The people who care about the final direction of this battle are naturally not only Shen Qiu and Weigong Kiriji, but Tosaka Shichen, Weber, Yan Feng Qili, and even Alice Phil are always paying attention to the outcome of the battle.

“Assassin didn’t see what was going on, and every time he tried to get close, he was intercepted by Caster, sorry, my master.” Yan Fengqili, who returned to Tosaka’s house, said to Shichen without emotion.

Lying on the bed, Jin Sparkle drank the wine in the goblet without concern.

“It’s okay, now we at least know that Eimiya Kiriji has formed an alliance with that mysterious Caster Imperial Lord, but the information about that Caster Royal Lord is still clueless?”

Shichen’s heart was in turmoil, at the beginning he was full of confidence, and he was sure of the victory of this Holy Grail War, but now he didn’t think so much.

In order to prepare for this Holy Grail War, he not only searched for this holy relic from the world several years in advance [the world’s first molting serpent molt], but also allied with the supposedly neutral Church of the Holy Church.

At the same time, Yan Feng Qili, the son of the priest of the Templar Church, is not only a powerful surrogate, but also the lord of Assassin.

With such complete preparation, nothing can go wrong again.

“I don’t care, after all, what I have is the follower, and this Holy Grail will definitely belong to me.” Tosaka Shichen looked at the starry sky in the distance and drank the red wine in the goblet.

On the other side, Weber’s grandfather’s house.

“Teacher Kenneth… dead…”

Around the wee hours of the morning, the Church of the Templar announced Kenneth’s death to all the Spirits and the Lord, and his body was taken back by the Church of the Church—after all, the Church of the Church was responsible for dealing with the aftermath of the Grail War.

Following the conqueror to the church of the Holy Church, he naturally also saw the miserable state of his teacher.

The magic circuit above and below his body was exposed like green tendons, his eyes were as white as dead fish, and there was a bowl-sized scar on his left shoulder. And his fiancée Sora, her body is like being beaten into a honeycomb.

“Is this the cruelty of the Holy Grail War? I can’t do it, I can’t do it, I definitely can’t do it, such a powerful magician as the teacher can’t even live the second night, I must not live long, why? Why am I coming to this damn Holy Grail War? ”

At this time, Webb’s eyes were blank, and he had been muttering like this since he returned, after all, he was just a student who talked back to the teacher in class, and he only came to participate in this Holy Grail War just to prove himself.

However, when the bloody truth was laid out in front of him, he realized how naïve he was.

“Hey. Master, although it seems that I shouldn’t say more, but you can’t go on like this. Iskandar looked at the royal lord in front of him and sighed, and then put down the game console in his hand.

“To be honest, I don’t like that teacher of yours, because in your description he is an arrogant and conceited person.”

“And Weber, you have to know – arrogant and conceited people often do not live long on the battlefield, not only in the Holy Grail War, but also on any battlefield.”

Iskandalton paused, and saw Webb, who had a slightly better face, continued.

“In the midst of the battlefield, only by maintaining humility and vigilance at all times can we live longer and even achieve the ultimate victory.”

“If you can win the Holy Grail War just by relying on your own strength, then this Holy Grail War should not be done at all, and it will be directly given to the most powerful magician.”


After hearing Rider’s words, Webb couldn’t help but laugh, and even snorted a lot.

“Of course, the ultimate thing is—” Iskandar stood up, raising the huge muscles in his arms.

“King Ben is the strongest follower in this Holy Grail War, so rest assured Weber, with King Ben here, no one will be able to hurt a single hair!”

“You guy! Just now, it was said that you can’t be arrogant and conceited in the battlefield! Weber was also laughed by his words, and the sadness just now did not know where he had been thrown, to put it bluntly, he was really a 19-year-old young man.

“Hey hey Webb, this is not arrogance, this is confidence in your own strength!” For a while, both of them laughed.

Different from the joy of Weber’s house, the villa of the Tong family is much quieter.

At the door of the villa, Shen Qiu ordered a class enchantment magic called “Idlers Don’t Enter”, which is a compulsory course for every magician, and this magic trick can be used to expel unrelated people and animals.

Around the villa, Shen Qiu has placed dozens of bug magic traps, but so far it seems that there is no need for this, and there is no such unsighted magician to find the door.

The house was quiet, and Sakura and Shinji slept soundly under the care of Yanye.

Shen Qiu threw aside the black trench coat and black mask on his body, and now he only felt extremely tired and wanted to sleep well. The overloaded use of magic tricks and chakra eyes for several days had exhausted his body.

Not long after, a burst of snoring came from Shen Qiu’s bed.

“My little master, what is on your mind, it is incomprehensible that you don’t want to get the Holy Grail, but you want to win the Holy Grail War.”

Not long after Shen Qiu fell asleep, the master master lifted the state of spiritualization and sat lightly on Shen Qiu’s bed and looked at him with affection.

PS: Ask for flowers and collect

PS2: 588 tip = add one more + single chapter thanks

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