Omni Genius

Chapter 973: Cruel black boxing (below)

The African lion has succeeded in making a move, suddenly mad and big hair, the attack that broke out is more and more powerful, just look at his dark body like a black tank, crazy impact on the opposite big man .

The big man’s abdomen was traumatized and blood flowed. It seemed to be quite tragic. In the face of life and death, he did not dare to be slow, and he was still struggling hard. Only occasionally there was a little bit of counterattack, but also There is no decent injury to the African male lion. []

Qu Yuancheng and Kong Er are like old friends, especially at this time, if there is no noisy, the whole person is not comfortable.

However, it is quite helpless to let Qin Fang, who is sitting on the sidelines as a guest.

It seems that it was found that Qin Fang’s face was somewhat different. Qu Yuancheng responded to it. It seems that he was a little out of this cousin.

"Qin Fang, which one do you think will win?"

Perhaps it is a little embarrassed, Qu Fucheng also sat down, leaning on the side of Qin, he asked with a smile, it seems that Qin Fang can also admire his own statement.

"To tell the truth, big brother, you may lose..."


Qin Fang’s 〖 answer〗 case suddenly made his face slightly change, it seems quite unexpected.

"This... are you not mistaken?"

For his cousin, Qu Yuancheng couldn't find out all of his basics. He only knew that his cousin seemed quite powerful.

The magical skills of a hand, and the very powerful riding, the ability of the horse, the horse is also quite invincible, which has been very perfect proof.

Does the Qin side also have a study on this boxing?

It is precisely this kind of thinking that is blaming, Qu Yuancheng is not so confident in his own judgment, even though the African lion is almost pressing the Nordic giant.

"Eight and nine are not in the middle..."

Although he did not want to fight this cousin, the battlefield hit this level, and his eyes had basically seen the final result of the two boxers.

If it is said before the game, Qin Fang is also inaccurate, it is really the strength of this African lion and the Nordic giant is almost the same.

The short-term temptation can't see anything, but after reading the Ji Li's fight, Qin Fang has had a little bit of results.

The African lion seems to be fierce, and the shot is extremely hot but has a very obvious shortcoming. That is, his speed is too slow and each shot will have some obvious sluggishness.

This is not because the African male lion is too strong, slightly heavy, or his own nervous reaction is a bit slow.

Such a subtle flaw, against the strength of the second bit of the boxer must be completely no problem, but for the strength of their own, but they will use the brain to punch the master, it is very dangerous.

If the Qin party is not mistaken, this big man of the Nordic giant is such a boxer. At this time, his body is traumatized and the situation is in absolute disadvantage. However, the advance and retreat is still very disciplined, and every shot is there. The average person who can follow the trail can't see any mystery, but if it is a very strong master, it is easy to see it. This kid is simply fishing.

The situation on the scene seems to be that the big man is forced by the African lions all the way. Seeing that there is no way to escape, the distance between the two people is actually shrinking.

If Qin Fang guesses that the big man's counterattack will soon start, and this time the counterattack is definitely a shot that directly determines the victory.

African lions are fierce, but their brains are obviously not enough, or they may be in the game. It’s not too thorough to see this big man’s trick.

"No way……"

Qu Yuancheng sees what Qin Fang said, but he feels that it is almost impossible, but it is inevitable that there will be some doubts.

Sitting there, watching the boxing match below is not so sure.

"Qin brother, said that the big man will really win?"

However, Kong 2 has come together. He also heard the words of Qin Fang. This is naturally the result he hopes to see, but he is also like Qu Yuancheng. He can hardly see the possibility of a big man winning a little.

When the Qu Yuan became listening to Qin Fang’s words, the whole person seemed to be awkward. He wondered what the newly-acquainted Qin Fang brother might have.

"pretty close……"

Qin Fang is still the answer, and there is not much explanation, because there is no need at all, whether it is Qu Yuancheng or Kong Er, they are all giants, they only care about the results, as the reason tells them They can't understand it.

"Really? That's great..."

Looking at the calm look of Qin Fang, Kong Er, although he felt quite unreliable, just looked at Qu Yuancheng’s grievances, and he couldn’t say happiness in his heart.

