Omni Genius

Chapter 975: Recommend a master to you

Third, look for the reading ~~~

Qin Fang wants to have a way to join the business, or simply join the boxing hand of the Black Boxing League.

This is irrelevant to the astronomical network of his killer, and there is no conflict.

What's more, Qin Fang can also use the deformation technique to turn himself into another person, so that no one knows that the two seemingly different professions of the black boxer and the killer will be the same person.

At the beginning, Qin Fang became a registered killer under the Killer Alliance. In fact, it was also a coincidence that he did not even think of it beforehand.

However, it became a black boxer. This is what Qin Fang wants to do. He just doesn't know what kind of path he needs. After all, the Black Boxing League has a higher entry requirement than the Killer League.

"The idea of ​​raising a fist is not chained..."

Although Kong Er misunderstood the meaning of Qin Fang, Qin Fang expressed his appreciation for this idea, although it was vaguely felt that it was not reliable.

"But a good boxer is hard to find, and it's very difficult to get up. It takes quite a bit of training and high-density elimination so that you can train the strongest boxers!"

Although Qin Fang did not really touch the black boxer's business, he also knows the principle of the Black Boxing Alliance, which is to rely on the absolute devil-like elimination system to select the most outstanding and powerful boxers.

This is completely different from the score system of the Killer Alliance, but it is also a place where there is a little common ground. After all, the real strong people are relying on death to pile up.

Of course not your own death, but the death of the opponent and the target...

It is a truth to raise a boxer with Qu Yuanrui. It is just a matter of replacing a horse with a person. The money spent is one aspect. More people need a very professional person to train these boxers.

The black boxer is not the boxer, the boxer is aiming at knocking down, but the black boxer is aiming at killing the opponent.

Don't look at the boxing champions, which seem to be very powerful, especially those heavyweight and super heavyweight champions, each of which can be famous all over the world.

If you really want them to play black boxing, maybe you can come to a lightweight black boxer and you can easily ask him."

This is definitely not a joke, this is the biggest difference between the two boxers.

Similar to this, it is a bit like the dragon country's Sanda vs. the American boxing champion. Many times, it is a Sanda master who instantly knocks down the boxing champion. The same is true!

"I have already considered this, so I plan to hire a black boxer to come to me as a coach. I don't believe that I can't train a black boxer."..."

Kong Er obviously has carefully considered this matter, or listened to what his friends said, and there are probably some ideas in his heart.

"This... really, I don't agree very much!"

Only in this regard, Qin Fang shook his head, obviously he did not agree.

"The legal system on Hong Kong Island is quite sound. You can raise your boxers. But if you want to let these black boxers grow up, the necessary death rate is inevitable, but it is also a big problem for you. Still don't do this..."

Seeing Kong Er’s look of doubt, Qin explained it to him easily and simply.

The Black Boxing Alliance is a major force in the underground world, and the underground world and the world on the bright side are two completely different levels.

The underground world is very concealed, but it is placed in the entire human society, but it is quite independent.

There is no such thing as axioms, justice, and rules in the underground world. Some are just the strength of strength and the size of fists.

In the underground world, death is the most normal thing. There is no death. It is the most abnormal thing. The society on the ground is just the idea. If someone dies without reason, it will be easy to be caught by the police. of……"

Although one of the top ten giants on Hong Kong Island is on the Hong Kong Island, the sound legal system is also very helpless. Even those who are the top ten giants will be prosecuted and imprisoned if they commit crimes.

The bribery case that occurred in the near future was soaring. One of the ten richest mans on Hong Kong Island was taken away by the ICAC and almost got a prison sentence. Although it finally came out, But the company's stock price has fallen a lot.

At this point, the dragon's domestic land may be far worse.

Therefore, the Qinfang’s fears are not completely redundant. At least they are also awake to Kong. Although the power of Hong Kong Island’s Confucius on Hong Kong Island is indeed very large, it still needs to be worried.

"This... is really a problem!"

Kong nodded at two points. He had only slightly thought about this. He did not implement it. He did not consider it so well. Now he was reminded by Qin Fang that he immediately realized it.

"It’s no wonder that those guys don’t want to be in Hong Kong Island. They have to get to places like Vietnam and Cambodia... It’s because of this for a long time!”

