Omni Genius

Chapter 963: Devil Island

Qin Fang opened the briefcase and saw the inside of it, but the eyes were suddenly changed and it looked like a ghost.

The things in the bag are not a lot of weight and very gentle, so Qin Fang feels a little strange and doubtful, but now I can see the inside of the Qin Fang's doubts is also instantly untied.

Because the things in this bag are really some photos.

Qin Fang roughly estimated that there are only a dozen photos in total, but not too much.

The location where the content of the photo was taken should be the same as the scene in the same place, but the angle is slightly different.

But what really surprised Qin was that the characters in this photo made it impossible for Qin Fang to be speechless.

The characters in the photo should have seven or eight appearances wearing almost the same clothes with the same hat, only the face is exposed.

But these seven or eight faces, Qin Fang, directly ignored the other people and focused their attention on one of them.

I was surprised when I got these photos, but when I first saw you, I almost thought he was back because you almost had his copy almost exactly the same as twenty years ago. Even when shooting these photos, you can still clearly see your similarities.

Looking at Qin Fang’s face, the face of the old man is also very touching. It seems that the old tears are also quite sad.

Although Qin Fang couldn’t think of the reason why the old man had such a reaction, he had such a reaction is justified because the man in the photo should be his father, Qin Tiannan, who had been missing for twenty years.

Is he still alive?

Looking at this photo, it seems that the time of shooting is not a long time. The clarity of the photo is also quite good. It is also taken in the past few years.

Qin couldn't help but ask that this can be said to be the only information about this father in 20 years.

The photo was taken three years ago. He was still alive when he was alive. But he should still live in this world.

Qu Laozi simply explained that although he is not particularly sure because of time, his guess is not targeted.

Where is he?

There is not much grievance and no gratitude for this man Qin Fang. There is only concern for his mother.

After so many years, Qin Qing has basically cut off the idea that Qin Tiannan is still alive and devoted himself to the care of his son Qin Fang.

Now that my son has grown up and has a girlfriend who will marry and have children in the future, this is her main focus in the future.

And this is all after her thoughts that she wants the man to come back. If she let her know that the man she has waited for twenty years has not died but is still alive, Qin Fang can’t imagine his mother’s meeting. What the sadness looks like.

Because this man is still alive, but has not come back for 20 years, did not come back to find her, how can such cruel things not let her despair?

Devil Island

Qu Laozi’s tone is extremely firm but he is quite helpless.

Devil Island?

Qin Fang’s slight glimpse is quite surprised and very surprised.

you have heard?

However, the response of the old man to see the Qin side is also a surprise to ask a sentence. I really did not expect Qin Fang actually heard of this place.

To know that it is his identity and through many channels to know that the existence of this Devil Island is just to know the existence of this Devil Island. As for where it is, it is not known.

It is precisely because of this that the old man has the wealth of the enemy and the enemy, but he has not found Qin Tiannan who has been missing for 20 years.

Even this photo was obtained in an accidental situation. At that time, he was immediately surprised and couldn't speak. He immediately hid this photo and kept it all the time.

There are photos that can only prove that Qin Tiannan is still alive in this world, but there is no way to find the devil island. Naturally, there is no way to find Qin Tiannan. This is also the plan for the old man to find his daughter. This has to be postponed again and again.

It was only this time that the old lady was dying that Qin Qing decided to come back and see the old lady's last journey in life.

I heard that

Qin Fang nodded and took out the photos from the old man. After the name of Devil Island, he knew that his father Qin Tiannan’s disappearance should have nothing to do with the Qu family.

Although the family is big and wealthy, there is no way to relate to the Devil Island because it is not qualified.

Don't look at the Qujia, now known as one of Hong Kong's top ten giants, the family assets of many billions of large enterprises can not be compared with Devil Island, let alone the wealth of Qujia 20 years ago is not the case now. huge

Ordinary people naturally cannot know the existence of Devil Island, but the Qin side is not just an ordinary person. He also has a certain identity in the underground world.

The prestige of Devil Island is not strange to people in the underground world.

Although most people in the underground world don't know where the Devil Island is, most people who want to mix in the underground world want to go to Devil Island.

It is said that Devil Island is a holy place for the masters of the underground world.

If you want to be a stronger master, you have to take a trip to Devil Island, otherwise it will be difficult to reach the peak of your career.

The masters of the underground world, the killer alliance, the mercenary alliance, the black boxing league, etc., and the most powerful masters of each other are all killed from Devil Island.

The reason why Qin Fang heard that Devil Island is naturally known from the Killer League is that when the killer reaches the four-star killer, he can apply to the Killer League to enter the Devil Island.

Don't think that this kind of experience is as simple as a university military training. In fact, this kind of experience is very cruel and cruel to a hundred people who go in and experience and finally come out. One person is luck and invincible.

This is definitely not an exaggeration. It is a fact that even one hundred people who come out alive are more exaggerated. Generally, this ratio cannot be reached at all.

According to legend, there are a group of devils living on the Devil Island and these devils are very powerful and powerful to the point of fear and trepidation. Everyone who enters the island will be chased by these devils. Only the real strong can survive.

