Omni Genius

Chapter 952: I want to sleep with you!


When I heard the answer from Qin Fang, the small pepper was relieved with a slight sigh of relief, as if the question in my heart got a very satisfactory answer.

As a horse-loving person, he is also an equestrian enthusiast. The small pepper thinks that his equestrian level is already quite high.

In her eyes, Qin Fang’s level of equestrianism is invincible...

However, she just missed this game. As a result, she lost very badly and lost in the case of Qin Fang changing a bad horse. This is almost a devastating blow to her self-confidence.

Now I know that Qin Fang is not winning on equestrianism, but on horses. This makes her feel too much. It seems that only such an explanation is the most reasonable.

Of course, this ending is already doomed, she really lost!

The small pepper was relieved, and Qin Fang leaned aside. Naturally, I heard it. I felt a little strange. I couldn’t help but look at the small pepper.

It’s just that he doesn’t look at this one. It’s just that the sight of the little pepper that just turned around is on the line. The look of the two people is a little stunned at the same time. It seems that they did not think of it.

The Qin side does not matter, but with a faint smile on his face, it looks very amiable.

However, the small peppers are different. It seems that they suddenly thought of something. The eyes suddenly showed some sorrow, and the white back’s small back face suddenly burst into a blush. .

"You can rest assured, I will not rely on it... Say, when do you want to start?"

The small pepper is also a courage to say it, although she has tried to make her performance as normal as possible, but the red face still sold out the real thoughts of her heart.

Apparently, she misunderstood the meaning of Qin’s smile. She also thought that Qin Fang was reminding her to fulfill her gambling promise and fulfill her prior commitment.

This little pepper is really extraordinary, looking at the Qin Fang that seems to have some playful smile, although the mind is full of thoughts, but still bite his teeth and said.


Qin Fang suddenly became stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that the small pepper would say such bold words, and he would be a little embarrassed.

How to listen to this seems to be that he wants to make a contract to the small peppers, and the small peppers are pitiful. It seems that they have no choice but to accept such a fact. The Qin party suddenly made a speechless speech.

"Qin Laodi..."

"Qin Fang..."

It’s just that Qin Fang has not had time to open the door. The “temporary referees” next to him are no longer able to resist this time. Almost at the same time, they have opened their mouths and they have to talk to the Qin side.

Compared with the calming of the small peppers, Qu Yuancheng and the face of the four majors are quite strange, or some ugly.

The small pepper is indeed lost, but the fulfillment of this bet is a big problem.

In the end, the little pepper is the four-year-old sister of Hu’s family. If she really sleeps with Qin Fang for a month, then she will not only lose the face of the small pepper, but also throw back the face of Hu’s family and throw it back into the top ten giants. The face is...

As one of the participants in this matter, they can't eat and walk in these few big and small times, and definitely can't fall to any good end.

Not to mention, four of the five people are the pursuers of the small peppers. The goddess who is looking for his own pursuit is taken away by the Qin party. He even has to sleep for a month. This face is really Too bad.

If before the game, they are still welcoming and admiring the kindness of the Qin party, then now it is the same enemy, and I can’t wait to rush together to unload the Qin Fang.

No one wants to wear a green hat on their heads, especially the big and small people who are born in these giants, but they can't afford this face.

Qu Yuancheng is a little better, but it is only slightly better than the four big ones. It is mainly that he is not the pursuer of small peppers, and he has been relieved of such fears.

The problem is that Qin Fang is his cousin. If it really has such a connection with the small pepper, it is equivalent to returning a big scorpion.

If the Qin side is still single and has already agreed with the Qu family, then with this matter, perhaps the Qujia side can also promote this kind of marriage, such a marriage is extremely beneficial to the Qu family.

The problem is that Qin Fang already has a fiancee, and the fiancée's family is quite prominent, not at all worse than Hu's family, and the quasi-small couple of Qin Fang still have a deep emotional foundation, even if they want to break up, it is impossible. of.

Not to mention, Qin Fang has no sense of identity for Qujia, and even Qu Yuan Chengdu can vaguely feel the hostility of Qin Fang's implied return to Qujia...

This is even more a major obstacle to this matter.

If the Qin party really stands on the opposite side of the Qu family, then whether the Qin and the small peppers can or cannot be formed, this will affect the relationship between the Qu family and the Hu family. This is a rather unfavorable situation...

