, and unless there is a very good auxiliary skill, the gap cannot be narrowed.

If Qin Fang had just been riding a horse, the small pepper came over with Qin Fang, then Qin Fang was unfamiliar because of the method, the possibility of losing is still relatively large.

But now, after running for a few laps, Qin Fang’s skills are becoming more and more skillful, and the basic control skills are also used by him.

The selection of small peppers is more than that of the Qin side at this time, the floating astronomy network, self-seeking dead road...

"If that's the case, then start quickly... oh, I will make you look good!"

I heard that Qin Fang finally agreed, and the little pepper suddenly smiled. The face was still very confident. The mouth was also muttering. Although I didn’t know what she was talking about, Qin Fang thought and knew that it must be said. Something like this.

As he spoke, the little pepper turned around and turned to the official runway, and the mood gradually stabilized, ready to concentrate on the next game.

"and many more……"

But at this time, when the small pepper was ready to officially start, Qin Fang suddenly shouted.

"You... what do you want?"

The small peppers were slightly stunned, and their faces became quite unsightly. They were dissatisfied with a light drink, and apparently felt that Qin Fang was really too much.

The small pepper was originally not the kind of temper. Qin Fang repeatedly and repeatedly provoked the bottom line of her anger, almost let her be too intobearing, otherwise she would not even be so outrageous. It’s all out.

"I will change a horse first..."

Only Qin Fang waved his hand and spoke from the body of the flying general. He went straight to Qu Yuancheng. It seems that he intends to change horse riding with Qu Yuancheng.

"Change horse?"

"Change horse..."

When I heard this gambling condition, several people present were already shocked by the shock of the male and female madmen.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fang seems to be more crazy than the little pepper, actually took the initiative to ask for a horse...

If the Qin side exchanges a good horse with a rotten horse, these people can still accept it, because that is a natural requirement, no one wants the gambling to be carried out in an unfair situation, which will only increase the chance of failure.

But the Qin side is doing the opposite. It is clear that riding a good horse and gently returning to these second-level horses, you can stand on the same starting line with the **** peppers of the small peppers...

But he actually wants to exchange with Qu Yuancheng, there is a better flying general who does not ride, actually want to ride the Royal Princess who is not strong... Is this Nima crazy?

Not only did Qu Yuancheng feel that Qin Fang was crazy, but the four majors also felt that Qin Fang was crazy and his head was kicked. Even the small pepper as an opponent felt that Qin Fang was a head and was clipped by the door. The idiot!


But very soon, the little pepper suddenly thought of a thought, and the wrong face suddenly became red and bloody, and the eyes that looked to Qin Fang became more fierce and evil.


The snowy green jade back refers to the Qin side in such a straight direction, and the eyes are even more angry in the eyes, the expression is even more like to want to swallow the Qin Fang to the whole...

"Riding a horse is better than you, I am bullying you... It is enough to use it!"

Qin Fang did not care about the reaction of the small peppers. He took the initiative to change the horse with Qu Yuan. It seems that he really planned to use this one-level royal princess to compare the blood of the small pepper.

" are waiting to cry!"

The little peppers are also maddening by the madness of the Qin Dynasty. The beautiful eyes also have a raging fire. It seems that they may spurt back at any time. It is terrible. Look like.

Qu Yuancheng was completely paralyzed at this time. It was only from the body of the imperial princess, and he took over the flying general from the hands of Qin Fang.

"Qin Fang, are you really sure?"

It was not until Qin Fang rode on horseback that he returned to God and asked very much.

"I don't want to hurt this good horse..."

Qin Fang smiled very lightly and gave a reason that seemed to be a reason, but it was not a reason. Suddenly, Qu Yuancheng’s horror was strengthened, and he could only rely on helpless smiles. Shaking his head to express his mood at this time...

"Hey, my cousin is really... really... really..."

Even if the three "really", Qu Yuancheng did not say anything, the latter words seem to have been cut back directly by him, and people are very sighing.

The original four big and small guilty of the Qin party and the small peppers must be very uncomfortable, mainly two horses that are almost the same. If the Qin side plays a little better, it may win a small pepper.

If you think of a small pepper, if you lose, you have to sleep for a month, which shows that the sheep enters the tiger's mouth...

This kind of ending is definitely unacceptable to them. But they know that they can't convince the little peppers in the rage. They can only watch the gamble as a retreat. In the heart, they all look forward to losing Qin. This game

Don't look at what they just said to the Qin brothers, and they seem to be very close. When it comes to this matter, they are naturally very selfish.

"This Qin brother is really interesting..."

"Good, good, this friend I have settled..."

Now it’s good, Qin’s initiative to ask for a horse change is tantamount to handing over a little bit of victory that might have existed to the small pepper.

Several of them thought they were good at riding, but the horses didn't give force, and only about one-third of the schedule was killed.

The riding of small peppers, that is, they can't catch up with the horses. Naturally, there is no possibility of winning. Even though Qin Fang said that he is a peerless master... but they have nothing to worry about in their hearts. .

Of course, they naturally do not believe that Qin Fang really has such a strong riding.

On the contrary, I feel that Qin Fangming knows that his skills are not good. This game definitely has no wins and no wins, and he does not want them to worry about four majors. This is the initiative to ask for a horse change. I don’t want to hurt the flying general. This is really the reason. One, but more still want to lose and lose more decent...

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