Omni Genius

Chapter 967: Conquering a liar

Roddick put out a little smile on his face, but it seems that it is really ugly and ugly... It is estimated that he may not be so ugly when he dies.

Qin Fang is not a difficult person, it is almost the same as that of Roddick.

This kid deceived and didn't know how many women, not all of them were extremely beautiful, and there were even some beautiful women who could be similar to Tang Feifei, but this kid has always been cheated and flashed... never for a woman. Closed.

This time, naturally, the so-called engagement is simply a scorpion, just to lie to the stupid girl of Shi Ye, and seeing that the plan is going to succeed, Qin Fang suddenly appeared.

Not only did he get rid of him, but he also gave him a sly...

The question is, does he have room for choice?

Looking at Qin Fang, he couldn’t help but feel a cold smile on his back. Roddick’s heart seemed to be in a hail, and it was freezing.

Let him go to deceive, Roddick naturally would not mind, this is his profession, but also his strengths, naturally there will be no difficulty.

But let him marry this woman who has no feelings at all... It’s better to kill him more!

Of course, the premise is that Roddick has the courage to accept death!

Obviously, this kid has always been a man of enjoyment. His life has been very comfortable, so that he will die like this? How could he be willing?

Do not dare to die, then the choice in front of it, naturally can only helplessly nodded down.

"Good, good... I am quite satisfied with your answer! I hope you don't let me down.

See Roddick very honestly gave such an answer, Qin Fang seems to believe on the spot, but also specially shot Roddick's shoulder and smiled.

"There must be a certain distance!"

Roddick lowered his head and said with a sigh of relief... It seems that the plain has been completely conquered by the Qin side. It is only on his low head, and his eyes are shining with strange light.

"I want to let me do this, how easy is it?"

As a successful liar, Roddick’s deceitful object has always been a woman, but it does not mean that he will not lie to a man. The deceiving object is actually part of his age and gender. He is also deceiving the Qin side.

It’s just that he himself didn’t notice that there was a sting on his shoulder when Qin’s shoulder was shot...

The stinging process was very short, maybe he felt it, but he didn't care at all. Plus, he had some thoughts in his heart, and it was normal to not notice.

Of course, he did not notice that when Qin Fang said this sentence, under the plain tone, his eyes also showed a little playful smile.

"Well, time has been delayed a lot, and it is time to go back, otherwise they will..."..."..."

Looking at the time, it seems that the time to come is not short. If you don’t go back, the two women will not feel that there is a problem.

Then he pushed the door of the small compartment and walked out. Roddick followed it out. Fortunately, there was no one in the bathroom. Otherwise, they might think that the two had special specials.

When I arrived at the washstand, Qin Fang’s angle suddenly stopped. It seemed that I immediately thought of what I turned to face Rodrigue, and suddenly shocked him.

"Oh, forgot to say, I have done some tricks on you. How do you say that it is a medicine, a chronic poison... You don't expect to go to the hospital to wash your stomach, you can get rid of it, it is useless. So you'd better be obedient, and then follow me on the line, so I will give you an antidote every other month, so you can always


When I said this, Qin Fang’s tone was very calm... It seemed like a normal chat, and there was no smoldering feeling of poisonous hands.

"Are you yin you?"

Roddick’s face changed suddenly, and he almost touched his body subconsciously. Especially when he recalled what had just happened, he immediately opened the neckline of his clothes and slightly opened it. I immediately noticed a purple-red sneak in the shoulder position...

This embarrassment was not there before. It seems to be a slight appearance from the air.... In combination with the words of Qin Fang, there is no doubt that this is the hand of Qin Fang.

"Yin you? Oh, you really want to be more than me. This is just to wake you up.

Qin Fang smiled and said with a look of disappointment. "Of course... If you don't believe it, I won't stop you. You can just turn and leave here... but you just have to go. One step, then when you find that your body is not right after a month, even if you ask for me, I will not have half pity for you..."

"The choice is in your hands, you can do it yourself..." After finishing these, Qin Fang waved his hand, it was very precious to say shark... It’s so easy to say that it’s just a Roddick face. They are completely green.