It’s good to barely survive

No one dares to say that he can survive because all the people who dare to say such a sentence have become a bone on the island of Devil.

It is said that there was a very powerful king in the Black Boxing League who was almost invincible in the black boxing field. Almost no one except his old masters was his opponent.

But what about the results?

On the second day of the capture of Devil Island, this corpse was thrown to the reef on the edge of Devil Island. He loved to tear his opponent into pieces. He was torn into a pile of pieces by the sea. The birds ate all of them and turned into a pile of meaningless bones that were washed away by the waves.

Qin Fang did not know how these photos came out because the Devil Island is very top secret. It is basically impossible for someone to take the camera to the island.

And even if you bring the camera up, it’s hard to guarantee that this person can survive if it becomes a corpse and what is useless.

These are not very meaningful to the Qin side. He is not likely to find someone who takes these photos to know that there is no difference between them and the unknown.

What really made Qin party care was what role his father Qin Tiannan played on Devil Island.

The master of the underground world that has entered the island?

Or the devil living on Devil Island?

Qin Fang thought about it and thought that the latter might be bigger. After all, although the former is also unsatisfactory, it is impossible to live in the outside for 20 years without looking for their mother and son.

The nature of life on the Devil's Island can't be true. The devil should be some very powerful people and also some extremely ferocious people.

This is all recognized in the underground world.

These so-called devils have no fame, perhaps they have never appeared in the underground world, but their strength is extremely powerful and even more powerful than some of the kings of the underground world.

If the Qin side does not estimate the mistake, then those masters of the underground world should enter the Devil Island and should kill the so-called devils on the island in addition to living on the island.

The same devil's mission on the island is also to kill those who enter the Devil's Island. They are only two opposing forces, but the struggle between them is extremely cruel.

No matter which side is facing a very difficult living environment

Qin Fang’s father Qin Tiannan practiced this point. The Qin side knows whether the original Tang dynasty or the old singer has expressed it.

As for the strength of Qin Tiannan, Qin Fang is not clear. Perhaps even his mother Qin Qing is not very clear. After all, she will not be martial arts. Naturally, the strength of strength is not so intuitive.

However, Qin Tiannan’s mysterious disappearance to the mysterious Devil Island is obvious because his strength is strong enough and he has never appeared in the underground world before he will be taken away by this mysterious Devil Island.

Qin Tiannan has been missing for 20 years. These photos are the photos taken by Qu Laozi three years ago. It should be seen earlier that Qin Tiannan has survived in such a harsh environment for fifteen years.

The strength of Devil Island is very strong, but the strength of the masters of the major leagues in the underground world is definitely not weak. Under such a harsh confrontation and slaughter, Qin Tiannan can still live for more than ten years. Or Qin Tiannan’s luck is very good or his strength. very horrible

In contrast, the Qin side is more inclined to the latter.

There is such a horrible cultivation. So after more than three years, Qin Tiannan’s chances of surviving will be even bigger. It is very likely that he is still alive.

He is still alive

I thought that the face of Qin Fang here has become cloudy and uncertain.

Knowing the things of Devil Island and Qin Tiannan, the resentment against this father is much lighter and even left are deeply worried.

Devil Island is very mysterious. No one knows where it is, even the major leagues in the underground world have maintained a lot of mystery.

The devils on the natural devil's island are also impossible to come out. Qin Tiannan also can't come out.

Explain that Qin Tiannan has always been involuntarily in the past 20 years. Perhaps he can live to the present without being killed by such a slaughter because he still dreams that one day he can live away from Devil Island and see his wife and his Child?

The more I think of the Qin side, the more I feel that my father, who has never met, is quite great.

Devil Island

Just thinking of this place Qin Fang can not help but have some headaches.

This place is not very simple. So many masters have entered the road. Only a handful of players with good luck and strength are able to come out alive.

These experienced people have at least the opportunity to come out, but the devils trapped on the Devil's Island are not at all a chance to come out.

It seems that I need to take a trip to Devil Island.

Father Qin Tiannan was trapped in Devil's Island and couldn't come to Qinfang. Their family is also unable to reunite the mother of Qin Qing. The power of the unbridled chicken is naturally not helpful, so it can only be done by Qin Fang.

Qin Fang now has the identity of the killer alliance Samsung killer. It is only a little bit worse than the most basic four-star killer in the island.

Of course, for the sake of safety, the Qin side must be prepared before going to the island.

Not only the items that are carried, but also the supplies are quite complete. The strength of Qin Fang must also be enough to protect itself. After all, the devils on the island are not simple people.

Even the unbeaten champions of the black boxing can be torn into pieces. The island has absolutely 8 masters and even stronger masters.

Even if his father Qin Tiannan can live in such a fight for 20 years, this repair is the lowest level, not only the master level, but also the master level.

Judging from these simple photos, Qin Tiannan's position on the island is not very high. With these seven or eight standings, the strength of these few people is not as good as that of him.

Then, on the Devil's Island, there are absolutely more masters of the Qin class.

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