
Artoria sorted out the black suit, at this time she was heroic and sassy, and the men’s suit on her body was not discordant, but produced a different kind of neutral beauty.

“Sorry, Saber, my body no longer allows me to participate in battles, you must pay attention this time when you go alone, if you are injured, I can no longer use healing magic to help you heal.”

“Alice Phil!”

At this time, Alice Phil was extremely weak, and even said a word, he had already begun to gasp, and the Holy Grail War had already reached the fourth day, which was the second half of the natural period.

And her life is coming to an end.

Looking at Alice Phil, who used all her strength to sit up on the bed, Saber was distressed, and at her strong request, Emiya Kiriji finally told the truth about Alice Phil.

This time, Eimiya Kiriji was rarely stubborn to the end, because she needed Artoria to participate in tonight’s battle, he had already used a spell, and with Artoria’s A-grade magic power, it was no problem to offset a spell.

He didn’t want to completely turn his face with Artoria for the time being.

After learning that Alice Phil was actually the little chalice carrying the magic of the Great Grail, Saber was even more shocked and very sad.

In the limited time spent together, her identification with Alice Phil is much higher than that of Eimiya Kiriji, and in her opinion, Alice Phil is the real master compared to Eimiya Kiriji.

Alice Phil will fight with her to the battlefield, although it is a very dangerous place for humans, but she is never afraid, her eyes are always resolute, and she will always pay attention to the battlefield with a twelve-point spirit.

At the same time, he will also use healing magic to heal himself after his injuries.

“Alice Phil. You rest first and wait for my good news. ”

Saber gently laid Alice Phil flat on the bed, and during the day today, Eimiya Kiriji officially issued a declaration of war to Weber Vilvette in his capacity as Saber’s royal lord.

Eimiya Kiriji knew that the conquering king could never ignore such a blatant declaration of war, and at the banquet of the four kings, he touched the character of each heroic spirit.

With Iskander’s character, he must have been thrilled at this time!

An ordinary house on the outskirts of Fuyuki City.

“Rider, please don’t go, you have no idea how terrifying that man named Eimiya Kiriji is!”

Weber looked at the followers in front of him who seemed to have made up their minds to go to war, why couldn’t he wait for the other followers to kill each other?

“That man is tricky, the magicians who died under him don’t know that there are hundreds or thousands, you can see how tragic the death of my teacher Kenneth is, you believe me, he invited you to the war in an honest way, there is definitely some hidden secret!”

Weber shook his head, as if he had already determined that Eimiya Kiriji was absolutely uneasy and kind.

Who knows what kind of things he’ll do? You must know that he is a magician at the end of the ranking, and he is actually at the level of the Magicians Association – you must know that he is nineteen years old.

Nineteen-year-old magician, in fact, it is no wonder that Kenneth looks down on him. By the time Kenneth was fifteen, he was already in the ranks.

Whether you want to admit it or not, it can only be said that in the magician industry, blood is indeed an extremely important thing, Weber’s magic circuit is only E, it belongs to the magic circuit that has just been able to practice magic level, and it is actually one step away from ordinary people.

And his family’s magic engraving is mentioned in the later work “Monarch Ermelo II Incident Book”, which is just a poor magic circuit.

In a way, Weber is actually the first generation of magicians in their family. Because in his previous generation, his father, he had only secretly learned opening and a few other simple magic tricks with a magician.

In other words, he has never received an orthodox education, and until Weber, although he has a strong ability to understand and learn, he is not as good as those casually learned students around him in the practice of magic.

This is the gap in family heritage.

To be honest, if Wei Gong Kiriji had declared war so openly before, then even Shen Qiu would have felt that there would be a demon if something went wrong, but this time he really blamed Wei Gong Kiriji – he really didn’t think of any set!

Although he didn’t like this Sevent very much, Emiya Kiriji still acknowledged her strength, and in order to ease the relationship with Saber, he decided to reluctantly give her the full power of this battle this time.

On the other hand, this is also what Shen Qiu meant.

“Hey, hey, Master, the enemy has already come to the door and is a shrunken turtle, this is not my style.”

Iskandar couldn’t help but sigh as he looked at Webb, who was rolling around in front of him.

PS: Ask for flowers and collections

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