“Say Cao Cao Cao will arrive, cut the heir. Those old things can’t wait. ”

In the hospital of the Matong family, Shen Qiu sighed as he looked at the man who was still bearded, and then handed him a telegram – yes, the group of old antiques in the clock tower are already at the end of the 20th century, and they are still using this old thing.

But it’s better than a letter.

“With Bram Nazelai Sofiari as the investigator and Bazette Vlaga Macremis as the deputy investigator, investigate whether there were any violations in this Holy Grail War, and whether Kenneth and Sora died in violations.”

“What a familiar surname, Nazelai Nazelai, oh isn’t this Kenneth’s fiancée’s surname, it is estimated to be her brother, after all, I remember that it was because she was the second daughter so she could not inherit the family to marry Kenneth.”

As soon as he thought of this, Shen Qiu felt a headache, and the person who came was not good.

Fuyuki International Airport.

After getting off the plane, there is no need for any signboards or other things, in the vast sea of people, Shen Qiu almost saw the young man named Bram at a glance, no way, this is the nobleman of the clock tower, it is too conspicuous.

With golden hair and monolithic glasses, a straight suit and walking stick, and two rings on each of the left and right hands, the orthodox British aristocratic Fan knew at a glance that he was a child of the Clock Tower.

As for the woman next to him, her dress was much simpler, with a dark brown suit and off-white earrings, black gloves on her hands, red hair and eyes, and mature clothing could not hide her youth. She looked like she was just a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl.

Bazette, the original lord of Lancer Cuchulin in the Five Wars, was secretly calculated by Yan Feng Qili to die, passed down from the rare magic family Protector family, and joined the Clock Tower despite the opposition of his parents.

Her family seems to be descended from the Knights of Red Branch in Ireland, where Cuchulin belongs, and the earrings she wears are the Lune stones that Cuchulin once used, so she can be used as a catalyst to summon Cuchulain.

The clock tower filmed her over to protect Bram, after all, a child of the Nazelai family has died here, and if her sister-in-law dies here again, she will face no successor.

“You are the representative of the Gosan family? It seems that you are not much older, have you reached the end of the magic level? Is the three families of the Royal Family a successor and no one can succeed? As soon as he saw Shen Qiu, Bram couldn’t wait to start sneering.

It is no wonder that the status of the Japanese inside the Clock Tower has not been very high, and the Gosanjia, as the people who participated in the Holy Grail War, must have the right to know about the deaths of Kenneth and Sora, and it is strange to give a good face.

“Mr. Brahm.”

Shen Qiu, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped his steps.

“The Gosan family is indeed no successor, the head of the Tosaka family died in this Holy Grail War, our Tong family also suffered heavy losses, the Einz Belen family has never asked about the world, but——”

Shen Qiu suddenly turned his face.

“Please pay attention to your words sir, although I have not participated in the rating test of the Clock Tower, in the field of water magic alone, at least in terms of actual combat, I have reached the level.”

Along with it, there was also the killing intent of the scarlet and weird three-hook jade writing wheel eye.

Shen Qiu’s killing intent is not very heavy, and this kind of guy who only knows how to do research every day in the laboratory does not know how many times stronger, and the momentum brought by the writing wheel eye also makes Bligh uncomfortable.

Upon seeing Shen Qiu’s demon eyes, Bazette immediately blocked in front of Bram, while his hands seemed to be waiting for something again.

“You, you, you are going to be an enemy of the Clock Tower!”

At the moment of seeing Shen Qiu’s writing wheel eyes, Bram actually had a repressed feeling of being speechless, such a fear that he had never felt since he was a child.

Therefore, he felt particularly angry, and he was actually frightened by a smelly boy who had not dried up.

Shen Qiu smiled, then put away his chakra eyes and continued to walk forward.

“I just hope that Mr. Bram you can maintain the most basic respect for me, let alone look down on others because of your age, after all, not far from Fuyuki, there is a girl who is already a magical messenger not long after I am two or three years older.”

Shen Qiu was referring to the Fifth Magical Envoy, Aoko Aogasaki.


Of course, Bram knows who he is referring to, for the Magicians Association, the Aogasaki family is a thorn in the eye, how many magicians in the clock tower have studied for thousands of years and can’t even see the shadow of the root, and magic is even more like it.

As a result, Aoko Aogasaki’s grandfather got the fifth law by luck, and it was even more unacceptable that the family that was already dying suddenly produced two extremely talented heirs.

It is simply a family favored by heaven.

Opening the door of the Porsche Porsce993, Shen Qiu made a gesture of invitation, and after a preliminary groping, Shen Qiu had already figured out the character of this guy.

A typical rich young master, the son and brother of a large family, has lived in an ivory tower since he was a child, and he feels that everyone around him has to revolve around him alone, and such a guy is simply easy to handle.

Combined with the fact that he was the sister-in-law of the Brahm family, it was almost certain that the Clock Tower was actually just going through the motions to give an explanation to the monarch, which was entirely because Kenneth’s death covered most of their firepower.

When the Five Wars broke out in 2004, without the death of the monarch as a shield, Rin Tosaka, the head of the Tosaka family, was unfortunately questioned by the Magicians Association.

“I believe that your investigation of Weber Velvette has been completed, and with the character of that guy, you have probably said everything that needs to be said, and you should also know that I am the royal lord of Caster.”

“The royal lords of this Holy Grail War are Saber’s royal lord Miyaki Kiriji, Laner’s royal lord Kenneth, Archer’s royal lord Tosaka Tokigami, Caster’s royal lord Ima Kiriaki, Assasin royal lord Yanfeng Kiri, and Ridr’s royal lord Weber Velvet.”

Shen Qiu said unhurriedly, anyway, Weber estimated that he had almost confessed the matter.

“Finally, the lord of Berserkr, my uncle Tong Yanye.”

“There are two masters in the Tong family among you, hmph, if I’m not mistaken, this is a complete violation of the law, right?”

Before Shen Qiu finished speaking, Bram couldn’t wait to interrupt.

Shen Qiu, on the other hand, looked at him with an idiot’s eyes.

“Lord Investigator, although the Royal Three Families have a fixed quota, this does not prevent the Holy Grail from choosing people to participate in the Holy Grail War, which is completely within the allowed range, I don’t know if you carefully read the rules before you came.”

Shen Qiu’s words made Bram speechless, and after driving for more than ten minutes, the Porsche stopped in front of a hotel.

“Finally, Lord Investigator, this is in Fuyuki City, not in the Clock Tower, I suggest that it is better to correct your personality a little, after all-”

“The citizens of Fuyuki City are not like those servants of your family who are used to you like this.”

Shen Qiu said with a smile on his face.

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