Of course, this time he will not be the first to win, Wan Qinfang guessed the mistakes, then his face is lost, this stupid thing he will not be able to do.

Naturally, it has temporarily let go of a chance to fight Qu Yuancheng!

As a result, Qu Yuancheng and Kong Er were temporarily quiet, and they looked at the **** battles of the two boxers on the platform...

The African male lion is still fierce, and his fists are heavy, almost punching and fleshing. The big man has been forced to retreat all the way. His body has been full of blood, especially the wounds in the abdomen are bleeding.

Don't look at the head of the African lion is not very good, but with so many victories, the instinct for killing is also quite powerful. Almost every punch is the vital part of the big man, or the wound in the abdomen is bleeding. More will still be dead.

The surrounding audiences are extremely incomparable. The nature that supports the African lions is to call for celebration, while the one who supports the big man is angry roar, resentment...

However, the three people in the Qin side seem to be somewhat quiet. Compared with the surrounding situation, they seem to be somewhat out of place, but the three people are not too concerned about it.


Until the big man was almost pushed to the edge of the ring by the African lion, he was about to lean on the steel cage. Qin Fang said so few words.

The content is not much, the tone is very dull, but Qu Yuancheng and Kong Er heard this sentence, all of them are slightly right, and their eyes are also straightforward, staring at the battle on the ring, obviously waiting for the verification of Qin Fang. Judged.

"Tear him, tear him away..."

"Get rid of big men and get rid of big men..."

"Big man, are you **** up to eat stool? White has grown so big..."

In the scene, the African lion and the Nordic giants have already become a group. Seeing that the Nordic giants have no way to retreat, the African lions are torn apart, and the audience are all standing up.

Or roaring, cheering, or snarling, the **** killings brought to them are all ji movements, 〖Xing〗, perhaps this is the best time for them to feel the infinite thorns in a stable life. !


Just when everyone thinks that the big Nordic giant has only one dead end, the big man who has been passively defended suddenly riots.

嚓 嚓 嚓 嚓 ~ ~

In such a noisy shout, it is faintly audible to hear the big man's body making such a loud sound, and then he saw one of his hands slammed against the body of the African lion, and a fist was extremely strange. And turned into a swift and incomparable boxing shadow, went straight to the empty door of the African lion and went away...

The speed of this punch is very fast. The distance between the African male lion and the big man is close at hand, and almost no such punch is expected.

That slender arm, the powerful fist immediately hit the arm of the African lion... Here are some of the more vulnerable areas of the human body.

Even a lot of masters of the bodyguards such as the gold bell jar and the iron cloth shirt are one of their cover doors, and they are always carefully guarded.

This African lion is a black man. Naturally, he has not cultivated the inner strength of the dragon country. But it is also one of his cover doors. This fist is really quite fierce.


Almost all of this was done in a flash, everyone was very surprised, and did not expect such a thing to happen.

And when they noticed, the tragic screams had already reached their ears.

In the scene of the boxing match, almost in this moment, from the incomparably noisy became a very strange silence, in addition to the screams of the African lion, Dan could not hear the other half of the sound.

"What exactly is going on?"

Everyone has come up with such an idea. It is basically possible to judge that the African lion will win. How suddenly has this big man turned over?

The big man is also shot like electricity. Although the wound in the abdomen is still bleeding, he seems to have changed a person at this time, which is completely different from the poor worm who had just passive defense.

After a successful blow, the African male lion screamed fiercely, and the body seemed to be dying in an instant, but the big man would not stop here, immediately hitting the African lion’s place with a violent uppercut. ......


The crisp sound is very clear. At this time, the audience is very quiet, and it is quite clear.

The big man is unforgettable, his body moves slightly, and immediately when the African lion is unconscious, he immediately immediately plays the liáoyin foot, and squats on the egg of this African lion, the African lion Immediately double tui a folder, the whole person is completely empty.

Immediately, the big man swayed behind him, the slender arm caught the neck of the African lion, and then suddenly tightened, and finally a twist! .

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