The reason why the emotional hole two has such an idea, or was spurred by other people's thorns and astronomy network, this decided to make it all, but just said it was attacked by the Qin side.

"Second brother, in fact, there is no way to do it at all." I know a few very good masters. If you want to get some of your own boxers, I wouldn't mind introducing you to the introduction! ”

In front of this is the idea of ​​squatting low hole two this afternoon, put forward all kinds of inconvenience, but then Qin convenient tone to turn, actually took the initiative to sell Kong two.

The Qin side really knows a lot of masters. For example, there are iron claws, Shen Qingshan, and the disciple of Wukong, a disciple from the temple of Shaolin Temple, and the beautiful Tang Xin who brought him back from Tangmen.

This is a first-class master, each one is a master above the strength, absolutely powerful master!

Of course, he himself is not bad at all. Apart from the monk of the Goku, the Qin side has no absolute grasp. In addition, the other Tang Xin and Song Qingshan, Qin Fang is also not afraid.

Don't look at the fierceness of the African lions and the Nordic giants. The scenes are so **** and bloody. In fact, the combat power of the two men is at most similar to the two followers around the supervisor. At most, they are level 5. The level of the peak is only a long time away from the master!

Such a fist is of course relying on desperately and his own killer, can burst out of a very powerful strength, and it is also a great opportunity to fight some of the lower masters.

But for these masters around Qinfang, it can only be said that it is a dish!

There is no need to play as long as I have just played. The battle is likely to end directly in a minute or so. It is not necessary to spend a lot of effort to easily kill such a boxer.

Of course, Qin said that it is not really intended to introduce these people to Kong Er. Let’s not say that these masters will not come over here for a while. Secondly, Qin Fang may not be able to say that they will be shot. Third It is the real purpose of Qin Fang to sell himself...


The face that had been smashed before Kong II was suddenly a joy, just like the other village, which seemed to reproduce the light.

"Brother, you talked to your brother, how do you know the strength of these masters, and how big is the difference with today's Nordic giant?"

Sure enough, Kong Er listened to Qin Fang’s saying, and suddenly he came to the end. He took the Qin side and looked very intimate. He was obviously very interested in this idea.

"Gap? The gap is still quite big..."

Qin Fangyi, a bitter smile said, in fact, Kong Er took what opponents are not good, not to find such a master can not be compared to the boxers, it is too much.

"This way, it is also said that a master like the Nordic Giant is very rare. What about the two boxers who are punching?"

Unexpectedly, Kong Er’s next words made Qin Fang feel a little crying, and thought that Qin Fang’s meaning was much weaker than that of the Nordic giant.

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Second brother, you misunderstood what I meant... I got this master, if it was the Nordic giant just now, I guess the maximum of three or five strokes is enough to kill the big man!"

The Qin side quickly stopped, and Kong 2 should continue to talk about it. If it is not possible, the Qin side will be reduced to a level with the roadside.

"What", "what?"

Qin Fang said that there is such a master, Kong Erxin is also a bit of a spectrum, he is not really a boxer to carry out such **** killing.

Of course, if he can have such a level, he would not mind.

Mainly for the sake of a group of like-minded friends, or to gamble on the head, it is like the boxing match that is going on in the ring, most of which are carried out by the two unfavourable rich businessmen. Those boxers are also invited or supported by these wealthy businessmen.

Qin Fang helped him to contact the master. This naturally made Kong 2 very grateful. His requirements did not need to be too high. He could do almost the same as the two boxers who are now punching. This is a routine level. He used enough. ......" So I heard the words of Qin Fang, and I was not disappointed at all.

Unexpectedly, Qin Fang directly gave him a Chad, and actually introduced him to a top player who could kill the Nordic giants like three or five strokes.

The Nordic Giants are already masters of black boxing, and they are arranged in the boxing field. It is definitely a master who has been recognized by the boxing field. It is better than these boxers who are punching and do not know how many levels.

However, the master introduced by Qin Fang, but can kill the Nordic giants in three or five strokes, then the strength of this master "." Just think about it, Kong Er feels that the astronomy network is thriving. (To be continued)

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