Chapter 46 Goddess of the Underworld, Elle-chan!

[September of the sixth year: You who unified Babylon, began to carry out reforms, you began to encourage self-sufficiency, under your actions, the people’s consciousness gradually awakened, people’s dependence on the gods became weaker and weaker, and finally, your actions attracted the attention of the gods, so the gods decided to warn you, the king of the gods, Annu, and the goddess of creation, Aruru, showed miracles, and they created a divine weapon called Enchidu. ]

“Cut, these boring gods.”

Gilgamesh looked at the simulation in front of him with disdain, although he was the son of the gods, he had never had a good impression of the gods.

Take a closer look at the Gilgamesh epic, did these gods do anything good in Gilgamesh’s life? The only one who did good was Gilgamesh’s mother.

[October 3rd, 6: Enchidu arrives in your city, she offers you a duel invitation, and you go straight to the battle.]

October 10, 6: You and Enchi fought for seven days and seven nights, and the high walls of Uruk were crumbled by you, and the ground was cracked by you.

However, you still do not distinguish between victory and defeat. Exhausted, you looked at each other, and at this moment, the arrival of a figure stopped your battle, this figure was Lin Ye, who had not been seen for a long time.

“It’s been a long time since I saw the flash, why haven’t I seen it so much for a few years.”

You looked at Lin Ye, who was ridiculing you in front of you, and couldn’t wait to get up and fight with him again. But Lin Ye just smiled at you, he turned around and took out the red spear and walked towards Enqidu, Enqidu looked at Lin Ye’s actions, she silently closed her eyes and prepared to meet death.

Looking at this scene, at the moment you choose].

[Option 1: This person is a threat to me, let Lin Ye kill him.]

Option 2: No, this is my opponent, I can’t let Lin Ye kill him. ]

“Pick two!”

Gilgamesh didn’t think much at all, judging by his character, his opponent did not die at his hands to equal him losing.

[You quickly spoke out to stop Lin Ye, and seeing you stop it, Enqidu also looked at you in surprise. ] So you see Lin Ye stop the gun in his hand, and he looks at Enchi in front of him and says

“Your life was saved by him, and I left it, remember, you owe me a favor.”

Then, Enchidu nodded silently, because he found that the two people in front of him were not bad people.

And then you also saw that Lin Ye winked at you when he turned his head to look at you. ]

“This guy! Still so boring! ”

Shining said unsparingly, but the raised corners of his mouth could still tell that he was in a good mood. And the reason for this good mood is naturally because of Lin Ye’s return.

[October 11, 6th year: After recovering, you look at Lin Ye in front of you, and you tell him to let him be an auxiliary official by your side, but he shakes his head and refuses. He said

“I don’t want to be your courtier, then won’t he lose his equal status with you and become a superior and subordinate?”

“Boring self-esteem.” You taunt him so much, and then run next door to see Enchi go. You also extended an invitation to Enchidu, and likewise, Enchidu refused your acceptance.

You did not accept two courtiers, but you had two more friends.

November 6: You receive news that a terrifying mythical beast named Finbaba has appeared in the cedar forest, and its appearance has caused all the people of Uruk to panic. Hearing this, you decided to go to Finbaba.

December of the sixth year: You went to Finfaba without taking too many troops with you only Enchidu, and Lin Ye was left in Babylon by you, and you asked Lin Ye to help you take care of Babylon, and then gave Lin Ye the power to handle all affairs. ]

“Didn’t take me?”

Lin Ye was stunned for a moment, he originally felt that he was going to follow Jin Shanshan and Enqi to brush achievements, isn’t this one less achievement?

“The earth is dead, but man is not alive, and since I am allowed to rule over Babylon, then I am not polite.”

And then….

[January of the seventh year: You announce that all officials in Babylon in future Babylon, except for the hereditary king, will be evaluated and appointed and dismissed by the king, and a system of appointment will be implemented.]

Early February of the seventh year: You reformed the city-state system, abolished the Babylonian city-state system, and announced that the lords of the city-states would be appointed by Uruk.

At the end of February of the seventh year: Some city-states are not satisfied with your reforms, and they rebel on the grounds that you are in power and seize the throne, which you forcefully suppress.

March of the seventh year: You vigorously develop agriculture, popularize Uruk education, unify the measurement methods of the various city-states, and establish a tax system.

April of the seventh year: You created the household registration system, which registered every household to facilitate management.

May 7: Under your leadership, Babylon grows more and more rapidly, and you find that more and more people are calling for you to be king of Babylon. ]


Lin Ye also passed the addiction of being a king this time, I have to say that people in ancient times were still relatively simple, and there was basically no great resistance to the implementation of various policies, even if they were basically easy to grasp in the face of absolute strength.

“But where is this golden flash? Just kill a fin baba, how did it take so long? It’s not going to die! ”

Lin Ye is really a little worried about the butterfly effect, after all, his goal is Golden Flash, Golden Flash is dead, then his reward will definitely not be too good.

[June of the seventh year: Reform must be accompanied by bloodshed, and on this day when you are dealing with government affairs, you suddenly feel a pain in your heart, and then you directly die in front of you. ]

Lin Ye…………

The sudden death of God Timo! It was me who died of overwork this time? Don’t, I simulated death so many times, if this time because of this kind of thing to die and not highly evaluated, then I would be too wronged.

And at this moment, in a place that Lin Ye didn’t know, in the dark underworld, a figure was watching this scene happily

“Finally give me a chance, this person is so interesting, it’s good to pull over to accompany me.”

Needless to say, there is only one person who can do this!

Goddess of the Underworld! Ereshkigal!

Also affectionately called, Elle-chan!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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