It is undeniable that he really intends to stabilize the Qin side and then take the opportunity to leave here.

Qin Fang may have a very good relationship with Long Ye, but if he leaves immediately at this time, with his ability, there is a great chance to run successfully.

As a successful liar, naturally, many different body parts will be prepared to cover up. Roddick is just one of his many body parts and can be discarded at any time.

As long as he escaped from Hong Kong Island and went to a place that Long Ye could not influence, then he would be guilty of his own, and he could live and enjoy himself freely!

But he still underestimated the Qin Fang’s wariness against him. Since he knows that he is a liar, how can he easily believe what a liar said?

Qin Fang did not believe any words he said at all. Of course, it would not be so easy to be fooled by this kid. Just let him relax a little.

One is to facilitate the Qin Fang to start, and the second is also so relaxed, the toxicity will spread more convenient.

At this time, I reminded this kid that I didn't want this kid to flee in order to get rid of him. It would probably lose a life.

Qin Fang is not talking about playing. Although the poison is not very toxic, but if it is not solved for a long time, it will still cause extremely serious damage to the body. If it is not good, it will really make people’s lives... ...

"Let's do it yourself..."

In that case, the warning given, Qin Fang has already given, and the final choice is still in Roddick’s hand. If this kid really does not believe what Qin Fang said, then he can only say that the final result is from him. I will bear it myself.

To put it simply, Qin easily washed his hands and left the bathroom, and walked back to the table at the front of the table. Sure enough, Tang Feifei and Shiye had been waiting for a long time, and it was a bit strange.

"Qin Fang, how have you been so long?"

Looking at Qin Fang, Tang Feifei asked strangely that she had already seen something, and now she couldn’t help but ask.

"Dick Heart

Qin Fang has not answered yet, and Shi Ye is also looking at the side of Qin Fang.

There is no doubt that Roddick did not dare to venture away, and he has to come back honestly, but his face is slightly not very good, although it is a strong smile at this time.

"There is nothing. I just talked to Mr. Luo in the bathroom and said that it was quite a vote. I accidentally forgot the time... Is it ah, Mr. Luo?"

Qin Fang smiled and said calmly, but also deliberately pulled Luo Dijing to testify from six.

"Yeah, yeah... I forgot the time, sorry!"

Roddick also took a breath and found that he couldn't take the Qin side for a while, and he had the handle in the hands of Qin Fang. He had to be honest.

"It turned out to be like this. It seems that you get along well, then I am relieved!"

Tang Feifei had some doubts, but Shi Ye did not feel any abnormality. A pair of eyes had always stayed on Roddick's body, and said with a happy face.

"Right, Shi Xiaoying, I just talked with Mr. Luo. He told me that your engagement ceremony is a bit redundant. He wants to go to the marriage hall with Shi Xiaojie. ..."

Tang Feifei's eyes were round and round, and she looked at Qin Fang with incredulous looks. She looked at Roddick across from her face. It seemed that she was not aware of anything wrong.

"Shi Ye, marry me!"

Roddick is also really saving his money, or the props he carries with him are not so much. He actually took out a diamond ring in his pocket and immediately kneeled on the knee and asked for a proposal directly to Shiye. !

"I... I am willing to be with me!

Roddick's sweet words are too strong. A good girl of Shiye is so fascinated by him that almost everyone has fallen into it.

The original two people have already made Shiye very happy when they get engaged. Almost everyone who knows them is saying that they want to get the blessings of others... and everyone can feel their happiness.

And in front of you...

The Prince Charming in his heart is going to cross the engagement ceremony directly. It is not as good as her marriage. It is something that she can't ask for. Where is the reason for rejection. It is almost grabbing the ring and grabbing the ring directly. Stayed on the ring finger!

The quality of the ring, the level of the grade, these are not important, even if the diamond on this ring is simply glass, she will not hesitate to agree.

Women are all emotional animals, especially at such moments, they can do nothing, power, status, money... In the face of love, anything can be abandoned.

"Wow, leaves! Congratulations, 恭

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