When Saigo Ye first arrived at the Paranormal Research Department, Lias glanced strangely at Saigo Ye and Tacheng Kitten, as well as a somewhat nervous Aisha.

Jijima Juno was still that smiling look, pouring tea for the three of Saigo Ye.

As for Kiba Yuto and Hyoto Issei, they are practicing below.

“Senior Sister Lias, she is Aisha…” Saigo Ye was stared at a little subtly by Lias, and she broke the silence with a voice.

“Aisha’s identity, what happened yesterday, the kitten reported to me.” Lias said softly.

“This way.” Saigo Ye shrugged, not surprised.

After all, it is impossible to hide Aisha’s affairs. As Lias’s dependent, it is natural for the kitten to report to Lias.

“You live with a kitten?” Lias spoke again. It’s just that the focus of the problem seems a little wrong.

“Well, what’s wrong?” Saigo Ye raised his eyebrows and asked rhetorically.

“Nothing.” With a smile on the corner of her mouth, Lias looked at the expressionless Tacheng kitten, and then at the calm Xixiang Ye, and said with a smile. “Remember to be nice to the kittens in the future. If you bully her, I will take revenge.” ”

“…”Saigo night full of black lines.

It always feels like you’ve misunderstood something.

“Alaala, what a youth.” Himejima Juno handed the tea to Saigo Ye and said with a smile.

In the face of the meaningful ridicule of the two, the Tacheng kitten still looked expressionless, but his golden eyes flashed slightly, and he calmly sat on the sofa on the side and drank tea.

“I came this time to let Aisha transfer school.” Saigo Ye sighed and pulled the topic back on track.

Let them continue to talk like this, as if they have already established a relationship with the kitten.

You know your own affairs. Although he and the kitten have a good impression of each other, the kitten’s feelings for him should not have reached the level of liking.

“That, sister Lias, sister Junai, hello.” At this time, Aisha stepped forward nervously and said hello obediently.

This is what Saigo taught her, the sweetest is to make people like, and the chance of transferring is greater.

After all, Komao Gakuen is what Lias and Shutori Canna said. The principal and everything is just decoration.

“Aisha, what a nice girl.” Lias looked at Aisha, her face full of affection.

Aisha’s personality is really good, although the status of the former saint makes her feel a little subtle. But Aisha is the host of the ‘Smile of the Virgin’, which still makes her very moved.

“Aisha, do you want to become my dependent?” Lias said bluntly.

“Dependents…?” Aisha was stunned, and then looked at Saigo Ye.

“Whether you want to become a dependant or not, you will see for yourself.” This is a fork in the road in your life. Saigo Ye said calmly.

“Sister Lias, that, sorry, I still want to serve the Lord.” Aisha bowed and apologized.

I have not experienced the scene of the original book, and with Aisha’s belief, the chance of becoming a reincarnation demon is very low. Such an answer Saigo Ye is not surprising.

“This way.” Lias shook her head with some regret.

If it was some high-level demon, it was estimated that he would stop at nothing to get the potential stock of Aisha, but some of Lias were not that kind of person.

Although it is a pity, it can only be given up for the time being. Let’s talk about it later.

“Minister Lias, then I’ll take Aisha to Cangna first.” Immediately, Saigo Ye chuckled.

“Hmm.” Lias chuckled and nodded.

In this regard, Saigo Ye was not ambiguous and left here with Aisha.

“Allah, both have failed. Leas, are you unattractive? Jijima Juno looked at the backs of the two and said with a smile.

“Zhu Nai, if you don’t speak, no one will treat you as a dumb.” Lias went back angrily, drinking tea depressedly.

Aisha left it alone, Saigo Ye really tickled her heart.

She knew about last night’s battle. Saigo Ye burst out with amazing strength, directly knocking the lost priest into seconds, and also brushing the side of the fallen angel.

This kind of strength, she didn’t see it at all before. Saigo Night is this hidden good? Or is it progressing rapidly?

Either way, Saigo Ye’s potential is amazing.

And this man she super liked, she can’t get.

Really, I can’t sleep well these days.

Lias drank tea, becoming more and more helpless.

“By the way, Lias, you were okay yesterday.” Jijima Junai suddenly spoke a little melancholy, without the previous black belly.

“What can I do.” Lias’s body froze, and her expression was gloomy. “It can be delayed for a while.”

“So…” Himejima Juno looked at this Lias and sighed helplessly.

The political marriage of the underworld is really troublesome. How long can Lias drag on.

On the side, the golden eyes of the Tacheng kitten condensed slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.


On the other side, Saigo Ye did not know about the conversation between Lias and Himejima Juna, and he brought Aisha to the student council.

To be honest, Saigo Ye was a little embarrassed.

Thinking that there was no system, he considered becoming Canna’s dependent. For this reason, I managed to enter the student union.

As a result, after he awakened the system, he didn’t go for a long time.

Takeri Cang didn’t call him either.

However, embarrassment is embarrassment, and it should still be seen.

For this reason, Saigo Ye knocked on the door.

“The door is unlocked, come in.” A cold voice came from inside.

In this regard, Saigo Ye opened the door and walked in with Aisha.

Inside, the dignified-looking Zhi Cang read the documents, and the black long straight beauty Luo Chunji on the side assisted.

When Saigo Ye walked in, Taketori looked up, pushed his glasses, and looked at Saigo Ye.

“Saigo-kun, you still know to come to the student union.” Jitori Cang said calmly.

Although there is no dissatisfied look, it is this calm appearance that makes people’s scalps numb.

“President Canna, I’m sorry, I’ve been indulging in cultivation lately…” Saigo Ye coughed lightly and said seriously.

“Cultivation is true.” Taketori Cang nodded and glanced meaningfully at Saigo Ye. “But why Leas? If you want to practice, we can teach you too. ”

“I don’t understand what President Canna means.” Saigo Ye shook his head and said.

“Become my dependent, and I will forgive you for being a member of the ghost.” Takeshi Cang Na spoke.

“Sorry, can’t do it.” Saigo Ye sighed lightly and refused directly. “I want to continue to be human.”

“That’s how you replied from Lias’s side.” Shutaru Cang was a little disappointed, but didn’t think much about it. “It seems that your thoughts have not changed, then I will not embarrass you.”

(ps: please customize, ask for everything, QAQ~)

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