“Okay, okay, since it’s all here, let’s get down to business.”

Putting down the wine glass in his hand, the face of the conqueror Iskandar began to become serious.

“If the most qualified person can obtain the Grail, how can it be considered the most qualified? In my opinion, that is naturally the pattern, and only those who have a large enough pattern can qualify for the Holy Grail! ”

Iskandar stood up and drank boldly from his glass.

“Joke, when will it be the turn of others to decide the king’s things?” After listening to Rider’s words, Gilgamesh quickly retorted.

“Huh? Golden Twinkle, are you saying that that thing was originally yours? Artoria was a little puzzled when she heard Archer’s words, which did not match the knowledge she had received.

“Although Ben Wang has almost forgotten it, it is undeniable that that thing must belong to Ben King, and all the good things in the world are in Ben King’s unique treasure house – this is beyond doubt.”

“I don’t know where the thieves came from, and they just stole the king’s things.”

Gilgamesh’s words were full of confidence, and this was his temperament as the king of kings!

“Is that the case, in that case, I seem to be able to guess your identity.” Rider said this, Alice Phil and Webb on both sides widened their ears, unfortunately he did not continue to speak.

“If so.” Rider folded his hands and continued.

“How about you give me this cup? Presumably, if it were you, you would never skimp on this thing. The conqueror leaned into Gilgamesh’s ear and whispered, as if afraid that someone would hear him.

“Joke, the king’s things will always only be given to the king’s subjects and subordinates, and the rats who don’t know where they come out also want to get the king’s treasures? It’s like dreaming. ”

Gilgamesh mercilessly refused.

“Well, having said that, you don’t actually have a wish to use the Grail to fulfill, right?” The immortal Rider continued to ask.

“That being said, King Ben just doesn’t want to let go of the guy who stole my treasure, if you are willing to submit to my subordinates, then I can still reward you with a few cups.”

As if it was a mockery, he released two more apertures to go up and down, and the aperture above kept falling out of the cup into the aperture below.

The conqueror king, on the other hand, looked a little puzzled.

“So, what is the truth behind this?”

“It is the law, the law that I made as king.”

As if understanding what Gilgamesh had said, Iskandar sighed, filled his glass with another glass and drank it.

“There is no way to do this, and as a conquering king, I can’t succumb to others.” What a perfect king, admirable for strictly obeying the laws he wants to make. But even so-”

“Sure enough, I still want to grab what I want! After all, I am the king of conquering, conquering everything I can see and plundering him, this is my king’s way! ”

At this time, Iskandar was very arrogant, and the magnificence he expressed was worthy of his reputation as a conquering king.

Looking at Iskandar in front of her, Artoria’s heart was mixed, she didn’t speak, she just drank the wine in the glass one by one, and no one knew what was going on in her heart.

“Since Archer has finished speaking, then it is my turn to say it.” Iskandar put down his glass and stood up, his words sonorous and powerful, and even Alice Phil couldn’t help but turn her attention to him.

“My wish to fulfill through the Grail is simple – that is, I want to acquire the flesh!”

As soon as Rider’s words came out, they instantly shocked the four seats!

Even Gilgamesh thought for a moment, and he found that he couldn’t understand the muscular man in front of him, this person always seemed to be able to exceed his expectations.

“King Ben will obtain the flesh and then reconquer the world from here, and King Ben will once again make the name of Iskandar, the conqueror king, sound all over the world!” Rider pulled out his sword at his waist, and there seemed to be a faint flash of thunder on his body.

His bold words resounded throughout the castle of the Einzberen family.

“What? Are you crazy? You are obviously just a follower…” Weber behind him heard it and quickly ran over to want Iskandar to make it clear, but unfortunately, he just flicked his hand casually, and Weber was ejected like this….

“Interesting.” Skaha looked at the conqueror and made a brief assessment.

“But if you want to reconquer the world, is it good to make a wish to conquer the world soon?” Artoria felt strange. Why do you want to be so close and far, and the edge wood is seeking fish?

“No, no, that’s not what I said, Saber, it wasn’t my intention to conquer the world with the power of the Holy Grail.”

PS: Ask for flowers and collections

PS2: 588 tip = one more chapter

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