Therefore, he is also not happy with this gamble.

"I am just joking with you, don't have to be serious..."

These thoughts in the heart, Qin Fang naturally knows, and very understand.

Although the small pepper is considered to be a first-class beauty, there is such a beautiful female warm bed, which was a very happy thing.

However, the Qin side obviously has no interest in this. There are already many women back to him, especially this time, Tang Feifei is still with him. He can't make such a moth.

It’s natural to say that it’s innocuous to make a joke, but it’s obviously impossible for him to call a small pepper to sleep.

It is not only that Tang Feifei can't promise, but Qin Fang himself can't agree.

Therefore, without waiting for these five majors to discourage, Qin Fang himself refused the proposal of the small peppers to gamble and lose, and even automatically determined that the bet was invalid.


When I heard the words of Qin Fang, the five big men suddenly sighed with relief, and suddenly the feelings of the Qin side reached the peak.

Perhaps at this moment, Qin Fang is like a mascot in their eyes, bringing them boundless joy and happiness.


However, without waiting for their full exhalation, the small pepper suddenly slammed into a violent temper, and actually denied the Qin proposal.

"Jia Jia... Don't be noisy!"

"Yeah, Jia Jia! This is not a wayward time..."

Qu Yuancheng immediately turned his face very anxious, and all of them came over. You said that I would comfort the little pepper there and let her give up this very abnormal idea.

In comparison, Qin Fang seems to be a lot of leisure time at this time, he is ready to turn around the horse, continue to run, and spend some time.

"The old returning mother's things will be solved by the old mother, I have nothing to do with you, go to..."

The character of the small pepper is still so hot, even if it is faced with several men, she will still be very embarrassed, and it seems that she does not regard the first few as a dish.

Li Sheng reprimanded the five big and young, and immediately smashed up to the Qin Fang who just turned. "The old returning mother lost, it was lost. It was always a gambling service. Isn’t it just a month with you? Old back Mother is going out... Nobody wants to stop me!"

Good guy, the hot temper of this little pepper is really not covered. Even so, she can say so arrogant and quite awkward.

Qin Fang just had to go to the horse to leave, this has not gone a few steps away, I heard the roar of small peppers coming from behind, and then carefully obeyed the contents, Qin Fang almost did not directly fall from the horse back ......

Fortunately, Qin’s riding skills are very proficient, and the level of equestrian is naturally very strong. It’s still on the horse’s back, it’s just a rather complicated pattern, and it’s like a straight body. A dragon swims quickly from the bottom of the horse and quickly returns to the horseback...

At this moment, Qin Fang suddenly felt that there was a very reasonable sentence - "women's heart, sea needle", it is too unbelievable.

It is obvious that Xiaojiao himself is very unwilling to make this gamble. It is only because of the face that he has to agree to it. I am afraid that when she promises, she is already wondering how to avoid it.

However, Qin Fang suddenly took the initiative to give up such power, and suddenly let the small peppers in the extreme, but also implied a considerable loss.

This is the case with a woman. The character is too weird. It is clear that the Qin party is no longer cares about it. Her return to the white body can be preserved. This is something that deserves to be happy.

But the situation is too late, the little peppers are not happy, and they are not willing to let themselves solve the replay... They also take the initiative to go to the Qin side.

"Is this kid's head kicked?"

Qin Fang was also stunned, and it was inevitable that I had such an idea in my heart. It was really that the idea of ​​this small pepper was too strange and unpredictable. Even he felt that he could not easily accept it.

If you can't see this little pepper or a pure girl, if you hear this, Qin Fang may think that the small pepper is a rich family who is very happy in private life.

In fact, she didn't have half a man at all. Looking at her posture, I was afraid that even the first kiss would still be there... This girl threatened to sleep with him for a month... This is really crazy.

"Hey, stinky guy, bad guy... Isn't I looking beautiful? I don't have enough body feelings? Is there such a good thing to dare to push out? It must be that the head is kicked..."

It’s just that Qin Fang himself might not have thought that when he thought that the small pepper head was kicked, the small pepper heart also thought so, but the object was his Qin...

At this time in the heart of the small pepper, Qin Fang has almost equaled the second fool.

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